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Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorRefProvider.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ActorRefProvider.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorpath, actorref, actorsystemimpl, address, akka, boolean, concurrent, dispatch, event, internalactorref, localactorref, option, route, string, unit, utilities

The ActorRefProvider.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
import akka.routing._
import akka.event._
import akka.util.{ Switch, Helpers }
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import akka.util.Collections.EmptyImmutableSeq
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future, Promise }
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.dispatch.Mailboxes

 * Interface for all ActorRef providers to implement.
trait ActorRefProvider {

   * Reference to the supervisor of guardian and systemGuardian; this is
   * exposed so that the ActorSystemImpl can use it as lookupRoot, i.e.
   * for anchoring absolute actor look-ups.
  def rootGuardian: InternalActorRef

   * Reference to the supervisor of guardian and systemGuardian at the specified address;
   * this is exposed so that the ActorRefFactory can use it as lookupRoot, i.e.
   * for anchoring absolute actor selections.
  def rootGuardianAt(address: Address): ActorRef

   * Reference to the supervisor used for all top-level user actors.
  def guardian: LocalActorRef

   * Reference to the supervisor used for all top-level system actors.
  def systemGuardian: LocalActorRef

   * Dead letter destination for this provider.
  def deadLetters: ActorRef

   * The root path for all actors within this actor system, not including any remote address information.
  def rootPath: ActorPath

   * The Settings associated with this ActorRefProvider
  def settings: ActorSystem.Settings

   * Initialization of an ActorRefProvider happens in two steps: first
   * construction of the object with settings, eventStream, etc.
   * and then—when the ActorSystem is constructed—the second phase during
   * which actors may be created (e.g. the guardians).
  def init(system: ActorSystemImpl): Unit

   * The Deployer associated with this ActorRefProvider
  def deployer: Deployer

   * Generates and returns a unique actor path below “/temp”.
  def tempPath(): ActorPath

   * Returns the actor reference representing the “/temp” path.
  def tempContainer: InternalActorRef

   * Registers an actorRef at a path returned by tempPath(); do NOT pass in any other path.
  def registerTempActor(actorRef: InternalActorRef, path: ActorPath): Unit

   * Unregister a temporary actor from the “/temp” path (i.e. obtained from tempPath()); do NOT pass in any other path.
  def unregisterTempActor(path: ActorPath): Unit

   * Actor factory with create-only semantics: will create an actor as
   * described by props with the given supervisor and path (may be different
   * in case of remote supervision). If systemService is true, deployment is
   * bypassed (local-only). If ``Some(deploy)`` is passed in, it should be
   * regarded as taking precedence over the nominally applicable settings,
   * but it should be overridable from external configuration; the lookup of
   * the latter can be suppressed by setting ``lookupDeploy`` to ``false``.
  def actorOf(
    system: ActorSystemImpl,
    props: Props,
    supervisor: InternalActorRef,
    path: ActorPath,
    systemService: Boolean,
    deploy: Option[Deploy],
    lookupDeploy: Boolean,
    async: Boolean): InternalActorRef

   * Create actor reference for a specified local or remote path. If no such
   * actor exists, it will be (equivalent to) a dead letter reference.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(path: ActorPath): InternalActorRef

   * Create actor reference for a specified local or remote path, which will
   * be parsed using If no such actor exists, it will be
   * (equivalent to) a dead letter reference. If `s` is a relative URI, resolve
   * it relative to the given ref.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(ref: InternalActorRef, s: String): InternalActorRef

   * Create actor reference for the specified child path starting at the
   * given starting point. This method always returns an actor which is “logically local”,
   * i.e. it cannot be used to obtain a reference to an actor which is not
   * physically or logically attached to this actor system.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(ref: InternalActorRef, p: Iterable[String]): InternalActorRef

   * Create actor reference for a specified path. If no such
   * actor exists, it will be (equivalent to) a dead letter reference.
  def resolveActorRef(path: String): ActorRef

