Scala example source code file (ReaderWriterStateTUsage.scala)
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The ReaderWriterStateTUsage.scala Scala example source code
package scalaz.example
A rather contrived example which shows how ReaderWriterStateT could be used.
@author stew@vireo.org / stew@helloreverb.com
We create a simple langauage named CAB
Strings in the CAB language is a series of A, B, or C tokens followed by a EOF:
<cab> ::= 'C' | 'A' | 'B'
<string> ::= | '.'
So valid strings in the langauge would be:
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
sealed trait Token
case object C extends Token
case object A extends Token
case object B extends Token
object Token {
implicit val euqalsRef: Equal[Token] = Equal.equalRef
implicit val showTok: Show[Token] = new Show[Token] {
override def show(t: Token) = t match {
case A => Cord("A")
case B => Cord("B")
case C => Cord("C")
object CABRunLengthEncoder {
A run-length encoder for CAB, a token T can be prefixed by a number N to stand for "N Ts in a row":
<cab> ::= 'C' | 'A' | "B'
<tok> ::= |
<compressed> ::= | "."
so the string "CAAAAAB." could be "compressed" any of the following ways:
// The State we will carry in the Monad during our computation
case class RunLengthState(
lastToken: Option[Token], // what is the last char we've seen
length: Int, // how many of that char have we seen
input: List[Token] // remaining input
) {
def incLength = this.copy(length = length + 1)
def newToken(t: Token) = RunLengthState(Some(t), 0, input)
def uncons: (Token, RunLengthState) = (input.head, this.copy(input = input.tail))
object RunLengthState {
def initial(input: List[Token]) = RunLengthState(None,0, input)
* the configuration of our encoder, this will be used in the
* Reader part of our RWST */
case class RunLengthConfig(
* if we are emitting less than minRun tokens, just emit them as
* individual tokens instead of as a run of tokens
minRun: Int
import Token._
import Free.Trampoline
type RunLength[A] = ReaderWriterStateT[Trampoline, RunLengthConfig, Cord, RunLengthState, A]
// At its essence the RWST monad transformer is a wrap around a function with the following shape:
// (ReaderType, StateType) => Monad[WriterType, Result, StateType]
// we can directly wrap a function of this shape:
* read a token from the input
val readToken: RunLength[Token] = ReaderWriterStateT { (config: RunLengthConfig, oldState: RunLengthState) =>
val (nextTok, newState) = oldState.uncons
Applicative[Trampoline].point((Monoid[Cord].zero, nextTok, newState))
// Bring the RWST syntax into scope.
// This will bring into scope methods which return things of type RunLength[_].
// example syntax methods:
// get -- gets the current state
// put -- replaces the current state
// modify -- alter the current state
// tell -- append to the writer
// ask -- read from the reader
val rle = ReaderWriterStateT.rwstMonad[Trampoline, RunLengthConfig, Cord, RunLengthState]
import rle._
* with the above syntax imported, we can perform the same
* computation as above, but use a for comprehension
val readToken2: RunLength[Token] =
for {
oldState <- get // fetch the current state
// take a token off the input, getting
// a token and a new state
(nextTok, newState) = oldState.uncons
_ <- put(newState) // store the new state
} yield nextTok // return the token
have we exhausted the input?
def done: RunLength[Boolean] =
get flatMap { state =>
// we have, better emit whatever tokens are stored in the
// current state
emit as true
* put output on the writer
def writeOutput(token: Token, length: Int, minRun: Int): RunLength[Unit] =
if(length <= minRun)
tell(Monoid[Cord].multiply(token.show, length))
tell(length.show ++ token.show)
emit the lastToken
def emit: RunLength[Unit] =
for {
state <- get
config <- ask
_ <- state.lastToken.cata(none = point(()), // nothing to emit
some = writeOutput(_, state.length, config.minRun))
} yield ()
emit tokens if the next input token is different than the last
def maybeEmit: RunLength[Unit] =
for {
state <- get
next <- readToken
_ <- { if(state.lastToken.map(_ == next) getOrElse(false))
// Same token as last, so we just increment our counter
// its a new token, so emit the previous, then change
// the token in the state.
// *> here chains two actions, ignoring the output of
// the first (which is unit in this case)
emit *> put(state.newToken(next))
} yield ()
def encode(minRun: Int, input: List[Token]): String = {
val config = RunLengthConfig(minRun)
val initialState = RunLengthState.initial(input)
val (output, result, finalState) = untilM_(maybeEmit, done).run(config, initialState).run
object ReaderWriterStateTUsage extends App {
val inputTokens = List(A,B,C,A,A,B,B,B,B,C,A,A,A,C,C,C,C,B)
val encoded = CABRunLengthEncoder.encode(2, inputTokens)
println("encoded " + inputTokens.mkString + " as " + encoded)
Other Scala examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ReaderWriterStateTUsage.scala source code file: