A Scala Akka 2.0 Actor ping-pong example

A Scala Akka 2.0 Actor "ping pong" example:

case object Run
  case object Msg

  class Destination extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case Msg ⇒ sender ! Msg

  class Client(
    actor: ActorRef,
    latch: CountDownLatch,
    repeat: Long) extends Actor {

    var sent = 0L
    var received = 0L

    def receive = {
      case Msg ⇒
        received += 1
        if (sent < repeat) {
          actor ! Msg
          sent += 1
        } else if (received >= repeat) {
      case Run ⇒
        for (i ← 0L until math.min(1000L, repeat)) {
          actor ! Msg
          sent += 1


From the letitcrash.com website: The purpose of the used micro benchmark is to see how throughput of message send and receive is affected by increasing number of concurrent, active, actors sharing the same dispatcher. Pairs of actors send messages to each other, classical ping-pong. Load is increased by adding more pairs of actors that are processing messages in parallel with other actors.