package com.devdaily.heidi; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import*; import ch.randelshofer.quaqua.QuaquaManager; import*; import com.devdaily.logging.*; import de.schlichtherle.util.ObfuscatedString; /** * This class is shared freely under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. * This means you can (a) use this class in commercial work, * and (b) modify this work, as long as (c) you attribute that this initial work * was created by Alvin Alexander of * See for more licensing information. * * This is a version of my "Hyde" class with all of the code removed except * that which applies to the True License Java License Manager code. * * Note that it implements the "LicenseableClass", which is an interface I created * as I started thinking that I wanted to re-use my LicenseController class in * other Java/Swing applications. * * Note: With all the guts torn out of this class it will not compile, but * hopefully it can help you see how to implement the True License code * in your client application. * */ public class Hyde implements LicenseableClass { private static final String DC_LICENSING_URL = ""; // "please license" dialog stuff private static final String LICENSE_DIALOG_TITLE = " - Hyde"; private LicenseController licenseController; private LicenseReminderDialog licenseReminderDialog; private int numTimesUsed; private ApplyLicenseDialog applyLicenseDialog; private boolean licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied; // license stuff - uses the ObfuscatedString class from the True License library private static String keystoreFilename = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0x2531E65E362C302AL, 0xC6491960E7CAB920L, 0xC3BA520AAFF63939L}).toString(); /* => "" */ private static String alias = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0xDE2992A6F9C3C3A1L, 0xA08CA77A6F05791AL, 0x59E2378BA6F1BA96L}).toString(); /* => "dcpublickey" */ private static String publicCertStorePassword = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0x43426A6C456239FAL, 0x98099DA1F000C879L, 0x4B8DCA266320210EL, 0xC13BE948052C1673L}).toString(); /* => "Z3N H4ND M00N 6590" */ private static String cipherParamPassword = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0xCF899EE49F709ACAL, 0x954921EB531BF4BFL, 0x3D73B0811299826DL}).toString(); /* => "d0sxxb33rm3si" */ // ftp license stuff - uses the ObfuscatedString class from the True License library private static String ftpAlias = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0xA4B0FBA523B3F63AL, 0x65D5A72B8657E00BL, 0x9E71F6D2395FF6FL}).toString(); /* => "dcftpkeyv1.x" */ private static String ftpKeyPwd = new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {0xA2B75E0F17691BD4L, 0xEB9DB7C881078526L, 0x5ED8D7B254BC11BEL, 0x4422FAD5CD5DC734L}).toString(); /* => "J4V D3RB 88743 1411" */ // prompt user for a license filename when they're ready to license private String licenseFilename; public static void main(String[] args) { new Hyde(); } public Hyde() { // some 'init' work happened here, like hooking up to the java preferences ... // use my LicenseController class to verify and install a license licenseController = new LicenseController(this, logger); // do all the things to display the application's main frame here ... // the app main frame is displayed; now verify the license. // this makes a callback to handleVerifyLicenseFailedEvent() if the verification fails. // the handleVerifyLicenseFailedEvent() method in this class is called if the // license verification process fails. licenseController.verifyLicense(); } //----- implement the LicenseableClass interface -----// public String getApplicationName() { return APP_NAME; } public InputStream getPublicKeystoreAsInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException { final String resourceName = keystoreFilename; final InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceName); if (in == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(resourceName); } return in; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public String getPublicKeystorePassword() { return publicCertStorePassword; } public String getCipherParamPassword() { return cipherParamPassword; } public Class getClassToLicense() { return this.getClass(); } public String getFtpKeyPwd() { return ftpKeyPwd; } public String getFtpAlias() { return ftpAlias; } /** * This process is invoked by the system when the FTP license * period has expired. We need to show a slightly-modified version of * the ApplyLicenseDialog, and we need to shut down the application if * the user does not apply a valid license. */ public void handleVerifyLicenseFailedEvent() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { // create the dialog applyLicenseDialog = new ApplyLicenseDialog(desktopCurtainFrame); // need to add this to catch the event where the user presses the // red close event on our dialog; in that case, we need to quit the app // if a license has not been successfully applied. // TODO this was another late patch, and this code can probably be consolidated // with the Quit button code. applyLicenseDialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { if (!licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied) { doQuitAction(); } } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { if (!licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied) { doQuitAction(); } } }); // change text to let user know the trial period is over applyLicenseDialog.getHeaderHelpText().setText("The free trial period has ended. Please install a license to continue."); // change the cancel button to say "quit" JButton forcedQuitButton = applyLicenseDialog.getCancelButton(); forcedQuitButton.setText("Quit"); forcedQuitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // shut down the app if the user selects this button at this time applyLicenseDialog.setVisible(false); doQuitAction(); } }); // TODO this code is copied and pasted from the doInstallLicenseAction method DCJLinkLabel linkLabel = applyLicenseDialog.getNeedALicenseLabel(); linkLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { // take the user to the proper url openUrlInBrowser(DC_LICENSING_URL); } }); // add a listener to the Browser button JButton browseForLicenseFileButton = applyLicenseDialog.getBrowseButton(); browseForLicenseFileButton.addActionListener(new BrowseForLicenseFileActionListener()); // add a complicated listener to the Apply button JButton applyLicenseButton = applyLicenseDialog.getApplyLicenseButton(); applyLicenseButton.addActionListener(new ApplyLicenseActionListener()); // set the dialog visible, and leave it to the listeners to handle the action applyLicenseDialog.setResizable(false); applyLicenseDialog.pack(); applyLicenseDialog.setModal(true); applyLicenseDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(desktopCurtainFrame); applyLicenseDialog.setVisible(true); } }); } private class ApplyLicenseActionListener implements ActionListener { /** * "Apply" button was clicked, so get the filename from the textfield and * try to apply it as a license. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // get the filename licenseFilename = applyLicenseDialog.getFileTextField().getText(); if (licenseFilename == null || licenseFilename.trim().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(desktopCurtainFrame, "Sorry, it does not look like a file was selected.", "No Filename", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return; } // TODO should probably do this in a thread and indeterminate dialog. // got a filename. try to install it with the license controller. boolean result = licenseController.installLicense(licenseFilename); // let the user know it went good or bad if (result) { // the license was applied successfully; show the user their information licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied = true; String message = "The Hyde license was installed -- thank you!\n\n" + "License holder information:\n\n (" + licenseController.getLicenseContent().getHolder().getName() + ")\n"; JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(8, 31); textArea.setText(message); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(desktopCurtainFrame, scrollPane, "License Installed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); // also close the apply dialog applyLicenseDialog.setVisible(false); applyLicenseDialog.dispose(); } else { String message = "I'm sorry, there was a problem applying the license. " + "Please contact for assistance.\n\n" + "A system error message should be shown below here:\n\n" + licenseController.getErrorMessage(); JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(10, 35); textArea.setText(message); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); // display them in a message dialog JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(desktopCurtainFrame, scrollPane, "Problem Installing License", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } // always need to do this after dialog calls until i find out how to do this right giveFocusBackToCurtain(); } } private class BrowseForLicenseFileActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // browser button was clicked, show a FileDialog to prompt for a filename String canonicalFilename = promptForFilenameWithFileDialog(desktopCurtainFrame, "Select Your License File", null, "*.lic"); // if the name isn't null, put it in the textfield if (canonicalFilename != null) { applyLicenseDialog.getFileTextField().setText(canonicalFilename); } } } /** * Come here when the user selects the "Apply License" menu item. */ public void doInstallLicenseAction() { // prompt the user for the license file applyLicenseDialog = new ApplyLicenseDialog(desktopCurtainFrame); // TODO do this much better; just added as a quick go-live fix // TODO modified the ApplyLicenseDialog manually to add a JLinkLabel *** DCJLinkLabel linkLabel = applyLicenseDialog.getNeedALicenseLabel(); linkLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { // take the user to the proper url openUrlInBrowser(DC_LICENSING_URL); } }); // add a listener to the Browser button JButton browseForLicenseFileButton = applyLicenseDialog.getBrowseButton(); browseForLicenseFileButton.addActionListener(new BrowseForLicenseFileActionListener()); // add a complicated listener to the Apply button JButton applyLicenseButton = applyLicenseDialog.getApplyLicenseButton(); applyLicenseButton.addActionListener(new ApplyLicenseActionListener()); // add a simple listener to the Cancel button JButton cancelButton = applyLicenseDialog.getCancelButton(); cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { applyLicenseDialog.setVisible(false); } }); // set the dialog visible, and leave it to the listeners to handle the action applyLicenseDialog.pack(); applyLicenseDialog.setModal(true); applyLicenseDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(desktopCurtainFrame); applyLicenseDialog.setVisible(true); } private boolean productIsLicensed() { return licenseController.verifyLicense(); } public boolean licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied() { return licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied; } public void setLicenseWasSuccessfullyApplied(boolean licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied) { this.licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied = licenseWasSuccessfullyApplied; } }