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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (PlaySettings.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (PlaySettings.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

assets, compile, file, play, play framework, plugin, postcompile, runtime, sbt, seq, some, test, testassets, universal

The PlaySettings.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import play.PlayImport._
import PlayKeys._
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
import play.sbtplugin.{ PlayPositionMapper, ApplicationSecretGenerator }
import com.typesafe.sbt.web.SbtWeb.autoImport._
import WebKeys._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import play.twirl.sbt.Import.TwirlKeys
import play.sbtplugin.routes.RoutesKeys._

trait PlaySettings {
  this: PlayCommands with PlayPositionMapper with PlayRun =>

  lazy val defaultJavaSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](

    TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= defaultJavaTemplateImports,

    routesImport ++= Seq(

    ebeanEnabled := true


  lazy val defaultScalaSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
    TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= defaultScalaTemplateImports

  /** Ask SBT to manage the classpath for the given configuration. */
  def manageClasspath(config: Configuration) = managedClasspath in config <<= (classpathTypes in config, update) map { (ct, report) =>
    Classpaths.managedJars(config, ct, report)

  lazy val defaultSettings = Defaults.packageTaskSettings(playPackageAssets, playPackageAssetsMappings) ++ Seq[Setting[_]](

    playPlugin := false,

    resolvers ++= Seq(
      "Typesafe Releases Repository" at ""

    target <<= baseDirectory(_ / "target"),

    sourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "app"),
    sourceDirectory in Test <<= baseDirectory(_ / "test"),

    confDirectory <<= baseDirectory(_ / "conf"),

    resourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "conf"),

    scalaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "app"),
    scalaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory(_ / "test"),

    javaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "app"),
    javaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory(_ / "test"),

    sourceDirectories in (Compile, TwirlKeys.compileTemplates) := Seq((sourceDirectory in Compile).value),
    sourceDirectories in (Test, TwirlKeys.compileTemplates) := Seq((sourceDirectory in Test).value),

    javacOptions in (Compile, doc) := List("-encoding", "utf8"),

    libraryDependencies <+= (playPlugin) {
      isPlugin =>
        if (isPlugin) {
          "" %% "play" % play.core.PlayVersion.current % "provided"
        } else {
          "" %% "play-netty-server" % play.core.PlayVersion.current
    libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-test" % play.core.PlayVersion.current % "test",

    ivyConfigurations += DocsApplication,
    libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-docs" % play.core.PlayVersion.current %,

    parallelExecution in Test := false,

    fork in Test := true,

    testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "sequential", "true", "junitxml", "console"),

    testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "--ignore-runners=org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner"),

    // Make sure Specs2 is at the end of the list of test frameworks, so that it gets priority over
    // JUnit. This is a hack/workaround to prevent Specs2 tests with @RunsWith annotations being
    // picked up by JUnit. We don't want JUnit to run the tests since JUnit ignores the Specs2
    // runnner, which means the tests run but their results are ignored by SBT.
    testFrameworks ~= {
      tf => tf.filter(_ != TestFrameworks.Specs2).:+(TestFrameworks.Specs2)

    testResultReporter <<= testResultReporterTask,

    testResultReporterReset <<= testResultReporterResetTask,

    // Adds config directory's source files to continuous hot reloading
    watchSources <+= confDirectory map {
      all => all

    // Adds app directory's source files to continuous hot reloading
    watchSources <++= baseDirectory map {
      path => ((path / "app") ** "*" --- (path / "app/assets") ** "*").get

    commands ++= Seq(shCommand, playStartCommand, h2Command, classpathCommand, licenseCommand, computeDependenciesCommand),

    // THE `in Compile` IS IMPORTANT!
    run in Compile <<= playDefaultRunTask,

    playStop := {
      playInteractionMode.value match {
        case nonBlocking: PlayNonBlockingInteractionMode =>
        case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Play interaction mode must be non blocking to stop it")

    shellPrompt := playPrompt,

    mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("play.core.server.NettyServer"),

    compile in Compile <<= PostCompile(scope = Compile),

    compile in Test <<= PostCompile(Test),

    computeDependencies <<= computeDependenciesTask,

    // all dependencies from outside the project (all dependency jars)
    playDependencyClasspath <<= externalDependencyClasspath in Runtime,

    // all user classes, in this project and any other subprojects that it depends on
    playReloaderClasspath <<= Classpaths.concatDistinct(exportedProducts in Runtime, internalDependencyClasspath in Runtime),

    playCommonClassloader <<= playCommonClassloaderTask,

    playDependencyClassLoader := createURLClassLoader,

    playReloaderClassLoader := createDelegatedResourcesClassLoader,

    playCompileEverything <<= playCompileEverythingTask,

    playReload <<= playReloadTask,

    sourcePositionMappers += playPositionMapper,

    ivyLoggingLevel := UpdateLogging.DownloadOnly,

    routesImport ++= Seq("controllers.Assets.Asset"),

    routesFiles in Compile ++= ((confDirectory.value * "routes").get ++ (confDirectory.value * "*.routes").get),

    playMonitoredFiles <<= playMonitoredFilesTask,

    playDefaultPort := 9000,

    // Default hooks

    playRunHooks := Nil,

    playInteractionMode := play.PlayConsoleInteractionMode,

    // sbt-web
    sourceDirectory in Assets := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "assets",
    sourceDirectory in TestAssets := (sourceDirectory in Test).value / "assets",

    jsFilter in Assets := new PatternFilter("""[^_].*\.js""".r.pattern),
    resourceDirectory in Assets := baseDirectory.value / "public",

    WebKeys.stagingDirectory := WebKeys.stagingDirectory.value / "public",

    playAssetsWithCompilation := {
      val ignore = ((assets in Assets)?).value
      (compile in Compile).value

    // Assets for run mode
    assetsPrefix := "public/",

    // Assets for distribution
    artifactClassifier in playPackageAssets := Some("assets"),
    Keys.artifactName in playPackageAssets := { (_, mid, art) =>
      val classifier = art.classifier match {
        case None => ""
        case Some(c) => "-" + c
      } + "-" + mid.revision + classifier + "." + art.extension
    artifactPath in playPackageAssets := {
      val sv = ScalaVersion((scalaVersion in Keys.artifactName).value, (scalaBinaryVersion in Keys.artifactName).value)
      target.value / (Keys.artifactName in playPackageAssets).value(sv, projectID.value, (artifact in playPackageAssets).value)
    mappings in Universal += (playPackageAssets.value -> ("lib/" + organization.value + "." + playPackageAssets.value.getName)),
    scriptClasspath += (organization.value + "." + playPackageAssets.value.getName),

    // Assets for testing
    public in TestAssets := (public in TestAssets).value / assetsPrefix.value,
    fullClasspath in Test ++= {
      val testAssetDirs = ((assets in TestAssets) ?).all(ScopeFilter(inDependencies(ThisProject))).value.flatten => Attributed.blank(dir.getParentFile))

    // Settings

    devSettings := Nil,

    // Templates

    TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= defaultTemplateImports,

    // Native packaging

    sourceDirectory in Universal <<= baseDirectory(_ / "dist"),

    mainClass in Compile := Some("play.core.server.NettyServer"),

    mappings in Universal ++= {
      val confDirectoryLen = confDirectory.value.getCanonicalPath.length
      val pathFinder = confDirectory.value ** ("*" -- "routes")
      pathFinder.get map {
        confFile: File =>
          confFile -> ("conf/" + confFile.getCanonicalPath.substring(confDirectoryLen))

    mappings in Universal ++= {
      val docDirectory = (doc in Compile).value
      val docDirectoryLen = docDirectory.getCanonicalPath.length
      val pathFinder = docDirectory ** "*"
      pathFinder.get map {
        docFile: File =>
          docFile -> ("share/doc/api/" + docFile.getCanonicalPath.substring(docDirectoryLen))

    mappings in Universal ++= {
      val pathFinder = baseDirectory.value * "README*"
      pathFinder.get map {
        readmeFile: File =>
          readmeFile -> readmeFile.getName

    // Adds the Play application directory to the command line args passed to Play
    bashScriptExtraDefines += "addJava \"-Duser.dir=$(cd \"${app_home}/..\"; pwd -P)\"\n",

    generateSecret <<= ApplicationSecretGenerator.generateSecretTask,
    updateSecret <<= ApplicationSecretGenerator.updateSecretTask



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework PlaySettings.scala source code file:

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