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Scala example source code file (ComboBox.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ComboBox.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

a, a, actionlistener, anyref, awt, builtineditor, builtineditor, combobox, combobox, editor, editor, event, gui, int, jcomponent, publisher, string, swing

The Scala ComboBox.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2007-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.swing

import event._
import javax.swing.{JList, JComponent, JComboBox, JTextField, ComboBoxModel, AbstractListModel, ListCellRenderer}
import java.awt.event.ActionListener

object ComboBox {
   * An editor for a combo box. Let's you edit the currently selected item.
   * It is highly recommended to use the BuiltInEditor class. For anything 
   * else, one cannot guarantee that it integrates nicely with the current
   * LookAndFeel. 
   * Publishes action events.
  trait Editor[A] extends Publisher {
    lazy val comboBoxPeer: javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor = new javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor with Publisher {
      def addActionListener(l: ActionListener) { 
        this match {
          // TODO case w: Action.Trigger.Wrapper =>
          //  w.peer.addActionListener(l)
          case _ =>
            this.subscribe(new Reactions.Wrapper(l) ({
               case ActionEvent(c) => l.actionPerformed(new java.awt.event.ActionEvent(c.peer, 0, ""))
      def removeActionListener(l: ActionListener) {
        this match {
          // TODO case w: Action.Trigger.Wrapper =>
          //  w.peer.removeActionListener(l)
          case _ =>
            this.unsubscribe(new Reactions.Wrapper(l)({ case _ => }))
      def getEditorComponent: JComponent = Editor.this.component.peer
      def getItem(): AnyRef = item.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      def selectAll() { startEditing() }
      def setItem(a: Any) { item = a.asInstanceOf[A] }
    def component: Component
    def item: A
    def item_=(a: A)
    def startEditing()
   * Use this editor, if you want to reuse the builtin editor supplied by the current 
   * Look and Feel. This is restricted to a text field as the editor widget. The 
   * conversion from and to a string is done by the supplied functions.
   * It's okay if string2A throws exceptions. They are caught by an input verifier. 
  class BuiltInEditor[A](comboBox: ComboBox[A])(string2A: String => A, 
                         a2String: A => String) extends ComboBox.Editor[A] {
    protected[swing] class DelegatedEditor(editor: javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor) extends javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor {
      var value: A = {
        val v = comboBox.peer.getSelectedItem
        try {
          v match {
            case s: String => string2A(s)
            case _ => v.asInstanceOf[A]
        } catch {
          case _: Exception => 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ComboBox not initialized with a proper value, was '" + v + "'.")
      def addActionListener(l: ActionListener) { 
      def removeActionListener(l: ActionListener) {
      def getEditorComponent: JComponent = editor.getEditorComponent.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
      def selectAll() { editor.selectAll() }
      def getItem(): AnyRef = { verifier.verify(getEditorComponent); value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] }
      def setItem(a: Any) { editor.setItem(a) }
      val verifier = new javax.swing.InputVerifier {
        // TODO: should chain with potentially existing verifier in editor
        def verify(c: JComponent) = try {
          value = string2A(c.asInstanceOf[JTextField].getText)
  	    catch {
          case e: Exception => false 
      def textEditor = getEditorComponent.asInstanceOf[JTextField]
      textEditor.addActionListener(Swing.ActionListener{ a =>
        getItem() // make sure our value is updated
    override lazy val comboBoxPeer: javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor = new DelegatedEditor(comboBox.peer.getEditor)
    def component = Component.wrap(comboBoxPeer.getEditorComponent.asInstanceOf[JComponent])
    def item: A = { comboBoxPeer.asInstanceOf[DelegatedEditor].value }
    def item_=(a: A) { comboBoxPeer.setItem(a2String(a)) }
    def startEditing() { comboBoxPeer.selectAll() }
  implicit def stringEditor(c: ComboBox[String]): Editor[String] = new BuiltInEditor(c)(s => s, s => s)
  implicit def intEditor(c: ComboBox[Int]): Editor[Int] = new BuiltInEditor(c)(s => s.toInt, s => s.toString)
  implicit def floatEditor(c: ComboBox[Float]): Editor[Float] = new BuiltInEditor(c)(s => s.toFloat, s => s.toString)
  implicit def doubleEditor(c: ComboBox[Double]): Editor[Double] = new BuiltInEditor(c)(s => s.toDouble, s => s.toString)
  def newConstantModel[A](items: Seq[A]): ComboBoxModel = {
    new AbstractListModel with ComboBoxModel {
      private var selected: A = if (items.isEmpty) null.asInstanceOf[A] else items(0)
      def getSelectedItem: AnyRef = selected.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      def setSelectedItem(a: Any) { 
        if ((selected != null && selected != a) ||
            selected == null && a != null) {
          selected = a.asInstanceOf[A]
          fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1)
      def getElementAt(n: Int) = items(n).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      def getSize = items.size
  /*def newMutableModel[A, Self](items: Seq[A] with scala.collection.mutable.Publisher[scala.collection.mutable.Message[A], Self]): ComboBoxModel = {
    new AbstractListModel with ComboBoxModel {
      private var selected = items(0)
      def getSelectedItem: AnyRef = selected.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      def setSelectedItem(a: Any) { selected = a.asInstanceOf[A] } 
      def getElementAt(n: Int) = items(n).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      def getSize = items.size
  def newConstantModel[A](items: Seq[A]): ComboBoxModel = items match {
    case items: Seq[A] with scala.collection.mutable.Publisher[scala.collection.mutable.Message[A], Self] => newMutableModel
    case _ => newConstantModel(items)

