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Scala example source code file (ModelFactory.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ModelFactory.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

doctemplateimpl, doctemplateimpl, entityimpl, list, nil, none, none, packageimpl, some, some, string, symbol, symbol, templateimpl

The Scala ModelFactory.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler -- Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL */

package doc
package model

import comment._

import scala.collection._
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import symtab.Flags

import model.{ RootPackage => RootPackageEntity }

/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory: ModelFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory =>

  import global._
  import definitions.{ ObjectClass, ScalaObjectClass, RootPackage, EmptyPackage, NothingClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass }

  private var droppedPackages = 0
  def templatesCount = templatesCache.size - droppedPackages

  private var modelFinished = false
  private var universe: Universe = null
  private lazy val noSubclassCache = Set(AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ObjectClass, ScalaObjectClass)
  /**  */
  def makeModel: Option[Universe] = {
    val universe = new Universe { thisUniverse =>
      thisFactory.universe = thisUniverse
      val settings = thisFactory.settings
      private val rootPackageMaybe = makeRootPackage
      val rootPackage = rootPackageMaybe getOrElse null
    modelFinished = true
    if (universe.rootPackage != null) Some(universe) else None

  /** */
  protected val templatesCache =
    new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, DocTemplateImpl]

  def findTemplate(query: String): Option[DocTemplateImpl] = {
    if (!modelFinished) throw new Error("cannot find template in unfinished universe")
    templatesCache.values find { tpl => tpl.qualifiedName == query && !tpl.isObject }

  def optimize(str: String): String =
    if (str.length < 16) str.intern else str

  /* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `Entity` type. */
  abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
    val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
    def inTemplate: TemplateImpl = inTpl
    def toRoot: List[EntityImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def qualifiedName = name
    val universe = thisFactory.universe
    def annotations =

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  trait TemplateImpl extends EntityImpl with TemplateEntity {
    override def qualifiedName: String =
      if (inTemplate.isRootPackage) name else optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    def isPackage = sym.isPackage
    def isTrait = sym.isTrait
    def isClass = sym.isClass && !sym.isTrait
    def isObject = sym.isModule && !sym.isPackage
    def isCaseClass = sym.isCaseClass
    def isRootPackage = false
    def selfType = if (sym.thisSym eq sym) None else Some(makeType(sym.thisSym.typeOfThis, this))

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  class NoDocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with NoDocTemplate {
    def isDocTemplate = false

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `MemberEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  abstract class MemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with MemberEntity {
    lazy val comment =
      if (inTpl == null) None else thisFactory.comment(sym, inTpl)
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[MemberImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def inDefinitionTemplates =
      if (inTpl == null)
        makeTemplate(sym.owner) :: (sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { inhSym => makeTemplate(inhSym.owner) })
    def visibility = {
      if (sym.isPrivateLocal) PrivateInInstance()
      else if (sym.isProtectedLocal) ProtectedInInstance()
      else {
        val qual =
          if (sym.hasAccessBoundary)
          else None
        if (sym.isPrivate) PrivateInTemplate(inTpl)
        else if (sym.isProtected) ProtectedInTemplate(qual getOrElse inTpl)
        else if (qual.isDefined) PrivateInTemplate(qual.get)
        else Public()
    def flags = {
      val fgs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Paragraph]
      if (sym.isImplicit) fgs += Paragraph(Text("implicit"))
      if (sym.isSealed) fgs += Paragraph(Text("sealed"))
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      if (!sym.isModule && (sym hasFlag Flags.FINAL)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("final"))
    def deprecation =
      if (sym.isDeprecated)
        Some(sym.deprecationMessage match {
          case Some(msg) => parseWiki(msg, NoPosition)
          case None =>Body(Nil)
        comment flatMap { _.deprecated }
    def inheritedFrom =
      if (inTemplate.sym == this.sym.owner || inTemplate.sym.isPackage) Nil else
        makeTemplate(this.sym.owner) :: (sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { os => makeTemplate(os.owner) })
    def resultType = {
      def resultTpe(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match { // similar to finalResultType, except that it leaves singleton types alone
        case PolyType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
        case MethodType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
        case NullaryMethodType(res) => resultTpe(res)
        case _ => tpe
      makeTypeInTemplateContext(resultTpe(sym.tpe), inTemplate, sym)
    def isDef = false
    def isVal = false
    def isLazyVal = false
    def isVar = false
    def isImplicit = sym.isImplicit
    def isConstructor = false
    def isAliasType = false
    def isAbstractType = false
    def isAbstract =
      ((!sym.isTrait && ((sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) || (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED))) || 
      sym.isAbstractClass || sym.isAbstractType) && !sym.isSynthetic
    def isTemplate = false

