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Java example source code file (multimethods.clj)

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The multimethods.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Frantisek Sodomka, Robert Lachlan

(ns clojure.test-clojure.multimethods
  (:use clojure.test [clojure.test-helper :only (with-var-roots)])
  (:require [clojure.set :as set]))


; defmulti
; defmethod
; remove-method
; prefer-method
; methods
; prefers

(defmacro for-all
  [& args]
  `(dorun (for ~@args)))

(defn hierarchy-tags
  "Return all tags in a derivation hierarchy"
   #(instance? clojure.lang.Named %)
   (reduce into #{} (map keys (vals h)))))

(defn transitive-closure
  "Return all objects reachable by calling f starting with o,
   not including o itself. f should return a collection."
  [o f]
  (loop [results #{}
         more #{o}]
    (let [new-objects (set/difference more results)]
      (if (seq new-objects)
        (recur (set/union results more) (reduce into #{} (map f new-objects)))
        (disj results o)))))

(defn tag-descendants
  "Set of descedants which are tags (i.e. Named)."
  [& args]
   #(instance? clojure.lang.Named %)
   (or (apply descendants args) #{})))

(defn assert-valid-hierarchy
  (let [tags (hierarchy-tags h)]
    (testing "ancestors are the transitive closure of parents"
      (for-all [tag tags]
        (is (= (transitive-closure tag #(parents h %))
               (or (ancestors h tag) #{})))))
    (testing "ancestors are transitive"
      (for-all [tag tags]
        (is (= (transitive-closure tag #(ancestors h %))
               (or (ancestors h tag) #{})))))
    (testing "tag descendants are transitive"
      (for-all [tag tags]
        (is (= (transitive-closure tag #(tag-descendants h %))
               (or (tag-descendants h tag) #{})))))
    (testing "a tag isa? all of its parents"
      (for-all [tag tags
               :let [parents (parents h tag)]
               parent parents]
        (is (isa? h tag parent))))
    (testing "a tag isa? all of its ancestors"
      (for-all [tag tags
               :let [ancestors (ancestors h tag)]
               ancestor ancestors]
        (is (isa? h tag ancestor))))
    (testing "all my descendants have me as an ancestor"
      (for-all [tag tags
               :let [descendants (descendants h tag)]
                descendant descendants]
        (is (isa? h descendant tag))))
    (testing "there are no cycles in parents"
      (for-all [tag tags]
        (is (not (contains? (transitive-closure tag #(parents h %)) tag)))))
    (testing "there are no cycles in descendants"
      (for-all [tag tags]
        (is (not (contains? (descendants h tag) tag)))))))

(def family
  (reduce #(apply derive (cons %1 %2)) (make-hierarchy)
          [[::parent-1 ::ancestor-1]
           [::parent-1 ::ancestor-2]
           [::parent-2 ::ancestor-2]
           [::child ::parent-2]
           [::child ::parent-1]]))

(deftest cycles-are-forbidden
  (testing "a tag cannot be its own parent"
    (is (thrown-with-msg? Throwable #"\(not= tag parent\)"
          (derive family ::child ::child))))
  (testing "a tag cannot be its own ancestor"
    (is (thrown-with-msg? Throwable #"Cyclic derivation: :clojure.test-clojure.multimethods/child has :clojure.test-clojure.multimethods/ancestor-1 as ancestor"
          (derive family ::ancestor-1 ::child)))))

(deftest using-diamond-inheritance
  (let [diamond (reduce #(apply derive (cons %1 %2)) (make-hierarchy)
                        [[::mammal ::animal]
                         [::bird ::animal]
                         [::griffin ::mammal]
                         [::griffin ::bird]])
        bird-no-more (underive diamond ::griffin ::bird)]
    (assert-valid-hierarchy diamond)
    (assert-valid-hierarchy bird-no-more)
    (testing "a griffin is a mammal, indirectly through mammal and bird"
      (is (isa? diamond ::griffin ::animal)))
    (testing "a griffin is a bird"
      (is (isa? diamond ::griffin ::bird)))
    (testing "after underive, griffin is no longer a bird"
      (is (not (isa? bird-no-more ::griffin ::bird))))
    (testing "but it is still an animal, via mammal"
      (is (isa? bird-no-more ::griffin ::animal)))))

(deftest derivation-world-bridges-to-java-inheritance
  (let [h (derive (make-hierarchy) java.util.Map ::map)]
    (testing "a Java class can be isa? a tag"
      (is (isa? h java.util.Map ::map)))
    (testing "if a Java class isa? a tag, so are its subclasses..."
      (is (isa? h java.util.HashMap ::map)))
    (testing "...but not its superclasses!"
      (is (not (isa? h java.util.Collection ::map))))))

