Scala example source code file (Actor.scala)
The Actor.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package concurrent import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference /** * Processes messages of type `A`, one at a time. Messages are submitted to * the actor with the method `!`. Processing is typically performed asynchronously, * this is controlled by the provided `strategy`. * * Memory consistency guarantee: when each message is processed by the `handler`, any memory that it * mutates is guaranteed to be visible by the `handler` when it processes the next message, even if * the `strategy` runs the invocations of `handler` on separate threads. This is achieved because * the `Actor` reads a volatile memory location before entering its event loop, and writes to the same * location before suspending. * * Implementation based on non-intrusive MPSC node-based queue, described by Dmitriy Vyukov: * [[http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/non-intrusive-mpsc-node-based-queue]] * * @param handler The message handler * @param onError Exception handler, called if the message handler throws any `Throwable`. * @param strategy Execution strategy, for example, a strategy that is backed by an `ExecutorService` * @tparam A The type of messages accepted by this actor. */ final case class Actor[A](handler: A => Unit, onError: Throwable => Unit = ActorUtils.rethrowError) (implicit val strategy: Strategy) { private[this] val head = new AtomicReference[Node[A]] val toEffect: Run[A] = Run[A](a => this ! a) /** Alias for `apply` */ def !(a: A): Unit = { val n = new Node(a) val h = head.getAndSet(n) if (h ne null) h.lazySet(n) else schedule(n) } /** Pass the message `a` to the mailbox of this actor */ def apply(a: A): Unit = this ! a def contramap[B](f: B => A): Actor[B] = new Actor[B](b => this ! f(b), onError)(strategy) private def schedule(n: Node[A]): Unit = strategy(act(n)) @annotation.tailrec private def act(n: Node[A], i: Int = 1024): Unit = { try handler(n.a) catch { case ex: Throwable => onError(ex) } val n2 = n.get if (n2 eq null) scheduleLastTry(n) else if (i == 0) schedule(n2) else act(n2, i - 1) } private def scheduleLastTry(n: Node[A]): Unit = strategy(lastTry(n)) private def lastTry(n: Node[A]): Unit = if (!head.compareAndSet(n, null)) act(next(n)) @annotation.tailrec private def next(n: Node[A]): Node[A] = { val n2 = n.get if (n2 ne null) n2 else next(n) } } private class Node[A](val a: A) extends AtomicReference[Node[A]] private object ActorUtils { val rethrowError: Throwable => Unit = throw _ } object Actor extends ActorInstances with ActorFunctions sealed abstract class ActorInstances { implicit val actorContravariant: Contravariant[Actor] = new Contravariant[Actor] { def contramap[A, B](r: Actor[A])(f: B => A): Actor[B] = r contramap f } } trait ActorFunctions { def actor[A](handler: A => Unit, onError: Throwable => Unit = ActorUtils.rethrowError) (implicit s: Strategy): Actor[A] = new Actor[A](handler, onError)(s) implicit def ToFunctionFromActor[A](a: Actor[A]): A => Unit = a ! _ } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Actor.scala source code file: |
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