Importing Code, Part 2 (Scala 3 Video)
Import Statements
- Some built-in Scala types and functions are automatically available to you
(and more)
- These work because these three packages are implicitly imported for you:
Everything else is NOT automatically available:
- mutable collections
- every third-party library
In this video I show several ways to use Scala import
To use a third-party library
- Configure how to access/download it in your build tool (such as by adding the correct entry in build.sbt when using the SBT build tool)
- (This code is said to be “packaged” so you can use it)
- Then import it into your code with the correct
Example usage
My “utilities” library looks like this:
package com.alvinalexander.utils
object StringUtils:
// convert "big belly burger" to "Big Belly Burger"
def capitalizeAllWords(s: String): String =
s.split(" ")
.mkString(" ")
def isBlank(s: String): Boolean =
s.trim == ""
def isNullOrEmpty(s: String): Boolean =
if s == null || isBlank(s) then true else false
// this code goes on for a while ...
I don’t demonstrate how to configure it in build.sbt, but I show several ways to import it in other code:
package foo
import com.alvinalexander.utils.StringUtils.capitalizeAllWords
import com.alvinalexander.utils.StringUtils.truncate
import com.alvinalexander.utils.StringUtils.truncateWithEllipsis
@main def stringUtilsTest(): Unit =
val bbb = "big belly burger"
val capWords = capitalizeAllWords(bbb)
println(truncate(bbb, 9))
println(truncateWithEllipsis(bbb, 9))