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Akka/Scala example source code file (JournalPerfSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (JournalPerfSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorlogging, actorref, akka, cmd, concurrent, expected, int, journalperfspec, persistence, receive, resetcounter, string, test, testing, time, unit

The JournalPerfSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.persistence.journal

import{ ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props }
import akka.persistence.journal.JournalPerfSpec.{ BenchActor, Cmd, ResetCounter }
import akka.persistence.{ PersistentActor, PluginSpec }
import akka.testkit.TestProbe

import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object JournalPerfSpec {
  class BenchActor(val persistenceId: String, replyTo: ActorRef, replyAfter: Int) extends PersistentActor
    with ActorLogging {

    var counter = 0

    override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
      case c @ Cmd("p", payload) ⇒
        persist(c) { d ⇒
          counter += 1
          require(d.payload == counter, s"Expected to receive [$counter] yet got: [${d.payload}]")
          if (counter == replyAfter) replyTo ! d.payload

      case c @ Cmd("pa", payload) ⇒
        persistAsync(c) { d ⇒
          counter += 1
          require(d.payload == counter, s"Expected to receive [$counter] yet got: [${d.payload}]")
          if (counter == replyAfter) replyTo ! d.payload

      case c @ Cmd("par", payload) ⇒
        counter += 1
        persistAsync(c) { d ⇒
          require(d.payload == counter, s"Expected to receive [$counter] yet got: [${d.payload}]")
        if (counter == replyAfter) replyTo ! payload

      case c @ Cmd("n", payload) ⇒
        counter += 1
        require(payload == counter, s"Expected to receive [$counter] yet got: [${payload}]")
        if (counter == replyAfter) replyTo ! payload

      case ResetCounter ⇒
        counter = 0

    override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
      case Cmd(_, payload) ⇒
        counter += 1
        require(payload == counter, s"Expected to receive [$counter] yet got: [${payload}]")
        if (counter == replyAfter) replyTo ! payload


  case object ResetCounter
  case class Cmd(mode: String, payload: Int)

 * This spec measures execution times of the basic operations that an [[akka.persistence.PersistentActor]] provides,
 * using the provided Journal (plugin).
 * It is *NOT* meant to be a comprehensive benchmark, but rather aims to help plugin developers to easily determine
 * if their plugin's performance is roughly as expected. It also validates the plugin still works under "more messages" scenarios.
 * In case your journal plugin needs some kind of setup or teardown, override the `beforeAll` or `afterAll`
 * methods (don't forget to call `super` in your overriden methods).
 * For a Java and JUnit consumable version of the TCK please refer to [[akka.persistence.japi.journal.JavaJournalPerfSpec]].
 * @see [[akka.persistence.journal.JournalSpec]]
trait JournalPerfSpec extends PluginSpec {
  this: JournalSpec ⇒

  private val testProbe = TestProbe()

  def benchActor(replyAfter: Int): ActorRef =
    system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BenchActor], pid, testProbe.ref, replyAfter))

  def feedAndExpectLast(actor: ActorRef, mode: String, cmnds: immutable.Seq[Int]): Unit = {
    cmnds foreach { c ⇒ actor ! Cmd(mode, c) }
    testProbe.expectMsg(awaitDuration, cmnds.last)

  /** Executes a block of code multiple times (no warmup) */
  def measure(msg: Duration ⇒ String)(block: ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
    val measurements = Array.ofDim[Duration](measurementIterations)
    var i = 0
    while (i < measurementIterations) {
      val start = System.nanoTime()


      val stop = System.nanoTime()
      val d = (stop - start).nanos
      measurements(i) = d

      i += 1
    info(s"Average time: ${( / measurementIterations).nanos.toMillis} ms")

  /** Override in order to customize timeouts used for expectMsg, in order to tune the awaits to your journal's perf */
  def awaitDurationMillis: Long = 10.seconds.toMillis

  /** Override in order to customize timeouts used for expectMsg, in order to tune the awaits to your journal's perf */
  private def awaitDuration: FiniteDuration = awaitDurationMillis.millis

  /** Numbe of messages sent to the PersistentActor under test for each test iteration */
  def eventsCount: Int = 10 * 1000

  /** Number of measurement iterations each test will be run. */
  def measurementIterations: Int = 10

  private val commands = Vector(1 to eventsCount: _*)

  "A PersistentActor's performance" must {
    s"measure: persistAsync()-ing $eventsCount events" in {
      val p1 = benchActor(eventsCount)

      measure(d ⇒ s"PersistAsync()-ing $eventsCount took ${d.toMillis} ms") {
        feedAndExpectLast(p1, "pa", commands)
        p1 ! ResetCounter
    s"measure: persist()-ing $eventsCount events" in {
      val p1 = benchActor(eventsCount)

      measure(d ⇒ s"Persist()-ing $eventsCount took ${d.toMillis} ms") {
        feedAndExpectLast(p1, "p", commands)
        p1 ! ResetCounter
    s"measure: recovering $eventsCount events" in {
      val p1 = benchActor(eventsCount)
      feedAndExpectLast(p1, "p", commands)

      measure(d ⇒ s"Recovering $eventsCount took ${d.toMillis} ms") {
        testProbe.expectMsg(max = awaitDuration, commands.last)



Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka JournalPerfSpec.scala source code file:

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