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Scala example source code file (RefinedBuildManager.scala)

This example Scala source code file (RefinedBuildManager.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

abstractfile, abstractfile, added, changed, list, list, removed, set, set, settings, string, string, symbol, symwithhistory

The Scala RefinedBuildManager.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2009-2011 Scala Solutions and LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Iulian Dragos
 * @author Hubert Plocinicak
package interactive

import scala.collection._
import{Reporter, ConsoleReporter}
import scala.util.control.Breaks._

import dependencies._
import util.{FakePos, ClassPath}
import io.AbstractFile

/** A more defined build manager, based on change sets. For each
 *  updated source file, it computes the set of changes to its
 *  definitions, then checks all dependent units to see if the
 *  changes require a compilation. It repeats this process until
 *  a fixpoint is reached.
class RefinedBuildManager(val settings: Settings) extends Changes with BuildManager {

  class BuilderGlobal(settings: Settings, reporter : Reporter) extends, reporter)  {
    def this(settings: Settings) =
      this(settings, new ConsoleReporter(settings))

    override def computeInternalPhases() {
      phasesSet += dependencyAnalysis
    lazy val _classpath: ClassPath[_] = new NoSourcePathPathResolver(settings).result
    override def classPath: ClassPath[_] = _classpath
    def newRun() = new Run()
  class NoSourcePathPathResolver(settings: Settings) extends PathResolver(settings) {
    override def containers = Calculated.basis.dropRight(1).flatten.distinct

  protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings) = new BuilderGlobal(settings) 
  val compiler = newCompiler(settings)
  import compiler.{Symbol, Type, atPhase, currentRun}
  import compiler.dependencyAnalysis.Inherited
  private case class SymWithHistory(sym: Symbol, befErasure: Type)

  /** Managed source files. */
  private val sources: mutable.Set[AbstractFile] = new mutable.HashSet[AbstractFile]

  private val definitions: mutable.Map[AbstractFile, List[SymWithHistory]] = 
    new mutable.HashMap[AbstractFile, List[SymWithHistory]] {
      override def default(key: AbstractFile) = Nil

  /** External references used by source file. */
  private var references: mutable.Map[AbstractFile, immutable.Set[String]] = _
  /** External references for inherited members */
  private var inherited: mutable.Map[AbstractFile, immutable.Set[Inherited]] = _
  /** Reverse of definitions, used for caching */
  private var classes: mutable.Map[String, AbstractFile] = 
    new mutable.HashMap[String, AbstractFile] {
      override def default(key: String) = null

  /** Add the given source files to the managed build process. */
  def addSourceFiles(files: Set[AbstractFile]) {
    sources ++= files

  /** Remove the given files from the managed build process. */
  def removeFiles(files: Set[AbstractFile]) {
    sources --= files

  /** Return the set of invalidated files caused by removing the given files.
  private def invalidatedByRemove(files: Set[AbstractFile]): Set[AbstractFile] = {
    val changes = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Change]]
    for (f <- files; SymWithHistory(sym, _) <- definitions(f))
      changes += sym -> List(Removed(Class(sym.fullName)))
    invalidated(files, changes)

  def update(added: Set[AbstractFile], removed: Set[AbstractFile]) {
    sources --= removed
    update(added ++ invalidatedByRemove(removed))

  /** The given files have been modified by the user. Recompile
   *  them and all files that depend on them. Only files that
   *  have been previously added as source files are recompiled.
   *  Files that were already compiled are taken out from the result
   *  of the dependency analysis.
  private def update(files: Set[AbstractFile]) = {
    val coll: mutable.Map[AbstractFile, immutable.Set[AbstractFile]] =
        mutable.HashMap[AbstractFile, immutable.Set[AbstractFile]]()
    // See if we really have corresponding symbols, not just those
    // which share the name
    def isCorrespondingSym(from: Symbol, to: Symbol): Boolean =
      (from.hasTraitFlag == to.hasTraitFlag) &&
      (from.hasModuleFlag == to.hasModuleFlag)
    // For testing purposes only, order irrelevant for compilation
    def toStringSet(set: Set[AbstractFile]): String =
      set.toList sortBy ( mkString("Set(", ", ", ")")

    def update0(files: Set[AbstractFile]): Unit = if (!files.isEmpty) {
      val run = compiler.newRun()
      if (settings.Ybuildmanagerdebug.value)
        compiler.inform("compiling " + toStringSet(files))

      if (compiler.reporter.hasErrors) {

      // Deterministic behaviour required by partest
      val changesOf = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Change]] {
          override def toString: String = {
            val changesOrdered =
     => {
                e._1.toString + " -> " +
                e._2.sortBy(_.toString).mkString("List(", ", ", ")")
            changesOrdered.sorted.mkString("Map(", ", ", ")")
      val additionalDefs: mutable.HashSet[AbstractFile] = mutable.HashSet.empty

      val defs = compiler.dependencyAnalysis.definitions
      for (src <- files) {
        if (definitions(src).isEmpty)
          additionalDefs ++= compiler.dependencyAnalysis.
                             dependencies.dependentFiles(1, mutable.Set(src))
        else {
          val syms = defs(src)
          for (sym <- syms) {
               s => (s.sym.fullName == sym.fullName) &&
                    isCorrespondingSym(s.sym, sym)) match {
              case Some(SymWithHistory(oldSym, info)) =>
                val changes = changeSet(, sym)
                val changesErasure =
                    atPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase.prev) {
                        changeSet(info, sym)
                changesOf(oldSym) = (changes ++ changesErasure).distinct 
              case _ =>
                // a new top level definition
                changesOf(sym) =
                      p => changeChangeSet(p.typeSymbol,
                                           sym+" extends a sealed "+p.typeSymbol))
          // Create a change for the top level classes that were removed
          val removed = definitions(src) filterNot ((s:SymWithHistory) =>
            syms.find(_.fullName == (s.sym.fullName)) != None)
          for (s <- removed) {
            changesOf(s.sym) = List(removeChangeSet(s.sym))
      if (settings.Ybuildmanagerdebug.value)
        compiler.inform("Changes: " + changesOf)
      val invalid = invalidated(files, changesOf, additionalDefs)
      update0(checkCycles(invalid, files, coll))

    // remove the current run in order to save some memory

  // Attempt to break the cycling reference deps as soon as possible and reduce
  // the number of compilations to minimum without having too coarse grained rules
  private def checkCycles(files: Set[AbstractFile], initial: Set[AbstractFile],
                          collect: mutable.Map[AbstractFile, immutable.Set[AbstractFile]]):
    Set[AbstractFile] = {
      def followChain(set: Set[AbstractFile], rest: immutable.Set[AbstractFile]):
        immutable.Set[AbstractFile] = {
        val deps:Set[AbstractFile] = set.flatMap(
              s => collect.get(s) match {
                     case Some(x) => x
                     case _ => Set[AbstractFile]()
          val newDeps = deps -- rest
          if (newDeps.isEmpty) rest else followChain(newDeps, rest ++ newDeps)
      var res:Set[AbstractFile] = mutable.Set()
      files.foreach( f => 
        if (collect contains f) {
          val chain = followChain(Set(f), immutable.Set()) ++ files
          chain.foreach((fc: AbstractFile) => collect += fc -> chain)
          res ++= chain
        } else 
          res += f

      initial.foreach((f: AbstractFile) => collect += (f -> (collect.getOrElse(f, immutable.Set()) ++ res)))
      if (res.subsetOf(initial)) Set() else res
  /** Return the set of source files that are invalidated by the given changes. */
  def invalidated(files: Set[AbstractFile], changesOf: collection.Map[Symbol, List[Change]],
                  processed: Set[AbstractFile] = Set.empty):
    Set[AbstractFile] = {
    val buf = new mutable.HashSet[AbstractFile]
    val newChangesOf = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Change]]
    var directDeps = 
      compiler.dependencyAnalysis.dependencies.dependentFiles(1, files)

    def invalidate(file: AbstractFile, reason: String, change: Change) = {
      if (settings.Ybuildmanagerdebug.value)
        compiler.inform("invalidate " + file + " because " + reason + " [" + change + "]")
      buf += file
      directDeps -= file
      for (syms <- definitions(file))     // fixes #2557
        newChangesOf(syms.sym) = List(change, parentChangeSet(syms.sym))
    for ((oldSym, changes) <- changesOf; change <- changes) {
      def checkParents(cls: Symbol, file: AbstractFile) {
        val parentChange = == oldSym.fullName)
          // if (settings.buildmanagerdebug.value)
          //   compiler.inform("checkParents " + cls + " oldSym: " + oldSym + " parentChange: " + parentChange + " " +
        change match {
          case Changed(Class(_)) if parentChange =>
            invalidate(file, "parents have changed", change)

          case Changed(Definition(_)) if parentChange =>
            invalidate(file, "inherited method changed", change)

          case Added(Definition(_)) if parentChange =>
            invalidate(file, "inherited new method", change)

          case Removed(Definition(_)) if parentChange =>
            invalidate(file, "inherited method removed", change)

          case _ => ()
      def checkInterface(cls: Symbol, file: AbstractFile) {
        change match {
          case Added(Definition(name)) =>
            if ( == name))
              invalidate(file, "of new method with existing name", change)
          case Changed(Class(name)) =>
            if ( == name)
              invalidate(file, "self type changed", change)
          case _ =>

      def checkReferences(file: AbstractFile) {
        //if (settings.buildmanagerdebug.value)
        //  compiler.inform(file + ":" + references(file))
        val refs = references(file)
        if (refs.isEmpty)
          invalidate(file, "it is a direct dependency and we don't yet have finer-grained dependency information", change)
        else {
          change match {
            case Removed(Definition(name)) if refs(name) =>
              invalidate(file, "it references deleted definition", change)
            case Removed(Class(name)) if (refs(name)) =>
              invalidate(file, "it references deleted class", change)
            case Changed(Class(name)) if (refs(name)) =>
              invalidate(file, "it references changed class", change)
            case Changed(Definition(name)) if (refs(name)) =>
              invalidate(file, "it references changed definition", change)
            case Added(Definition(name)) if (refs(name)) =>
              invalidate(file, "it references added definition", change)
            case _ => ()
      def checkInheritedReferences(file: AbstractFile) {
        val refs = inherited(file)
        if (!refs.isEmpty)
          change match {
            case ParentChanged(Class(name)) =>
              for (Inherited(q, member) <- refs.find(p => (p != null && p.qualifier == name));
                   classFile <- classes.get(q);
                   defs <- definitions.get(classFile);
                   s <- defs.find(p => p.sym.fullName == q)
                     if ((s.sym).tpe.nonPrivateMember(member) == compiler.NoSymbol))
                invalidate(file, "it references invalid (no longer inherited) definition", change)
            case _ => ()

        for (file <- directDeps) {
          breakable {
            for (cls <- definitions(file)) checkParents(cls.sym, file)
            for (cls <- definitions(file)) checkInterface(cls.sym, file)
    if (buf.isEmpty)
      invalidated(buf.clone() --= processed, newChangesOf, processed ++ buf)

  /** Update the map of definitions per source file */
  private def updateDefinitions(files: Set[AbstractFile]) {
    for (src <- files; val localDefs = compiler.dependencyAnalysis.definitions(src)) {
      definitions(src) = (localDefs map (s => {
        this.classes += s.fullName -> src
          atPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase.prev) {
    this.references = compiler.dependencyAnalysis.references
    this.inherited = compiler.dependencyAnalysis.inherited

  /** Load saved dependency information. */
  def loadFrom(file: AbstractFile, toFile: String => AbstractFile) : Boolean = {
    val success = compiler.dependencyAnalysis.loadFrom(file, toFile)
    if (success)
      sources ++= compiler.dependencyAnalysis.managedFiles
  /** Save dependency information to `file'. */
  def saveTo(file: AbstractFile, fromFile: AbstractFile => String) {
    compiler.dependencyAnalysis.dependenciesFile = file

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala RefinedBuildManager.scala source code file:

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