Scala example source code file (IO.scala)
The IO.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package effect import IvoryTower._ import RegionT._ import RefCountedFinalizer._ import FinalizerHandle._ import ST._ import Kleisli._ import Free._ import std.function._ sealed abstract class IO[A] { private[effect] def apply(rw: Tower[IvoryTower]): Trampoline[(Tower[IvoryTower], A)] import IO._ /** * Runs I/O and performs side-effects. An unsafe operation. * Do not call until the end of the universe. */ def unsafePerformIO(): A = apply(ivoryTower).run._2 /** * Constructs an IO action whose steps may be interleaved with another. * An unsafe operation, since it exposes a trampoline that allows one to * step through the components of the IO action. */ def unsafeInterleaveIO(): IO[Trampoline[A]] = IO(apply(ivoryTower).map(_._2)) /** * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another, * consuming the results of both with the given function. */ def unsafeZipWith[B, C](iob: IO[B], f: (A, B) => C): IO[C] = (for { a <- unsafeInterleaveIO() b <- iob.unsafeInterleaveIO() c <- io(rw => a.zipWith(b)((x, y) => (rw -> f(x, y)))) } yield c) /** * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another, * yielding the results of both. */ def unsafeZip[B](iob: IO[B]): IO[(A, B)] = unsafeZipWith(iob, Tuple2[A, B]) /** * Interleaves the steps of this IO action with the steps of another, * ignoring the result of this action. */ def unsafeZip_[B](iob: IO[B]): IO[B] = unsafeZipWith(iob, (a: A, b: B) => b) /** Continues this action with the given function. */ def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = io(rw => apply(rw) map { case (nw, a) => (nw, f(a)) }) /** Continues this action with the given action. */ def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = io(rw => apply(rw) flatMap { case (nw, a) => f(a)(nw) }) /** Lift this action to a given IO-like monad. */ def liftIO[M[_]](implicit m: MonadIO[M]): M[A] = m.liftIO(this) /** Executes the handler if an exception is raised. */ def except(handler: Throwable => IO[A]): IO[A] = io(rw => try { Free.pure(this(rw).run) } catch { case e: Throwable => handler(e)(rw) }) /** * Executes the handler for exceptions that are raised and match the given predicate. * Other exceptions are rethrown. */ def catchSome[B](p: Throwable => Option[B], handler: B => IO[A]): IO[A] = except(e => p(e) match { case Some(z) => handler(z) case None => throw e }) /** * Returns a disjunction result which is right if no exception was raised, or left if an * exception was raised. */ def catchLeft: IO[Throwable \/ A] = map(\/.right[Throwable, A]) except (t => IO(-\/(t))) /**Like "catchLeft" but takes a predicate to select which exceptions are caught. */ def catchSomeLeft[B](p: Throwable => Option[B]): IO[B \/ A] = catchLeft map (_.leftMap(e => p(e).getOrElse(throw e))) /**Like "finally", but only performs the final action if there was an exception. */ def onException[B](action: IO[B]): IO[A] = this except (e => for { _ <- action a <- (throw e): IO[A] } yield a) /** * Applies the "during" action, calling "after" regardless of whether there was an exception. * All exceptions are rethrown. Generalizes try/finally. */ def bracket[B, C](after: A => IO[B])(during: A => IO[C]): IO[C] = for { a <- this r <- during(a) onException after(a) _ <- after(a) } yield r /**Like "bracket", but takes only a computation to run afterward. Generalizes "finally". */ def ensuring[B](sequel: IO[B]): IO[A] = for { r <- onException(sequel) _ <- sequel } yield r /**A variant of "bracket" where the return value of this computation is not needed. */ def bracket_[B, C](after: IO[B])(during: IO[C]): IO[C] = bracket(_ => after)(_ => during) /**A variant of "bracket" that performs the final action only if there was an error. */ def bracketOnError[B, C](after: A => IO[B])(during: A => IO[C]): IO[C] = for { a <- this r <- during(a) onException after(a) } yield r def bracketIO[M[_], B](after: A => IO[Unit])(during: A => M[B])(implicit m: MonadControlIO[M]): M[B] = controlIO((runInIO: RunInBase[M, IO]) => bracket(after)(runInIO.apply compose during)) /** An automatic resource management. */ def using[C](f: A => IO[C])(implicit resource: Resource[A]) = bracket(resource.close)(f) } sealed abstract class IOInstances1 { implicit def IOSemigroup[A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[IO[A]] = Semigroup.liftSemigroup[IO, A](IO.ioMonad, A) implicit val iOLiftIO: LiftIO[IO] = new IOLiftIO {} implicit val ioMonad: Monad[IO] with BindRec[IO] = new IOMonad {} } sealed abstract class IOInstances0 extends IOInstances1 { implicit def IOMonoid[A](implicit A: Monoid[A]): Monoid[IO[A]] = Monoid.liftMonoid[IO, A](ioMonad, A) implicit val ioMonadIO: MonadIO[IO] = new MonadIO[IO] with IOLiftIO with IOMonad } sealed abstract class IOInstances extends IOInstances0 { implicit val ioMonadCatchIO: MonadCatchIO[IO] = new IOMonadCatchIO with IOLiftIO with IOMonad implicit val ioCatchable: Catchable[IO] = new Catchable[IO] { def attempt[A](f: IO[A]): IO[Throwable \/ A] = f.catchLeft def fail[A](err: Throwable): IO[A] = IO(throw err) } } private trait IOMonad extends Monad[IO] with BindRec[IO] { def point[A](a: => A): IO[A] = IO(a) override def map[A, B](fa: IO[A])(f: A => B) = fa map f def bind[A, B](fa: IO[A])(f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = fa flatMap f def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => IO[A \/ B])(a: A): IO[B] = IO.tailrecM(f)(a) } private trait IOLiftIO extends LiftIO[IO] { def liftIO[A](ioa: IO[A]) = ioa } private trait IOMonadCatchIO extends MonadCatchIO[IO] { def except[A](io: IO[A])(h: Throwable => IO[A]): IO[A] = io.except(h) } object IO extends IOInstances { def apply[A](a: => A): IO[A] = io(rw => return_(rw -> a)) /** Reads a character from standard input. */ def getChar: IO[Char] = IO(readChar()) /** Writes a character to standard output. */ def putChar(c: Char): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> { print(c) () })) /** Writes a string to standard output. */ def putStr(s: String): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> { print(s) () })) /** Writes a string to standard output, followed by a newline.*/ def putStrLn(s: String): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> { println(s) () })) /** Reads a line of standard input. */ def readLn: IO[String] = IO(readLine()) def put[A](a: A)(implicit S: Show[A]): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> { print(S shows a) () })) def putLn[A](a: A)(implicit S: Show[A]): IO[Unit] = io(rw => return_(rw -> { println(S shows a) () })) type RunInBase[M[_], Base[_]] = Forall[λ[α => M[α] => Base[M[α]]]] /** Construct an IO action from a world-transition function. */ def io[A](f: Tower[IvoryTower] => Trampoline[(Tower[IvoryTower], A)]): IO[A] = new IO[A] { private[effect] def apply(rw: Tower[IvoryTower]) = Free(() => f(rw)) } // Mutable variables in the IO monad def newIORef[A](a: => A): IO[IORef[A]] = STToIO(newVar(a)) flatMap (v => IO(IORef.ioRef(v))) /**Throw the given error in the IO monad. */ def throwIO[A](e: Throwable): IO[A] = IO(throw e) def idLiftControl[M[_], A](f: RunInBase[M, M] => M[A])(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[A] = f(new RunInBase[M, M] { def apply[B] = (x: M[B]) => m.point(x) }) def controlIO[M[_], A](f: RunInBase[M, IO] => IO[M[A]])(implicit M: MonadControlIO[M]): M[A] = M.join(M.liftControlIO(f)) /** * Register a finalizer in the current region. When the region terminates, * all registered finalizers will be performed if they're not duplicated to a parent region. */ def onExit[S, P[_] : MonadIO](finalizer: IO[Unit]): RegionT[S, P, FinalizerHandle[RegionT[S, P, ?]]] = regionT(kleisli(hsIORef => (for { refCntIORef <- newIORef(1) h = refCountedFinalizer(finalizer, refCntIORef) _ <- hsIORef.mod(h :: _) } yield finalizerHandle[RegionT[S, P, ?]](h)).liftIO[P])) /** * Execute a region inside its parent region P. All resources which have been opened in the given * region and which haven't been duplicated using "dup", will be closed on exit from this function * whether by normal termination or by raising an exception. * Also all resources which have been duplicated to this region from a child region are closed * on exit if they haven't been duplicated themselves. * The Forall quantifier prevents resources from being returned by this function. */ def runRegionT[P[_] : MonadControlIO, A](r: Forall[RegionT[?, P, A]]): P[A] = { def after(hsIORef: IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]]) = for { hs <- hsIORef.read _ <- hs.foldRight[IO[Unit]](IO.ioUnit) { case (r, o) => for { refCnt <- r.refcount.mod(_ - 1) _ <- if (refCnt == 0) r.finalizer else IO.ioUnit } yield () } } yield () newIORef(List[RefCountedFinalizer]()).bracketIO(after)(s => r.apply.value.run(s)) } def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => IO[A \/ B])(a: A): IO[B] = io(rw => BindRec[Trampoline].tailrecM[(Tower[IvoryTower], A), (Tower[IvoryTower], B)] { case (nw0, x) => f(x)(nw0).map { case (nw1, e) => e.bimap((nw1, _), (nw1, _)) } }((rw, a)) ) /** An IO action is an ST action. */ implicit def IOToST[A](io: IO[A]): ST[IvoryTower, A] = st(io(_).run) /** An IO action that does nothing. */ val ioUnit: IO[Unit] = IO(()) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IO.scala source code file: |
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