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Scala example source code file (SequentialOps.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SequentialOps.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

array, array, boolean, boolean, int, int, option, ordering, seq, sequentialops, t, t, traversable, u

The Scala SequentialOps.scala source code

package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array

trait SequentialOps[T] {
  var arr: Array[Any] = null
  def sequentialReduce(op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int, init: T) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var sum = init
    while (i < until) {
      sum = op(sum, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      i += 1
  def sequentialScan(z: T, op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int) = {
    var outarr = new Array[Any](sz + 1)
    outarr(0) = z
    var last = z
    var i = 0
    var j = 1
    val until = sz
    while (i < until) {
      last = op(last, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      outarr(j) = last
      i += 1
      j += 1
  def sequentialCount(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var sum = 0
    while (i < until) {
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) sum += 1
      i += 1
  def sequentialForeach[U](f: T => U, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var sum = 0
    while (i < until) {
      i += 1
  def sequentialSum[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[U]) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var sum =
    while (i < until) {
      sum =, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      i += 1
  def sequentialMin[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[U]) = {
    var i = 1
    val until = sz
    var min = arr(0).asInstanceOf[U]
    while (i < until) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[U]
      if (, min)) min = elem
      i += 1
  def sequentialForall(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var all = true
    while (i < until) { 
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) i += 1
      else {
        all = false
        i = until

  def sequentialExists(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var some = false
    while (i < until) { 
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
        some = true
        i = until
      } else i += 1
  def sequentialFind(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = sz
    var opt: Option[T] = None
    while (i < until) { 
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
        opt = Some(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
        i = until
      } else i += 1
  def sequentialFilter(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val buff = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (pred(elem)) buff += elem
      i += 1
    val resarr = new Array[Any](buff.size)
    buff.copyToArray(resarr, 0)
  def sequentialPartition(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val btrue = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    val bfalse = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (pred(elem)) btrue += elem
      else bfalse += elem
      i += 1
    val restrue = new Array[Any](btrue.size)
    val resfalse = new Array[Any](bfalse.size)
    btrue.copyToArray(restrue, 0)
    bfalse.copyToArray(resfalse, 0)
    (restrue, resfalse)
  def sequentialTakeOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
    val res = new Array[Any](until)
    Array.copy(arr, 0, res, 0, until)
//    while (i < until) {
//      res(i) = arr(i)
//      i += 1
//    }

  def sequentialTake(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
    while (i < until) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](n)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialDrop(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = n
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    b.sizeHint(sz - n)
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](n)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialSlice(from: Int, until: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = from
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    b.sizeHint(until - from)
    while (i < until) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](until - from)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialSplitAtOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val before = new Array[Any](n)
    val after = new Array[Any](sz - n)
    Array.copy(arr, 0, before, 0, n)
    Array.copy(arr, n, after, 0, sz - n)
    (before, after)
  def sequentialSplitAt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val before = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    val after = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    after.sizeHint(sz - n)
    while (i < sz) {
      if (i < n) before += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      else after += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1
    val resbef = new Array[Any](n)
    val resaft = new Array[Any](sz - n)
    before.copyToArray(resbef, 0)
    after.copyToArray(resaft, 0)
    (resbef, resaft)
  def sequentialTakeWhile(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    var i = 0
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (p(elem)) {
        b += elem
        i += 1
      } else i = sz
    val res = new Array[Any](sz)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialSpan(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
    val bpref = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    val brest = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    var i = 0
    var prefix = true
    var pos = sz
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (prefix) {
        if (p(elem)) bpref += elem
        else {
          pos = i
          prefix = false
          brest += elem
      } else brest += elem
      i += 1
    val respref = new Array[Any](pos)
    val resrest = new Array[Any](sz - pos)
    bpref.copyToArray(respref, 0)
    brest.copyToArray(resrest, 0)
    (respref, resrest)
  def sequentialMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      b += f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](sz)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialMapOpt(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
    val res = new Array[Any](sz)
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      res(i) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      i += 1
  def sequentialPartialMap(f: PartialFunction[T, T], sz: Int) = {
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (f.isDefinedAt(elem)) b += f(elem)
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialFlatMap(f: T => Traversable[Int], sz: Int) = {
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int](sz)
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      val ts = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      for (elem <- ts) b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialCopyToArray(destarr: Array[Any], pos: Int, sz: Int) = {
    Array.copy(arr, 0, destarr, pos, sz)
  def sequentialSegmentLength(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = from
    var cnt = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
        cnt += 1
        i += 1
      } else i = sz
  def sequentialIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = from
    var pos = -1
    while (i < sz) {
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
        pos = i
        i = sz
      } else i += 1
  def sequentialLastIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, end: Int, sz: Int) = {
    var i = end
    var pos = -1
    while (i >= 0) {
      if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
        pos = i
        i = -1
      } else i -= 1
  def sequentialReverse(sz: Int) = {
    val res = new Array[Any](sz)
    var i = sz - 1
    var j = 0
    while (i >= 0) {
      res(j) = arr(i)
      i -= 1
      j += 1
  def sequentialReverseMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
    val res = new Array[Any](sz)
    var i = sz - 1
    var j = 0
    while (i >= 0) {
      res(j) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
      i -= 1
      j += 1
  def sequentialSameElements(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int): Boolean = {
    if (sz != sq.length) false
    else {
      var i = 0
      val jt = sq.iterator
      while (i < sz) {
        if (arr(i) == i += 1
        else i = sz + 1
      if (i == sz) true
      else false
  def sequentialCorresponds(sq: Seq[T], f: (T, T) => Boolean, sz: Int): Boolean = {
    if (sz != sq.length) false
    else {
      var i = 0
      val jt = sq.iterator
      while (i < sz) {
        if (f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T], i += 1
        else i = sz + 1
      if (i == sz) true
      else false
  def sequentialDiff(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
    val occmap = occurences(sq)
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (occmap(elem) == 0) b += elem
      else occmap(elem) -= 1
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialIntersect(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
    val occmap = occurences(sq)
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      val num = occmap(elem)
      if (num > 0) {
        b += elem
        occmap(elem) = num - 1
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  private def occurences(sq: Seq[T]) = {
    val occmap = new collection.mutable.HashMap[T, Int] { override def default(k: T) = 0 }
    for (elem <- sq.iterator) occmap(elem) += 1
  def sequentialRemoveDuplicates(sz: Int) = {
    val occ = new collection.mutable.HashSet[T]
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      if (!occ.contains(elem)) {
        b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialPatch(from: Int, p: Seq[T], replaced: Int, sz: Int) = {
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    b.sizeHint(from + (sz - from - replaced) + p.size)
    var i = 0
    while (i < from) {
      b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1
    val jt = p.iterator
    while (jt.hasNext) b +=
    val skipto = from + replaced
    while (i < from + replaced) i += 1
    while (i < sz) {
      b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)
  def sequentialPadTo(tosize: Int, elem: T, sz: Int) = {
    val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) {
      b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1
    while (i < tosize) {
      b += elem
      i += 1
    val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
    b.copyToArray(res, 0)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala SequentialOps.scala source code file:

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