Scala example source code file (EndoUsage.scala)
The EndoUsage.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz.example import scalaz.{Endo,IList,Zip} import scalaz.std.function._ import scalaz.std.anyVal._ import scalaz.syntax.monoid._ import scalaz.syntax.foldable._ object EndoUsage extends App { // The scala Endo class is a class which wraps functions from A ⇒ A // for some A. This class exists in order to supply some special // typeclass instances, since functions where the domain and the // codomain are the same type have some special properties. // there already exists a Monoid instance for any Function1 where // there exists a monoid for the codomain, the append function of // this monoid returns a function which for a given input, returns // the resut of applying each function to this input and append the // two results to each other: val f1: Int ⇒ Int = _ + 1 val f2: Int ⇒ Int = _ * 10 assert(f1(1) == 2) assert(f2(1) == 10) val f3 = f1 |+| f2 assert(f3(1) == f1(1) + f2(1)) assert(f3(10) == f1(10) + f2(10)) // for an endofunctor, we can alternatively represent the monoid // append operation as function composition: val ef3 = Endo(f1) |+| Endo(f2) assert(ef3(1) == (f1 compose f2)(1)) assert(ef3(10) == (f1 compose f2)(10)) // having this monoid allows us to take a Foldable full of // endomorphisms for some type, and squash that down into a single // function: case class Person(first: String, last: String, age: Int) val lowercaseFirst: Endo[Person] = Endo(p ⇒ p.copy(first=p.first.toLowerCase)) val lowercaseLast: Endo[Person] = Endo(p ⇒ p.copy(last=p.last.toLowerCase)) val trimFirst: Endo[Person] = Endo(p ⇒ p.copy(first=p.first.trim)) val trimLast: Endo[Person] = Endo(p ⇒ p.copy(last=p.last.trim)) val birthday: Endo[Person] = Endo(p ⇒ p.copy(age = p.age+1)) val endos: IList[Endo[Person]] = IList(lowercaseFirst, lowercaseLast, trimFirst, trimLast, birthday) val stewBefore = Person(" Stew ", "O'Connor", 70) assert(endos.suml.apply(stewBefore) == Person("stew", "o'connor", 71)) // endofunctors can be zipped together to get back an endofunctor that operates on tuples: val ints = IList(1,2,3) val strings = IList("a","b","c") val plus1: Endo[Int] = Endo(_ + 1) val toUpper: Endo[String] = Endo(_.toUpperCase) val foo = (ints zip strings) map Zip[Endo].zip(plus1, toUpper).run assert(foo == IList((2,"A"),(3,"B"),(4,"C"))) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala EndoUsage.scala source code file: |
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