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Akka/Scala example source code file (ByteStringSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ByteStringSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, arbitrary, arrayslice, big_endian, boolean, byte, byteorder, bytestring, bytestringslice, collection, int, little_endian, mutable, util

The ByteStringSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.util

import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen

import scala.collection.mutable.Builder

import java.nio.{ ByteBuffer }
import java.nio.ByteOrder, ByteOrder.{ BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN }
import java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits
import java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits

class ByteStringSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with Checkers {

  def genSimpleByteString(min: Int, max: Int) = for {
    n ← Gen.choose(min, max)
    b ← Gen.containerOfN[Array, Byte](n, arbitrary[Byte])
    from ← Gen.choose(0, b.length)
    until ← Gen.choose(from, b.length)
  } yield ByteString(b).slice(from, until)

  implicit val arbitraryByteString: Arbitrary[ByteString] = Arbitrary {
    Gen.sized { s ⇒
      for {
        chunks ← Gen.choose(0, s)
        bytes ← Gen.listOfN(chunks, genSimpleByteString(1, s / (chunks max 1)))
      } yield (ByteString.empty /: bytes)(_ ++ _)

  type ByteStringSlice = (ByteString, Int, Int)

  implicit val arbitraryByteStringSlice: Arbitrary[ByteStringSlice] = Arbitrary {
    for {
      xs ← arbitraryByteString.arbitrary
      from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length - 1)
      until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length)
    } yield (xs, from, until)

  type ArraySlice[A] = (Array[A], Int, Int)

  def arbSlice[A](arbArray: Arbitrary[Array[A]]): Arbitrary[ArraySlice[A]] = Arbitrary {
    for {
      xs ← arbArray.arbitrary
      from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length)
      until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length)
    } yield (xs, from, until)

  val arbitraryByteArray: Arbitrary[Array[Byte]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Byte](n, arbitrary[Byte]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryByteArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Byte]] = arbSlice(arbitraryByteArray)
  val arbitraryShortArray: Arbitrary[Array[Short]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Short](n, arbitrary[Short]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryShortArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Short]] = arbSlice(arbitraryShortArray)
  val arbitraryIntArray: Arbitrary[Array[Int]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Int](n, arbitrary[Int]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryIntArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Int]] = arbSlice(arbitraryIntArray)
  val arbitraryLongArray: Arbitrary[Array[Long]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Long](n, arbitrary[Long]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryLongArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Long]] = arbSlice(arbitraryLongArray)
  val arbitraryFloatArray: Arbitrary[Array[Float]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Float](n, arbitrary[Float]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryFloatArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Float]] = arbSlice(arbitraryFloatArray)
  val arbitraryDoubleArray: Arbitrary[Array[Double]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Double](n, arbitrary[Double]) } }
  implicit val arbitraryDoubleArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Double]] = arbSlice(arbitraryDoubleArray)

  type ArrayNumBytes[A] = (Array[A], Int)

  implicit val arbitraryLongArrayNumBytes: Arbitrary[ArrayNumBytes[Long]] = Arbitrary {
    for {
      xs ← arbitraryLongArray.arbitrary
      from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length)
      until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length)
      bytes ← Gen.choose(0, 8)
    } yield (xs.slice(from, until), bytes)

  def likeVector(bs: ByteString)(body: IndexedSeq[Byte] ⇒ Any): Boolean = {
    val vec = Vector(bs: _*)
    body(bs) == body(vec)

  def likeVectors(bsA: ByteString, bsB: ByteString)(body: (IndexedSeq[Byte], IndexedSeq[Byte]) ⇒ Any): Boolean = {
    val vecA = Vector(bsA: _*)
    val vecB = Vector(bsB: _*)
    body(bsA, bsB) == body(vecA, vecB)

  def likeVecIt(bs: ByteString)(body: BufferedIterator[Byte] ⇒ Any, strict: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
    val bsIterator = bs.iterator
    val vecIterator = Vector(bs: _*).iterator.buffered
    (body(bsIterator) == body(vecIterator)) &&
      (!strict || (bsIterator.toSeq == vecIterator.toSeq))

