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Scala example source code file (Iterator.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Iterator.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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a, a, a1, array, b, b1, boolean, boolean, groupediterator, int, int, iterator, iterator, t

The Scala Iterator.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.collection

import mutable.ArrayBuffer
import annotation.{ tailrec, migration }
import immutable.Stream

/** The `Iterator` object provides various functions for
 *  creating specialized iterators.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @author  Matthias Zenger
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since   2.8
object Iterator {

  /** The iterator which produces no values */
  val empty = new Iterator[Nothing] {
    def hasNext: Boolean = false
    def next(): Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")

  /** Creates an iterator which produces a single element.
   *  '''Note:''' Equivalent, but more efficient than Iterator(elem)
   *  @param elem the element
   *  @return An iterator which produces `elem` on the first call to `next`,
   *          and which has no further elements.
  def single[A](elem: A) = new Iterator[A] {
    private var hasnext = true
    def hasNext: Boolean = hasnext
    def next(): A =
      if (hasnext) { hasnext = false; elem }

  /** Creates an iterator with given elements
   *  @param elems  The elements returned one-by-one from the iterator
   *  @return An iterator which produces the given elements on the
   *          first calls to `next`, and which has no further elements.
  def apply[A](elems: A*): Iterator[A] = elems.iterator

  /** Creates iterator that produces the results of some element computation
   *  a number of times.
   *  @param   n  the number of elements returned by the iterator.
   *  @param   elem the element computation
   *  @return  An iterator that produces the results of `n` evaluations of `elem`.
  def fill[A](len: Int)(elem: => A) = new Iterator[A] {
    private var i = 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = i < len
    def next(): A =
      if (hasNext) { i += 1; elem }

  /** Creates an iterator producing the values of a given function over a range of integer values starting from 0.
   *  @param  n   The number of elements returned by the iterator
   *  @param  f   The function computing element values
   *  @return An iterator that produces the values `f(0), ..., f(n -1)`.
  def tabulate[A](end: Int)(f: Int => A) = new Iterator[A] {
    private var i = 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = i < end
    def next(): A =
      if (hasNext) { val result = f(i); i += 1; result }

  /** Creates nn iterator returning successive values in some integer interval.
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param end   the end value of the iterator (the first value NOT returned)
   *  @return      the iterator producing values `start, start + 1, ..., end - 1`
  def range(start: Int, end: Int): Iterator[Int] = range(start, end, 1)

  /** An iterator producing equally spaced values in some integer interval.
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param end   the end value of the iterator (the first value NOT returned)
   *  @param step  the increment value of the iterator (must be positive or negative)
   *  @return      the iterator producing values `start, start + step, ...` up to, but excluding `end`
  def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int) = new Iterator[Int] {
    if (step == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("zero step")
    private var i = start
    def hasNext: Boolean = (step <= 0 || i < end) && (step >= 0 || i > end)
    def next(): Int =
      if (hasNext) { val result = i; i += step; result }

  /** Creates an infinite iterator that repeatedly applies a given function to the previous result.
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param f     the function that's repeatedly applied
   *  @return      the iterator producing the infinite sequence of values `start, f(start), f(f(start)), ...`
  def iterate[T](start: T)(f: T => T): Iterator[T] = new Iterator[T] {
    private[this] var first = true
    private[this] var acc = start
    def hasNext: Boolean = true
    def next(): T = {
      if (first) first = false
      else acc = f(acc)

  /** Creates an infinite-length iterator which returns successive values from some start value.

