Scala example source code file (StepT.scala)
The StepT.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package iteratee import Iteratee._ /** * The current state of an Iteratee, one of: * - '''cont''' Waiting for more data * - '''done''' Already calculated a result * * @tparam E The type of the input data (mnemonic: '''E'''lement type) * @tparam F The type constructor representing an effect. * The type constructor [[scalaz.Id]] is used to model pure computations, and is fixed as such in the type alias [[scalaz.iteratee.Step]]. * @tparam A The type of the calculated result */ sealed abstract class StepT[E, F[_], A] { def fold[Z]( cont: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => Z , done: (=> A, => Input[E]) => Z ): Z /** An alias for `fold` */ def apply[Z]( cont: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => Z , done: (=> A, => Input[E]) => Z ): Z = fold(cont, done) def cont: Option[Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]] = fold( Some(_) , (_, _) => None ) def contOr(k: => Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A] = cont getOrElse k def mapContOr[Z](k: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => Z, z: => Z): Z = fold( k(_) , (_, _) => z ) def mapCont(k: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[E, F, A] = mapContOr[IterateeT[E, F, A]](k, pointI) def doneValue: LazyOption[A] = fold( _ => LazyOption.lazyNone , (a, _) => LazyOption.lazySome(a) ) def doneValueOr(a: => A): A = doneValue getOrElse a def mapDoneValueOr[Z](k: (=> A) => Z, z: => Z) = fold( _ => z , (a, _) => k(a) ) def doneInput: LazyOption[Input[E]] = fold( _ => LazyOption.lazyNone , (_, i) => LazyOption.lazySome(i) ) def doneInputOr(a: => Input[E]): Input[E] = doneInput getOrElse a def mapDoneInputOr[Z](k: (=> Input[E]) => Z, z: => Z) = fold( _ => z , (_, i) => k(i) ) def >-[Z](cont: => Z, done: => Z): Z = fold(_ => cont, (_, _) => done) def pointI(implicit P: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[E, F, A] = iterateeT(P.point(this)) } // object StepT is in the implicit scope for EnumeratorT, so we mix in EnumeratorTInstances here. object StepT extends StepTFunctions with EnumeratorTInstances { private[this] val ToNone1: (Any => None.type) = x => None private[this] val ToNone2: ((=> Any, => Any) => None.type) = (x, y) => None object Cont { def apply[E, F[_], A](c: Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): StepT[E, F, A] = new StepT[E, F, A] { def fold[Z]( cont: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => Z , done: (=> A, => Input[E]) => Z ) = cont(c) } def unapply[E, F[_], A](s: StepT[E, F, A]): Option[Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]] = s.fold(f => Some(f), ToNone2) } object Done { def apply[E, F[_], A](d: => A, r: => Input[E]) = new StepT[E, F, A] { def fold[Z]( cont: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => Z , done: (=> A, => Input[E]) => Z ) = done(d, r) } def unapply[E, F[_], A](s: StepT[E, F, A]): Option[(A, Input[E])] = s.fold(ToNone1, (a, ie) => Some((a, ie))) } } trait StepTFunctions { def scont[E, F[_], A](c: Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): StepT[E, F, A] = StepT.Cont(c) def sdone[E, F[_], A](d: => A, r: => Input[E]): StepT[E, F, A] = StepT.Done(d, r) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala StepT.scala source code file: |
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