   * Create actor reference for a specified path. If no such
   * actor exists, it will be (equivalent to) a dead letter reference.
  def resolveActorRef(path: ActorPath): ActorRef

   * This Future is completed upon termination of this ActorRefProvider, which
   * is usually initiated by stopping the guardian via ActorSystem.stop().
  def terminationFuture: Future[Unit]

   * Obtain the address which is to be used within sender references when
   * sending to the given other address or none if the other address cannot be
   * reached from this system (i.e. no means of communication known; no
   * attempt is made to verify actual reachability).
  def getExternalAddressFor(addr: Address): Option[Address]

   * Obtain the external address of the default transport.
  def getDefaultAddress: Address

 * Interface implemented by ActorSystem and ActorContext, the only two places
 * from which you can get fresh actors.
@implicitNotFound("implicit ActorRefFactory required: if outside of an Actor you need an implicit ActorSystem, inside of an actor this should be the implicit ActorContext")
trait ActorRefFactory {
  protected def systemImpl: ActorSystemImpl
  protected def provider: ActorRefProvider

   * Returns the default MessageDispatcher associated with this ActorRefFactory
  implicit def dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor

   * Father of all children created by this interface.
  protected def guardian: InternalActorRef

  protected def lookupRoot: InternalActorRef

   * Create new actor as child of this context and give it an automatically
   * generated name (currently similar to base64-encoded integer count,
   * reversed and with “$” prepended, may change in the future).
   * See [[]] for details on how to obtain a `Props` object.
   * @throws akka.ConfigurationException if deployment, dispatcher
   *   or mailbox configuration is wrong
  def actorOf(props: Props): ActorRef

   * Create new actor as child of this context with the given name, which must
   * not be null, empty or start with “$”. If the given name is already in use,
   * an `InvalidActorNameException` is thrown.
   * See [[]] for details on how to obtain a `Props` object.
   * @throws if the given name is
   *   invalid or already in use
   * @throws akka.ConfigurationException if deployment, dispatcher
   *   or mailbox configuration is wrong
  def actorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef

   * Look-up an actor by path; if it does not exist, returns a reference to
   * the dead-letter mailbox of the [[]]. If the path
   * point to an actor which is not local, no attempt is made during this
   * call to verify that the actor it represents does exist or is alive; use
   * `watch(ref)` to be notified of the target’s termination, which is also
   * signaled if the queried path cannot be resolved.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(path: ActorPath): ActorRef = provider.actorFor(path)

   * Look-up an actor by path represented as string.
   * Absolute URIs like `akka://appname/user/actorA` are looked up as described
   * for look-ups by `actorOf(ActorPath)`.
   * Relative URIs like `/service/actorA/childB` are looked up relative to the
   * root path of the [[]] containing this factory and as
   * described for look-ups by `actorOf(Iterable[String])`.
   * Relative URIs like `myChild/grandChild` or `../myBrother` are looked up
   * relative to the current context as described for look-ups by
   * `actorOf(Iterable[String])`
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(path: String): ActorRef = provider.actorFor(lookupRoot, path)

   * Look-up an actor by applying the given path elements, starting from the
   * current context, where `".."` signifies the parent of an actor.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   * class MyActor extends Actor {
   *   def receive = {
   *     case msg =>
   *       ...
   *       val target = context.actorFor(Seq("..", "myBrother", "myNephew"))
   *       ...
   *   }
   * }
   * }}}
   * For maximum performance use a collection with efficient head & tail operations.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(path: Iterable[String]): ActorRef = provider.actorFor(lookupRoot, path)

   * Java API: Look-up an actor by applying the given path elements, starting from the
   * current context, where `".."` signifies the parent of an actor.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   * public class MyActor extends UntypedActor {
   *   public void onReceive(Object msg) throws Exception {
   *     ...
   *     final List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
   *     path.add("..");
   *     path.add("myBrother");
   *     path.add("myNephew");
   *     final ActorRef target = getContext().actorFor(path);
   *     ...
   *   }
   * }
   * }}}
   * For maximum performance use a collection with efficient head & tail operations.
  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  def actorFor(path: java.lang.Iterable[String]): ActorRef = provider.actorFor(lookupRoot, immutableSeq(path))