   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @return      the iterator producing the infinite sequence of values `start, start + 1, start + 2, ...`
  def from(start: Int): Iterator[Int] = from(start, 1)

  /** Creates an infinite-length iterator returning values equally spaced apart.
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param step  the increment between successive values
   *  @return      the iterator producing the infinite sequence of values `start, start + 1 * step, start + 2 * step, ...`
  def from(start: Int, step: Int): Iterator[Int] = new Iterator[Int] {
    private var i = start
    def hasNext: Boolean = true
    def next(): Int = { val result = i; i += step; result }

  /** Creates an infinite-length iterator returning the results of evaluating
   *  an expression. The expression is recomputed for every element.
   *  @param elem the element computation.
   *  @return the iterator containing an infinite number of results of evaluating `elem`.
  def continually[A](elem: => A): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
    def hasNext = true
    def next = elem

  @deprecated("use `xs.iterator' or `Iterator(xs)' instead", "2.8.0")
  def fromValues[a](xs: a*) = xs.iterator

  /** @param xs the array of elements
   *  @see also: IndexedSeq.iterator and slice
  @deprecated("use `xs.iterator' instead", "2.8.0")
  def fromArray[a](xs: Array[a]): Iterator[a] =
    fromArray(xs, 0, xs.length)

   *  @param xs     the array of elements
   *  @param start  the start index
   *  @param length  the length
   *  @see also: IndexedSeq.iterator and slice
  @deprecated("use `xs.slice(start, start + length).iterator' instead", "2.8.0")
  def fromArray[a](xs: Array[a], start: Int, length: Int): Iterator[a] =
    xs.slice(start, start + length).iterator

   *  @param n the product arity
   *  @return  the iterator on `Product<n>`.
  @deprecated("use product.productIterator instead", "2.8.0")
  def fromProduct(n: Product): Iterator[Any] = new Iterator[Any] {
    private var c: Int = 0
    private val cmax = n.productArity
    def hasNext = c < cmax
    def next() = { val a = n productElement c; c += 1; a }

  /** Create an iterator with elements
   *  `e<sub>n+1 = step(en)`
   *  where `e<sub>0 = start`
   *  and elements are in the range between `start` (inclusive)
   *  and `end` (exclusive)
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param end   the end value of the iterator
   *  @param step  the increment function of the iterator, must be monotonically increasing or decreasing
   *  @return      the iterator with values in range `[start;end)`.
  @deprecated("use Iterator.iterate(start, end - start)(step) instead", "2.8.0")
  def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int => Int) = new Iterator[Int] {
    private val up = step(start) > start
    private val down = step(start) < start
    private var i = start
    def hasNext: Boolean = (!up || i < end) && (!down || i > end)
    def next(): Int =
      if (hasNext) { val j = i; i = step(i); j }

  /** Create an iterator with elements
   *  `e<sub>n+1 = step(en)`
   *  where `e<sub>0 = start`.
   *  @param start the start value of the iterator
   *  @param step  the increment function of the iterator
   *  @return      the iterator starting at value `start`.
  @deprecated("use iterate(start)(step) instead", "2.8.0")
  def from(start: Int, step: Int => Int): Iterator[Int] = new Iterator[Int] {
    private var i = start
    override def hasNext: Boolean = true
    def next(): Int = { val j = i; i = step(i); j }

  /** Create an iterator that is the concatenation of all iterators
   *  returned by a given iterator of iterators.
   *   @param its   The iterator which returns on each call to next
   *                a new iterator whose elements are to be concatenated to the result.
  @deprecated("use its.flatten instead", "2.8.0")
  def flatten[T](its: Iterator[Iterator[T]]): Iterator[T] = new Iterator[T] {
    private var cur =
    def hasNext: Boolean = {
      while (!cur.hasNext && its.hasNext) cur =
    def next(): T = 
      (if (hasNext) cur else empty).next()

import Iterator.empty

/** Iterators are data structures that allow to iterate over a sequence
 *  of elements. They have a `hasNext` method for checking
 *  if there is a next element available, and a `next` method
 *  which returns the next element and discards it from the iterator.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky, Matthias Zenger
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since   1
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
 *  Note: will not terminate for infinite iterators.
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  Note: may not terminate for infinite iterators.
trait Iterator[+A] extends TraversableOnce[A] {
  self =>