  def likeVecIts(a: ByteString, b: ByteString)(body: (BufferedIterator[Byte], BufferedIterator[Byte]) ⇒ Any, strict: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
    val (bsAIt, bsBIt) = (a.iterator, b.iterator)
    val (vecAIt, vecBIt) = (Vector(a: _*).iterator.buffered, Vector(b: _*).iterator.buffered)
    (body(bsAIt, bsBIt) == body(vecAIt, vecBIt)) &&
      (!strict || (bsAIt.toSeq -> bsBIt.toSeq) == (vecAIt.toSeq -> vecBIt.toSeq))

  def likeVecBld(body: Builder[Byte, _] ⇒ Unit): Boolean = {
    val bsBuilder = ByteString.newBuilder
    val vecBuilder = Vector.newBuilder[Byte]


    bsBuilder.result == vecBuilder.result

  def testShortDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 2
    val (bytes, from, until) = slice
    val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize)
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Short](n)
    bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asShortBuffer.get(reference, 0, n)
    val input = bytes.iterator
    val decoded = Array.ofDim[Short](n)
    for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getShort(byteOrder)
    input.getShorts(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getShort(byteOrder)
    (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize))

  def testIntDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 4
    val (bytes, from, until) = slice
    val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize)
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Int](n)
    bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asIntBuffer.get(reference, 0, n)
    val input = bytes.iterator
    val decoded = Array.ofDim[Int](n)
    for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getInt(byteOrder)
    input.getInts(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getInt(byteOrder)
    (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize))

  def testLongDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 8
    val (bytes, from, until) = slice
    val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize)
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Long](n)
    bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asLongBuffer.get(reference, 0, n)
    val input = bytes.iterator
    val decoded = Array.ofDim[Long](n)
    for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getLong(byteOrder)
    input.getLongs(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getLong(byteOrder)
    (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize))

  def testFloatDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 4
    val (bytes, from, until) = slice
    val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize)
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Float](n)
    bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asFloatBuffer.get(reference, 0, n)
    val input = bytes.iterator
    val decoded = Array.ofDim[Float](n)
    for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getFloat(byteOrder)
    input.getFloats(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getFloat(byteOrder)
    ((decoded.toSeq map floatToRawIntBits) == (reference.toSeq map floatToRawIntBits)) &&
      (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize))

  def testDoubleDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 8
    val (bytes, from, until) = slice
    val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize)
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Double](n)
    bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asDoubleBuffer.get(reference, 0, n)
    val input = bytes.iterator
    val decoded = Array.ofDim[Double](n)
    for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getDouble(byteOrder)
    input.getDoubles(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getDouble(byteOrder)
    ((decoded.toSeq map doubleToRawLongBits) == (reference.toSeq map doubleToRawLongBits)) &&
      (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize))

  def testShortEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Short], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 2
    val (data, from, to) = slice
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putShort(data(i))(byteOrder)
    builder.putShorts(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putShort(data(i))(byteOrder)
    reference.toSeq == builder.result

  def testIntEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Int], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 4
    val (data, from, to) = slice
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putInt(data(i))(byteOrder)
    builder.putInts(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putInt(data(i))(byteOrder)
    reference.toSeq == builder.result

  def testLongEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Long], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 8
    val (data, from, to) = slice
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putLong(data(i))(byteOrder)
    builder.putLongs(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putLong(data(i))(byteOrder)
    reference.toSeq == builder.result

  def testLongPartEncoding(anb: ArrayNumBytes[Long], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 8
    val (data, nBytes) = anb

    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until data.length) builder.putLongPart(data(i), nBytes)(byteOrder)

    reference.zipWithIndex.collect({ // Since there is no partial put on LongBuffer, we need to collect only the interesting bytes
      case (r, i) if byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN && i % elemSize < nBytes            ⇒ r
      case (r, i) if byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN && i % elemSize >= (elemSize - nBytes) ⇒ r
    }).toSeq == builder.result

  def testFloatEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Float], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 4
    val (data, from, to) = slice
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putFloat(data(i))(byteOrder)
    builder.putFloats(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putFloat(data(i))(byteOrder)
    reference.toSeq == builder.result

  def testDoubleEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Double], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = {
    val elemSize = 8
    val (data, from, to) = slice
    val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize)
    val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
    for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putDouble(data(i))(byteOrder)
    builder.putDoubles(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder)
    for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putDouble(data(i))(byteOrder)
    reference.toSeq == builder.result

