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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Assets.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Assets.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, asset, assetinfo, boolean, concurrent, file, future, library, none, option, play, play framework, result, some, string, utilities

The Assets.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package controllers

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs._
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import{ URL, JarURLConnection }
import org.joda.time.format.{ DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeFormat }
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone
import play.utils.{ InvalidUriEncodingException, UriEncoding }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Promise, Future, blocking }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure }
import java.util.Date
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Execution.Implicits
import play.api.http.ContentTypes
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import play.core.Router.ReverseRouteContext

 * A map designed to prevent the "thundering herds" issue.
 * This could be factored out into its own thing, improved and made available more widely. We could also
 * use spray-cache once it has been re-worked into the Akka code base.
 * The essential mechanics of the cache are that all asset requests are remembered, unless their lookup fails or if
 * the asset doesn't exist, in which case we don't remember them in order to avoid an exploit where we would otherwise
 * run out of memory.
 * The population function is executed using the passed-in execution context
 * which may mean that it is on a separate thread thus permitting long running operations to occur. Other threads
 * requiring the same resource will be given the future of the result immediately.
 * There are no explicit bounds on the cache as it isn't considered likely that the number of distinct asset requests would
 * result in an overflow of memory. Bounds are implied given the number of distinct assets that are available to be
 * served by the project.
 * Instead of a SelfPopulatingMap, a better strategy would be to furnish the assets controller with all of the asset
 * information on startup. This shouldn't be that difficult as sbt-web has that information available. Such an
 * approach would result in an immutable map being used which in theory should be faster.
private class SelfPopulatingMap[K, V] {
  private val store = TrieMap[K, Future[Option[V]]]()

  def putIfAbsent(k: K)(pf: K => Option[V])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[V]] = {
    lazy val p = Promise[Option[V]]()
    store.putIfAbsent(k, p.future) match {
      case Some(f) => f
      case None =>
        val f = Future(pf(k))(ec.prepare())
        f.onComplete {
          case Failure(_) | Success(None) => store.remove(k)
          case _ => // Do nothing, the asset was successfully found and is now cached

 * Retains meta information regarding an asset that can be readily cached.
private[controllers] object AssetInfo {

  def config[T](lookup: Configuration => Option[T]): Option[T] = for {
    app <- Play.maybeApplication
    value <- lookup(app.configuration)
  } yield value

  def isDev = Play.maybeApplication.fold(false)(_.mode == Mode.Dev)
  def isProd = Play.maybeApplication.fold(false)(_.mode == Mode.Prod)

  def resource(name: String): Option[URL] = for {
    app <- Play.maybeApplication
    resource <- app.resource(name)
  } yield resource

  lazy val defaultCharSet = config(_.getString("default.charset")).getOrElse("utf-8")

  lazy val defaultCacheControl = config(_.getString("assets.defaultCache")).getOrElse("public, max-age=3600")

  lazy val aggressiveCacheControl = config(_.getString("assets.aggressiveCache")).getOrElse("public, max-age=31536000")

  lazy val digestAlgorithm = config(_.getString("assets.digest.algorithm")).getOrElse("md5")

  val timeZoneCode = "GMT"

  val parsableTimezoneCode = " " + timeZoneCode

  val df: DateTimeFormatter =
    DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss '" + timeZoneCode + "'").withLocale(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(timeZoneCode))

  val dfp: DateTimeFormatter =
    DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss").withLocale(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(timeZoneCode))

   * jodatime does not parse timezones, so we handle that manually
  def parseDate(date: String): Option[Date] = try {
    val d = dfp.parseDateTime(date.replace(parsableTimezoneCode, "")).toDate
  } catch {
    case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
      Logger.debug(s"An invalidate date was received: $date", e)

 * Retain meta information regarding an asset.
private[controllers] class AssetInfo(
    val name: String,
    val url: URL,
    val gzipUrl: Option[URL],
    val digest: Option[String]) {

  import AssetInfo._

  def addCharsetIfNeeded(mimeType: String): String =
    if (MimeTypes.isText(mimeType)) s"$mimeType; charset=$defaultCharSet" else mimeType

  val configuredCacheControl = config(_.getString("\"assets.cache." + name + "\""))

  def cacheControl(aggressiveCaching: Boolean): String = {
    configuredCacheControl.getOrElse {
      if (isProd) {
        if (aggressiveCaching) aggressiveCacheControl else defaultCacheControl
      } else {

  val lastModified: Option[String] = url.getProtocol match {
    case "file" => Some(df.print(new File(url.getPath).lastModified))
    case "jar" =>
      Option(url.openConnection).map {
        case jarUrlConnection: JarURLConnection =>
          try {
          } finally {
      }.filterNot(_ == -1).map(df.print)
    case _ => None

  val etag: Option[String] = digest.orElse( + " -> " + url.toExternalForm).map("\"" + Codecs.sha1(_) + "\""))

  val mimeType: String = MimeTypes.forFileName(name).fold(ContentTypes.BINARY)(addCharsetIfNeeded)

  val parsedLastModified = lastModified.flatMap(parseDate)

  def url(gzipAvailable: Boolean): URL = {
    gzipUrl match {
      case Some(x) => if (gzipAvailable) x else url
      case None => url

 * Controller that serves static resources.
 * Resources are searched in the classpath.
 * It handles Last-Modified and ETag header automatically.
 * If a gzipped version of a resource is found (Same resource name with the .gz suffix), it is served instead. If a
 * digest file is available for a given asset then its contents are read and used to supply a digest value. This value will be used for
 * serving up ETag values and for the purposes of reverse routing. For example given "a.js", if there is an "a.js.md5"
 * file available then the latter contents will be used to determine the Etag value.
 * The reverse router also uses the digest in order to translate any file to the form <digest>-<asset> for
 * example "a.js" may be also found at "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-a.js".
 * If there is no digest file found then digest values for ETags are formed by forming a sha1 digest of the last-modified
 * time.
 * The default digest algorithm to search for is "md5". You can override this quite easily. For example if the SHA-1
 * algorithm is preferred:
 * {{{
 * "assets.digest.algorithm" = "sha1"
 * }}}
 * You can set a custom Cache directive for a particular resource if needed. For example in your application.conf file:
 * {{{
 * "assets.cache./public/images/logo.png" = "max-age=3600"
 * }}}
 * You can use this controller in any application, just by declaring the appropriate route. For example:
 * {{{
 * GET     /assets/\uFEFF*file     "/public", file)
 * }}}
object Assets extends AssetsBuilder {

  import AssetInfo._

  // Caching. It is unfortunate that we require both a digestCache and an assetInfo cache given that digest info is
  // part of asset information. The reason for this is that the assetInfo cache returns a Future[AssetInfo] in order to
  // avoid any thundering herds issue. The unbind method of the assetPathBindable doesn't support the return of a
  // Future - unbinds are expected to be blocking. Thus we separate out the caching of a digest from the caching of
  // full asset information. At least the determination of the digest should be relatively quick (certainly not as
  // involved as determining the full asset info).

  val digestCache = TrieMap[String, Option[String]]()

  private[controllers] def digest(path: String): Option[String] = {
    digestCache.getOrElse(path, {
      val maybeDigestUrl: Option[URL] = resource(path + "." + digestAlgorithm)
      val maybeDigest: Option[String] =
      if (!isDev && maybeDigest.isDefined) digestCache.put(path, maybeDigest)