   * Construct an [[]] from the given path, which is
   * parsed for wildcards (these are replaced by regular expressions
   * internally). No attempt is made to verify the existence of any part of
   * the supplied path, it is recommended to send a message and gather the
   * replies in order to resolve the matching set of actors.
  def actorSelection(path: String): ActorSelection = path match {
    case RelativeActorPath(elems) ⇒
      if (elems.isEmpty) ActorSelection(provider.deadLetters, "")
      else if (elems.head.isEmpty) ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardian, elems.tail)
      else ActorSelection(lookupRoot, elems)
    case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) ⇒
      ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardianAt(address), elems)
    case _ ⇒
      ActorSelection(provider.deadLetters, "")

   * Construct an [[]] from the given path, which is
   * parsed for wildcards (these are replaced by regular expressions
   * internally). No attempt is made to verify the existence of any part of
   * the supplied path, it is recommended to send a message and gather the
   * replies in order to resolve the matching set of actors.
  def actorSelection(path: ActorPath): ActorSelection =
    ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardianAt(path.address), path.elements)

   * Stop the actor pointed to by the given [[]]; this is
   * an asynchronous operation, i.e. involves a message send.
  def stop(actor: ActorRef): Unit

 * Internal Akka use only, used in implementation of system.stop(child).
private[akka] final case class StopChild(child: ActorRef)

private[akka] object SystemGuardian {
   * For the purpose of orderly shutdown it's possible
   * to register interest in the termination of systemGuardian
   * and receive a notification [[]]
   * before systemGuardian is stopped. The registered hook is supposed
   * to reply with [[]] and the
   * systemGuardian will not stop until all registered hooks have replied.
  case object RegisterTerminationHook
  case object TerminationHook
  case object TerminationHookDone

private[akka] object LocalActorRefProvider {

   * Root and user guardian
  private class Guardian(override val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy) extends Actor
    with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {

    def receive = {
      case Terminated(_)    ⇒ context.stop(self)
      case StopChild(child) ⇒ context.stop(child)
      case m                ⇒ context.system.deadLetters forward DeadLetter(m, sender(), self)

    // guardian MUST NOT lose its children during restart
    override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, msg: Option[Any]) {}

   * System guardian
  private class SystemGuardian(override val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy, val guardian: ActorRef)
    extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
    import SystemGuardian._

    var terminationHooks = Set.empty[ActorRef]

    def receive = {
      case Terminated(`guardian`) ⇒
        // time for the systemGuardian to stop, but first notify all the
        // termination hooks, they will reply with TerminationHookDone
        // and when all are done the systemGuardian is stopped
        terminationHooks foreach { _ ! TerminationHook }
      case Terminated(a) ⇒
        // a registered, and watched termination hook terminated before
        // termination process of guardian has started
        terminationHooks -= a
      case StopChild(child) ⇒ context.stop(child)
      case RegisterTerminationHook if sender() != context.system.deadLetters ⇒
        terminationHooks += sender()
        context watch sender()
      case m ⇒ context.system.deadLetters forward DeadLetter(m, sender(), self)

    def terminating: Receive = {
      case Terminated(a)       ⇒ stopWhenAllTerminationHooksDone(a)
      case TerminationHookDone ⇒ stopWhenAllTerminationHooksDone(sender())
      case m                   ⇒ context.system.deadLetters forward DeadLetter(m, sender(), self)

    def stopWhenAllTerminationHooksDone(remove: ActorRef): Unit = {
      terminationHooks -= remove

    def stopWhenAllTerminationHooksDone(): Unit =
      if (terminationHooks.isEmpty) {

    // guardian MUST NOT lose its children during restart
    override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, msg: Option[Any]) {}


