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Scala example source code file (SelectiveANFTransform.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SelectiveANFTransform.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

anftransformer, casedef, compilationunit, cpsinfo, cpsinfo, list, list, match, nil, none, none, tree, tree, typetree

The Scala SelectiveANFTransform.scala source code

// $Id$




 * In methods marked @cps, explicitly name results of calls to other @cps methods
abstract class SelectiveANFTransform extends PluginComponent with Transform with
  TypingTransformers with CPSUtils {
  // inherits abstract value `global' and class `Phase' from Transform

  import global._                  // the global environment
  import definitions._             // standard classes and methods
  import typer.atOwner             // methods to type trees

  /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
  val phaseName: String = "selectiveanf"

  protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new ANFTransformer(unit)

  class ANFTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {

    implicit val _unit = unit // allow code in CPSUtils.scala to report errors
    var cpsAllowed: Boolean = false // detect cps code in places we do not handle (yet)

    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      if (!cpsEnabled) return tree

      tree match {

        // Maybe we should further generalize the transform and move it over 
        // to the regular Transformer facility. But then, actual and required cps
        // state would need more complicated (stateful!) tracking. 
        // Making the default case use transExpr(tree, None, None) instead of
        // calling super.transform() would be a start, but at the moment,
        // this would cause infinite recursion. But we could remove the
        // ValDef case here.
        case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
          log("transforming " + dd.symbol)

          atOwner(dd.symbol) {
            val rhs1 = transExpr(rhs, None, getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tpt.tpe))
            log("result "+rhs1)
            log("result is of type "+rhs1.tpe)

            treeCopy.DefDef(dd, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformValDefss(vparamss),
                        transform(tpt), rhs1)

        case ff @ Function(vparams, body) =>
          log("transforming anon function " + ff.symbol)

          atOwner(ff.symbol) {

            //val body1 = transExpr(body, None, getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(body.tpe))

            // need to special case partial functions: if expected type is @cps
            // but all cases are pure, then we would transform
            // { x => x match { case A => ... }} to
            // { x => shiftUnit(x match { case A => ... })}
            // which Uncurry cannot handle (see function6.scala)
            val ext = getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(body.tpe)
            val body1 = body match {
              case Match(selector, cases) if (ext.isDefined && getAnswerTypeAnn(body.tpe).isEmpty) =>
                val cases1 = for {
                  cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, caseBody) <- cases
                  val caseBody1 = transExpr(body, None, ext)
                } yield {
                  treeCopy.CaseDef(cd, transform(pat), transform(guard), caseBody1)
                treeCopy.Match(tree, transform(selector), cases1)

              case _ =>
                transExpr(body, None, ext)
            log("result "+body1)
            log("result is of type "+body1.tpe)

            treeCopy.Function(ff, transformValDefs(vparams), body1)

        case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => // object-level valdefs
          log("transforming valdef " + vd.symbol)

          atOwner(vd.symbol) {

            assert(getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tpt.tpe) == None)

            val rhs1 = transExpr(rhs, None, None)

            treeCopy.ValDef(vd, mods, name, transform(tpt), rhs1)

        case TypeTree() =>
          // circumvent cpsAllowed here
        case Apply(_,_) =>
          // this allows reset { ... } in object constructors
          // it's kind of a hack to put it here (see note above)
          transExpr(tree, None, None)
        case _ => 
          if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)) {
            if (!cpsAllowed)
              unit.error(tree.pos, "cps code not allowed here / " + tree.getClass + " / " + tree)


          cpsAllowed = false

    def transExpr(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): Tree = {
      transTailValue(tree, cpsA, cpsR) match {
        case (Nil, b) => b
        case (a, b) =>
          treeCopy.Block(tree, a,b)

    def transArgList(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree], cpsA: CPSInfo): (List[List[Tree]], List[Tree], CPSInfo) = {
      val formals = fun.tpe.paramTypes
      val overshoot = args.length - formals.length
      var spc: CPSInfo = cpsA
      val (stm,expr) = (for ((a,tp) <- ::: List.fill(overshoot)(NoType))) yield {
        tp match {
          case TypeRef(_, ByNameParamClass, List(elemtp)) =>
            (Nil, transExpr(a, None, getAnswerTypeAnn(elemtp)))
          case _ =>
            val (valStm, valExpr, valSpc) = transInlineValue(a, spc)
            spc = valSpc
            (valStm, valExpr)

