Enums, Part 2 (Scala 3 Video)
Scala 3 Enums (Enumerations): Advanced Features
Advanced features of Scala 3 enums:
- Enums can be parameterized
- Enums can have members
Enums can be parameterized
Example of HTTP response codes:
// define (a) the HttpResponse type and (b) its values
// (or instances)
enum HttpResponse(val code: Int):
case Ok extends HttpResponse(200)
case MovedPermanently extends HttpResponse(301)
case InternalServerError extends HttpResponse(500)
// import the values
import HttpResponse.*
// use the values
Ok.code // 200
MovedPermanently.code // 301
InternalServerError.code // 500
Example of a deck of cards:
// enums can be parametrized
enum Suit(val symbol: String):
case Hearts extends Suit("♥")
case Diamonds extends Suit("♦")
case Clubs extends Suit("♣")
case Spades extends Suit("♠")
enum Rank(val value: Int):
case Two extends Rank(2)
case Three extends Rank(3)
case Four extends Rank(4)
case Five extends Rank(5)
case Six extends Rank(6)
case Seven extends Rank(7)
case Eight extends Rank(8)
case Nine extends Rank(9)
case Ten extends Rank(10)
case Jack extends Rank(11)
case Queen extends Rank(12)
case King extends Rank(13)
case Ace extends Rank(14)
case class Card(rank: Rank, suit: Suit):
override def toString =
s"$rank of $suit"
val deckOfCards: Seq[Card] = for
rank <- Rank.values.toSeq
suit <- Suit.values.toSeq
Card(rank, suit)
import scala.util.Random
val d2 = Random.shuffle(deckOfCards)
Examples of parameters and members (fields and methods)
Here’s a partial example of using enum parameters and members (which are fields and methods). This comes from this LAMP/EPFL Scala page:
enum Planet(mass: Double, radius: Double):
// fields
private final val G = 6.67300E-11
// methods:
def surfaceGravity = G * mass / (radius * radius)
def surfaceWeight(otherMass: Double) = otherMass * surfaceGravity
// cases:
case Mercury extends Planet(3.303e+23, 2.4397e6)
case Earth extends Planet(5.976e+24, 6.37814e6)
// ...
// note: methods are not unique to instances.
// if you want a “carbonPercent” method for just Earth,
// you can’t do that
When to use an enum?
Use a Scala 3 enum when:
- You want to model a small (or relatively small), finite set of values
- When the values (instances) won’t ever need unique members (fields and methods)
- i.e., you would like to have a
method forEarth
, but you can’t create a unique method like that
- i.e., you would like to have a
- In FP we use enums to define ADTs (i.e., simple sum types, such as those shown in this page)
- Examples: Directions, Toppings, CrustSize, CrustType, Suit, Rank
For more information on ADTs, see: