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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (OpenID.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (OpenID.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, concurrent, discovery, future, lib, library, map, openidserver, option, play, play framework, regex, seq, string, uri, userinfo

The OpenID.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.libs.openid

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import play.api.http.HeaderNames
import play.api.mvc.Request
import xml.Node

//TODO do not use Play's internal execution context in libs
import play.core.Execution.Implicits.internalContext

case class OpenIDServer(url: String, delegate: Option[String])

case class UserInfo(id: String, attributes: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)

 * provides user information for a verified user
object UserInfo {

  def apply(queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]]): UserInfo = {
    val extractor = new UserInfoExtractor(queryString)
    val id = getOrElse (throw Errors.BAD_RESPONSE)
    new UserInfo(id, extractor.axAttributes)

   * Extract the values required to create an instance of the UserInfo
   * The UserInfoExtractor ensures that attributes returned via OpenId attribute exchange are signed
   * (i.e. listed in the openid.signed field) and verified in the check_authentication step.
  private[openid] class UserInfoExtractor(params: Map[String, Seq[String]]) {
    val AxAttribute = """^openid\.([^.]+\.value\.([^.]+(\.\d+)?))$""".r
    val extractAxAttribute: PartialFunction[String, (String, String)] = {
      case AxAttribute(fullKey, key, num) => (fullKey, key) // fullKey e.g. '', shortKey e.g. 'email' or 'fav_movie.2'

    private lazy val signedFields = params.get("openid.signed") flatMap { _.headOption map { _.split(",") } } getOrElse (Array())

    def id = params.get("openid.claimed_id").flatMap(_.headOption).orElse(params.get("openid.identity").flatMap(_.headOption))

    def axAttributes = params.foldLeft(Map[String, String]()) {
      case (result, (key, values)) => extractAxAttribute.lift(key) flatMap {
        case (fullKey, shortKey) if signedFields.contains(fullKey) => values.headOption map { value => Map(shortKey -> value) }
        case _ => None
      } map (result ++ _) getOrElse result


 * provides OpenID support
object OpenID extends OpenIDClient(WS.client(play.api.Play.current))

private[openid] class OpenIDClient(ws: WSClient) {

  val discovery = new Discovery(ws)

   * Retrieve the URL where the user should be redirected to start the OpenID authentication process
  def redirectURL(openID: String,
    callbackURL: String,
    axRequired: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
    axOptional: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
    realm: Option[String] = None): Future[String] = {

    val claimedId = discovery.normalizeIdentifier(openID)
    discovery.discoverServer(openID).map({ server =>
      val parameters = Seq(
        "openid.ns" -> "",
        "openid.mode" -> "checkid_setup",
        "openid.claimed_id" -> claimedId,
        "openid.identity" -> server.delegate.getOrElse(claimedId),
        "openid.return_to" -> callbackURL
      ) ++ axParameters(axRequired, axOptional) ++"openid.realm" -> _).toList
      val separator = if (server.url.contains("?")) "&" else "?"
      server.url + separator + => pair._1 + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(pair._2, "UTF-8")).mkString("&")

   * From a request corresponding to the callback from the OpenID server, check the identity of the current user
  def verifiedId(implicit request: Request[_]): Future[UserInfo] = verifiedId(request.queryString)

   * For internal use
  def verifiedId(queryString: java.util.Map[String, Array[String]]): Future[UserInfo] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

  private def verifiedId(queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Future[UserInfo] = {
      queryString.get("openid.claimed_id").flatMap(_.headOption)) match { // The Claimed Identifier. "openid.claimed_id" and "openid.identity" SHALL be either both present or both absent.
        case (Some("id_res"), Some(id)) => {
          // MUST perform discovery on the claimedId to resolve the op_endpoint.
          val server: Future[OpenIDServer] = discovery.discoverServer(id)
        case (Some("cancel"), _) => Future.failed(Errors.AUTH_CANCEL)
        case _ => Future.failed(Errors.BAD_RESPONSE)

   * Perform direct verification (see 11.4.2. Verifying Directly with the OpenID Provider)
  private def directVerification(queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]])(server: OpenIDServer) = {
    import play.api.Play.current
    val fields = (queryString - "openid.mode" + ("openid.mode" -> Seq("check_authentication")))
    ws.url(server.url).post(fields).map(response => {
      if (response.status == 200 && response.body.contains("is_valid:true")) {
      } else throw Errors.AUTH_ERROR

  private def axParameters(axRequired: Seq[(String, String)],
    axOptional: Seq[(String, String)]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
    if (axRequired.isEmpty && axOptional.isEmpty)
    else {
      val axRequiredParams = if (axRequired.isEmpty) Nil
      else Seq("" ->","))

      val axOptionalParams = if (axOptional.isEmpty) Nil
      else Seq("" ->","))

      val definitions = (axRequired ++ axOptional).map(attribute => ("" + attribute._1 -> attribute._2))

      Seq("" -> "", "" -> "fetch_request") ++ axRequiredParams ++ axOptionalParams ++ definitions

 *  Resolve the OpenID identifier to the location of the user's OpenID service provider.
 *  Known limitations:
 *   * The Discovery doesn't support XRIs at the moment
private[openid] class Discovery(ws: WSClient) {
  import Discovery._

  case class UrlIdentifier(url: String) {
    def normalize = catching(classOf[MalformedURLException], classOf[URISyntaxException]) opt {
      def port(p: Int) = p match {
        case 80 | 443 => -1
        case port => port
      def schemeForPort(p: Int) = p match {
        case 443 => "https"
        case _ => "http"
      def scheme(uri: URI) = Option(uri.getScheme) getOrElse schemeForPort(uri.getPort)
      def path(path: String) = if (null == path || path.isEmpty) "/" else path

      val uri = (if (url.matches("^(http|HTTP)(s|S)?:.*")) new URI(url) else new URI("http://" + url)).normalize()
      new URI(scheme(uri), uri.getUserInfo, uri.getHost.toLowerCase, port(uri.getPort), path(uri.getPath), uri.getQuery, null).toURL.toExternalForm

  def normalizeIdentifier(openID: String) = {
    val trimmed = openID.trim
    UrlIdentifier(trimmed).normalize getOrElse trimmed

   * Resolve the OpenID server from the user's OpenID
  def discoverServer(openID: String): Future[OpenIDServer] = {
    val discoveryUrl = normalizeIdentifier(openID)
    ws.url(discoveryUrl).get().map(response => {
      val maybeOpenIdServer = new XrdsResolver().resolve(response) orElse new HtmlResolver().resolve(response)
      maybeOpenIdServer.getOrElse(throw Errors.NETWORK_ERROR)

private[openid] object Discovery {

  trait Resolver {
    def resolve(response: WSResponse): Option[OpenIDServer]

  // TODO: Verify schema, namespace and support verification of XML signatures
  class XrdsResolver extends Resolver {
    // and
    // OpenID 1 compatibility:
    private val serviceTypeId = Seq("", "", "", "")

    def resolve(response: WSResponse) = for {
      _ <- response.header(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE).filter(_.contains("application/xrds+xml"))
      findInXml = findUriWithType(response.xml) _
      uri <- serviceTypeId.flatMap(findInXml(_)).headOption
    } yield OpenIDServer(uri, None)

    private def findUriWithType(xml: Node)(typeId: String) = (xml \ "XRD" \ "Service" find (node => (node \ "Type").find(inner => inner.text == typeId).isDefined)).map {
      node =>
        (node \ "URI").text.trim

  class HtmlResolver extends Resolver {
    private val providerRegex = new Regex("""<link[^>]+openid2[.]provider[^>]+>""")
    private val serverRegex = new Regex("""<link[^>]+openid[.]server[^>]+>""")
    private val localidRegex = new Regex("""<link[^>]+openid2[.]local_id[^>]+>""")
    private val delegateRegex = new Regex("""<link[^>]+openid[.]delegate[^>]+>""")

    def resolve(response: WSResponse) = {
      val serverUrl: Option[String] = providerRegex.findFirstIn(response.body)
        .flatMap(extractHref(_)) => {
        val delegate: Option[String] = localidRegex.findFirstIn(response.body)
        OpenIDServer(url, delegate)

    private def extractHref(link: String): Option[String] =
      new Regex("""href="([^"]*)"""").findFirstMatchIn(link).map(
        orElse(new Regex("""href='([^']*)'""").findFirstMatchIn(link).map(


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework OpenID.scala source code file:

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