 * Let's the user make a selection from a list of predefined items. Visually,
 * this is implemented as a button-like component with a pull-down menu. 
 * @see javax.swing.JComboBox
class ComboBox[A](items: Seq[A]) extends Component with Publisher {
  override lazy val peer: JComboBox = new JComboBox(ComboBox.newConstantModel(items)) with SuperMixin
  object selection extends Publisher {
    def index: Int = peer.getSelectedIndex
    def index_=(n: Int) { peer.setSelectedIndex(n) }
    def item: A = peer.getSelectedItem.asInstanceOf[A]
    def item_=(a: A) { peer.setSelectedItem(a) }

    peer.addActionListener(Swing.ActionListener { e =>
   * Sets the renderer for this combo box's items. Index -1 is 
   * passed to the renderer for the selected item (not in the pull-down menu).
   * The underlying combo box renders all items in a <code>ListView 
   * (both, in the pull-down menu as well as in the box itself), hence the 
   * <code>ListView.Renderer.
   * Note that the UI peer of a combo box usually changes the colors 
   * of the component to its own defaults _after_ the renderer has been 
   * configured. That's Swing's principle of most suprise.
  def renderer: ListView.Renderer[A] = ListView.Renderer.wrap(peer.getRenderer)
  def renderer_=(r: ListView.Renderer[A]) { peer.setRenderer(r.peer) }
  /* XXX: currently not safe to expose:
  def editor: ComboBox.Editor[A] = 
  def editor_=(r: ComboBox.Editor[A]) { peer.setEditor(r.comboBoxPeer) }
  def editable: Boolean = peer.isEditable
   * Makes this combo box editable. In order to do so, this combo needs an 
   * editor which is supplied by the implicit argument. For default
   * editors, see ComboBox companion object.
  def makeEditable()(implicit editor: ComboBox[A] => ComboBox.Editor[A]) {
  def prototypeDisplayValue: Option[A] = toOption[A](peer.getPrototypeDisplayValue)
  def prototypeDisplayValue_=(v: Option[A]) { 
    peer.setPrototypeDisplayValue(v map toAnyRef orNull)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ComboBox.scala source code file:

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