Enums, Part 1 (Scala 3 Video)
Scala 3 Enums (Enumerations): The Basics
An enum, or enumeration, is a finite set of named values, where the word “set” implies that the values are unique. Examples are:
- Days in a week (the names Sunday, Monday ... Saturday)
- Suits and ranks in a deck of cards
- Pizza toppings, crust sizes, and crust types
- Simple directions, such as north, south, east, and west
In Scala 3:
- Enums can be parameterized
- Enums can have members (fields and methods)
In an example like this for modeling a deck of cards:
enum Suit:
case Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades
we say:
is a new type that you have created (just likeString
are built-in types)- Values of that type are
, andSpades
Other simple examples:
enum Directions:
case North, South, East, West
enum Bool:
case True, False
enum CrustSize:
case Small, Medium, Large
enum CrustType:
case Thin, Thick, Regular
enum Topping:
case Cheese, Mushrooms, GreenPeppers, Olives
Given those pizza-related enums, here’s a small but complete example:
// import the enum values
import CrustSize.*
import CrustType.*
import Topping.*
// use them in a class
case class Pizza(
crustSize: CrustSize,
crustType: CrustType,
toppings: Seq[Topping]
// create and use Pizza instances
val p1 = Pizza(Small, Thin, Seq(Cheese))
val p2 = p1.copy(
toppings = p1.toppings ++ Seq(Mushrooms, Olives)
val p3 = p2.copy(crustSize = Large)