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `TemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `TemplateSymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity and to be registered with the
    * `templatesCache` at the very start of its instantiation.
    * The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities.
    * * The owner of the template (as a full template);
    * * All ancestors of the template (as weak templates);
    * * All non-package members (including other templates, as full templates). */
  abstract class DocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with DocTemplateEntity {
    //if (inTpl != null) println("mbr " + sym + " in " + (inTpl.toRoot map (_.sym)).mkString(" > "))
    if (settings.verbose.value)
      inform("Creating doc template for " + sym)
    templatesCache += (sym -> this)
    lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    override def toRoot: List[DocTemplateImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def inSource =
      if (sym.sourceFile != null && ! sym.isSynthetic)
        Some((sym.sourceFile, sym.pos.line))

    def sourceUrl = {
      def fixPath(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\" +, "/")
      val assumedSourceRoot: String = {
        val fixed = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value)
        if (fixed endsWith "/") fixed.dropRight(1) else fixed
      if (!settings.docsourceurl.isDefault)
        inSource map { case (file, _) =>
          val filePath = fixPath(file.path).replaceFirst("^" + assumedSourceRoot, "").stripSuffix(".scala")
          val tplOwner = this.inTemplate.qualifiedName
          val tplName =
          val patches = new Regex("""€\{(FILE_PATH|TPL_OWNER|TPL_NAME)\}""")
          val patchedString = patches.replaceAllIn(settings.docsourceurl.value, { m => match {
              case "FILE_PATH" => filePath
              case "TPL_OWNER" => tplOwner
              case "TPL_NAME" => tplName
      else None
    def parentType = {
      if (sym.isPackage || sym == AnyClass) None else {
        val tps =
          (sym.tpe.parents filter (_ != ScalaObjectClass.tpe)) map { _.asSeenFrom(sym.thisType, sym) }
        Some(makeType(RefinedType(tps, EmptyScope), inTpl))
    val linearization: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)] = {
      val acs  = sym.ancestors filterNot (_ == ScalaObjectClass)
      val tps  = acs map (cls => makeType(, this))
      val tpls = acs map makeTemplate

      tpls foreach {
        case dtpl: DocTemplateImpl => dtpl.registerSubClass(this)
        case _                     => 
      tpls zip tps
    def linearizationTemplates = linearization map { _._1 }
    def linearizationTypes = linearization map { _._2 }

    private lazy val subClassesCache = (
      if (noSubclassCache(sym)) null
      else mutable.ListBuffer[DocTemplateEntity]()
    def registerSubClass(sc: DocTemplateEntity): Unit = {
      if (subClassesCache != null)
        subClassesCache += sc
    def subClasses = if (subClassesCache == null) Nil else subClassesCache.toList

    protected lazy val memberSyms =
       // Only this class's constructors are part of its members, inherited constructors are not. => localShouldDocument(s) && (!s.isConstructor || s.owner == sym))

    val members       = memberSyms flatMap (makeMember(_, this))
    val templates     = members collect { case c: DocTemplateEntity => c }
    val methods       = members collect { case d: Def => d }
    val values        = members collect { case v: Val => v }
    val abstractTypes = members collect { case t: AbstractType => t }
    val aliasTypes    = members collect { case t: AliasType => t }
    override def isTemplate = true
    def isDocTemplate = true
    def companion = sym.companionSymbol match {
      case NoSymbol => None
      case comSym if !isEmptyJavaObject(comSym) && (comSym.isClass || comSym.isModule) =>
        Some(makeDocTemplate(comSym, inTpl))
      case _ => None

