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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.test.performance.ui;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.PerformanceTestPlugin;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.AbstractResults;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.ConfigResults;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.DB_Results;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.PerformanceResults;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.ScenarioResults;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;

 * Main class to generate performance results of all scenarios matching a given pattern
 * in one HTML page per component.
 * @see #printUsage() method to see a detailed parameters usage
public class Main implements IApplication {

 * Prefix of baseline builds displayed in data graphs.
 * This field is set using <b>-baselinePrefix argument.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 *		<pre>-baseline.prefix 3.2_200606291905
* * @see #currentBuildPrefixes */ private String baselinePrefix = null; /** * Root directory where all files are generated. * This field is set using <b>-output argument. * <p> * Example: * <pre>-output /releng/results/I20070615-1200/performance */ private File outputDir; /** * Root directory where all data are locally stored to speed-up generation. * This field is set using <b>-dataDir argument. * <p> * Example: * <pre>-dataDir /tmp */ private File dataDir; /** * Arrays of 2 strings which contains config information: name and description. * This field is set using <b>-config and/or arguments. * <p> * Example: * <pre> * -config eclipseperflnx3_R3.3,eclipseperfwin2_R3.3,eclipseperflnx2_R3.3,eclipseperfwin1_R3.3,eclipseperflnx1_R3.3 * * "eclipseperfwin1_R3.3,Win XP Sun 1.4.2_08 (2 GHz 512 MB); * eclipseperflnx1_R3.3,RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_08 (2 GHz 512 MB); * eclipseperfwin2_R3.3,Win XP Sun 1.4.2_08 (3 GHz 2 GB); * eclipseperflnx2_R3.3,RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_08 (3 GHz 2 GB); * eclipseperflnx3_R3.3,RHEL 4.0 Sun 1.4.2_08 (3 GHz 2.5 GB)" * </pre> * Note that: * <ul> * <li>if only -config is set, then configuration name is used for description * <li>if only is set, then all configurations defined with this argument are generated * <li>if both arguments are defined, then only configurations defined by -config argument are generated, * <b> argument is only used to set the configuration description. * </ul> */ private String[][] configDescriptors; /** * Scenario pattern used to generate performance results. * This field is set using <b>-scenarioPattern argument. * <p> * Note that this pattern uses SQL conventions, not RegEx ones, * which means that '%' is used to match several consecutive characters * and '_' to match a single character. * <p> * Example: * <pre>-scenario.pattern org.eclipse.%.test */ private String scenarioPattern; /** * A list of prefixes for builds displayed in data graphs. * This field is set using <b>-currentPrefix argument. * <p> * Example: * <pre>-current.prefix N, I * * @see #baselinePrefix */ private List currentBuildPrefixes; /** * A list of prefixes of builds to highlight in displayed data graphs. * This field is set using <b>-highlight and/or -highlight.latest arguments. * <p> * Example: * <pre>-higlight 3_2 */ private List pointsOfInterest; /** * Tells whether only fingerprints has to be generated. * This field is set to <code>true if -fingerprints argument is specified. * <p> * Default is <code>false which means that scenario data * will also be generated. * * @see #genData * @see #genAll */ private boolean genFingerPrints = false; /** * Tells whether only fingerprints has to be generated. * This field is set to <code>true if -data argument is specified. * <p> * Default is <code>false which means that fingerprints * will also be generated. * * @see #genFingerPrints * @see #genAll */ private boolean genData = false; /** * Tells whether only fingerprints has to be generated. * This field is set to <code>false * if <b>-fingerprints or -data argument is specified. * <p> * Default is <code>true which means that scenario data * will also be generated. * * @see #genData * @see #genFingerPrints */ private boolean genAll = true; /** * Tells whether information should be displayed in the console while generating. * This field is set to <code>true if -print argument is specified. * <p> * Default is <code>false which means that nothing is print during the generation. */ private boolean print = false; /* * Parse the command arguments and create corresponding performance * results object. */ private PerformanceResults parse(Object argsObject) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Parameters used to generate performance results ("); buffer.append(new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); buffer.append("):\n"); String[] args = (String[]) argsObject; int i = 0; if (args.length == 0) { printUsage(); } String currentBuildId = null; String baseline = null; String jvm = null; this.configDescriptors = null; while (i < args.length) { String arg = args[i]; if (!arg.startsWith("-")) { i++; continue; } if (args.length == i + 1 && i != args.length - 1) { System.out.println("Missing value for last parameter"); printUsage(); } if (arg.equals("-baseline")) { baseline = args[i + 1]; if (baseline.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -baseline parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" -baseline = "+baseline+'\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-baseline.prefix")) { this.baselinePrefix = args[i + 1]; if (this.baselinePrefix.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -baseline.prefix parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" -baselinePrefix = "+this.baselinePrefix+'\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-current.prefix")) { String idPrefixList = args[i + 1]; if (idPrefixList.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -current.prefix parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" -current.prefix = "); String[] ids = idPrefixList.split(","); this.currentBuildPrefixes = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { this.currentBuildPrefixes.add(ids[j]); buffer.append(ids[j]); } buffer.append('\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-highlight") || arg.equals("-highlight.latest")) { if (args[i + 1].startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -highlight parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" "+arg+" = "); String[] ids = args[i + 1].split(","); this.pointsOfInterest = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { this.pointsOfInterest.add(ids[j]); buffer.append(ids[j]); } buffer.append('\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-current")) { currentBuildId = args[i + 1]; if (currentBuildId.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -current parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" -current = "+currentBuildId+'\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-jvm")) { jvm = args[i + 1]; if (jvm.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -jvm parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" -jvm = "+jvm+'\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-output")) { String dir = args[++i]; if (dir.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -output parameter"); printUsage(); } this.outputDir = new File(dir); if (!this.outputDir.exists() && !this.outputDir.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Cannot create directory "+dir+" to write results in!"); System.exit(2); } buffer.append(" -output = "+dir+'\n'); continue; } if (arg.equals("-dataDir")) { String dir = args[++i]; if (dir.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -output parameter"); printUsage(); } this.dataDir = new File(dir); if (!this.dataDir.exists() && !this.dataDir.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Cannot create directory "+dir+" to save data locally!"); System.exit(2); } buffer.append(" -dataDir = "+dir+'\n'); continue; } if (arg.equals("-config")) { String configs = args[i + 1]; if (configs.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -config parameter"); printUsage(); } String[] names = configs.split(","); int length = names.length; buffer.append(" -config = "); for (int j=0; j<length; j++) { if (j>0) buffer.append(','); buffer.append(names[j]); } if (this.configDescriptors == null) { this.configDescriptors = new String[length][2]; for (int j=0; j<length; j++) { this.configDescriptors[j][0] = names[j]; this.configDescriptors[j][1] = names[j]; } } else { int confLength = this.configDescriptors[0].length; int newLength = confLength; mainLoop: for (int j=0; j<confLength; j++) { for (int k=0; k<length; k++) { if (this.configDescriptors[j][0].equals(names[k])) { continue mainLoop; } } this.configDescriptors[j][0] = null; this.configDescriptors[j][1] = null; newLength--; } if (newLength < confLength) { String[][] newDescriptors = new String[newLength][2]; for (int j=0, c=0; j<newLength; j++) { if (this.configDescriptors[c] != null) { newDescriptors[j][0] = this.configDescriptors[c][0]; newDescriptors[j][1] = this.configDescriptors[c][1]; } else { c++; } } this.configDescriptors = newDescriptors; } } buffer.append('\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("")) { String configProperties = args[i + 1]; if (configProperties.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for parameter"); printUsage(); } if (this.configDescriptors == null) { System.out.println("Missing -config parameter"); printUsage(); } int length = this.configDescriptors.length; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(configProperties, ";"); buffer.append(" = "); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String labelDescriptor = tokenizer.nextToken(); String[] elements = labelDescriptor.trim().split(","); for (int j=0; j<length; j++) { if (elements[0].equals(this.configDescriptors[j][0])) { this.configDescriptors[j][1] = elements[1]; buffer.append("\n\t\t+ "); buffer.append(elements[0]); buffer.append(" -> "); buffer.append(elements[1]); } } } buffer.append('\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-scenario.filter") || arg.equals("-scenario.pattern")) { this.scenarioPattern= args[i + 1]; if (this.scenarioPattern.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Missing value for -baseline parameter"); printUsage(); } buffer.append(" "+arg+" = "+this.scenarioPattern+'\n'); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-fingerprints")) { this.genFingerPrints = true; this.genAll = false; buffer.append(" -fingerprints\n"); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-data")) { this.genData = true; this.genAll = false; buffer.append(" -data\n"); i++; continue; } if (arg.equals("-print")) { this.print = true; buffer.append(" -print\n"); i++; continue; } i++; } if (this.print) System.out.println(buffer.toString()); if (baseline == null || this.outputDir == null || this.configDescriptors == null || jvm == null || currentBuildId == null) { printUsage(); } if (this.baselinePrefix == null) { // Assume that baseline name format is *always* x.y_yyyyMMddhhmm_yyyyMMddhhmm this.baselinePrefix = baseline.substring(0, baseline.lastIndexOf('_')); } if (this.currentBuildPrefixes == null) { this.currentBuildPrefixes = new ArrayList(); this.currentBuildPrefixes.add("N"); this.currentBuildPrefixes.add("I"); } return new PerformanceResults(currentBuildId, baseline, this.print); } /* * Print component PHP file */ private void printComponent(PerformanceResults performanceResults, String component) throws FileNotFoundException { if (this.print) System.out.print("."); File outputFile = new File(this.outputDir, component + ".php"); PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); stream.println(Utils.HTML_OPEN); stream.println("<link href=\"ToolTip.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"); stream.println(Utils.HTML_DEFAULT_CSS); stream.println("<body>"); String baselineName = performanceResults.getBaselineName(); String currentName = performanceResults.getName(); boolean isGlobal = component.equals("global"); StringBuffer title = new StringBuffer("<h3>Performance of "); if (!isGlobal) { title.append(component); title.append(": "); } title.append(currentName); title.append(" relative to "); int index = baselineName.indexOf('_'); title.append(baselineName.substring(0, index)); title.append(" ("); index = baselineName.lastIndexOf('_'); title.append(baselineName.substring(index+1, baselineName.length())); title.append(")</h3>"); stream.println(title.toString()); // print the html representation of fingerprint for each config if (genFingerPrints || genAll) { FingerPrint fingerprint = new FingerPrint(component, stream, this.outputDir); try { fingerprint.print(performanceResults); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // print scenario status table if (isGlobal) { if (!PerformanceTestPlugin.getDBLocation().startsWith("net://")) { stream.println("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=5 width=\"100%\">"); stream.println("<tbody>
"); stream.println("Detailed performance data grouped by scenario prefix</font>
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.ant.php?\">org.eclipse.ant*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"\">*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.core.php?\">org.eclipse.core*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.jdt.core.php?\">org.eclipse.jdt.core*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.jdt.debug.php?\">org.eclipse.jdt.debug*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.jdt.text.php?\">org.eclipse.jdt.text*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.jdt.ui.php?\">org.eclipse.jdt.ui*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.jface.php?\">org.eclipse.jface*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.osgi.php?\">org.eclipse.osgi*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.pde.ui.php?\">org.eclipse.pde.ui*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.swt.php?\">org.eclipse.swt*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"\">*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"\">*
"); stream.println("<a href=\"org.eclipse.ui.php?\">org.eclipse.ui*