  def seq: Iterator[A] = this
  /** Tests whether this iterator can provide another element.
   *  @return  `true` if a subsequent call to `next` will yield an element,
   *           `false` otherwise.
  def hasNext: Boolean
  /** Produces the next element of this iterator.
   *  @return  the next element of this iterator, if `hasNext` is `true`,
   *           undefined behavior otherwise.
  def next(): A
  /** Tests whether this iterator is empty.
   *  @return   `true` if hasNext is false, `false` otherwise.
  def isEmpty: Boolean = !hasNext
  /** Tests whether this Iterator can be repeatedly traversed.
   *  @return   `false`
  def isTraversableAgain = false
  /** Tests whether this Iterator has a known size.
   *  @return   `true` for empty Iterators, `false` otherwise.
  def hasDefiniteSize = isEmpty
  /** Selects first ''n'' values of this iterator.
   *  @param  n    the number of values to take
   *  @return an iterator producing only of the first `n` values of this iterator, or else the
   *          whole iterator, if it produces fewer than `n` values.
  def take(n: Int): Iterator[A] = slice(0, n)

  /** Advances this iterator past the first ''n'' elements,
   *  or the length of the iterator, whichever is smaller.
   *  @param n the number of elements to drop
   *  @return  an iterator which produces all values of the current iterator, except
   *           it omits the first `n` values.
  def drop(n: Int): Iterator[A] = slice(n, Int.MaxValue)

  /** Creates an iterator returning an interval of the values produced by this iterator.
   *  @param from   the index of the first element in this iterator which forms part of the slice.
   *  @param until  the index of the first element following the slice.
   *  @return an iterator which advances this iterator past the first `from` elements using `drop`,
   *  and then takes `until - from` elements, using `take`.
  def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Iterator[A] = {
    val lo = from max 0
    var toDrop = lo
    while (toDrop > 0 && self.hasNext) {
      toDrop -= 1

    new Iterator[A] {
      private var remaining = until - lo
      def hasNext = remaining > 0 && self.hasNext
      def next(): A =
        if (remaining > 0) {
          remaining -= 1


  /** Creates a new iterator that maps all produced values of this iterator
   *  to new values using a transformation function.
   *  @param f  the transformation function
   *  @return a new iterator which transforms every value produced by this
   *          iterator by applying the function `f` to it.
  def map[B](f: A => B): Iterator[B] = new Iterator[B] {
    def hasNext = self.hasNext
    def next() = f(

  /** Concatenates this iterator with another.
   *  @param   that   the other iterator
   *  @return  a new iterator that first yields the values produced by this
   *  iterator followed by the values produced by iterator `that`.
   *  @usecase def ++(that: => Iterator[A]): Iterator[A]
  def ++[B >: A](that: => GenTraversableOnce[B]): Iterator[B] = new Iterator[B] {
    // optimize a little bit to prevent n log n behavior.
    private var cur : Iterator[B] = self
    // since that is by-name, make sure it's only referenced once - 
    // if "val it = that" is inside the block, then hasNext on an empty
    // iterator will continually reevaluate it.  (ticket #3269)
    lazy val it = that.toIterator
    // the eq check is to avoid an infinite loop on "x ++ x"
    def hasNext = cur.hasNext || ((cur eq self) && {
      it.hasNext && {
        cur = it
    def next() = { hasNext; }

  /** Creates a new iterator by applying a function to all values produced by this iterator
   *  and concatenating the results. 
   *  @param f the function to apply on each element.
   *  @return   the iterator resulting from applying the given iterator-valued function
   *                `f` to each value produced by this iterator and concatenating the results.
  def flatMap[B](f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): Iterator[B] = new Iterator[B] {
    private var cur: Iterator[B] = empty
    def hasNext: Boolean = 
      cur.hasNext || self.hasNext && { cur = f(; hasNext }
    def next(): B = (if (hasNext) cur else empty).next() 

  /** Returns an iterator over all the elements of this iterator that
   *  satisfy the predicate `p`. The order of the elements
   *  is preserved.
   *  @param p the predicate used to test values.
   *  @return  an iterator which produces those values of this iterator which satisfy the predicate `p`.
  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
    private var hd: A = _
    private var hdDefined: Boolean = false
    def hasNext: Boolean = hdDefined || {
      do {
        if (!self.hasNext) return false
        hd =
      } while (!p(hd))
      hdDefined = true
    def next() = if (hasNext) { hdDefined = false; hd } else

