How to append text to a file with Ruby

Ruby file FAQ: How do I append text to a file in Ruby?

Solution: Appending text to a file with Ruby is similar to other languages: you open the file in "append" mode, write your data, and then close the file.

Here's a quick example that demonstrates how to append "Hello, world" to a file named myfile.out in the current directory:

open('myfile.out', 'a') { |f|
  f.puts "Hello, world."

It's very important to note that I use f.puts in that example. If you're used to using the puts method, f.puts is just like it, except your writing to your file, f.


There are actually quite a few different ways to append data to a file. Here's the same example, using the do/end block syntax:

open('myfile.out', 'a') do |f|
  f.puts "Hello, world. It's me again."

And in this example I show how to append to the file using the << operator:

open('myfile.out', 'a') do |f|
  f << "and again ...\n"

(Note the use of the \n at the end of the string when using the << operator. That's something that puts does for you automatically.)

Writing multiple lines

Finally, if you want to append more than one line at a time, here's a quick demo showing how to do this:

open('myfile.out', 'a') { |f|
  f << "Four score\n"
  f << "and seven\n"
  f << "years ago\n"