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Akka/Scala example source code file (AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorlogging, actorref, akka, chaossupport, concurrent, confirm, duration, evt, int, journalingfailure, msg, start, string, test, testing, time

The AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.persistence

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.language.postfixOps

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

import akka.testkit._

object AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec {
  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
    s""" = 0.3
      akka.persistence.sender.chaos.replay-processing-failure-rate = 0.1
      akka.persistence.destination.chaos.confirm-failure-rate = 0.3
      akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.chaos"
      akka.persistence.journal.chaos.write-failure-rate = 0.3
      akka.persistence.journal.chaos.confirm-failure-rate = 0.2
      akka.persistence.journal.chaos.delete-failure-rate = 0.3
      akka.persistence.journal.chaos.replay-failure-rate = 0.25 = 0.1
      akka.persistence.journal.chaos.class = akka.persistence.journal.chaos.ChaosJournal
      akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local.dir = "target/snapshots-at-least-once-delivery-failure-spec/"

  val numMessages = 10

  case object Start
  case class Done(ints: Vector[Int])

  case class ProcessingFailure(i: Int)
  case class JournalingFailure(i: Int)

  case class Msg(deliveryId: Long, i: Int)
  case class Confirm(deliveryId: Long, i: Int)

  sealed trait Evt
  case class MsgSent(i: Int) extends Evt
  case class MsgConfirmed(deliveryId: Long, i: Int) extends Evt

  trait ChaosSupport { this: Actor ⇒
    def random = ThreadLocalRandom.current

    def probe: ActorRef

    var state = Vector.empty[Int]

    def contains(i: Int): Boolean =

    def add(i: Int): Unit = {
      state :+= i
      if (state.length == numMessages) probe ! Done(state)

    def shouldFail(rate: Double) =
      random.nextDouble() < rate

  class ChaosSender(destination: ActorRef, val probe: ActorRef) extends PersistentActor with ChaosSupport with ActorLogging with AtLeastOnceDelivery {
    val config = context.system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.persistence.sender.chaos")
    val liveProcessingFailureRate = config.getDouble("live-processing-failure-rate")
    val replayProcessingFailureRate = config.getDouble("replay-processing-failure-rate")

    override def redeliverInterval = 500.milliseconds

    override def processorId = "chaosSender"

    def receiveCommand: Receive = {
      case i: Int ⇒
        val failureRate = if (recoveryRunning) replayProcessingFailureRate else liveProcessingFailureRate
        if (contains(i)) {
          log.debug(debugMessage(s"ignored duplicate ${i}"))
        } else {
          persist(MsgSent(i)) { evt ⇒
            if (shouldFail(failureRate))
              throw new TestException(debugMessage(s"failed at payload ${i}"))
              log.debug(debugMessage(s"processed payload ${i}"))


      case Confirm(deliveryId, i) ⇒ persist(MsgConfirmed(deliveryId, i))(updateState)

      case PersistenceFailure(MsgSent(i), _, _) ⇒
        // inform sender about journaling failure so that it can resend
        sender() ! JournalingFailure(i)

      case PersistenceFailure(MsgConfirmed(_, i), _, _) ⇒
      // ok, will be redelivered

    def receiveRecover: Receive = {
      case evt: Evt ⇒ updateState(evt)
      case RecoveryFailure(_) ⇒
        // journal failed during recovery, throw exception to re-recover processor
        throw new TestException(debugMessage("recovery failed"))

    def updateState(evt: Evt): Unit = evt match {
      case MsgSent(i) ⇒
        deliver(destination.path, deliveryId ⇒ Msg(deliveryId, i))

      case MsgConfirmed(deliveryId, i) ⇒

    private def debugMessage(msg: String): String =
      s"[sender] ${msg} (mode = ${if (recoveryRunning) "replay" else "live"} snr = ${lastSequenceNr} state = ${state.sorted})"

  class ChaosDestination(val probe: ActorRef) extends Actor with ChaosSupport with ActorLogging {
    val config = context.system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.persistence.destination.chaos")
    val confirmFailureRate = config.getDouble("confirm-failure-rate")

    def receive = {
      case m @ Msg(deliveryId, i) ⇒
        if (shouldFail(confirmFailureRate)) {
          log.error(debugMessage("confirm message failed", m))
        } else if (contains(i)) {
          log.debug(debugMessage("ignored duplicate", m))
          sender() ! Confirm(deliveryId, i)
        } else {
          sender() ! Confirm(deliveryId, i)
          log.debug(debugMessage("received and confirmed message", m))

    private def debugMessage(msg: String, m: Msg): String =
      s"[destination] ${msg} (message = $m)"

  class ChaosApp(probe: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
    val destination = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ChaosDestination], probe), "destination")
    val snd = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ChaosSender], destination, probe), "sender")

    def receive = {
      case Start ⇒ 1 to numMessages foreach (snd ! _)
      case ProcessingFailure(i) ⇒
        snd ! i
        log.debug(s"resent ${i} after processing failure")
      case JournalingFailure(i) ⇒
        snd ! i
        log.debug(s"resent ${i} after journaling failure")

class AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec extends AkkaSpec(AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec.config) with Cleanup with ImplicitSender {
  import AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec._

  "AtLeastOnceDelivery" must {
    "tolerate and recover from random failures" in {
      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ChaosApp], testActor), "chaosApp") ! Start
      expectDone() // by sender
      expectDone() // by destination

      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ChaosApp], testActor), "chaosApp2") // recovery of new instance should have same outcome
      expectDone() // by sender
      // destination doesn't receive messages again because all have been confirmed already

  def expectDone() = within(numMessages.seconds) {
    expectMsgType[Done].ints.sorted should be(1 to numMessages toVector)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AtLeastOnceDeliveryFailureSpec.scala source code file:

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