(deftest global-hierarchy-test
  (with-var-roots {#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy (make-hierarchy)}
    (assert-valid-hierarchy @#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy)
    (testing "when you add some derivations..."
      (derive ::lion ::cat)
      (derive ::manx ::cat)
      (assert-valid-hierarchy @#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy))
    (testing "...isa? sees the derivations"
      (is (isa? ::lion ::cat))
      (is (not (isa? ::cat ::lion))))
    (testing "... you can traverse the derivations"
      (is (= #{::manx ::lion} (descendants ::cat)))
      (is (= #{::cat} (parents ::manx)))
      (is (= #{::cat} (ancestors ::manx))))
    (testing "then, remove a derivation..."
      (underive ::manx ::cat))
    (testing "... traversals update accordingly"
      (is (= #{::lion} (descendants ::cat)))
      (is (nil? (parents ::manx)))
      (is (nil? (ancestors ::manx))))))

#_(defmacro for-all
  "Better than the actual for-all, if only it worked."
  [& args]
    #(and %1 %2)
    (map true? (for ~@args))))

(deftest basic-multimethod-test
  (testing "Check basic dispatch"
    (defmulti too-simple identity)
    (defmethod too-simple :a [x] :a)
    (defmethod too-simple :b [x] :b)
    (defmethod too-simple :default [x] :default)
    (is (= :a (too-simple :a)))
    (is (= :b (too-simple :b)))
    (is (= :default (too-simple :c))))
  (testing "Remove a method works"
    (remove-method too-simple :a)
    (is (= :default (too-simple :a))))
  (testing "Add another method works"
    (defmethod too-simple :d [x] :d)
    (is (= :d (too-simple :d)))))

(deftest isA-multimethod-test
  (testing "Dispatch on isA"
    ;; Example from the multimethod docs.
    (derive java.util.Map ::collection)
    (derive java.util.Collection ::collection)
    (defmulti foo class)
    (defmethod foo ::collection [c] :a-collection)
    (defmethod foo String [s] :a-string)
    (is (= :a-collection (foo [])))
    (is (= :a-collection (foo (java.util.HashMap.))))
    (is (= :a-string (foo "bar")))))

(deftest preferences-multimethod-test
 (testing "Multiple method match dispatch error is caught"
    ;; Example from the multimethod docs.
    (derive ::rect ::shape)
    (defmulti bar (fn [x y] [x y]))
    (defmethod bar [::rect ::shape] [x y] :rect-shape)
    (defmethod bar [::shape ::rect] [x y] :shape-rect)
    (is (thrown? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
                 (bar ::rect ::rect))))
 (testing "The prefers method returns empty table w/ no prefs"
   (is (= {} (prefers bar))))
 (testing "Adding a preference to resolve it dispatches correctly"
   (prefer-method bar [::rect ::shape] [::shape ::rect])
   (is (= :rect-shape (bar ::rect ::rect))))
 (testing "The prefers method now returns the correct table"
   (is (= {[::rect ::shape] #{[::shape ::rect]}} (prefers bar)))))

(deftest remove-all-methods-test
  (testing "Core function remove-all-methods works"
    (defmulti simple1 identity)
    (defmethod simple1 :a [x] :a)
    (defmethod simple1 :b [x] :b)
    (is (= {} (methods (remove-all-methods simple1))))))

(deftest methods-test
  (testing "Core function methods works"
    (defmulti simple2 identity)
    (defmethod simple2 :a [x] :a)
    (defmethod simple2 :b [x] :b)
    (is (= #{:a :b} (into #{} (keys (methods simple2)))))
    (is (= :a ((:a (methods simple2)) 1)))
    (defmethod simple2 :c [x] :c)
    (is (= #{:a :b :c} (into #{} (keys (methods simple2)))))
    (remove-method simple2 :a)
    (is (= #{:b :c} (into #{} (keys (methods simple2)))))))

(deftest get-method-test
  (testing "Core function get-method works"
    (defmulti simple3 identity)
    (defmethod simple3 :a [x] :a)
    (defmethod simple3 :b [x] :b)
    (is (fn? (get-method simple3 :a)))
    (is (= :a ((get-method simple3 :a) 1)))
    (is (fn? (get-method simple3 :b)))
    (is (= :b ((get-method simple3 :b) 1)))
    (is (nil? (get-method simple3 :c)))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java multimethods.clj source code file:

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