Scala FAQ: How do I handle exceptions in Scala?
Solution: Basic exception handling in Scala
Basic exception handling in Scala is handled with its try
For instance, if you’re writing a function, typically you want to catch exceptions with try
and then return a functional error handling type like Option
, Try
, or Either
NOTE: See the end of this article for links to tutorials on advanced exception handling in Scala.)
Scala’s try/catch/finally syntax
Here’s an example of Scala’s try
syntax. Note that in this example I show the syntax to catch three different types of exceptions in the catch
try {
// your scala code here
catch {
case foo: FooException => handleFooException(foo)
case bar: BarException => handleBarException(bar)
case _: Throwable => println("Got some other kind of exception")
finally {
// your scala code here, such as to close a database connection
A great thing about the catch
clause in particular is that it’s consistent with the Scala match
expression syntax.
2024 Update: If you’re using Scala 3, you don’t need the curly braces shown in that example.
If all you needed was an example of Scala’s try
syntax, I hope that’s helpful. But if you’d like some more examples and details, read on...
A complete Scala try/catch/finally example
Here’s an example of exception handling in Scala when opening and copying a binary file:
object CopyBytes extends App {
var in = None: Option[FileInputStream]
var out = None: Option[FileOutputStream]
try {
in = Some(new FileInputStream("/tmp/Test.class"))
out = Some(new FileOutputStream("/tmp/Test.class.copy"))
var c = 0
while ({c =; c != −1}) {
} catch {
case e: IOException => e.printStackTrace
} finally {
println("entered finally ...")
if (in.isDefined) in.get.close
if (out.isDefined) out.get.close
In this example I declare two var fields before the try
block, and then use those fields inside the try
section. If an exception is thrown in the try
section, it’s caught in the catch
section. Then in the finally
section I make sure that I close my resources, being sure to check that they are defined before I call close
on them.
If you’d like more details on that example, I write more about it in my “How to declare a variable (var) before using it in try/catch/finally” tutorial.
A try/catch example
Before I go, here’s another example of how to use try
while trying to read a file in Scala. It uses a different approach to read a file than the previous example:
import{FileNotFoundException, IOException}
val filename = "/etc/passwd"
try {
for (line <- Source.fromFile(filename).getLines) {
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException => println("Couldn't find that file.")
case e: IOException => println("Got an IOException!")
This example comes from my “How to open and read text files in Scala” tutorial.
It’s important to note that in functional programming in Scala, you don’t allow exceptions to leave methods (functions). I write about this in my “Functional error handling in Scala” tutorial, and in my book, Functional Programming, Simplified.
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More Scala exception handling information
See these tutorials for more information on exception handling in Scala:
As I mentioned, the Scala catch
syntax is similar to the Scala match expression syntax. Here are some tutorials that demonstrate that syntax: