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Struts example source code file (DomWidget.js)

This example Struts source code file (DomWidget.js) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Struts tags/keywords

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The Struts DomWidget.js source code

	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
	All Rights Reserved.

	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:

dojo.widget._cssFiles = {};
dojo.widget._cssStrings = {};
dojo.widget._templateCache = {};
dojo.widget.defaultStrings = {dojoRoot:dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri(), dojoWidgetModuleUri:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget"), baseScriptUri:dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri()};
dojo.widget.fillFromTemplateCache = function (obj, templatePath, templateString, avoidCache) {
	var tpath = templatePath || obj.templatePath;
	var tmplts = dojo.widget._templateCache;
	if (!tpath && !obj["widgetType"]) {
		do {
			var dummyName = "__dummyTemplate__" + dojo.widget._templateCache.dummyCount++;
		} while (tmplts[dummyName]);
		obj.widgetType = dummyName;
	var wt = tpath ? tpath.toString() : obj.widgetType;
	var ts = tmplts[wt];
	if (!ts) {
		tmplts[wt] = {"string":null, "node":null};
		if (avoidCache) {
			ts = {};
		} else {
			ts = tmplts[wt];
	if ((!obj.templateString) && (!avoidCache)) {
		obj.templateString = templateString || ts["string"];
	if (obj.templateString) {
		obj.templateString = this._sanitizeTemplateString(obj.templateString);
	if ((!obj.templateNode) && (!avoidCache)) {
		obj.templateNode = ts["node"];
	if ((!obj.templateNode) && (!obj.templateString) && (tpath)) {
		var tstring = this._sanitizeTemplateString(dojo.hostenv.getText(tpath));
		obj.templateString = tstring;
		if (!avoidCache) {
			tmplts[wt]["string"] = tstring;
	if ((!ts["string"]) && (!avoidCache)) {
		ts.string = obj.templateString;
dojo.widget._sanitizeTemplateString = function (tString) {
	if (tString) {
		tString = tString.replace(/^\s*<\?xml(\s)+version=[\'\"](\d)*.(\d)*[\'\"](\s)*\?>/im, "");
		var matches = tString.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
		if (matches) {
			tString = matches[1];
	} else {
		tString = "";
	return tString;
dojo.widget._templateCache.dummyCount = 0;
dojo.widget.attachProperties = ["dojoAttachPoint", "id"];
dojo.widget.eventAttachProperty = "dojoAttachEvent";
dojo.widget.onBuildProperty = "dojoOnBuild";
dojo.widget.waiNames = ["waiRole", "waiState"];
dojo.widget.wai = {waiRole:{name:"waiRole", "namespace":"", alias:"x2", prefix:"wairole:"}, waiState:{name:"waiState", "namespace":"", alias:"aaa", prefix:""}, setAttr:function (node, ns, attr, value) {
	if ( {
		node.setAttribute(this[ns].alias + ":" + attr, this[ns].prefix + value);
	} else {
		node.setAttributeNS(this[ns]["namespace"], attr, this[ns].prefix + value);
}, getAttr:function (node, ns, attr) {
	if ( {
		return node.getAttribute(this[ns].alias + ":" + attr);
	} else {
		return node.getAttributeNS(this[ns]["namespace"], attr);
}, removeAttr:function (node, ns, attr) {
	var success = true;
	if ( {
		success = node.removeAttribute(this[ns].alias + ":" + attr);
	} else {
		node.removeAttributeNS(this[ns]["namespace"], attr);
	return success;
dojo.widget.attachTemplateNodes = function (rootNode, targetObj, events) {
	var elementNodeType = dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE;
	function trim(str) {
		return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
	if (!rootNode) {
		rootNode = targetObj.domNode;
	if (rootNode.nodeType != elementNodeType) {
	var nodes = rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
	var _this = targetObj;
	for (var x = -1; x < nodes.length; x++) {
		var baseNode = (x == -1) ? rootNode : nodes[x];
		var attachPoint = [];
		if (!targetObj.widgetsInTemplate || !baseNode.getAttribute("dojoType")) {
			for (var y = 0; y < this.attachProperties.length; y++) {
				var tmpAttachPoint = baseNode.getAttribute(this.attachProperties[y]);
				if (tmpAttachPoint) {
					attachPoint = tmpAttachPoint.split(";");
					for (var z = 0; z < attachPoint.length; z++) {
						if (dojo.lang.isArray(targetObj[attachPoint[z]])) {
						} else {
							targetObj[attachPoint[z]] = baseNode;
			var attachEvent = baseNode.getAttribute(this.eventAttachProperty);
			if (attachEvent) {
				var evts = attachEvent.split(";");
				for (var y = 0; y < evts.length; y++) {
					if ((!evts[y]) || (!evts[y].length)) {
					var thisFunc = null;
					var tevt = trim(evts[y]);
					if (evts[y].indexOf(":") >= 0) {
						var funcNameArr = tevt.split(":");
						tevt = trim(funcNameArr[0]);
						thisFunc = trim(funcNameArr[1]);
					if (!thisFunc) {
						thisFunc = tevt;
					var tf = function () {
						var ntf = new String(thisFunc);
						return function (evt) {
							if (_this[ntf]) {
								_this[ntf](dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt, this));
					dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, tevt, tf, false, true);
			for (var y = 0; y < events.length; y++) {
				var evtVal = baseNode.getAttribute(events[y]);
				if ((evtVal) && (evtVal.length)) {
					var thisFunc = null;
					var domEvt = events[y].substr(4);
					thisFunc = trim(evtVal);
					var funcs = [thisFunc];
					if (thisFunc.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
						funcs =";"), trim);
					for (var z = 0; z < funcs.length; z++) {
						if (!funcs[z].length) {
						var tf = function () {
							var ntf = new String(funcs[z]);
							return function (evt) {
								if (_this[ntf]) {
									_this[ntf](dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt, this));
						dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, domEvt, tf, false, true);
		var tmpltPoint = baseNode.getAttribute(this.templateProperty);
		if (tmpltPoint) {
			targetObj[tmpltPoint] = baseNode;
		dojo.lang.forEach(dojo.widget.waiNames, function (name) {
			var wai = dojo.widget.wai[name];
			var val = baseNode.getAttribute(;
			if (val) {
				if (val.indexOf("-") == -1) {
					dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(baseNode,, "role", val);
				} else {
					var statePair = val.split("-");
					dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(baseNode,, statePair[0], statePair[1]);
		}, this);
		var onBuild = baseNode.getAttribute(this.onBuildProperty);
		if (onBuild) {
			eval("var node = baseNode; var widget = targetObj; " + onBuild);
dojo.widget.getDojoEventsFromStr = function (str) {
	var re = /(dojoOn([a-z]+)(\s?))=/gi;
	var evts = str ? str.match(re) || [] : [];
	var ret = [];
	var lem = {};
	for (var x = 0; x < evts.length; x++) {
		if (evts[x].length < 1) {
		var cm = evts[x].replace(/\s/, "");
		cm = (cm.slice(0, cm.length - 1));
		if (!lem[cm]) {
			lem[cm] = true;
	return ret;
dojo.declare("dojo.widget.DomWidget", dojo.widget.Widget, function () {
	if ((arguments.length > 0) && (typeof arguments[0] == "object")) {
}, {templateNode:null, templateString:null, templateCssString:null, preventClobber:false, domNode:null, containerNode:null, widgetsInTemplate:false, addChild:function (widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex) {
	if (!this.isContainer) {
		dojo.debug("dojo.widget.DomWidget.addChild() attempted on non-container widget");
		return null;
	} else {
		if (insertIndex == undefined) {
			insertIndex = this.children.length;
		this.addWidgetAsDirectChild(widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex);
		this.registerChild(widget, insertIndex);
	return widget;
}, addWidgetAsDirectChild:function (widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex) {
	if ((!this.containerNode) && (!overrideContainerNode)) {
		this.containerNode = this.domNode;
	var cn = (overrideContainerNode) ? overrideContainerNode : this.containerNode;
	if (!pos) {
		pos = "after";
	if (!ref) {
		if (!cn) {