 * Local ActorRef provider.
 * Depending on this class is not supported, only the [[ActorRefProvider]] interface is supported.
private[akka] class LocalActorRefProvider private[akka] (
  _systemName: String,
  override val settings: ActorSystem.Settings,
  val eventStream: EventStream,
  val dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess,
  override val deployer: Deployer,
  _deadLetters: Option[ActorPath ⇒ InternalActorRef])
  extends ActorRefProvider {

  // this is the constructor needed for reflectively instantiating the provider
  def this(_systemName: String,
           settings: ActorSystem.Settings,
           eventStream: EventStream,
           dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess) =
      new Deployer(settings, dynamicAccess),

  override val rootPath: ActorPath = RootActorPath(Address("akka", _systemName))

  private[akka] val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(eventStream, "LocalActorRefProvider(" + rootPath.address + ")")

  override val deadLetters: InternalActorRef =
    _deadLetters.getOrElse((p: ActorPath) ⇒ new DeadLetterActorRef(this, p, eventStream)).apply(rootPath / "deadLetters")

   * generate name for temporary actor refs
  private val tempNumber = new AtomicLong

  private def tempName() = Helpers.base64(tempNumber.getAndIncrement())

  private val tempNode = rootPath / "temp"

  override def tempPath(): ActorPath = tempNode / tempName()

   * Top-level anchor for the supervision hierarchy of this actor system. Will
   * receive only Supervise/ChildTerminated system messages or Failure message.
  private[akka] val theOneWhoWalksTheBubblesOfSpaceTime: InternalActorRef = new MinimalActorRef {
    val stopped = new Switch(false)

    var causeOfTermination: Option[Throwable] = None

    val path = rootPath / "bubble-walker"

    def provider: ActorRefProvider = LocalActorRefProvider.this

    override def stop(): Unit = stopped switchOn { terminationPromise.complete( }
    @deprecated("Use and receive Terminated(actor)", "2.2") override def isTerminated: Boolean = stopped.isOn

    override def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Unit = stopped.ifOff(message match {
      case null ⇒ throw new InvalidMessageException("Message is null")
      case _    ⇒ log.error(s"$this received unexpected message [$message]")

    override def sendSystemMessage(message: SystemMessage): Unit = stopped ifOff {
      message match {
        case Failed(child, ex, _) ⇒
          log.error(ex, s"guardian $child failed, shutting down!")
          causeOfTermination = Some(ex)
        case Supervise(_, _)           ⇒ // TODO register child in some map to keep track of it and enable shutdown after all dead
        case _: DeathWatchNotification ⇒ stop()
        case _                         ⇒ log.error(s"$this received unexpected system message [$message]")

   * The problem is that ActorRefs need a reference to the ActorSystem to
   * provide their service. Hence they cannot be created while the
   * constructors of ActorSystem and ActorRefProvider are still running.
   * The solution is to split out that last part into an init() method,
   * but it also requires these references to be @volatile and lazy.
  private var system: ActorSystemImpl = _

  lazy val terminationPromise: Promise[Unit] = Promise[Unit]()

  def terminationFuture: Future[Unit] = terminationPromise.future

  private var extraNames: Map[String, InternalActorRef] = Map()

   * Higher-level providers (or extensions) might want to register new synthetic
   * top-level paths for doing special stuff. This is the way to do just that.
   * Just be careful to complete all this before ActorSystem.start() finishes,
   * or before you start your own auto-spawned actors.
  def registerExtraNames(_extras: Map[String, InternalActorRef]): Unit = extraNames ++= _extras

  private def guardianSupervisorStrategyConfigurator =
    dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[SupervisorStrategyConfigurator](settings.SupervisorStrategyClass, EmptyImmutableSeq).get

   * Overridable supervision strategy to be used by the “/user” guardian.
  protected def rootGuardianStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
    case ex ⇒
      log.error(ex, "guardian failed, shutting down system")

   * Overridable supervision strategy to be used by the “/user” guardian.
  protected def guardianStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = guardianSupervisorStrategyConfigurator.create()

   * Overridable supervision strategy to be used by the “/user” guardian.
  protected def systemGuardianStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy

  private lazy val defaultDispatcher = system.dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher

  private lazy val defaultMailbox = system.mailboxes.lookup(Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId)

  override lazy val rootGuardian: LocalActorRef =
    new LocalActorRef(
      Props(classOf[LocalActorRefProvider.Guardian], rootGuardianStrategy),
      rootPath) {
      override def getParent: InternalActorRef = this
      override def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef = name match {
        case "temp"        ⇒ tempContainer
        case "deadLetters" ⇒ deadLetters
        case other         ⇒ extraNames.get(other).getOrElse(super.getSingleChild(other))

  override def rootGuardianAt(address: Address): ActorRef =
    if (address == rootPath.address) rootGuardian
    else deadLetters

  override lazy val guardian: LocalActorRef = {
    val cell = rootGuardian.underlying
    val ref = new LocalActorRef(system, Props(classOf[LocalActorRefProvider.Guardian], guardianStrategy),
      defaultDispatcher, defaultMailbox, rootGuardian, rootPath / "user")

  override lazy val systemGuardian: LocalActorRef = {
    val cell = rootGuardian.underlying
    val ref = new LocalActorRef(
      system, Props(classOf[LocalActorRefProvider.SystemGuardian], systemGuardianStrategy, guardian),
      defaultDispatcher, defaultMailbox, rootGuardian, rootPath / "system")

  lazy val tempContainer = new VirtualPathContainer(system.provider, tempNode, rootGuardian, log)

  def registerTempActor(actorRef: InternalActorRef, path: ActorPath): Unit = {
    assert(path.parent eq tempNode, "cannot registerTempActor() with anything not obtained from tempPath()")
    tempContainer.addChild(, actorRef)

  def unregisterTempActor(path: ActorPath): Unit = {
    assert(path.parent eq tempNode, "cannot unregisterTempActor() with anything not obtained from tempPath()")

  def init(_system: ActorSystemImpl) {
    system = _system
    // chain death watchers so that killing guardian stops the application
    systemGuardian.sendSystemMessage(Watch(guardian, systemGuardian))
    rootGuardian.sendSystemMessage(Watch(systemGuardian, rootGuardian))

  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  override def actorFor(ref: InternalActorRef, path: String): InternalActorRef = path match {
    case RelativeActorPath(elems) ⇒
      if (elems.isEmpty) {
        log.debug("look-up of empty path string [{}] fails (per definition)", path)
      } else if (elems.head.isEmpty) actorFor(rootGuardian, elems.tail)
      else actorFor(ref, elems)
    case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) if address == rootPath.address ⇒ actorFor(rootGuardian, elems)
    case _ ⇒
      log.debug("look-up of unknown path [{}] failed", path)

  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  override def actorFor(path: ActorPath): InternalActorRef =
    if (path.root == rootPath) actorFor(rootGuardian, path.elements)
    else {
      log.debug("look-up of foreign ActorPath [{}] failed", path)

  @deprecated("use actorSelection instead of actorFor", "2.2")
  override def actorFor(ref: InternalActorRef, path: Iterable[String]): InternalActorRef =
    if (path.isEmpty) {
      log.debug("look-up of empty path sequence fails (per definition)")
    } else ref.getChild(path.iterator) match {
      case Nobody ⇒
        log.debug("look-up of path sequence [/{}] failed", path.mkString("/"))
        new EmptyLocalActorRef(system.provider, ref.path / path, eventStream)
      case x ⇒ x

  def resolveActorRef(path: String): ActorRef = path match {
    case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) if address == rootPath.address ⇒ resolveActorRef(rootGuardian, elems)
    case _ ⇒
      log.debug("resolve of unknown path [{}] failed", path)

  def resolveActorRef(path: ActorPath): ActorRef = {
    if (path.root == rootPath) resolveActorRef(rootGuardian, path.elements)
    else {
      log.debug("resolve of foreign ActorPath [{}] failed", path)