  abstract class PackageImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => PackageImpl) extends DocTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with Package {
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[PackageImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    val packages = members collect { case p: Package => p }

  abstract class RootPackageImpl(sym: Symbol) extends PackageImpl(sym, null) with RootPackageEntity
  abstract class NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with NonTemplateMemberEntity {
    override def qualifiedName = optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "#" + name)
    lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "#" + name)
    def isUseCase = sym.isSynthetic
  abstract class NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym, inTpl) {
    def valueParams =
      sym.paramss map { ps => (ps.zipWithIndex) map { case (p, i) =>
        if (p.nameString contains "$") makeValueParam(p, inTpl, optimize("arg" + i)) else makeValueParam(p, inTpl)

  abstract class ParameterImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with ParameterEntity {
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
  private trait TypeBoundsImpl extends EntityImpl {    
    def lo = match {
      case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo.typeSymbol != NothingClass =>
        Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(lo, map {_.tpe}), inTemplate, sym))
      case _ => None
    def hi = match {
      case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if hi.typeSymbol != AnyClass =>
        Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(hi, map {_.tpe}), inTemplate, sym))
      case _ => None

  trait HigherKindedImpl extends EntityImpl with HigherKinded {
    def typeParams =
      sym.typeParams map (makeTypeParam(_, inTemplate))

  /* ============== MAKER METHODS ============== */

  /** */
  def normalizeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): Symbol = aSym match {
    case null | EmptyPackage | NoSymbol =>
    case ScalaObjectClass | ObjectClass =>
    case _ if aSym.isPackageObject =>
    case _ if aSym.isModuleClass =>
    case _ =>

  def makeRootPackage: Option[PackageImpl] =
    makePackage(RootPackage, null)

  /** Creates a package entity for the given symbol or returns `None` if the symbol does not denote a package that
    * contains at least one ''documentable'' class, trait or object. Creating a package entity */
  def makePackage(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => PackageImpl): Option[PackageImpl] = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    if (templatesCache isDefinedAt (bSym))
      Some(templatesCache(bSym) match {case p: PackageImpl => p})
    else {
      val pack =
        if (bSym == RootPackage)
          new RootPackageImpl(bSym) {
            override val name = "root"
            override def inTemplate = this
            override def toRoot = this :: Nil
            override def qualifiedName = "_root_"
            override def inheritedFrom = Nil
            override def isRootPackage = true
            override protected lazy val memberSyms =
              ( ++ filter { s =>
                s != EmptyPackage && s != RootPackage
          new PackageImpl(bSym, inTpl) {}
      if (pack.templates.isEmpty) {
        droppedPackages += 1
      else Some(pack)


  /** */
  def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): TemplateImpl = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    if (bSym == RootPackage)
    else if (bSym.isPackage)
      makeTemplate(bSym.owner) match {
        case inPkg: PackageImpl => makePackage(bSym, inPkg) getOrElse (new NoDocTemplateImpl(bSym, inPkg))
        case _ => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' must be in a package")
    else if (templateShouldDocument(bSym))
      makeTemplate(bSym.owner) match {
        case inDTpl: DocTemplateImpl => makeDocTemplate(bSym, inDTpl)
        case _ => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' must be in documentable template")
      new NoDocTemplateImpl(bSym, makeTemplate(bSym.owner))

  /** */
  def makeDocTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): DocTemplateImpl = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    val minimumInTpl =
      if (bSym.owner != inTpl.sym)
        makeTemplate(aSym.owner) match {
          case inDTpl: DocTemplateImpl => inDTpl
          case inNDTpl => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' is owned by '" + inNDTpl + "' which is not documented")
    if (templatesCache isDefinedAt (bSym))
    else if (bSym.isModule || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isModule))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Object
    else if (bSym.isTrait || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isTrait))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Trait
    else if (bSym.isClass || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isClass))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Class {
        def valueParams =
          // we don't want params on a class (non case class) signature
          if (isCaseClass) List(sym.constrParamAccessors map (makeValueParam(_, this)))
          else List.empty
        val constructors =
          members collect { case d: Constructor => d }
        def primaryConstructor = constructors find { _.isPrimary }
      throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' that isn't a class, trait or object cannot be built as a documentable template")