			cn = dojo.body();
		ref = cn.lastChild;
	if (!insertIndex) {
		insertIndex = 0;
	widget.domNode.setAttribute("dojoinsertionindex", insertIndex);
	if (!ref) {
	} else {
		if (pos == "insertAtIndex") {
			dojo.dom.insertAtIndex(widget.domNode, ref.parentNode, insertIndex);
		} else {
			if ((pos == "after") && (ref === cn.lastChild)) {
			} else {
				dojo.dom.insertAtPosition(widget.domNode, cn, pos);
}, registerChild:function (widget, insertionIndex) {
	widget.dojoInsertionIndex = insertionIndex;
	var idx = -1;
	for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
		if (this.children[i].dojoInsertionIndex <= insertionIndex) {
			idx = i;
	this.children.splice(idx + 1, 0, widget);
	widget.parent = this;
	widget.addedTo(this, idx + 1);
	delete dojo.widget.manager.topWidgets[widget.widgetId];
}, removeChild:function (widget) {
	return, widget);
}, getFragNodeRef:function (frag) {
	if (!frag) {
		return null;
	if (!frag[this.getNamespacedType()]) {
		dojo.raise("Error: no frag for widget type " + this.getNamespacedType() + ", id " + this.widgetId + " (maybe a widget has set it's type incorrectly)");
	return frag[this.getNamespacedType()]["nodeRef"];
}, postInitialize:function (args, frag, parentComp) {
	var sourceNodeRef = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
	if (parentComp && (parentComp.snarfChildDomOutput || !sourceNodeRef)) {
		parentComp.addWidgetAsDirectChild(this, "", "insertAtIndex", "", args["dojoinsertionindex"], sourceNodeRef);
	} else {
		if (sourceNodeRef) {
			if (this.domNode && (this.domNode !== sourceNodeRef)) {
				this._sourceNodeRef = dojo.dom.replaceNode(sourceNodeRef, this.domNode);
	if (parentComp) {
		parentComp.registerChild(this, args.dojoinsertionindex);
	} else {
		dojo.widget.manager.topWidgets[this.widgetId] = this;
	if (this.widgetsInTemplate) {
		var parser = new dojo.xml.Parse();
		var subContainerNode;
		var subnodes = this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var i = 0; i < subnodes.length; i++) {
			if (subnodes[i].getAttribute("dojoAttachPoint") == "subContainerWidget") {
				subContainerNode = subnodes[i];
			if (subnodes[i].getAttribute("dojoType")) {
				subnodes[i].setAttribute("isSubWidget", true);
		if (this.isContainer && !this.containerNode) {
			if (subContainerNode) {
				var src = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
				if (src) {
					dojo.dom.moveChildren(src, subContainerNode);
					frag["dojoDontFollow"] = true;
			} else {
				dojo.debug("No subContainerWidget node can be found in template file for widget " + this);
		var templatefrag = parser.parseElement(this.domNode, null, true);
		dojo.widget.getParser().createSubComponents(templatefrag, this);
		var subwidgets = [];
		var stack = [this];
		var w;
		while ((w = stack.pop())) {
			for (var i = 0; i < w.children.length; i++) {
				var cwidget = w.children[i];
				if (cwidget._processedSubWidgets || !cwidget.extraArgs["issubwidget"]) {
				if (cwidget.isContainer) {
		for (var i = 0; i < subwidgets.length; i++) {
			var widget = subwidgets[i];
			if (widget._processedSubWidgets) {
				dojo.debug("This should not happen: widget._processedSubWidgets is already true!");
			widget._processedSubWidgets = true;
			if (widget.extraArgs["dojoattachevent"]) {
				var evts = widget.extraArgs["dojoattachevent"].split(";");
				for (var j = 0; j < evts.length; j++) {
					var thisFunc = null;
					var tevt = dojo.string.trim(evts[j]);
					if (tevt.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
						var funcNameArr = tevt.split(":");
						tevt = dojo.string.trim(funcNameArr[0]);
						thisFunc = dojo.string.trim(funcNameArr[1]);
					if (!thisFunc) {
						thisFunc = tevt;
					if (dojo.lang.isFunction(widget[tevt])) {
						dojo.event.kwConnect({srcObj:widget, srcFunc:tevt, targetObj:this, targetFunc:thisFunc});
					} else {
						alert(tevt + " is not a function in widget " + widget);
			if (widget.extraArgs["dojoattachpoint"]) {
				this[widget.extraArgs["dojoattachpoint"]] = widget;
	if (this.isContainer && !frag["dojoDontFollow"]) {
		dojo.widget.getParser().createSubComponents(frag, this);
}, buildRendering:function (args, frag) {
	var ts = dojo.widget._templateCache[this.widgetType];
	if (args["templatecsspath"]) {
		args["templateCssPath"] = args["templatecsspath"];
	var cpath = args["templateCssPath"] || this.templateCssPath;
	if (cpath && !dojo.widget._cssFiles[cpath.toString()]) {
		if ((!this.templateCssString) && (cpath)) {
			this.templateCssString = dojo.hostenv.getText(cpath);
			this.templateCssPath = null;
		dojo.widget._cssFiles[cpath.toString()] = true;
	if ((this["templateCssString"]) && (!dojo.widget._cssStrings[this.templateCssString])) {
		dojo.html.insertCssText(this.templateCssString, null, cpath);
		dojo.widget._cssStrings[this.templateCssString] = true;
	if ((!this.preventClobber) && ((this.templatePath) || (this.templateNode) || ((this["templateString"]) && (this.templateString.length)) || ((typeof ts != "undefined") && ((ts["string"]) || (ts["node"]))))) {
		this.buildFromTemplate(args, frag);
	} else {
		this.domNode = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
	this.fillInTemplate(args, frag);
}, buildFromTemplate:function (args, frag) {
	var avoidCache = false;
	if (args["templatepath"]) {
		args["templatePath"] = args["templatepath"];
	dojo.widget.fillFromTemplateCache(this, args["templatePath"], null, avoidCache);
	var ts = dojo.widget._templateCache[this.templatePath ? this.templatePath.toString() : this.widgetType];
	if ((ts) && (!avoidCache)) {
		if (!this.templateString.length) {
			this.templateString = ts["string"];
		if (!this.templateNode) {
			this.templateNode = ts["node"];
	var matches = false;
	var node = null;
	var tstr = this.templateString;
	if ((!this.templateNode) && (this.templateString)) {
		matches = this.templateString.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
		if (matches) {
			var hash = this.strings || {};
			for (var key in dojo.widget.defaultStrings) {
				if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(hash[key])) {
					hash[key] = dojo.widget.defaultStrings[key];
			for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
				var key = matches[i];
				key = key.substring(2, key.length - 1);
				var kval = (key.substring(0, 5) == "this.") ? dojo.lang.getObjPathValue(key.substring(5), this) : hash[key];
				var value;
				if ((kval) || (dojo.lang.isString(kval))) {
					value = new String((dojo.lang.isFunction(kval)) ?, key, this.templateString) : kval);
					while (value.indexOf("\"") > -1) {
						value = value.replace("\"", """);
					tstr = tstr.replace(matches[i], value);
		} else {
			this.templateNode = this.createNodesFromText(this.templateString, true)[0];
			if (!avoidCache) {
				ts.node = this.templateNode;
	if ((!this.templateNode) && (!matches)) {
		dojo.debug("DomWidget.buildFromTemplate: could not create template");
		return false;
	} else {
		if (!matches) {
			node = this.templateNode.cloneNode(true);
			if (!node) {
				return false;
		} else {
			node = this.createNodesFromText(tstr, true)[0];
	this.domNode = node;
	if (this.isContainer && this.containerNode) {
		var src = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
		if (src) {
			dojo.dom.moveChildren(src, this.containerNode);
}, attachTemplateNodes:function (baseNode, targetObj) {
	if (!baseNode) {
		baseNode = this.domNode;
	if (!targetObj) {
		targetObj = this;
	return dojo.widget.attachTemplateNodes(baseNode, targetObj, dojo.widget.getDojoEventsFromStr(this.templateString));
}, fillInTemplate:function () {
}, destroyRendering:function () {
	try {
		delete this.domNode;
	catch (e) {
	if (this._sourceNodeRef) {
		try {
		catch (e) {
}, createNodesFromText:function () {

Other Struts examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Struts DomWidget.js source code file:

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