Scala example source code file (MonadCatchIO.scala)
The MonadCatchIO.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package effect trait MonadCatchIO[M[_]] extends MonadIO[M] { /** Executes the handler if an exception is raised. */ def except[A](ma: M[A])(handler: Throwable => M[A]): M[A] } object MonadCatchIO extends MonadCatchIOFunctions { @inline def apply[M[_]](implicit M: MonadCatchIO[M]): MonadCatchIO[M] = M implicit def theseTMonadCatchIO[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, E: Semigroup] = new MonadCatchIO[TheseT[M, E, ?]] { val TheseTMonadIO = MonadIO.theseTMonadIO[M, E] override def except[A](ma: TheseT[M, E, A])(handler: Throwable => TheseT[M, E, A]) = TheseT[M, E, A] { val M = MonadCatchIO[M] val a: M[Throwable \/ (E \&/ A)] = M.except(M.map(ma.run)(\/.right[Throwable, (E \&/ A)]))(t => M.point(-\/(t))) M.bind(a) { case -\/(t) => handler(t).run case \/-(r) => M.point(r) } } override def point[A](a: => A) = TheseTMonadIO.point(a) override def bind[A, B](fa: TheseT[M, E, A])(f: A => TheseT[M, E, B]) = TheseTMonadIO.bind(fa)(f) override def liftIO[A](ioa: IO[A]) = TheseTMonadIO.liftIO(ioa) } } sealed abstract class MonadCatchIOFunctions { def except[M[_], A](ma: M[A])(handler: Throwable => M[A])(implicit M: MonadCatchIO[M]): M[A] = M.except(ma)(handler) import scalaz.syntax.monad._ /** * Executes the handler for exceptions that are raised and match the given predicate. * Other exceptions are rethrown. */ def catchSome[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B](ma: M[A])(p: Throwable => Option[B], handler: B => M[A]): M[A] = except(ma)(e => p(e) match { case Some(z) => handler(z) case None => throw e }) /** * Returns a disjunction result which is right if no exception was raised, or left if an * exception was raised. */ def catchLeft[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A](ma: M[A]): M[Throwable \/ A] = except(ma.map(\/.right[Throwable, A]))(t => \/.left[Throwable, A](t).point[M]) /** Like "catchLeft" but takes a predicate to select which exceptions are caught. */ def catchSomeLeft[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B](ma: M[A])(p: Throwable => Option[B]): M[B \/ A] = catchLeft(ma) map (_.leftMap(e => p(e).getOrElse(throw e))) /**Like "finally", but only performs the final action if there was an exception. */ def onException[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B](ma: M[A], action: M[B]): M[A] = except(ma)(e => for { _ <- action a <- (throw e): M[A] } yield a) def bracket[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B, C](before: M[A])(after: A => M[B])(during: A => M[C]): M[C] = for { a <- before r <- onException(during(a), after(a)) _ <- after(a) } yield r /**Like "bracket", but takes only a computation to run afterward. Generalizes "finally". */ def ensuring[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B](ma: M[A], sequel: M[B]): M[A] = for { r <- onException(ma, sequel) _ <- sequel } yield r /**A variant of "bracket" where the return value of this computation is not needed. */ def bracket_[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B, C](before: M[A])(after: M[B])(during: M[C]): M[C] = bracket(before)(_ => after)(_ => during) /**A variant of "bracket" that performs the final action only if there was an error. */ def bracketOnError[M[_]: MonadCatchIO, A, B, C](before: M[A])(after: A => M[B])(during: A => M[C]): M[C] = for { a <- before r <- onException(during(a), after(a)) } yield r /** An automatic resource management. */ def using[M[_], A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B])(implicit M: MonadCatchIO[M], resource: Resource[A]) = bracket(ma)(resource.close(_).liftIO[M])(f) implicit def KleisliMonadCatchIO[F[_], R](implicit F: MonadCatchIO[F]): MonadCatchIO[Kleisli[F, R, ?]] = new MonadCatchIO[Kleisli[F, R, ?]] with MonadIO.FromLiftIO[Kleisli[F, R, ?]] { def FM = MonadIO.kleisliMonadIO[F, R] def FLO = MonadIO.kleisliMonadIO[F, R] def except[A](k: Kleisli[F, R, A])(h: Throwable => Kleisli[F, R, A]) = Kleisli(r => F.except(k.run(r))(t => h(t).run(r))) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala MonadCatchIO.scala source code file: |
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