"); } } else if (component.length() > 0) { // print the component scenario status table beneath the fingerprint ScenarioStatusTable sst = new ScenarioStatusTable(component, stream); try { sst.print(performanceResults); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } stream.println(Utils.HTML_CLOSE); stream.close(); } /* * Print summary of coefficient of variation for each scenario of the given pattern * both for baseline and current builds. */ private void printSummary(PerformanceResults performanceResults) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.print) System.out.print("Print scenarios variations summary..."); File outputFile = new File(this.outputDir, "cvsummary.html"); PrintStream stream = null; try { stream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); printSummaryPresentation(stream); List scenarioNames = DB_Results.getScenariosNames(); int size = scenarioNames.size(); printSummaryColumnsTitle(stream, performanceResults); String[] configs = performanceResults.getConfigNames(true/*sorted*/); int configsLength = configs.length; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { String scenarioName = (String) scenarioNames.get(i); if (scenarioName == null) continue; ScenarioResults scenarioResults = performanceResults.getScenarioResults(scenarioName); if (scenarioResults != null) { stream.println("<tr>"); for (int j=0; j<2; j++) { for (int c=0; c<configsLength; c++) { printSummaryScenarioLine(j, configs[c], scenarioResults, stream); } } stream.print("<td>"); stream.print(scenarioName); stream.println("</td>"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { stream.println("</table>"); stream.flush(); stream.close(); } if (this.print) System.out.println("done in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)+"ms"); } /* * Print summary presentation (eg. file start and text presenting the purpose of this file contents).. */ private void printSummaryPresentation(PrintStream stream) { stream.println(Utils.HTML_OPEN); stream.print(Utils.HTML_DEFAULT_CSS); stream.println("<title>Summary of Elapsed Process Variation Coefficients"); stream.println("<body>

Summary of Elapsed Process Variation Coefficients

\n"); stream.println("<p> This table provides a bird's eye view of variability in elapsed process times\n"); stream.print("for baseline and current build stream performance scenarios."); stream.print(" This summary is provided to facilitate the identification of scenarios that should be examined due to high variability."); stream.println("The variability for each scenario is expressed as a <a href=\"\">coefficient\n"); stream.println("of variation</a> (CV). The CV is calculated by dividing the standard deviation\n"); stream.println("of the elapse process time over builds</b> by the average elapsed process\n"); stream.println("time over builds</b> and multiplying by 100.\n"); stream.println("</p>

High CV values may be indicative of any of the following:

\n"); stream.println("<ol>
  • an unstable performance test.
  • \n"); stream.println("<ul>
  • may be evidenced by an erratic elapsed process line graph.

  • \n"); stream.println("<li>performance regressions or improvements at some time in the course of builds.\n"); stream.println("<ul>
  • may be evidenced by plateaus in elapsed process line graphs.

  • \n"); stream.println("<li>unstable testing hardware.\n"); stream.print("<ul>
  • consistent higher CV values for one test configuration as compared to others across"); stream.println(" scenarios may be related to hardward problems.</li>
  • \n"); stream.println("<p> Scenarios are listed in alphabetical order in the far right column. A scenario's\n"); stream.println("variation coefficients (CVs) are in columns to the left for baseline and current\n"); stream.println("build streams for each test configuration. Scenarios with CVs > 10% are highlighted\n"); stream.println("in yellow (10%<CV><CV<20%) and orange(CV>20%).

