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date_formatter, date_time_format_str, level_in_brackets, log_file, log_level_info, object, printstream, security, show_date_time, show_log_name, show_short_log_name, show_thread_name, string, system_prefix, text, throwable, util

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012
 * All rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
 * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
 * "Software"), to  deal in  the Software without  restriction, including
 * without limitation  the rights to  use, copy, modify,  merge, publish,
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 * The  above  copyright  notice  and  this permission  notice  shall  be
 * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.slf4j.impl;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent;
import org.slf4j.helpers.FormattingTuple;
import org.slf4j.helpers.MarkerIgnoringBase;
import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter;
import org.slf4j.helpers.Util;
import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger;

 * <p>Simple implementation of {@link Logger} that sends all enabled log messages,
 * for all defined loggers, to the console ({@code System.err}).
 * The following system properties are supported to configure the behavior of this logger:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.logFile - The output target which can be the path to a file, or
 * the special values "System.out" and "System.err". Default is "System.err".
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel - Default log level for all instances of SimpleLogger.
 * Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error"). If not specified, defaults to "info". </li>
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.a.b.c - Logging detail level for a SimpleLogger instance
 * named "a.b.c". Right-side value must be one of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error". When a SimpleLogger
 * named "a.b.c" is initialized, its level is assigned from this property. If unspecified, the level of nearest parent
 * logger will be used, and if none is set, then the value specified by
 * <code>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel will be used.
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime - Set to true if you want the current date and
 * time to be included in output messages. Default is <code>false
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat - The date and time format to be used in the output messages.
 * The pattern describing the date and time format is defined by
 * <a href="">SimpleDateFormat.
 * If the format is not specified or is invalid, the number of milliseconds since start up will be output. </li>
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showThreadName -Set to true if you want to output the current
 * thread name. Defaults to <code>true.
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showLogName - Set to true if you want the Logger instance name
 * to be included in output messages. Defaults to <code>true.
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showShortLogName - Set to true if you want the last component
 * of the name to be included in output messages. Defaults to <code>false.
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.levelInBrackets - Should the level string be output in brackets? Defaults
 * to <code>false.
 * <li>org.slf4j.simpleLogger.warnLevelString - The string value output for the warn level. Defaults
 * to <code>WARN.

 * </ul>
 * <p>In addition to looking for system properties with the names specified above, this implementation also checks for
 * a class loader resource named <code>"", and includes any matching definitions
 * from this resource (if it exists).</p>
 * <p>With no configuration, the default output includes the relative time in milliseconds, thread name, the level,
 * logger name, and the message followed by the line separator for the host.  In log4j terms it amounts to the "%r [%t]
 * %level %logger - %m%n" pattern. </p>
 * <p>Sample output follows.

* <pre> * 176 [main] INFO examples.Sort - Populating an array of 2 elements in reverse order. * 225 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Entered the sort method. * 304 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Dump of integer array: * 317 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Element [0] = 0 * 331 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Element [1] = 1 * 343 [main] INFO examples.Sort - The next log statement should be an error message. * 346 [main] ERROR examples.SortAlgo - Tried to dump an uninitialized array. * at org.log4j.examples.SortAlgo.dump( * at org.log4j.examples.Sort.main( * 467 [main] INFO examples.Sort - Exiting main method. * </pre> * * <p>This implementation is heavily inspired by * <a href="">Apache Commons Logging's SimpleLog.