  /** Creates an iterator over all the elements of this iterator that
   *  satisfy the predicate `p`. The order of the elements
   *  is preserved.
   *  '''Note:''' `withFilter` is the same as `filter` on iterators. It exists so that
   *  for-expressions with filters work over iterators. 
   *  @param p the predicate used to test values.
   *  @return  an iterator which produces those values of this iterator which satisfy the predicate `p`.
  def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): Iterator[A] = filter(p)
  /** Creates an iterator over all the elements of this iterator which
   *  do not satisfy a predicate p.
   *  @param p the predicate used to test values.
   *  @return  an iterator which produces those values of this iterator which do not satisfy the predicate `p`.
  def filterNot(p: A => Boolean): Iterator[A] = filter(!p(_))
 /** Creates an iterator by transforming values
  *  produced by this iterator with a partial function, dropping those
  *  values for which the partial function is not defined.
  *  @param pf the partial function which filters and maps the iterator.
  *  @return a new iterator which yields each value `x` produced by this iterator for
  *          which `pf` is defined the image `pf(x)`.
  @migration(2, 8,
    "This collect implementation bears no relationship to the one before 2.8.\n"+
    "The previous behavior can be reproduced with toSeq."
  def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Iterator[B] = {
    val self = buffered
    new Iterator[B] {
      private def skip() = while (self.hasNext && !pf.isDefinedAt(self.head))
      def hasNext = { skip(); self.hasNext }
      def next() = { skip(); pf( }
  def scanLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): Iterator[B] = new Iterator[B] {
    var hasNext = true
    var elem = z
    def next() = if (hasNext) {
      val res = elem
      if (self.hasNext) elem = op(elem,
      else hasNext = false
    } else
  def scanRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): Iterator[B] = toBuffer.scanRight(z)(op).iterator
  /** Takes longest prefix of values produced by this iterator that satisfy a predicate.
   *  @param   p  The predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return  An iterator returning the values produced by this iterator, until
   *           this iterator produces a value that does not satisfy
   *           the predicate `p`.
  def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
    private var hd: A = _
    private var hdDefined: Boolean = false
    private var tail: Iterator[A] = self
    def hasNext = hdDefined || tail.hasNext && {
      hd =
      if (p(hd)) hdDefined = true 
      else tail = Iterator.empty
    def next() = if (hasNext) { hdDefined = false; hd } else

  /** Partitions this iterator in two iterators according to a predicate.
   *  @param p the predicate on which to partition
   *  @return  a pair of iterators: the iterator that satisfies the predicate
   *           `p` and the iterator that does not.
   *           The relative order of the elements in the resulting iterators
   *           is the same as in the original iterator.
  def partition(p: A => Boolean): (Iterator[A], Iterator[A]) = {
    val self = buffered
    class PartitionIterator(p: A => Boolean) extends Iterator[A] {
      var other: PartitionIterator = _
      val lookahead = new mutable.Queue[A]
      def skip() = 
        while (self.hasNext && !p(self.head)) {
          other.lookahead +=
      def hasNext = !lookahead.isEmpty || { skip(); self.hasNext }
      def next() = if (!lookahead.isEmpty) lookahead.dequeue() 
                   else { skip(); }
    val l = new PartitionIterator(p)
    val r = new PartitionIterator(!p(_))
    l.other = r
    r.other = l
    (l, r)
  /** Splits this Iterator into a prefix/suffix pair according to a predicate.
   *  @param p the test predicate
   *  @return  a pair of Iterators consisting of the longest prefix of this
   *           whose elements all satisfy `p`, and the rest of the Iterator.
  def span(p: A => Boolean): (Iterator[A], Iterator[A]) = {
    val self = buffered

     * Giving a name to following iterator (as opposed to trailing) because
     * anonymous class is represented as a structural type that trailing
     * iterator is referring (the finish() method) and thus triggering
     * handling of structural calls. It's not what's intended here.
    class Leading extends Iterator[A] {
      private var isDone = false
      val lookahead = new mutable.Queue[A]
      def advance() = {
        self.hasNext && p(self.head) && {
          lookahead +=
      def finish() = {
        while (advance()) ()        
        isDone = true
      def hasNext = lookahead.nonEmpty || advance() 
      def next() = {
        if (lookahead.isEmpty)
    val leading = new Leading
    val trailing = new Iterator[A] {
      private lazy val it = {
      def hasNext = it.hasNext
      def next() =
      override def toString = "unknown-if-empty iterator"

    (leading, trailing)

  /** Skips longest sequence of elements of this iterator which satisfy given 
   *  predicate `p`, and returns an iterator of the remaining elements.
   *  @param p the predicate used to skip elements.
   *  @return  an iterator consisting of the remaining elements
  def dropWhile(p: A => Boolean): Iterator[A] = {
    val self = buffered
    new Iterator[A] {
      var dropped = false
      private def skip() =
        if (!dropped) {
          while (self.hasNext && p(self.head))
          dropped = true
      def hasNext = { skip(); self.hasNext }
      def next() = { skip(); }

  /** Creates an iterator formed from this iterator and another iterator
   *  by combining corresponding values in pairs.
   *  If one of the two iterators is longer than the other, its remaining
   *  elements are ignored.
   *  @param   that  The iterator providing the second half of each result pair
   *  @return        a new iterator containing pairs consisting of
   *                 corresponding elements of this iterator and `that`. The number
   *                 of elements returned by the new iterator is the
   *                 minimum of the number of elements returned by this
   *                 iterator and `that`.
  def zip[B](that: Iterator[B]) = new Iterator[(A, B)] {
    def hasNext = self.hasNext && that.hasNext
    def next = (,

  /** Appends an element value to this iterator until a given target length is reached.
   *  @param   len   the target length
   *  @param   elem  the padding value 
   *  @return a new iterator consisting of producing all values of this iterator,
   *          followed by the minimal number of occurrences of `elem` so 
   *          that the number of produced values is at least `len`. 
   *  @usecase def padTo(len: Int, elem: A): Iterator[A]
  def padTo[A1 >: A](len: Int, elem: A1) = new Iterator[A1] {
    private var count = 0
    def hasNext = self.hasNext || count < len 
    def next = {
      count += 1
      if (self.hasNext)
      else if (count <= len) elem

  /** Creates an iterator that pairs each element produced by this iterator
   *  with its index, counting from 0.
  def zipWithIndex = new Iterator[(A, Int)] {
    var idx = 0
    def hasNext = self.hasNext
    def next = {
      val ret = (, idx)
      idx += 1

  /** Creates an iterator formed from this iterator and another iterator
   *  by combining corresponding elements in pairs.
   *  If one of the two iterators is shorter than the other,
   *  placeholder elements are used to extend the shorter iterator to the length of the longer.
   *  @param that     iterator `that` may have a different length
   *                  as the self iterator.
   *  @param thisElem element `thisElem` is used to fill up the
   *                  resulting iterator if the self iterator is shorter than
   *                  `that`
   *  @param thatElem element `thatElem` is used to fill up the
   *                  resulting iterator if `that` is shorter than
   *                  the self iterator
   *  @return         a new iterator containing pairs consisting of
   *                  corresponding values of this iterator and `that`. The length
   *                  of the returned iterator is the maximum of the lengths of this iterator and `that`.
   *                  If this iterator is shorter than `that`, `thisElem` values are used to pad the result.
   *                  If `that` is shorter than this iterator, `thatElem` values are used to pad the result.
   *  @usecase def zipAll[B](that: Iterator[B], thisElem: A, thatElem: B): Iterator[(A, B)]
  def zipAll[B, A1 >: A, B1 >: B](that: Iterator[B], thisElem: A1, thatElem: B1) = new Iterator[(A1, B1)] {  
    def hasNext = self.hasNext || that.hasNext
    def next(): (A1, B1) = 
      if (self.hasNext) {
        if (that.hasNext) (,
        else (, thatElem)
      } else {
        if (that.hasNext) (thisElem,

  /** Applies a function `f` to all values produced by this iterator.
   *  @param  f   the function that is applied for its side-effect to every element.
   *              The result of function `f` is discarded.
   *  @tparam  U  the type parameter describing the result of function `f`. 
   *              This result will always be ignored. Typically `U` is `Unit`,
   *              but this is not necessary.
   *  @usecase def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit
  def foreach[U](f: A =>  U) { while (hasNext) f(next()) }

  /** Tests whether a predicate holds for all values produced by this iterator.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return        `true` if the given predicate `p` holds for all values
   *                 produced by this iterator, otherwise `false`.
  def forall(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
    var res = true
    while (res && hasNext) res = p(next())

  /** Tests whether a predicate holds for some of the values produced by this iterator.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return        `true` if the given predicate `p` holds for some of the values
   *                 produced by this iterator, otherwise `false`.
  def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
    var res = false
    while (!res && hasNext) res = p(next())

  /** Tests whether this iterator contains a given value as an element.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param elem  the element to test.
   *  @return     `true` if this iterator produces some value that is
   *               is equal (wrt `==`) to `elem`, `false` otherwise.
  def contains(elem: Any): Boolean = exists(_ == elem)

  /** Finds the first value produced by the iterator satisfying a
   *  predicate, if any.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param p the predicate used to test values.
   *  @return  an option value containing the first value produced by the iterator that satisfies
   *           predicate `p`, or `None` if none exists.
  def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
    var res: Option[A] = None
    while (res.isEmpty && hasNext) {
      val e = next()
      if (p(e)) res = Some(e)

  /** Returns the index of the first produced value satisfying a predicate, or -1.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  p the predicate to test values
   *  @return   the index of the first produced value satisfying `p`,
   *           or -1 if such an element does not exist until the end of the iterator is reached.
  def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int = {
    var i = 0
    var found = false
    while (!found && hasNext) {
      if (p(next())) {
        found = true
      } else {
        i += 1
    if (found) i else -1
  /** Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified
   *  object in this iterable object.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  elem  element to search for.
   *  @return the index of the first occurrence of `elem` in the values produced by this iterator,
   *          or -1 if such an element does not exist until the end of the iterator is reached.
  def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B): Int = {
    var i = 0
    var found = false
    while (!found && hasNext) {
      if (next() == elem) {
        found = true
      } else {
        i += 1
    if (found) i else -1
  /** Creates a buffered iterator from this iterator.
   *  @see BufferedIterator
   *  @return  a buffered iterator producing the same values as this iterator.
  def buffered = new BufferedIterator[A] {    
    private var hd: A = _
    private var hdDefined: Boolean = false

    def head: A = {
      if (!hdDefined) { 
        hd = next()
        hdDefined = true

    def hasNext = 
      hdDefined || self.hasNext

    def next() = 
      if (hdDefined) {
        hdDefined = false
      } else
  /** A flexible iterator for transforming an `Iterator[A]` into an
   *  Iterator[Seq[A]], with configurable sequence size, step, and
   *  strategy for dealing with elements which don't fit evenly.
   *  Typical uses can be achieved via methods `grouped' and `sliding'.
  class GroupedIterator[B >: A](self: Iterator[A], size: Int, step: Int) extends Iterator[Seq[B]] {
    require(size >= 1 && step >= 1, "size=%d and step=%d, but both must be positive".format(size, step))

    private[this] var buffer: ArrayBuffer[B] = ArrayBuffer()  // the buffer    
    private[this] var filled = false                          // whether the buffer is "hot"
    private[this] var _partial = true                         // whether we deliver short sequences
    private[this] var pad: Option[() => B] = None             // what to pad short sequences with
    /** Public functions which can be used to configure the iterator before use. */
    def withPadding(x: => B): this.type = {
      pad = Some(() => x)
    def withPartial(x: Boolean): this.type = {
      _partial = x
      if (_partial == true) // reset pad since otherwise it will take precedence
        pad = None


