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Scala example source code file (IO.scala)

This example Scala source code file (IO.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

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Java - Scala tags/keywords

monadio, runinbase, throwable, tower

The IO.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz
package effect

import IvoryTower._
import RegionT._
import RefCountedFinalizer._
import FinalizerHandle._
import ST._
import Kleisli._
import Free._
import std.function._

sealed abstract class IO[A] {
  private[effect] def apply(rw: Tower[IvoryTower]): Trampoline[(Tower[IvoryTower], A)]

  import IO._

   * Runs I/O and performs side-effects. An unsafe operation.
   * Do not call until the end of the universe.
  def unsafePerformIO(): A = apply(ivoryTower).run._2

   * Constructs an IO action whose steps may be interleaved with another.
   * An unsafe operation, since it exposes a trampoline that allows one to
   * step through the components of the IO action.
  def unsafeInterleaveIO(): IO[Trampoline[A]] = IO(apply(ivoryTower).map(_._2))

   * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another,
   * consuming the results of both with the given function.
  def unsafeZipWith[B, C](iob: IO[B], f: (A, B) => C): IO[C] = (for {
    a <- unsafeInterleaveIO()
    b <- iob.unsafeInterleaveIO()
    c <- io(rw => a.zipWith(b)((x, y) => (rw -> f(x, y))))
  } yield c)

   * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another,
   * yielding the results of both.
  def unsafeZip[B](iob: IO[B]): IO[(A, B)] = unsafeZipWith(iob, Tuple2[A, B])

   * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another,
   * ignoring the result of this action.
  def unsafeZip_[B](iob: IO[B]): IO[B] = unsafeZipWith(iob, (a: A, b: B) => b)

  /** Continues this action with the given function. */
  def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = io(rw =>
    apply(rw) map {
      case (nw, a) => (nw, f(a))

  /** Continues this action with the given action. */
  def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = io(rw =>
    apply(rw) flatMap {
      case (nw, a) => f(a)(nw)

  /** Lift this action to a given IO-like monad. */
  def liftIO[M[_]](implicit m: MonadIO[M]): M[A] =

  /** Executes the handler if an exception is raised. */
  def except(handler: Throwable => IO[A]): IO[A] =
    io(rw => try { Free.pure(this(rw).run) } catch { case e: Throwable => handler(e)(rw) })

   * Executes the handler for exceptions that are raised and match the given predicate.
   * Other exceptions are rethrown.
  def catchSome[B](p: Throwable => Option[B], handler: B => IO[A]): IO[A] =
    except(e => p(e) match {
      case Some(z) => handler(z)
      case None => throw e

   * Returns a disjunction result which is right if no exception was raised, or left if an
   * exception was raised.
  def catchLeft: IO[Throwable \/ A] =
    map(\/.right[Throwable, A]) except (t => IO(-\/(t)))

  /**Like "catchLeft" but takes a predicate to select which exceptions are caught. */
  def catchSomeLeft[B](p: Throwable => Option[B]): IO[B \/ A] =
    catchLeft map (_.leftMap(e => p(e).getOrElse(throw e)))

  /**Like "finally", but only performs the final action if there was an exception. */
  def onException[B](action: IO[B]): IO[A] = this except (e => for {
    _ <- action
    a <- (throw e): IO[A]
  } yield a)

   * Applies the "during" action, calling "after" regardless of whether there was an exception.
   * All exceptions are rethrown. Generalizes try/finally.
  def bracket[B, C](after: A => IO[B])(during: A => IO[C]): IO[C] = for {
    a <- this
    r <- during(a) onException after(a)
    _ <- after(a)
  } yield r

  /**Like "bracket", but takes only a computation to run afterward. Generalizes "finally". */
  def ensuring[B](sequel: IO[B]): IO[A] = for {
    r <- onException(sequel)
    _ <- sequel
  } yield r

  /**A variant of "bracket" where the return value of this computation is not needed. */
  def bracket_[B, C](after: IO[B])(during: IO[C]): IO[C] =
    bracket(_ => after)(_ => during)

  /**A variant of "bracket" that performs the final action only if there was an error. */
  def bracketOnError[B, C](after: A => IO[B])(during: A => IO[C]): IO[C] = for {
    a <- this
    r <- during(a) onException after(a)
  } yield r

  def bracketIO[M[_], B](after: A => IO[Unit])(during: A => M[B])(implicit m: MonadControlIO[M]): M[B] =
    controlIO((runInIO: RunInBase[M, IO]) => bracket(after)(runInIO.apply compose during))

  /** An automatic resource management. */
  def using[C](f: A => IO[C])(implicit resource: Resource[A]) =

sealed abstract class IOInstances1 {
  implicit def IOSemigroup[A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[IO[A]] =
      Semigroup.liftSemigroup[IO, A](IO.ioMonad, A)

  implicit val iOLiftIO: LiftIO[IO] = new IOLiftIO {}

  implicit val ioMonad: Monad[IO] with BindRec[IO] = new IOMonad {}

sealed abstract class IOInstances0 extends IOInstances1 {
  implicit def IOMonoid[A](implicit A: Monoid[A]): Monoid[IO[A]] =
    Monoid.liftMonoid[IO, A](ioMonad, A)

  implicit val ioMonadIO: MonadIO[IO] = new MonadIO[IO] with IOLiftIO with IOMonad

sealed abstract class IOInstances extends IOInstances0 {
  implicit val ioMonadCatchIO: MonadCatchIO[IO] = new IOMonadCatchIO with IOLiftIO with IOMonad

  implicit val ioCatchable: Catchable[IO] =
    new Catchable[IO] {
      def attempt[A](f: IO[A]): IO[Throwable \/ A] = f.catchLeft
      def fail[A](err: Throwable): IO[A] = IO(throw err)


private trait IOMonad extends Monad[IO] with BindRec[IO] {
  def point[A](a: => A): IO[A] = IO(a)
  override def map[A, B](fa: IO[A])(f: A => B) = fa map f
  def bind[A, B](fa: IO[A])(f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = fa flatMap f
  def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => IO[A \/ B])(a: A): IO[B] = IO.tailrecM(f)(a)

private trait IOLiftIO extends LiftIO[IO] {
  def liftIO[A](ioa: IO[A]) = ioa

private trait IOMonadCatchIO extends MonadCatchIO[IO] {
  def except[A](io: IO[A])(h: Throwable => IO[A]): IO[A] = io.except(h)

object IO extends IOInstances {
  def apply[A](a: => A): IO[A] =
    io(rw => return_(rw -> a))

  /** Reads a character from standard input. */
  def getChar: IO[Char] = IO(readChar())

  /** Writes a character to standard output. */
  def putChar(c: Char): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> {

  /** Writes a string to standard output. */
  def putStr(s: String): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> {

  /** Writes a string to standard output, followed by a newline.*/
  def putStrLn(s: String): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> {

  /** Reads a line of standard input. */
  def readLn: IO[String] = IO(readLine())

  def put[A](a: A)(implicit S: Show[A]): IO[Unit] =
    io(rw => return_(rw -> {
      print(S shows a)

  def putLn[A](a: A)(implicit S: Show[A]): IO[Unit] =
    io(rw => return_(rw -> {
      println(S shows a)

  type RunInBase[M[_], Base[_]] =
  Forall[λ[α => M[α] => Base[M[α]]]]

  /** Construct an IO action from a world-transition function. */
  def io[A](f: Tower[IvoryTower] => Trampoline[(Tower[IvoryTower], A)]): IO[A] =
    new IO[A] {
      private[effect] def apply(rw: Tower[IvoryTower]) = Free(() => f(rw))

  // Mutable variables in the IO monad
  def newIORef[A](a: => A): IO[IORef[A]] =
    STToIO(newVar(a)) flatMap (v => IO(IORef.ioRef(v)))

  /**Throw the given error in the IO monad. */
  def throwIO[A](e: Throwable): IO[A] = IO(throw e)

  def idLiftControl[M[_], A](f: RunInBase[M, M] => M[A])(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[A] =
    f(new RunInBase[M, M] {
      def apply[B] = (x: M[B]) => m.point(x)

  def controlIO[M[_], A](f: RunInBase[M, IO] => IO[M[A]])(implicit M: MonadControlIO[M]): M[A] =

   * Register a finalizer in the current region. When the region terminates,
   * all registered finalizers will be performed if they're not duplicated to a parent region.
  def onExit[S, P[_] : MonadIO](finalizer: IO[Unit]):
  RegionT[S, P, FinalizerHandle[RegionT[S, P, ?]]] =
    regionT(kleisli(hsIORef => (for {
      refCntIORef <- newIORef(1)
      h = refCountedFinalizer(finalizer, refCntIORef)
      _ <- hsIORef.mod(h :: _)
    } yield finalizerHandle[RegionT[S, P, ?]](h)).liftIO[P]))

   * Execute a region inside its parent region P. All resources which have been opened in the given
   * region and which haven't been duplicated using "dup", will be closed on exit from this function
   * whether by normal termination or by raising an exception.
   * Also all resources which have been duplicated to this region from a child region are closed
   * on exit if they haven't been duplicated themselves.
   * The Forall quantifier prevents resources from being returned by this function.
  def runRegionT[P[_] : MonadControlIO, A](r: Forall[RegionT[?, P, A]]): P[A] = {
    def after(hsIORef: IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]]) = for {
      hs <-
      _ <- hs.foldRight[IO[Unit]](IO.ioUnit) {
        case (r, o) => for {
          refCnt <- r.refcount.mod(_ - 1)
          _ <- if (refCnt == 0) r.finalizer else IO.ioUnit
        } yield ()
    } yield ()
    newIORef(List[RefCountedFinalizer]()).bracketIO(after)(s =>

  def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => IO[A \/ B])(a: A): IO[B] =
    io(rw =>
      BindRec[Trampoline].tailrecM[(Tower[IvoryTower], A), (Tower[IvoryTower], B)] {
        case (nw0, x) =>
          f(x)(nw0).map {
            case (nw1, e) =>
              e.bimap((nw1, _), (nw1, _))
      }((rw, a))

  /** An IO action is an ST action. */
  implicit def IOToST[A](io: IO[A]): ST[IvoryTower, A] =

  /** An IO action that does nothing. */
  val ioUnit: IO[Unit] =

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IO.scala source code file:

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