  // Sames goes for the minified paths cache.
  val minifiedPathsCache = TrieMap[String, String]()

  lazy val checkForMinified = config(_.getBoolean("assets.checkForMinified")).getOrElse(true)

  private[controllers] def minifiedPath(path: String): String = {
    minifiedPathsCache.getOrElse(path, {
      def minifiedPathFor(delim: Char): Option[String] = {
        val ext = path.reverse.takeWhile(_ != '.').reverse
        val noextPath = path.dropRight(ext.size + 1)
        val minPath = noextPath + delim + "min." + ext
        resource(minPath).map(_ => minPath)
      val maybeMinifiedPath = if (checkForMinified) {
      } else {
      if (!isDev) minifiedPathsCache.put(path, maybeMinifiedPath)

  private[controllers] lazy val assetInfoCache = new SelfPopulatingMap[String, AssetInfo]()

  private def assetInfoFromResource(name: String): Option[AssetInfo] = {
    blocking {
      for {
        url <- resource(name)
      } yield {
        val gzipUrl: Option[URL] = resource(name + ".gz")
        new AssetInfo(name, url, gzipUrl, digest(name))

  private def assetInfo(name: String): Future[Option[AssetInfo]] = {
    if (isDev) {
    } else {

  private[controllers] def assetInfoForRequest(request: Request[_], name: String): Future[Option[(AssetInfo, Boolean)]] = {
    val gzipRequested = request.headers.get(ACCEPT_ENCODING).exists(_.split(',').exists(_.trim == "gzip"))
    assetInfo(name).map( -> gzipRequested))(Implicits.trampoline)

   * An asset.
   * @param name The name of the asset.
  case class Asset(name: String)

  object Asset {
    import scala.language.implicitConversions

    implicit def string2Asset(name: String) = new Asset(name)

    private def pathFromParams(rrc: ReverseRouteContext): String = {
        throw new RuntimeException("Asset path bindable must be used in combination with an action that accepts a path parameter")

    implicit def assetPathBindable(implicit rrc: ReverseRouteContext) = new PathBindable[Asset] {
      def bind(key: String, value: String) = Right(new Asset(value))

      def unbind(key: String, value: Asset): String = {
        val base = pathFromParams(rrc)
        val path = base + "/" +
        blocking {
          val minPath = minifiedPath(path)
          digest(minPath).fold(minPath) { dgst =>
            val lastSep = minPath.lastIndexOf("/")
            minPath.take(lastSep + 1) + dgst + "-" + minPath.drop(lastSep + 1)
          }.drop(base.size + 1)

class AssetsBuilder extends Controller {

  import Assets._
  import AssetInfo._

  private def currentTimeFormatted: String = df.print((new Date).getTime)

  private def maybeNotModified(request: Request[_], assetInfo: AssetInfo, aggressiveCaching: Boolean): Option[Result] = {
    // First check etag. Important, if there is an If-None-Match header, we MUST not check the
    // If-Modified-Since header, regardless of whether If-None-Match matches or not. This is in
    // accordance with section 14.26 of RFC2616.
    request.headers.get(IF_NONE_MATCH) match {
      case Some(etags) =>
        assetInfo.etag.filter(someEtag => etags.split(',').exists(_.trim == someEtag)).flatMap(_ => Some(cacheableResult(assetInfo, aggressiveCaching, NotModified)))
      case None =>
        for {
          ifModifiedSinceStr <- request.headers.get(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)
          ifModifiedSince <- parseDate(ifModifiedSinceStr)
          lastModified <- assetInfo.parsedLastModified
          if !lastModified.after(ifModifiedSince)
        } yield {
          NotModified.withHeaders(DATE -> currentTimeFormatted)

  private def cacheableResult[A <: Result](assetInfo: AssetInfo, aggressiveCaching: Boolean, r: A): Result = {

    def addHeaderIfValue(name: String, maybeValue: Option[String], response: Result): Result = {
      maybeValue.fold(response)(v => response.withHeaders(name -> v))

    val r1 = addHeaderIfValue(ETAG, assetInfo.etag, r)
    val r2 = addHeaderIfValue(LAST_MODIFIED, assetInfo.lastModified, r1)