  "A ByteString" must {
    "have correct size" when {
      "concatenating" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).size == a.size + b.size) }
      "dropping" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).drop(b.size).size == a.size) }

    "be sequential" when {
      "taking" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).take(a.size) == a) }
      "dropping" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).drop(a.size) == b) }

    "be equal to the original" when {
      "compacting" in { check { xs: ByteString ⇒ val ys = xs.compact; (xs == ys) && ys.isCompact } }
      "recombining" in {
        check { (xs: ByteString, from: Int, until: Int) ⇒
          val (tmp, c) = xs.splitAt(until)
          val (a, b) = tmp.splitAt(from)
          (a ++ b ++ c) == xs

    "behave as expected" when {
      "created from and decoding to String" in { check { s: String ⇒ ByteString(s, "UTF-8").decodeString("UTF-8") == s } }

      "compacting" in {
        check { a: ByteString ⇒
          val wasCompact = a.isCompact
          val b = a.compact
          ((!wasCompact) || (b eq a)) &&
            (b == a) &&
            b.isCompact &&
            (b.compact eq b)

      "asByteBuffers" in {
        check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ if (a.isCompact) a.asByteBuffers.size == 1 && a.asByteBuffers.head == a.asByteBuffer else a.asByteBuffers.size > 0 }
        check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ a.asByteBuffers.foldLeft(ByteString.empty) { (bs, bb) ⇒ bs ++ ByteString(bb) } == a }
        check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ a.asByteBuffers.forall(_.isReadOnly) }
        check { (a: ByteString) ⇒
          import scala.collection.JavaConverters.iterableAsScalaIterableConverter;
 ⇒ x._1 == x._2)
    "behave like a Vector" when {
      "concatenating" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ likeVectors(a, b) { _ ++ _ } } }

      "calling apply" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, i1, i2) ⇒ likeVector(xs) { seq ⇒
              (if ((i1 >= 0) && (i1 < seq.length)) seq(i1) else 0,
                if ((i2 >= 0) && (i2 < seq.length)) seq(i2) else 0)

      "calling head" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.head } } }
      "calling tail" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.tail } } }
      "calling last" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.last } } }
      "calling init" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.init } } }
      "calling length" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.length } } }

      "calling span" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a)({ _.span(_ != b) match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a, b) } }) } }

      "calling takeWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a)({ _.takeWhile(_ != b) }) } }
      "calling dropWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.dropWhile(_ != b) } } }
      "calling indexWhere" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.indexWhere(_ == b) } } }
      "calling indexOf" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.indexOf(b) } } }
      "calling foreach" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { it ⇒ var acc = 0; it foreach { acc += _ }; acc } } }
      "calling foldLeft" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ } } } }
      "calling toArray" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.toArray.toSeq } } }

      "calling slice" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({
              _.slice(from, until)

      "calling take and drop" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({
              _.drop(from).take(until - from)

      "calling copyToArray" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({ it ⇒
              val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](xs.length)
              it.slice(from, until).copyToArray(array, from, until)

  "A ByteStringIterator" must {
    "behave like a buffered Vector Iterator" when {
      "concatenating" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ likeVecIts(a, b) { (a, b) ⇒ (a ++ b).toSeq } } }

      "calling head" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVecIt(a) { _.head } } }
      "calling next" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVecIt(a) { } } }
      "calling hasNext" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.hasNext } } }
      "calling length" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.length } } }
      "calling duplicate" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.duplicate match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a.toSeq, b.toSeq) } }, strict = false) } }

      // Have to used toList instead of toSeq here, iterator.span (new in
      // Scala-2.9) seems to be broken in combination with toSeq for the
      // scala.collection default Iterator (see Scala issue SI-5838).
      "calling span" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.span(_ != b) match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a.toList, b.toList) } }, strict = false) } }

      "calling takeWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.takeWhile(_ != b).toSeq }, strict = false) } }
      "calling dropWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.dropWhile(_ != b).toSeq } } }
      "calling indexWhere" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.indexWhere(_ == b) } } }
      "calling indexOf" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.indexOf(b) } } }
      "calling toSeq" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.toSeq } } }
      "calling foreach" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { it ⇒ var acc = 0; it foreach { acc += _ }; acc } } }
      "calling foldLeft" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ } } } }
      "calling toArray" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.toArray.toSeq } } }

