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Glassfish example source code file (README)

This example Glassfish source code file (README) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The Glassfish README source code

The sample tests that exceptions are properly propagated through JavaEE service
engine both to the JavaEE component and to the standalone client that requested
the service. Service engine acts as a consumer as well as a provider in this test.

There is a Calculator web service, deployed as a servlet, with only one 
operation add which throws an exception. This webservice has it's jbi-enabled 
flag as true. Another servlet is deployed which has it's jbi-enabled flag as 
true. This servlet requests for the Calculator webservice and the call goes 
through the service engine. 
Client is a standalone java application which sends request to the servlet 
which inturn calls the calculator webservice.

ant all of this sample does the following : 
1. compiles and deploys the web service on application server.

2. compiles and deploys the servlet that requests for above web service,
   deploys a consumer service unit on SOAP Binding

2. runs the client which invokes the servlet.

3. undeploy applications from app server and service assembly deployment from 
   SOAP Binding.

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Glassfish README source code file:

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