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Scala example source code file (PackratParsers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (PackratParsers.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

head, lr, memoentry, memoentry, none, packratparser, packratreader, packratreader, parser, parser, parseresult, parseresult, position, some

The Scala PackratParsers.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2006-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.util.parsing.combinator

import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.parsing.input.{ Reader, Position }
import scala.collection.mutable

 *  <p>
 *    <code>PackratParsers is a component that extends the parser combinators
 *    provided by <a href="Parsers.html">Parsers with a memoization facility
 *    (``Packrat Parsing'').
 *  </p>
 *  <p>
 *    Packrat Parsing is a technique for implementing backtracking, recursive-descent parsers, with the
 *    advantage that it guarantees unlimited lookahead and a linear parse time. Using this technique,
 *    left recursive grammars can also be accepted.
 *  </p>
 *  <p>
 *    Using <code>PackratParsers is very similar to using Parsers:
 *  <ul>
 *    <li> any class/trait that extends Parsers (directly or through a subclass) can
 *         mix in <code>PackratParsers. Example:
 *         <code>object MyGrammar extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers 
 *    <li> each grammar production previously declared as a def without formal parameters
 *         becomes a <code>lazy val, and its type is changed from Parser[Elem]
 *         to <code>PackratParser[Elem]. So, for example, def production: Parser[Int] = {...} 
 *         becomes <code>lazy val production: PackratParser[Int] = {...}
 *    <li> Important: using PackratParsers is not an ``all or nothing'' decision. They
 *         can be free mixed with regular <code>Parsers in a single grammar.
 *  </ul>
 *  </p>
 *  <p>
 *    Cached parse results are attached to the <i>input, not the grammar.
 *    Therefore, <code>PackratsParsers require a PackratReader as input, which
 *    adds memoization to an underlying <code>Reader. Programmers can create PackratReader
 *    objects either manually, as in <code>production(new PackratReader(new lexical.Scanner("input"))),
 *    but the common way should be to rely on the combinator <code>phrase to wrap a given
 *    input with a <code>PackratReader if the input is not one itself.
 *  </p>
 * @see Bryan Ford: "Packrat Parsing: Simple, Powerful, Lazy, Linear Time." ICFP'02
 * @see Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, Todd Millstein: "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion." PEPM'08
 * @since 2.8
 * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda, Tiark Rompf

trait PackratParsers extends Parsers {
  //type Input = PackratReader[Elem]
   * A specialized <code>Reader class that wraps an underlying Reader
   * and provides memoization of parse results.
  class PackratReader[+T](underlying: Reader[T]) extends Reader[T]  { outer =>
     * caching of intermediate parse results and information about recursion
    private[PackratParsers] val cache = mutable.HashMap.empty[(Parser[_], Position), MemoEntry[_]]

    private[PackratParsers] def getFromCache[T](p: Parser[T]): Option[MemoEntry[T]] = {
      cache.get((p, pos)).asInstanceOf[Option[MemoEntry[T]]]
    private[PackratParsers] def updateCacheAndGet[T](p: Parser[T], w: MemoEntry[T]): MemoEntry[T] = {
      cache.put((p, pos),w)

    /* a cache for storing parser heads: allows to know which parser is involved
       in a recursion*/
    private[PackratParsers] val recursionHeads: mutable.HashMap[Position, Head] = mutable.HashMap.empty

    //a stack that keeps a list of all involved rules
    private[PackratParsers] var lrStack: List[LR] = Nil

    override def source: java.lang.CharSequence = underlying.source
    override def offset: Int = underlying.offset

    def first: T = underlying.first
    def rest: Reader[T] = new PackratReader( {
      override private[PackratParsers] val cache = outer.cache
      override private[PackratParsers] val recursionHeads = outer.recursionHeads
      lrStack = outer.lrStack
    def pos: Position = underlying.pos
    def atEnd: Boolean = underlying.atEnd

   *  <p>
   *    A parser generator delimiting whole phrases (i.e. programs).
   *  </p>
   *  <p>
   *    Overridden to make sure any input passed to the argument parser
   *    is wrapped in a <code>PackratReader.
   *  </p>
  override def phrase[T](p: Parser[T]) = {
    val q = super.phrase(p)
    new PackratParser[T] {
      def apply(in: Input) = in match {
        case in: PackratReader[_] => q(in)
        case in => q(new PackratReader(in))

  private def getPosFromResult(r: ParseResult[_]): Position =
  // auxiliary data structures
  private case class MemoEntry[+T](var r: Either[LR,ParseResult[_]]){
    def getResult: ParseResult[T] = r match {
      case Left(LR(res,_,_)) => res.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
      case Right(res) => res.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
  private case class LR(var seed: ParseResult[_], var rule: Parser[_], var head: Option[Head]){
    def getPos: Position = getPosFromResult(seed)
  private case class Head(var headParser: Parser[_], var involvedSet: List[Parser[_]], var evalSet: List[Parser[_]]){
    def getHead = headParser
   * The root class of packrat parsers. 
  abstract class PackratParser[+T] extends super.Parser[T]
   * Implicitly convert a parser to a packrat parser.
   * The conversion is triggered by giving the appropriate target type: 
   * val myParser: PackratParser[MyResult] = aParser
  implicit def parser2packrat[T](p: => super.Parser[T]): PackratParser[T] = {
    lazy val q = p
    memo(super.Parser {in => q(in)})

   * An unspecified function that is called when a packrat reader is applied.
   * It verifies whether we are in the process of growing a parse or not. 
   * In the former case, it makes sure that rules involved in the recursion are evaluated. 
   * It also prevents non-involved rules from getting evaluated further
  private def recall(p: super.Parser[_], in: PackratReader[Elem]): Option[MemoEntry[_]] = {
    val cached = in.getFromCache(p)
    val head = in.recursionHeads.get(in.pos)
    head match {
      case None => /*no heads*/ cached
      case Some(h@Head(hp, involved, evalSet)) => {
        //heads found
        if(cached == None && !(hp::involved contains p)) {
          //Nothing in the cache, and p is not involved
          return Some(MemoEntry(Right(Failure("dummy ",in))))
        if(evalSet contains p){
          //something in cache, and p is in the evalSet
          //remove the rule from the evalSet of the Head
          h.evalSet = h.evalSet.filterNot(_==p)
          val tempRes = p(in)
          //we know that cached has an entry here
          val tempEntry: MemoEntry[_] = cached.get // match {case Some(x: MemoEntry[_]) => x}
          //cache is modified
          tempEntry.r = Right(tempRes)
   * setting up the left-recursion. We have the LR for the rule head
   * we modify the involvedSets of all LRs in the stack, till we see
   * the current parser again
  private def setupLR(p: Parser[_], in: PackratReader[_], recDetect: LR): Unit = {
    if(recDetect.head == None) recDetect.head = Some(Head(p, Nil, Nil))
    in.lrStack.takeWhile(_.rule != p).foreach {x =>
      x.head = recDetect.head => h.involvedSet = x.rule::h.involvedSet)
   * growing, if needed the recursion
   * check whether the parser we are growing is the head of the rule.
   * Not => no grow
   * Once the result of the recall function is known, if it is nil, then we need to store a dummy
failure into the cache (much like in the previous listings) and compute the future parse. If it
is not, however, this means we have detected a recursion, and we use the setupLR function
to update each parser involved in the recursion.
  private def lrAnswer[T](p: Parser[T], in: PackratReader[Elem], growable: LR): ParseResult[T] = growable match {
    //growable will always be having a head, we can't enter lrAnswer otherwise
    case LR(seed ,rule, Some(head)) => 
      if(head.getHead != p) /*not head rule, so not growing*/ seed.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
      else {
        in.updateCacheAndGet(p, MemoEntry(Right[LR, ParseResult[T]](seed.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]])))
        seed match {
          case f@Failure(_,_) => f
          case e@Error(_,_) => e
          case s@Success(_,_) => /*growing*/ grow(p, in, head)
    case _=> throw new Exception("lrAnswer with no head !!")

  //p here should be strict (cannot be non-strict) !!
  //failing left-recursive grammars: This is done by simply storing a failure if nothing is found

   * Explicitly convert a given parser to a memoizing packrat parser.
   * In most cases, client code should avoid calling <code>memo directly
   * and rely on implicit conversion instead.
  def memo[T](p: super.Parser[T]): PackratParser[T] = {
    new PackratParser[T] {
      def apply(in: Input) = {
         * transformed reader
        val inMem = in.asInstanceOf[PackratReader[Elem]]
        //look in the global cache if in a recursion
        val m = recall(p, inMem)
        m match {
          //nothing has been done due to recall
          case None =>
            val base = LR(Failure("Base Failure",in), p, None)
            inMem.lrStack = base::inMem.lrStack
            //cache base result
            //parse the input
            val tempRes = p(in)
            //the base variable has passed equality tests with the cache
            inMem.lrStack = inMem.lrStack.tail
            //check whether base has changed, if yes, we will have a head
            base.head match {
              case None => 
                /*simple result*/
              case s@Some(_) =>
                /*non simple result*/
                base.seed = tempRes
                //the base variable has passed equality tests with the cache
                val res = lrAnswer(p, inMem, base)
          case Some(mEntry) => {
            //entry found in cache
            mEntry match {
              case MemoEntry(Left(recDetect)) => {
                setupLR(p, inMem, recDetect)
                //all setupLR does is change the heads of the recursions, so the seed will stay the same
                recDetect match {case LR(seed, _, _) => seed.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]}
              case MemoEntry(Right(res: ParseResult[_])) => res.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
  private def grow[T](p: super.Parser[T], rest: PackratReader[Elem], head: Head): ParseResult[T] = {
    //store the head into the recursionHeads
    rest.recursionHeads.put(rest.pos, head /*match {case Head(hp,involved,_) => Head(hp,involved,involved)}*/)
    val oldRes: ParseResult[T] = rest.getFromCache(p).get match {
      case MemoEntry(Right(x)) => x.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
      case _ => throw new Exception("impossible match")

    //resetting the evalSet of the head of the recursion at each beginning of growth
    head.evalSet = head.involvedSet
    val tempRes = p(rest); tempRes match {
      case s@Success(_,_) => 
        if(getPosFromResult(oldRes) < getPosFromResult(tempRes)) {
          rest.updateCacheAndGet(p, MemoEntry(Right(s)))
          grow(p, rest, head)
        } else {
          //we're done with growing, we can remove data from recursion head
          rest.recursionHeads -= rest.pos
          rest.getFromCache(p).get match {
            case MemoEntry(Right(x: ParseResult[_])) => x.asInstanceOf[ParseResult[T]]
            case _ => throw new Exception("impossible match")
      case f => 
        rest.recursionHeads -= rest.pos
        /*rest.updateCacheAndGet(p, MemoEntry(Right(f)));*/oldRes

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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