    def transValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree, CPSInfo) = {
      // return value: (stms, expr, spc), where spc is CPSInfo after stms but *before* expr
      implicit val pos = tree.pos
      tree match {
        case Block(stms, expr) => 
          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (cpsA, linearize(cpsA, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))) // tbd
//          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
          val (a, b) = transBlock(stms, expr, cpsA2, cpsR2)
          val tree1 = (treeCopy.Block(tree, a, b)) // no updateSynthFlag here!!!

          (Nil, tree1, cpsA)

        case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
          val (condStats, condVal, spc) = transInlineValue(cond, cpsA)

          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (spc, linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)))
//          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
          val thenVal = transExpr(thenp, cpsA2, cpsR2)
          val elseVal = transExpr(elsep, cpsA2, cpsR2)
          // check that then and else parts agree (not necessary any more, but left as sanity check)
          if (cpsR.isDefined) {
            if (elsep == EmptyTree)
              unit.error(tree.pos, "always need else part in cps code")
          if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(thenVal.tpe) != hasAnswerTypeAnn(elseVal.tpe)) {
            unit.error(tree.pos, "then and else parts must both be cps code or neither of them")

          (condStats, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.If(tree, condVal, thenVal, elseVal)), spc)

        case Match(selector, cases) =>
          val (selStats, selVal, spc) = transInlineValue(selector, cpsA)
          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (spc, linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)))
//          val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))

          val caseVals = for {
            cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases
            val bodyVal = transExpr(body, cpsA2, cpsR2)
          } yield {
            treeCopy.CaseDef(cd, transform(pat), transform(guard), bodyVal)
          (selStats, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Match(tree, selVal, caseVals)), spc)

        case ldef @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
          if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)) {
            val sym = currentOwner.newMethod(tree.pos, name)
            val rhs1 = new TreeSymSubstituter(List(ldef.symbol), List(sym)).transform(rhs)
            val rhsVal = transExpr(rhs1, None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
            new ChangeOwnerTraverser(currentOwner, sym) traverse rhsVal

            val stm1 = localTyper.typed(DefDef(sym, rhsVal))
            val expr = localTyper.typed(Apply(Ident(sym), List()))

            (List(stm1), expr, cpsA)
          } else {
            val rhsVal = transExpr(rhs, None, None)
            (Nil, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, params, rhsVal)), cpsA)

        case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
          val blockVal = transExpr(block, cpsA, cpsR)
          val catchVals = for {
            cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- catches
            val bodyVal = transExpr(body, cpsA, cpsR)
          } yield {
            treeCopy.CaseDef(cd, transform(pat), transform(guard), bodyVal)

          val finallyVal = transExpr(finalizer, None, None) // for now, no cps in finally

          (Nil, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Try(tree, blockVal, catchVals, finallyVal)), cpsA)

        case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
          // allow cps code in rhs only
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(rhs, cpsA)
          (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Assign(tree, transform(lhs), expr)), spc)
        case Return(expr0) =>
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
          (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Return(tree, expr)), spc)

        case Throw(expr0) =>
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
          (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Throw(tree, expr)), spc)

        case Typed(expr0, tpt) =>
          // TODO: should x: A @cps[B,C] have a special meaning?
          // type casts used in different ways (see match2.scala, #3199)
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
          val tpt1 = if (treeInfo.isWildcardStarArg(tree)) tpt else
//        (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Typed(tree, expr, tpt1)), spc)
          (stms, treeCopy.Typed(tree, expr, tpt1).setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tree.tpe)), spc)
        case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(fun, cpsA)
          (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, expr, args)), spc)

        case Select(qual, name) =>
          val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(qual, cpsA)
          (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Select(tree, expr, name)), spc)

        case Apply(fun, args) =>
          val (funStm, funExpr, funSpc) = transInlineValue(fun, cpsA)
          val (argStm, argExpr, argSpc) = transArgList(fun, args, funSpc)