    r2.withHeaders(CACHE_CONTROL -> assetInfo.cacheControl(aggressiveCaching))

  private def result(file: String,
    length: Int,
    mimeType: String,
    resourceData: Enumerator[Array[Byte]],
    gzipRequested: Boolean,
    gzipAvailable: Boolean): Result = {

    val response = Result(
          CONTENT_LENGTH -> length.toString,
          CONTENT_TYPE -> mimeType,
          DATE -> currentTimeFormatted
    if (gzipRequested && gzipAvailable) {
      response.withHeaders(VARY -> ACCEPT_ENCODING, CONTENT_ENCODING -> "gzip")
    } else if (gzipAvailable) {
      response.withHeaders(VARY -> ACCEPT_ENCODING)
    } else {

   * Generates an `Action` that serves a versioned static resource.
  def versioned(path: String, file: Asset): Action[AnyContent] = {
    val f = new File(
    // We want to detect if it's a fingerprinted asset, because if it's fingerprinted, we can aggressively cache it,
    // otherwise we can't.
    val requestedDigest = f.getName.takeWhile(_ != '-')
    if (!requestedDigest.isEmpty) {
      val bareFile = new File(f.getParent, f.getName.drop(requestedDigest.size + 1)).getPath
      val bareFullPath = new File(path + File.separator + bareFile).getPath
      blocking(digest(bareFullPath)) match {
        case Some(`requestedDigest`) => at(path, bareFile, aggressiveCaching = true)
        case _ => at(path,
    } else {

   * Generates an `Action` that serves a static resource.
   * @param path the root folder for searching the static resource files, such as `"/public"`. Not URL encoded.
   * @param file the file part extracted from the URL. May be URL encoded (note that %2F decodes to literal /).
   * @param aggressiveCaching if true then an aggressive set of caching directives will be used. Defaults to false.
  def at(path: String, file: String, aggressiveCaching: Boolean = false): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
    implicit request =>

      import Implicits.trampoline
      val assetName: Option[String] = resourceNameAt(path, file)
      val assetInfoFuture: Future[Option[(AssetInfo, Boolean)]] = { name =>
        assetInfoForRequest(request, name)
      } getOrElse Future.successful(None)

      val pendingResult: Future[Result] = {
        case Some((assetInfo, gzipRequested)) =>
          val stream = assetInfo.url(gzipRequested).openStream()
          val length = stream.available
          val resourceData = Enumerator.fromStream(stream)(Implicits.defaultExecutionContext)

          maybeNotModified(request, assetInfo, aggressiveCaching).getOrElse {
              result(file, length, assetInfo.mimeType, resourceData, gzipRequested, assetInfo.gzipUrl.isDefined)
        case None => NotFound

      pendingResult.recoverWith {
        case e: InvalidUriEncodingException =>
          Play.maybeApplication.fold(Future.successful(BadRequest: Result)) { app =>
  , s"Invalid URI encoding for $file at $path: " + e.getMessage)
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          // Add a bit more information to the exception for better error reporting later
          throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected error while serving $file at $path: " + e.getMessage, e)

   * Get the name of the resource for a static resource. Used by `at`.
   * @param path the root folder for searching the static resource files, such as `"/public"`. Not URL encoded.
   * @param file the file part extracted from the URL. May be URL encoded (note that %2F decodes to literal /).
  private[controllers] def resourceNameAt(path: String, file: String): Option[String] = {
    val decodedFile = UriEncoding.decodePath(file, "utf-8")
    def dblSlashRemover(input: String): String = dblSlashPattern.replaceAllIn(input, "/")
    val resourceName = dblSlashRemover(s"/$path/$decodedFile")
    val resourceFile = new File(resourceName)
    val pathFile = new File(path)
    if (!resourceFile.getCanonicalPath.startsWith(pathFile.getCanonicalPath)) {
    } else {

  private val dblSlashPattern = """//+""".r

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Assets.scala source code file:

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