* * @author Ceki Gülcü * @author <a href="">Scott Sanders * @author Rod Waldhoff * @author Robert Burrell Donkin * @author Cédrik LIME */ public class SimpleLogger extends MarkerIgnoringBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = -632788891211436180L; private static final String CONFIGURATION_FILE = ""; private static long START_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static final Properties SIMPLE_LOGGER_PROPS = new Properties(); private static final int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = LocationAwareLogger.TRACE_INT; private static final int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LocationAwareLogger.DEBUG_INT; private static final int LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LocationAwareLogger.INFO_INT; private static final int LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LocationAwareLogger.WARN_INT; private static final int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = LocationAwareLogger.ERROR_INT; private static boolean INITIALIZED = false; private static int DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; private static boolean SHOW_DATE_TIME = false; private static String DATE_TIME_FORMAT_STR = null; private static DateFormat DATE_FORMATTER = null; private static boolean SHOW_THREAD_NAME = true; private static boolean SHOW_LOG_NAME = true; private static boolean SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME = false; private static String LOG_FILE = "System.err"; private static PrintStream TARGET_STREAM = null; private static boolean LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS = false; private static String WARN_LEVEL_STRING = "WARN"; /** All system properties used by <code>SimpleLogger start with this prefix */ public static final String SYSTEM_PREFIX = "org.slf4j.simpleLogger."; public static final String DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "defaultLogLevel"; public static final String SHOW_DATE_TIME_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "showDateTime"; public static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "dateTimeFormat"; public static final String SHOW_THREAD_NAME_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "showThreadName"; public static final String SHOW_LOG_NAME_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "showLogName"; public static final String SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "showShortLogName"; public static final String LOG_FILE_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "logFile"; public static final String LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "levelInBrackets"; public static final String WARN_LEVEL_STRING_KEY = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "warnLevelString"; public static final String LOG_KEY_PREFIX = SYSTEM_PREFIX + "log."; private static String getStringProperty(String name) { String prop = null; try { prop = System.getProperty(name); } catch (SecurityException e) { ; // Ignore } return (prop == null) ? SIMPLE_LOGGER_PROPS.getProperty(name) : prop; } private static String getStringProperty(String name, String defaultValue) { String prop = getStringProperty(name); return (prop == null) ? defaultValue : prop; } private static boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) { String prop = getStringProperty(name); return (prop == null) ? defaultValue : "true".equalsIgnoreCase(prop); } // Initialize class attributes. // Load properties file, if found. // Override with system properties. static void init() { if (INITIALIZED) { return; } INITIALIZED = true; loadProperties(); String defaultLogLevelString = getStringProperty(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, null); if (defaultLogLevelString != null) DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = stringToLevel(defaultLogLevelString); SHOW_LOG_NAME = getBooleanProperty(SHOW_LOG_NAME_KEY, SHOW_LOG_NAME); SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME = getBooleanProperty(SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME_KEY, SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME); SHOW_DATE_TIME = getBooleanProperty(SHOW_DATE_TIME_KEY, SHOW_DATE_TIME); SHOW_THREAD_NAME = getBooleanProperty(SHOW_THREAD_NAME_KEY, SHOW_THREAD_NAME); DATE_TIME_FORMAT_STR = getStringProperty(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_KEY, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_STR); LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS = getBooleanProperty(LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS_KEY, LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS); WARN_LEVEL_STRING = getStringProperty(WARN_LEVEL_STRING_KEY, WARN_LEVEL_STRING); LOG_FILE = getStringProperty(LOG_FILE_KEY, LOG_FILE); TARGET_STREAM = computeTargetStream(LOG_FILE); if (DATE_TIME_FORMAT_STR != null) { try { DATE_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_STR); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Bad date format in " + CONFIGURATION_FILE + "; will output relative time", e); } } } private static PrintStream computeTargetStream(String logFile) { if ("System.err".equalsIgnoreCase(logFile)) return System.err; else if ("System.out".equalsIgnoreCase(logFile)) { return System.out; } else { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(logFile); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(fos); return printStream; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Could not open [" + logFile + "]. Defaulting to System.err", e); return System.err; } } } private static void loadProperties() { // Add props from the resource InputStream in = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() { public InputStream run() { ClassLoader threadCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (threadCL != null) { return threadCL.getResourceAsStream(CONFIGURATION_FILE); } else { return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(CONFIGURATION_FILE); } } }); if (null != in) { try { SIMPLE_LOGGER_PROPS.load(in); in.close(); } catch ( e) { // ignored } } } /** The current log level */ protected int currentLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; /** The short name of this simple log instance */ private transient String shortLogName = null; /** * Package access allows only {@link SimpleLoggerFactory} to instantiate * SimpleLogger instances. */ SimpleLogger(String name) { = name; String levelString = recursivelyComputeLevelString(); if (levelString != null) { this.currentLogLevel = stringToLevel(levelString); } else { this.currentLogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; } } String recursivelyComputeLevelString() { String tempName = name; String levelString = null; int indexOfLastDot = tempName.length(); while ((levelString == null) && (indexOfLastDot > -1)) { tempName = tempName.substring(0, indexOfLastDot); levelString = getStringProperty(LOG_KEY_PREFIX + tempName, null); indexOfLastDot = String.valueOf(tempName).lastIndexOf("."); } return levelString; } private static int stringToLevel(String levelStr) { if ("trace".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LOG_LEVEL_TRACE; } else if ("debug".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; } else if ("info".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } else if ("warn".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LOG_LEVEL_WARN; } else if ("error".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; } // assume INFO by default return LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } /** * This is our internal implementation for logging regular (non-parameterized) * log messages. * * @param level One of the LOG_LEVEL_XXX constants defining the log level * @param message The message itself * @param t The exception whose stack trace should be logged */ private void log(int level, String message, Throwable t) { if (!isLevelEnabled(level)) { return; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32); // Append date-time if so configured if (SHOW_DATE_TIME) { if (DATE_FORMATTER != null) { buf.append(getFormattedDate()); buf.append(' '); } else { buf.append(System.currentTimeMillis() - START_TIME); buf.append(' '); } } // Append current thread name if so configured if (SHOW_THREAD_NAME) { buf.append('['); buf.append(Thread.currentThread().getName()); buf.append("] "); } if (LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS) buf.append('['); // Append a readable representation of the log level switch (level) { case LOG_LEVEL_TRACE: buf.append("TRACE"); break; case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: buf.append("DEBUG"); break; case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: buf.append("INFO"); break; case LOG_LEVEL_WARN: buf.append(WARN_LEVEL_STRING); break; case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: buf.append("ERROR"); break; } if (LEVEL_IN_BRACKETS) buf.append(']'); buf.append(' '); // Append the name of the log instance if so configured if (SHOW_SHORT_LOG_NAME) { if (shortLogName == null) shortLogName = computeShortName(); buf.append(String.valueOf(shortLogName)).append(" - "); } else if (SHOW_LOG_NAME) { buf.append(String.valueOf(name)).append(" - "); } // Append the message buf.append(message); write(buf, t); } void write(StringBuilder buf, Throwable t) { TARGET_STREAM.println(buf.toString()); if (t != null) { t.printStackTrace(TARGET_STREAM); } TARGET_STREAM.flush(); } private String getFormattedDate() { Date now = new Date(); String dateText; synchronized (DATE_FORMATTER) { dateText = DATE_FORMATTER.format(now); } return dateText; } private String computeShortName() { return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } /** * For formatted messages, first substitute arguments and then log. * * @param level * @param format * @param arg1 * @param arg2 */ private void formatAndLog(int level, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { if (!isLevelEnabled(level)) { return; } FormattingTuple tp = MessageFormatter.format(format, arg1, arg2); log(level, tp.getMessage(), tp.getThrowable()); } /** * For formatted messages, first substitute arguments and then log. * * @param level * @param format * @param arguments a list of 3 ore more arguments */ private void formatAndLog(int level, String format, Object... arguments) { if (!isLevelEnabled(level)) { return; } FormattingTuple tp = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(format, arguments); log(level, tp.getMessage(), tp.getThrowable()); } /** * Is the given log level currently enabled? * * @param logLevel is this level enabled? */ protected boolean isLevelEnabled(int logLevel) { // log level are numerically ordered so can use simple numeric // comparison return (logLevel >= currentLogLevel); } /** Are {@code trace} messages currently enabled? */ public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); } /** * A simple implementation which logs messages of level TRACE according * to the format outlined above. */ public void trace(String msg) { log(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, msg, null); } /** * Perform single parameter substitution before logging the message of level * TRACE according to the format outlined above. */ public void trace(String format, Object param1) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, format, param1, null); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * TRACE according to the format outlined above. */ public void trace(String format, Object param1, Object