          (funStm ::: (argStm.flatten), updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Apply(tree, funExpr, argExpr)),

        case _ =>
          cpsAllowed = true
          (Nil, transform(tree), cpsA)
    def transTailValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree) = {
      val (stms, expr, spc) = transValue(tree, cpsA, cpsR)

      val bot = linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe))(unit, tree.pos)

      val plainTpe = removeAllCPSAnnotations(expr.tpe)

      if (cpsR.isDefined && !bot.isDefined) {
        if (!expr.isEmpty && (expr.tpe.typeSymbol ne NothingClass)) {
          // must convert!
          log("cps type conversion (has: " + cpsA + "/" + spc + "/" + expr.tpe  + ")")
          log("cps type conversion (expected: " + cpsR.get + "): " + expr)
          if (!expr.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus))
            unit.warning(tree.pos, "expression " + tree + " is cps-transformed unexpectedly")
          try {
            val Some((a, b)) = cpsR

            val res = localTyper.typed(atPos(tree.pos) {
                      List(TypeTree(plainTpe), TypeTree(a), TypeTree(b))), 
            return (stms, res)

          } catch {
            case ex:TypeError =>
              unit.error(ex.pos, "cannot cps-transform expression " + tree + ": " + ex.msg)

      } else if (!cpsR.isDefined && bot.isDefined) {
        // error!
        log("cps type error: " + expr)
        //println("cps type error: " + expr + "/" + expr.tpe + "/" + getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe))

        println(cpsR + "/" + spc + "/" + bot)

        unit.error(tree.pos, "found cps expression in non-cps position")
      } else {
        // all is well

        if (expr.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus)) {
          unit.warning(tree.pos, "expression " + expr + " of type " + expr.tpe + " is not expected to have a cps type")

        // TODO: sanity check that types agree

      (stms, expr)
    def transInlineValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree, CPSInfo) = {

      val (stms, expr, spc) = transValue(tree, cpsA, None) // never required to be cps

      getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe) match {
        case spcVal @ Some(_) =>

          val valueTpe = removeAllCPSAnnotations(expr.tpe)

          val sym = currentOwner.newValue(tree.pos, unit.fresh.newName("tmp"))
                      .setAnnotations(List(AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSSym.tpe, Nil, Nil)))

          new ChangeOwnerTraverser(currentOwner, sym) traverse expr

          (stms ::: List(ValDef(sym, expr) setType(NoType)),
             Ident(sym) setType(valueTpe) setPos(tree.pos), linearize(spc, spcVal)(unit, tree.pos))

        case _ =>
          (stms, expr, spc)


    def transInlineStm(stm: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo):  (List[Tree], CPSInfo) = {
      stm match {

        // TODO: what about DefDefs?
        // TODO: relation to top-level val def?
        // TODO: what about lazy vals?

        case tree @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
          val (stms, anfRhs, spc) = atOwner(tree.symbol) { transValue(rhs, cpsA, None) }
          val tv = new ChangeOwnerTraverser(tree.symbol, currentOwner)

          // TODO: symbol might already have annotation. Should check conformance
          // TODO: better yet: do without annotations on symbols
          val spcVal = getAnswerTypeAnn(anfRhs.tpe)
          if (spcVal.isDefined) {
              tree.symbol.setAnnotations(List(AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSSym.tpe, Nil, Nil)))
          (stms:::List(treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt, anfRhs)), linearize(spc, spcVal)(unit, tree.pos))

        case _ =>
          val (headStms, headExpr, headSpc) = transInlineValue(stm, cpsA)
          val valSpc = getAnswerTypeAnn(headExpr.tpe)
          (headStms:::List(headExpr), linearize(headSpc, valSpc)(unit, stm.pos))

    def transBlock(stms: List[Tree], expr: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree) = {
      stms match {
        case Nil =>
          transTailValue(expr, cpsA, cpsR)

        case stm::rest =>
          var (rest2, expr2) = (rest, expr)
          val (headStms, headSpc) = transInlineStm(stm, cpsA)
          val (restStms, restExpr) = transBlock(rest2, expr2, headSpc, cpsR)
          (headStms:::restStms, restExpr)


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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