Scala example source code file (Tag.scala)
The Tag.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import Id._ object Tag { /** `subst` specialized to `Id`. * * @todo According to Miles, @specialized doesn't help here. Maybe manually specialize. */ @inline def apply[@specialized A, T](a: A): A @@ T = a.asInstanceOf[A @@ T] /** `unsubst` specialized to `Id`. */ @inline def unwrap[@specialized A, T](a: A @@ T): A = unsubst[A, Id, T](a) /** Add a tag `T` to `A`. * * NB: It is unsafe to `subst` or `unsubst` a tag in an `F` that is * sensitive to the `A` type within. For example, if `F` is a * GADT, rather than a normal ADT, it is probably unsafe. For * "normal" types like `List` and function types, it is safe. More * broadly, if it is possible to write a ''legal'' * [[scalaz.InvariantFunctor]] over the parameter, `subst` of that * parameter is safe. * * We do not have a * <a href="https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Roles">type role * system in Scala with which to declare the exact situations under * which `subst` is safe. If we did, we would declare that `subst` * is safe if and only if the parameter has "representational" or * "phantom" role. */ def subst[A, F[_], T](fa: F[A]): F[A @@ T] = fa.asInstanceOf[F[A @@ T]] /** Add a tag `T` to `G[_]` */ def subst1[G[_], F[_[_]], T](fa: F[G]): F[λ[α => G[α] @@ T]] = fa.asInstanceOf[F[λ[α => G[α] @@ T]]] /** Remove the tag `T`, leaving `A`. */ def unsubst[A, F[_], T](fa: F[A @@ T]): F[A] = fa.asInstanceOf[F[A]] /** @see `Tag.of` */ final class TagOf[T] private[Tag]() extends (Id.Id ~> (? @@ T)) { /** Like `Tag.apply`, but specify only the `T`. */ def apply[A](a: A): A @@ T = Tag.apply(a) /** Like `Tag.unwrap`, but specify only the `T`. */ def unwrap[A](a: A @@ T): A = Tag.unwrap(a) /** Like `Tag.subst`, but specify only the `T`. */ def subst[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): F[A @@ T] = Tag.subst(fa) /** Like `Tag.subst1`, but specify only the `T`. */ def subst1[F[_[_]], G[_]](fa: F[G]): F[λ[α => G[α] @@ T]] = Tag.subst1[G, F, T](fa) /** Tag `fa`'s return type. Allows inference of `A` to "flow through" from * the enclosing context. */ def onF[A, B](fa: A => B): A => (B @@ T) = subst[A => ?, B](fa) /** One variant of `subst` with different inference. */ def onCov[FA](fa: FA)(implicit U: Unapply[Functor, FA]): U.M[U.A @@ T] = subst(U(fa)) /** One variant of `subst` with different inference. */ def onContra[FA](fa: FA)(implicit U: Unapply[Contravariant, FA]): U.M[U.A @@ T] = subst(U(fa)) /** Like `Tag.unsubst`, but specify only the `T`. */ def unsubst[F[_], A](fa: F[A @@ T]): F[A] = Tag.unsubst(fa) /** Pattern match on a tagged value */ def unapply[A](a: A @@ T): Option[A] = Some(unwrap(a)) } /** Variants of `apply`, `subst`, and `unsubst` that require * specifying the tag type but are more likely to infer the other * type parameters. */ def of[T]: TagOf[T] = new TagOf[T] } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Tag.scala source code file: |
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