      "calling slice" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({
              _.slice(from, until).toSeq
            }, strict = false)

      "calling take and drop" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({
              _.drop(from).take(until - from).toSeq
            }, strict = false)

      "calling copyToArray" in {
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          slice match {
            case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({ it ⇒
              val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](xs.length)
              it.slice(from, until).copyToArray(array, from, until)
            }, strict = false)

    "function as expected" when {
      "getting Bytes, using getByte and getBytes" in {
        // mixing getByte and getBytes here for more rigorous testing
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          val (bytes, from, to) = slice
          val input = bytes.iterator
          val output = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.length)
          for (i ← 0 until from) output(i) = input.getByte
          input.getBytes(output, from, to - from)
          for (i ← to until bytes.length) output(i) = input.getByte
          (output.toSeq == bytes) && (input.isEmpty)

      "getting Bytes, using the InputStream wrapper" in {
        // combining skip and both read methods here for more rigorous testing
        check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒
          val (bytes, from, to) = slice
          val a = (0 max from) min bytes.length
          val b = (a max to) min bytes.length
          val input = bytes.iterator
          val output = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.length)


          val toRead = b - a
          var (nRead, eof) = (0, false)
          while ((nRead < toRead) && !eof) {
            val n =, a + nRead, toRead - nRead)
            if (n == -1) eof = true
            else nRead += n
          if (eof) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected EOF")

          for (i ← b until bytes.length) output(i) =

          (output.toSeq.drop(a) == bytes.drop(a)) &&
            ( == -1) &&
            ((output.length < 1) || (, 0, 1) == -1))

      "calling copyToBuffer" in {
        check { bytes: ByteString ⇒
          import java.nio.ByteBuffer
          val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.size)
          val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.size)
          bytes == array.toSeq

    "decode data correctly" when {
      "decoding Short in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testShortDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Short in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testShortDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Int in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testIntDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Int in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testIntDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Long in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testLongDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Long in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testLongDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Float in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testFloatDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Float in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testFloatDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Double in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testDoubleDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "decoding Double in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testDoubleDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }

  "A ByteStringBuilder" must {
    "function like a VectorBuilder" when {
      "adding various contents using ++= and +=" in {
        check { (array1: Array[Byte], array2: Array[Byte], bs1: ByteString, bs2: ByteString, bs3: ByteString) ⇒
          likeVecBld { builder ⇒
            builder ++= array1
            bs1 foreach { b ⇒ builder += b }
            builder ++= bs2
            bs3 foreach { b ⇒ builder += b }
            builder ++= Vector(array2: _*)
    "function as expected" when {
      "putting Bytes, using putByte and putBytes" in {
        // mixing putByte and putBytes here for more rigorous testing
        check { slice: ArraySlice[Byte] ⇒
          val (data, from, to) = slice
          val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
          for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putByte(data(i))
          builder.putBytes(data, from, to - from)
          for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putByte(data(i))
          data.toSeq == builder.result

      "putting Bytes, using the OutputStream wrapper" in {
        // mixing the write methods here for more rigorous testing
        check { slice: ArraySlice[Byte] ⇒
          val (data, from, to) = slice
          val builder = ByteString.newBuilder
          for (i ← 0 until from) builder.asOutputStream.write(data(i).toInt)
          builder.asOutputStream.write(data, from, to - from)
          for (i ← to until data.length) builder.asOutputStream.write(data(i).toInt)
          data.toSeq == builder.result

    "encode data correctly" when {
      "encoding Short in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Short] ⇒ testShortEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Short in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Short] ⇒ testShortEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Int in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Int] ⇒ testIntEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Int in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Int] ⇒ testIntEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Long in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Long] ⇒ testLongEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Long in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Long] ⇒ testLongEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding LongPart in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArrayNumBytes[Long] ⇒ testLongPartEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding LongPart in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArrayNumBytes[Long] ⇒ testLongPartEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Float in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Float] ⇒ testFloatEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Float in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Float] ⇒ testFloatEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Double in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Double] ⇒ testDoubleEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } }
      "encoding Double in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Double] ⇒ testDoubleEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } }

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ByteStringSpec.scala source code file:

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