  /** */
  def makeAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Annotation = {
    val aSym = annot.atp.typeSymbol
    new EntityImpl(aSym, makeTemplate(aSym.owner)) with Annotation {
      lazy val annotationClass =
      val arguments = { // lazy
        def noParams = annot.args map { _ => None }
        val params: List[Option[ValueParam]] = annotationClass match {
          case aClass: Class =>
            (aClass.primaryConstructor map { _.valueParams.head }) match {
              case Some(vps) => vps map { Some(_) }
              case None => noParams
          case _ => noParams
        assert(params.length == annot.args.length)
        (params zip annot.args) flatMap { case (param, arg) =>
          makeTree(arg) match {
            case Some(tree) =>
              Some(new ValueArgument {
                def parameter = param
                def value = tree
            case None => None

  /** */
  def makeMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): List[MemberImpl] = {

    def makeMember0(bSym: Symbol): Option[MemberImpl] = {
      if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.isLazy) 
          Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Val {
            override lazy val comment = // The analyser does not duplicate the lazy val's DocDef when it introduces its accessor.
              thisFactory.comment(bSym.accessed, inTpl) // This hack should be removed after analyser is fixed.
            override def isLazyVal = true
      else if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.accessed.isMutable)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVar = true
      else if (bSym.isMethod && !bSym.hasAccessorFlag && !bSym.isConstructor && !bSym.isModule) {
        val cSym = { // This unsightly hack closes issue #4086.
          if (bSym == definitions.Object_synchronized) {
            val cSymInfo = ( @unchecked) match {
              case PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(bp), mt)) =>
                val cp = bp.cloneSymbol.setInfo(appliedType(definitions.ByNameParamClass.typeConstructor, List(
                PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(cp), mt))
          else bSym
        Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(cSym, inTpl) with HigherKindedImpl with Def {
          override def isDef = true
      else if (bSym.isConstructor)
        Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Constructor {
          override def isConstructor = true
          def isPrimary = sym.isPrimaryConstructor
      else if (bSym.isGetter) // Scala field accessor or Java field
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVal = true
      else if (bSym.isAbstractType)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with HigherKindedImpl with AbstractType {
          override def isAbstractType = true
      else if (bSym.isAliasType)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with HigherKindedImpl with AliasType {
          override def isAliasType = true
          def alias = makeTypeInTemplateContext(sym.tpe.dealias, inTpl, sym)
      else if (bSym.isPackage)
        inTpl match { case inPkg: PackageImpl =>  makePackage(bSym, inPkg) }
      else if ((bSym.isClass || bSym.isModule) && templateShouldDocument(bSym))
        Some(makeDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl))

    if (!localShouldDocument(aSym) || aSym.isModuleClass || aSym.isPackageObject || aSym.isMixinConstructor)
    else {
      val allSyms = useCases(aSym, inTpl.sym) map { case (bSym, bComment, bPos) =>
        addCommentBody(bSym, inTpl, bComment, bPos)
      (allSyms :+ aSym) flatMap { makeMember0(_) }

  /** */
  def makeTypeParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl): TypeParam =
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with HigherKindedImpl with TypeParam {
      def isTypeParam = true
      def isValueParam = false
      def variance: String = {
        if (sym hasFlag Flags.COVARIANT) "+"
        else if (sym hasFlag Flags.CONTRAVARIANT) "-"
        else ""

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): ValueParam = {
    makeValueParam(aSym, inTpl, aSym.nameString)

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl, newName: String): ValueParam =
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with ValueParam {
      override val name = newName
      def isTypeParam = false
      def isValueParam = true
      def defaultValue =
        if (aSym.hasDefault) {
          // units.filter should return only one element
          (currentRun.units filter (_.source.file == aSym.sourceFile)).toList match {
            case List(unit) =>
              (unit.body find (_.symbol == aSym)) match {
                case Some(ValDef(_,_,_,rhs)) => makeTree(rhs)
                case _ => None
            case _ => None
        else None
      def resultType =
        makeTypeInTemplateContext(sym.tpe, inTpl, sym)
      def isImplicit = aSym.isImplicit

  /** */
  def makeTypeInTemplateContext(aType: Type, inTpl: => TemplateImpl, dclSym: Symbol): TypeEntity = {
    def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
    val tpe =
      if (thisFactory.settings.useStupidTypes.value) aType else {
        def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
          if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
        val fixedSym = if (inTpl.sym.isModule) inTpl.sym.moduleClass else inTpl.sym
        aType.asSeenFrom(fixedSym.thisType, ownerTpl(dclSym))
    makeType(tpe, inTpl)
  /** */
  def makeType(aType: Type, inTpl: => TemplateImpl): TypeEntity =
    new TypeEntity {
      private val nameBuffer = new StringBuilder
      private var refBuffer = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (TemplateEntity, Int)]
      private def appendTypes0(types: List[Type], sep: String): Unit = types match {
        case Nil =>
        case tp :: Nil =>
        case tp :: tps =>
          nameBuffer append sep
          appendTypes0(tps, sep)
      private def checkFunctionType(tpe: TypeRef): Boolean = {
        val TypeRef(_, sym, args) = tpe
        (args.length > 0) && (args.length - 1 <= definitions.MaxFunctionArity) &&
        (sym == definitions.FunctionClass(args.length - 1))
      private def appendType0(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
        /* Type refs */
        case tp: TypeRef if (checkFunctionType(tp)) =>
          nameBuffer append '('
          appendTypes0(tp.args.init, ", ")
          nameBuffer append ") ⇒ "
        case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) =>
          nameBuffer append '*'
        case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isByNameParamType(tp) =>
          nameBuffer append "⇒ "
        case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isTupleTypeOrSubtype(tp) =>
          nameBuffer append '('
          appendTypes0(tp.args, ", ")
          nameBuffer append ')'
        case TypeRef(pre, aSym, targs) =>
          val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
          if (bSym.isNonClassType)
            nameBuffer append
          else {
            val tpl = makeTemplate(bSym)
            val pos0 = nameBuffer.length
            refBuffer += pos0 -> (tpl,
            nameBuffer append
          if (!targs.isEmpty) {
            nameBuffer append '['
            appendTypes0(targs, ", ")
            nameBuffer append ']'
        /* Refined types */
        case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
          appendTypes0((if (parents.length > 1) parents filterNot (_ == ObjectClass.tpe) else parents), " with ")
          // XXX Still todo: properly printing refinements.
          // Since I didn't know how to go about displaying a multi-line type, I went with
          // printing single method refinements (which should be the most common) and printing
          // the number of members if there are more.
          defs.toList match {
            case Nil      => ()
            case x :: Nil => nameBuffer append (" { " + x.defString + " }")
            case xs       => nameBuffer append (" { ... /* %d definitions in type refinement */ }" format xs.size)
        /* Eval-by-name types */
        case NullaryMethodType(result) =>
          nameBuffer append '⇒'
        /* Polymorphic types */
        case PolyType(tparams, result) => assert(tparams nonEmpty)
//          throw new Error("Polymorphic type '" + tpe + "' cannot be printed as a type")
          def typeParamsToString(tps: List[Symbol]): String = if(tps isEmpty) "" else
  {tparam =>
              tparam.varianceString + + typeParamsToString(tparam.typeParams)
            }.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
          nameBuffer append typeParamsToString(tparams)
        case tpen =>
          nameBuffer append tpen.toString
      val refEntity = refBuffer
      val name = optimize(nameBuffer.toString)

  def templateShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
  	// TODO: document sourceless entities (e.g., Any, etc), based on a new Setting to be added
  	(aSym.isPackageClass || (aSym.sourceFile != null)) && localShouldDocument(aSym) &&
    ( aSym.owner == NoSymbol || templateShouldDocument(aSym.owner) ) && !isEmptyJavaObject(aSym)
  def isEmptyJavaObject(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    def hasMembers = => localShouldDocument(s) && (!s.isConstructor || s.owner == aSym))
    aSym.isModule && aSym.isJavaDefined && !hasMembers

  def localShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    !aSym.isPrivate && (aSym.isProtected || aSym.privateWithin == NoSymbol) && !aSym.isSynthetic

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