    /** For reasons which remain to be determined, calling
     *  self.take(n).toSeq cause an infinite loop, so we have
     *  a slight variation on take for local usage.
    private def takeDestructively(size: Int): Seq[A] = {
      val buf = new ArrayBuffer[A]
      var i = 0
      while (self.hasNext && i < size) {
        buf +=
        i += 1
    private def padding(x: Int) = List.fill(x)(pad.get())
    private def gap = (step - size) max 0
    private def go(count: Int) = {
      val prevSize = buffer.size
      def isFirst = prevSize == 0
      // If there is padding defined we insert it immediately
      // so the rest of the code can be oblivious
      val xs: Seq[B] = {
        val res = takeDestructively(count)
        // extra checks so we don't calculate length unless there's reason
        if (pad.isDefined && !self.hasNext) {
          val shortBy = count - res.length
          if (shortBy > 0) res ++ padding(shortBy) else res
        else res
      lazy val len = xs.length
      lazy val incomplete = len < count
      // if 0 elements are requested, or if the number of newly obtained
      // elements is less than the gap between sequences, we are done.
      def deliver(howMany: Int) = {
        (howMany > 0 && (isFirst || len > gap)) && {
          if (!isFirst)
            buffer trimStart (step min prevSize)
          val available =
            if (isFirst) len
            else howMany min (len - gap)
          buffer ++= (xs takeRight available)
          filled = true
      if (xs.isEmpty) false                         // self ran out of elements
      else if (_partial) deliver(len min size)      // if _partial is true, we deliver regardless
      else if (incomplete) false                    // !_partial && incomplete means no more seqs
      else if (isFirst) deliver(len)                // first element
      else deliver(step min size)                   // the typical case
    // fill() returns false if no more sequences can be produced
    private def fill(): Boolean = {
      if (!self.hasNext) false
      // the first time we grab size, but after that we grab step
      else if (buffer.isEmpty) go(size)
      else go(step)
    def hasNext = filled || fill()
    def next = {
      if (!filled)
      if (!filled)
        throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
      filled = false

  /** Returns an iterator which groups this iterator into fixed size 
   *  blocks.  Example usages:
   *  <pre>
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6), List(7)))
   *    (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 toList
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6))
   *    (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 withPartial false toList
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6), List(7, 20, 25)
   *    // Illustrating that withPadding's argument is by-name.
   *    val it2 = Iterator.iterate(20)(_ + 5)
   *    (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 withPadding toList
   *  </pre>
  def grouped[B >: A](size: Int): GroupedIterator[B] =
    new GroupedIterator[B](self, size, size)

  /** Returns an iterator which presents a "sliding window" view of
   *  another iterator.  The first argument is the window size, and
   *  the second is how far to advance the window on each iteration;
   *  defaults to 1.  Example usages:
   *  <pre>
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4, 5))
   *    (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(3).toList
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(4, 5))
   *    (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).toList
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
   *    (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).withPartial(false).toList
   *    // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(4, 5, 20, 25))
   *    // Illustrating that withPadding's argument is by-name.
   *    val it2 = Iterator.iterate(20)(_ + 5)
   *    (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).withPadding(
   *  </pre>
  def sliding[B >: A](size: Int, step: Int = 1): GroupedIterator[B] =
    new GroupedIterator[B](self, size, step)

  /** Returns the number of elements in this iterator.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  Note: The iterator is at its end after this method returns.
  def length: Int = this.size

  /** Creates two new iterators that both iterate over the same elements
   *  as this iterator (in the same order).  The duplicate iterators are
   *  considered equal if they are positioned at the same element.
   *  @return a pair of iterators
  def duplicate: (Iterator[A], Iterator[A]) = {
    val gap = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[A]
    var ahead: Iterator[A] = null
    class Partner extends Iterator[A] {
      def hasNext: Boolean = self.synchronized {
        (this ne ahead) && !gap.isEmpty || self.hasNext
      def next(): A = self.synchronized {
        if (gap.isEmpty) ahead = this
        if (this eq ahead) {
          val e =
          gap enqueue e
        } else gap.dequeue
      // to verify partnerhood we use reference equality on gap because
      // type testing does not discriminate based on origin.
      private def compareGap(queue: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[A]) = gap eq queue
      override def hashCode = gap.hashCode
      override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
        case x: Partner   => x.compareGap(gap) && gap.isEmpty
        case _            => super.equals(other)
    (new Partner, new Partner)

