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Scala example source code file (KleisliUsage.scala)

This example Scala source code file (KleisliUsage.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

america, asi, asia, boolean, city, continent, country, dehli, int, kleisliusage, list, new, saving, string

The KleisliUsage.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz.example

object KleisliUsage extends App {

  import scalaz._
  import Scalaz._
  import Kleisli._

  import scala.util._

  // just some trivial data structure ,
  // Continents contain countries. Countries contain cities.
  case class Continent(name: String, countries: List[Country] = List.empty)
  case class Country(name: String, cities: List[City] = List.empty)
  case class City(name: String, isCapital: Boolean = false, inhabitants: Int = 20)

  val data: List[Continent] = List(
            City("Washington"), City("New York"))))),
          List(City("New Dehli"), City("Calcutta"))))))

  def continents(name: String): List[Continent] =
    data.filter(k =>

  def countries(continent: Continent): List[Country] = continent.countries

  def cities(country: Country): List[City] = country.cities

  def save(cities: List[City]): Try[Unit] =
    Try {
      cities.foreach(c => println("Saving " +

  def inhabitants(c: City): Int = c.inhabitants
  // allCities and allCities are examples of using the variations of the
  // andThen operator, either starting with a kleisli arrow and following with
  // functions of the form A => M[B] or following with adequate kleisli arrows.
  // The aliases are: >==> and andThenK
  //                  >=>  and andThen
  // the same applies to function composition with
  // <==<, <=<, composeK and compose
  val allCities = kleisli(continents) >==> countries >==> cities
  val allCities2 = kleisli(continents) >=> kleisli(countries) >=> kleisli(cities)


  // =<< takes a monadical structure compatible with the kleislifunction
  // as its parameter and flatmaps the function over this parameter.
  (allCities =<< List("Amer", "Asi")).map(println)

  // with map we can map a function B => C over a kleisli function of the
  // structure A => M[B]
  val cityInhabitants = allCities map inhabitants
  (cityInhabitants) =<< List("Amer", "Asi")

  // with mapK you can map a kleisli function into
  // another monadic structure, e.g. provide a function
  // M[A] => N[B]
  // Note : the example is not particularily useful here.
  val getandSave = (allCities mapK save)

  // local can be used to prepend a kleisli function of
  // the form A => M[B] with a function of the form
  // AA => A, resulting in a kleisli function of the form
  // AA => M[B]
  def index(i: Int) = data(i).name
  val allCitiesByIndex = allCities local index

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala KleisliUsage.scala source code file:

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