  private[akka] def resolveActorRef(ref: InternalActorRef, pathElements: Iterable[String]): InternalActorRef =
    if (pathElements.isEmpty) {
      log.debug("resolve of empty path sequence fails (per definition)")
    } else ref.getChild(pathElements.iterator) match {
      case Nobody ⇒
        log.debug("resolve of path sequence [/{}] failed", pathElements.mkString("/"))
        new EmptyLocalActorRef(system.provider, ref.path / pathElements, eventStream)
      case x ⇒ x

  def actorOf(system: ActorSystemImpl, props: Props, supervisor: InternalActorRef, path: ActorPath,
              systemService: Boolean, deploy: Option[Deploy], lookupDeploy: Boolean, async: Boolean): InternalActorRef = {
    props.deploy.routerConfig match {
      case NoRouter ⇒
        if (settings.DebugRouterMisconfiguration) {
          deployer.lookup(path) foreach { d ⇒
            if (d.routerConfig != NoRouter)
              log.warning("Configuration says that [{}] should be a router, but code disagrees. Remove the config or add a routerConfig to its Props.", path)

        val props2 =
          // mailbox and dispatcher defined in deploy should override props
          (if (lookupDeploy) deployer.lookup(path) else deploy) match {
            case Some(d) ⇒
              (d.dispatcher, d.mailbox) match {
                case (Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) ⇒ props
                case (dsp, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven)                      ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp)
                case (Deploy.NoMailboxGiven, mbx)                      ⇒ props.withMailbox(mbx)
                case (dsp, mbx)                                        ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp).withMailbox(mbx)
            case _ ⇒ props // no deployment config found

        if (!system.dispatchers.hasDispatcher(props2.dispatcher))
          throw new ConfigurationException(s"Dispatcher [${props2.dispatcher}] not configured for path $path")

        try {
          val dispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(props2.dispatcher)
          val mailboxType = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props2, dispatcher.configurator.config)

          if (async) new RepointableActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path).initialize(async)
          else new LocalActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
            s"configuration problem while creating [$path] with dispatcher [${props2.dispatcher}] and mailbox [${props2.mailbox}]", e)

      case router ⇒
        val lookup = if (lookupDeploy) deployer.lookup(path) else None
        val fromProps = Iterator(props.deploy.copy(routerConfig = props.deploy.routerConfig withFallback router))
        val d = fromProps ++ deploy.iterator ++ lookup.iterator reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a)
        val p = props.withRouter(d.routerConfig)

        if (!system.dispatchers.hasDispatcher(p.dispatcher))
          throw new ConfigurationException(s"Dispatcher [${p.dispatcher}] not configured for routees of $path")
        if (!system.dispatchers.hasDispatcher(d.routerConfig.routerDispatcher))
          throw new ConfigurationException(s"Dispatcher [${p.dispatcher}] not configured for router of $path")

        val routerProps = Props(p.deploy.copy(dispatcher = p.routerConfig.routerDispatcher),
          classOf[RoutedActorCell.RouterActorCreator], Vector(p.routerConfig))
        val routeeProps = p.withRouter(NoRouter)

        try {
          val routerDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(p.routerConfig.routerDispatcher)
          val routerMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routerProps, routerDispatcher.configurator.config)

          // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
          // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
          val routeeDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(p.dispatcher)
          val routeeMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routeeProps, routeeDispatcher.configurator.config)

          new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, routerMailbox, routeeProps, supervisor, path).initialize(async)
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
            s"configuration problem while creating [$path] with router dispatcher [${routerProps.dispatcher}] and mailbox [${routerProps.mailbox}] " +
              s"and routee dispatcher [${routeeProps.dispatcher}] and mailbox [${routeeProps.mailbox}]", e)

  def getExternalAddressFor(addr: Address): Option[Address] = if (addr == rootPath.address) Some(addr) else None

  def getDefaultAddress: Address = rootPath.address

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ActorRefProvider.scala source code file:

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