param2) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, format, param1, param2); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * TRACE according to the format outlined above. */ public void trace(String format, Object... argArray) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, format, argArray); } /** Log a message of level TRACE, including an exception. */ public void trace(String msg, Throwable t) { log(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, msg, t); } /** Are {@code debug} messages currently enabled? */ public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); } /** * A simple implementation which logs messages of level DEBUG according * to the format outlined above. */ public void debug(String msg) { log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, msg, null); } /** * Perform single parameter substitution before logging the message of level * DEBUG according to the format outlined above. */ public void debug(String format, Object param1) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, format, param1, null); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * DEBUG according to the format outlined above. */ public void debug(String format, Object param1, Object param2) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, format, param1, param2); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * DEBUG according to the format outlined above. */ public void debug(String format, Object... argArray) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, format, argArray); } /** Log a message of level DEBUG, including an exception. */ public void debug(String msg, Throwable t) { log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, msg, t); } /** Are {@code info} messages currently enabled? */ public boolean isInfoEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_INFO); } /** * A simple implementation which logs messages of level INFO according * to the format outlined above. */ public void info(String msg) { log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, msg, null); } /** * Perform single parameter substitution before logging the message of level * INFO according to the format outlined above. */ public void info(String format, Object arg) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, format, arg, null); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * INFO according to the format outlined above. */ public void info(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, format, arg1, arg2); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * INFO according to the format outlined above. */ public void info(String format, Object... argArray) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, format, argArray); } /** Log a message of level INFO, including an exception. */ public void info(String msg, Throwable t) { log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, msg, t); } /** Are {@code warn} messages currently enabled? */ public boolean isWarnEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_WARN); } /** * A simple implementation which always logs messages of level WARN according * to the format outlined above. */ public void warn(String msg) { log(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, msg, null); } /** * Perform single parameter substitution before logging the message of level * WARN according to the format outlined above. */ public void warn(String format, Object arg) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, format, arg, null); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * WARN according to the format outlined above. */ public void warn(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, format, arg1, arg2); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * WARN according to the format outlined above. */ public void warn(String format, Object... argArray) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, format, argArray); } /** Log a message of level WARN, including an exception. */ public void warn(String msg, Throwable t) { log(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, msg, t); } /** Are {@code error} messages currently enabled? */ public boolean isErrorEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); } /** * A simple implementation which always logs messages of level ERROR according * to the format outlined above. */ public void error(String msg) { log(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, msg, null); } /** * Perform single parameter substitution before logging the message of level * ERROR according to the format outlined above. */ public void error(String format, Object arg) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format, arg, null); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * ERROR according to the format outlined above. */ public void error(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format, arg1, arg2); } /** * Perform double parameter substitution before logging the message of level * ERROR according to the format outlined above. */ public void error(String format, Object... argArray) { formatAndLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format, argArray); } /** Log a message of level ERROR, including an exception. */ public void error(String msg, Throwable t) { log(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, msg, t); } public void log(LoggingEvent event) { int levelInt = event.getLevel().toInt(); if (!isLevelEnabled(levelInt)) { return; } FormattingTuple tp = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(event.getMessage(), event.getArgumentArray(), event.getThrowable()); log(levelInt, tp.getMessage(), event.getThrowable()); } }

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