package com.devdaily.heidi; import*; /** * This class is shared freely under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. * This means you can (a) use this class in commercial work, * and (b) modify this work, as long as (c) you attribute that this initial work * was created by Alvin Alexander of * See for more licensing information. * * This interface is intended to work with my LicenseController class. * A class that implements this interface can work with our LicenseController class. * Put another way, the LicenseController class only works with a class that * implements this interface. */ public interface LicenseableClass { public String getApplicationName(); public InputStream getPublicKeystoreAsInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException; public String getAlias(); public String getPublicKeystorePassword(); public String getCipherParamPassword(); public Class getClassToLicense(); public void handleVerifyLicenseFailedEvent(); // ftp support public String getFtpAlias(); public String getFtpKeyPwd(); }