  /** Returns this iterator with patched values.
   *  @param from     The start index from which to patch
   *  @param ps       The iterator of patch values
   *  @param replaced The number of values in the original iterator that are replaced by the patch.
  def patch[B >: A](from: Int, patchElems: Iterator[B], replaced: Int) = new Iterator[B] {
    private var origElems = self
    private var i = 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = 
      if (i < from) origElems.hasNext 
      else patchElems.hasNext || origElems.hasNext
    def next(): B = {
      val result: B = 
        if (i < from || !patchElems.hasNext)
      i += 1
      if (i == from) origElems = origElems drop replaced
  /** Copies selected values produced by this iterator to an array.
   *  Fills the given array `xs` starting at index `start` with at most
   *  `len` values produced by this iterator.
   *  Copying will stop once either the end of the current iterator is reached,
   *  or the end of the array is reached, or `len` elements have been copied.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  xs     the array to fill.
   *  @param  start  the starting index.
   *  @param  len    the maximal number of elements to copy.
   *  @tparam B      the type of the elements of the array. 
   *  @usecase def copyToArray(xs: Array[A], start: Int, len: Int): Unit
  def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
    var i = start
    val end = start + math.min(len, xs.length)
    while (hasNext && i < end) {
      xs(i) = next()
      i += 1
  /** Tests if another iterator produces the same values as this one.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param that  the other iterator
   *  @return `true`, if both iterators produce the same elements in the same order, `false` otherwise.
  def sameElements(that: Iterator[_]): Boolean = {    
    while (hasNext && that.hasNext)
      if (next !=
        return false
    !hasNext && !that.hasNext

  def toTraversable: Traversable[A] = toStream  
  def toIterator: Iterator[A] = self
  def toStream: Stream[A] =
    if (self.hasNext) Stream.cons(, self.toStream)
    else Stream.empty[A]

  /** Converts this iterator to a string.  
   *  @return `"empty iterator"` or `"non-empty iterator"`, depending on whether or not the iterator is empty.
  override def toString = (if (hasNext) "non-empty" else "empty")+" iterator"

  /** Returns a new iterator that first yields the elements of this
   *  iterator followed by the elements provided by iterator `that`.
  @deprecated("use `++`", "2.3.2")
  def append[B >: A](that: Iterator[B]) = self ++ that

  /** Returns index of the first element satisfying a predicate, or -1. */
  @deprecated("use `indexWhere` instead", "2.8.0")
  def findIndexOf(p: A => Boolean): Int = indexWhere(p)

  /** Returns a counted iterator from this iterator.
  @deprecated("use zipWithIndex in Iterator", "2.8.0")
  def counted = new CountedIterator[A] {
    private var cnt = 0
    def count = cnt
    def hasNext: Boolean = self.hasNext
    def next(): A = { cnt += 1; }
  /** Fills the given array `xs` with the elements of
   *  this sequence starting at position `start`.  Like `copyToArray`, 
   *  but designed to accomodate IO stream operations. 
   *  '''Note:'''   the array must be large enough to hold `sz` elements.
   *  @param  xs    the array to fill.
   *  @param  start the starting index.
   *  @param  sz    the maximum number of elements to be read.
  @deprecated("use copyToArray instead", "2.8.0")
  def readInto[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, sz: Int) {
    var i = start
    while (hasNext && i - start < sz) {
      xs(i) = next
      i += 1

  @deprecated("use copyToArray instead", "2.8.0")
  def readInto[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int) {
    readInto(xs, start, xs.length - start)

  @deprecated("use copyToArray instead", "2.8.0")
  def readInto[B >: A](xs: Array[B]) {
    readInto(xs, 0, xs.length)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Iterator.scala source code file:

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