    \n"); stream.println("<p> Each CV value links to the scenario's detailed results to allow viewers to\n"); stream.println("investigate the variability.</p>\n"); } /* * Print columns titles of the summary table. */ private void printSummaryColumnsTitle(PrintStream stream, PerformanceResults performanceResults) { String[] configBoxes = performanceResults.getConfigBoxes(true/*sorted*/); int length = configBoxes.length; stream.print("<table border=\"1\">Baseline CVs
    Current Build Stream CVs
    Scenario Name"); stream.print("<tr>"); for (int n=0; n<2; n++) { for (int c=0; c<length; c++) { stream.print("<td>"); stream.print(configBoxes[c]); stream.print("</td>"); } } stream.println("</tr>\n"); } /* * Print a scenario line in the summary table. */ private void printSummaryScenarioLine(int i, String config, ScenarioResults scenarioResults, PrintStream stream) { ConfigResults configResults = scenarioResults.getConfigResults(config); if (configResults == null || !configResults.isValid()) { stream.print("<td>n/a"); return; } String url = config + "/" + scenarioResults.getFileName()+".html"; double[] stats = null; int dim_id = AbstractResults.SUPPORTED_DIMS[0].getId(); if (i==0) { // baseline results List baselinePrefixes = new ArrayList(); baselinePrefixes.add(this.baselinePrefix); stats = configResults.getStatistics(baselinePrefixes, dim_id); } else { stats = configResults.getStatistics(this.currentBuildPrefixes, dim_id); } double variation = stats[3]; if (variation > 10 && variation < 20) { stream.print("<td bgcolor=\"yellow\">"); } else if (variation >= 20) { stream.print("<td bgcolor=\"FF9900\">"); } else { stream.print("<td>"); } stream.print("<a href=\""); stream.print(url); stream.print("\"/>"); stream.print(variation); stream.print("%</a>"); } /* * Print usage in case one of the argument of the line was incorrect. * Note that calling this method ends the program run due to final System.exit() */ private void printUsage() { System.out.println( "Usage:\n\n" + "-baseline\n" + " Build id against which to compare results.\n" + " Same as value specified for the \"build\" key in the eclipse.perf.config system property.\n\n" + "[-baseline.prefix]\n" + " Optional. Build id prefix used in baseline test builds and reruns. Used to plot baseline historical data.\n" + " A common prefix used for the value of the \"build\" key in the eclipse.perf.config system property when rerunning baseline tests.\n\n" + "-current\n" + " build id for which to generate results. Compared to build id specified in -baseline parameter above.\n" + " Same as value specified for the \"build\" key in the eclipse.perf.config system property. \n\n" + "[-current.prefix]\n" + " Optional. Comma separated list of build id prefixes used in current build stream.\n" + " Used to plot current build stream historical data. Defaults to \"N,I\".\n" + " Prefixes for values specified for the \"build\" key in the eclipse.perf.config system property. \n\n" + "-jvm\n" + " Value specified in \"jvm\" key in eclipse.perf.config system property for current build.\n\n" + "-config\n" + " Comma separated list of config names for which to generate results.\n" + " Same as values specified in \"config\" key in eclipse.perf.config system property.\n\n" + "-output\n" + " Path to default output directory.\n\n" + "[]\n" + " Optional. Used by scenario status table to provide the following:\n" + " alternate descriptions of config values to use in columns.\n" + " The value should be specified in the following format:\n" + " name1,description1;name2,description2;etc..\n\n" + "[-highlight]\n" + " Optional. Comma-separated list of build Id prefixes used to find most recent matching for each entry.\n" + " Result used to highlight points in line graphs.\n\n" + "[-scenario.pattern]\n" + " Optional. Scenario prefix pattern to query database. If not specified,\n" + " default of % used in query.\n\n" + "[-fingerprints]\n" + " Optional. Use to generate fingerprints only.\n\n" + "[-data]\n" + " Optional. Generates table of scenario reference and current data with line graphs.\n\n" + "[-print]\n" + " Optional. Display output in the console while generating.\n" ); System.exit(1); } /** * Generate the performance results for a specified build regarding to a specific reference. * This action generates following HTML files: * <ul> * <li>A summary table to see the variations for all the concerned scenarios * <li>A global php file including global scenario fingerprints and links for all concerned components results php files * <li>A php file for each component including scenario fingerprints and status table with links to a scenario data file * <li>A data HTML file for each config of each scenario included in status table * </ul> * @see */ public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Parse arguments and read DB info PerformanceResults performanceResults = parse(context.getArguments().get("application.args"));, this.scenarioPattern, this.dataDir); // Print whole scenarios summary printSummary(performanceResults); // Copy images and scripts to output dir Bundle bundle = UiPlugin.getDefault().getBundle(); URL images = bundle.getEntry("images"); URL scripts = bundle.getEntry("scripts"); if (images != null) { images = FileLocator.resolve(images); Utils.copyImages(new File(images.getPath()), this.outputDir); } if (scripts != null) { scripts = FileLocator.resolve(scripts); Utils.copyScripts(new File(scripts.getPath()), this.outputDir); } // Print HTML pages and all linked files if (this.print) { System.out.println("Print performance results HTML pages:"); System.out.print(" - all components"); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); printComponent(performanceResults, "global"); Iterator components = performanceResults.getComponents().iterator(); while (components.hasNext()) { printComponent(performanceResults, (String); } if (this.print) System.out.println("done in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)+"ms"); // Print the scenarios data if (genData || genAll) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.print) System.out.print(" - all scenarios data..."); ScenarioData data = new ScenarioData(this.baselinePrefix, this.pointsOfInterest, this.currentBuildPrefixes, this.outputDir); try { data.print(performanceResults); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (this.print) System.out.println("done in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)+"ms"); } if (this.print) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("End of generation: "+new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss").format(new Date(time))); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; int sec = (int) (ms / 1000L); if ((ms - (sec*1000)) >= 500) sec++; if (sec < 60) { System.out.println("=> done in "+sec+" second"+(sec==1?"":"s")); } else if (sec < 3600) { int m = sec / 60; int s = sec % 60; System.out.println("=> done in "+m+" minute"+(m==1?"":"s")+" and "+s+" second"+(s==1?"":"s")); } else { int h = sec / 3600; int m = (sec-h*3600) / 60; int s = (sec-h*3600) % 60; System.out.println("=> done in "+h+" hour"+(h==1?"":"s")+", "+m+" minute"+(m==1?"":"s")+" and "+s+" second"+(s==1?"":"s")); } } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void stop() { // Do nothing } }
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