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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

callback, guardedby, illegalstateexception, log, logging, long, new, noopservice, override, service, servicemanagerstate, starting, stopwatch, threading, threads, timeoutexception, timeunit, util, weakreference

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import static;
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import static;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;


import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;

 * A manager for monitoring and controlling a set of {@linkplain Service services}. This class
 * provides methods for {@linkplain #startAsync() starting}, {@linkplain #stopAsync() stopping} and
 * {@linkplain #servicesByState inspecting} a collection of {@linkplain Service services}.
 * Additionally, users can monitor state transitions with the {@linkplain Listener listener}
 * mechanism.
 * <p>While it is recommended that service lifecycles be managed via this class, state transitions
 * initiated via other mechanisms do not impact the correctness of its methods. For example, if the
 * services are started by some mechanism besides {@link #startAsync}, the listeners will be invoked
 * when appropriate and {@link #awaitHealthy} will still work as expected.
 * <p>Here is a simple example of how to use a {@code ServiceManager} to start a server.
 * <pre>   {@code
 * class Server {
 *   public static void main(String[] args) {
 *     Set<Service> services = ...;
 *     ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(services);
 *     manager.addListener(new Listener() {
 *         public void stopped() {}
 *         public void healthy() {
 *           // Services have been initialized and are healthy, start accepting requests...
 *         }
 *         public void failure(Service service) {
 *           // Something failed, at this point we could log it, notify a load balancer, or take
 *           // some other action.  For now we will just exit.
 *           System.exit(1);
 *         }
 *       },
 *       MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
 *     Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
 *       public void run() {
 *         // Give the services 5 seconds to stop to ensure that we are responsive to shutdown
 *         // requests.
 *         try {
 *           manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 *         } catch (TimeoutException timeout) {
 *           // stopping timed out
 *         }
 *       }
 *     });
 *     manager.startAsync();  // start all the services asynchronously
 *   }
 * }}</pre>
 * <p>This class uses the ServiceManager's methods to start all of its services, to respond to
 * service failure and to ensure that when the JVM is shutting down all the services are stopped.
 * @author Luke Sandberg
 * @since 14.0
public final class ServiceManager {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ServiceManager.class.getName());
  private static final Callback<Listener> HEALTHY_CALLBACK =
      new Callback<Listener>("healthy()") {
        void call(Listener listener) {
  private static final Callback<Listener> STOPPED_CALLBACK =
      new Callback<Listener>("stopped()") {
        void call(Listener listener) {

   * A listener for the aggregate state changes of the services that are under management. Users
   * that need to listen to more fine-grained events (such as when each particular
   * {@linkplain Service service} starts, or terminates), should attach {@linkplain Service.Listener
   * service listeners} to each individual service.
   * @author Luke Sandberg
   * @since 15.0 (present as an interface in 14.0)
  @Beta // Should come out of Beta when ServiceManager does
  public abstract static class Listener {
     * Called when the service initially becomes healthy.
     * <p>This will be called at most once after all the services have entered the
     * {@linkplain State#RUNNING running} state. If any services fail during start up or
     * {@linkplain State#FAILED fail}/{@linkplain State#TERMINATED terminate} before all other
     * services have started {@linkplain State#RUNNING running} then this method will not be called.
    public void healthy() {}

     * Called when the all of the component services have reached a terminal state, either
     * {@linkplain State#TERMINATED terminated} or {@linkplain State#FAILED failed}.
    public void stopped() {}

     * Called when a component service has {@linkplain State#FAILED failed}.
     * @param service The service that failed.
    public void failure(Service service) {}

   * An encapsulation of all of the state that is accessed by the {@linkplain ServiceListener
   * service listeners}. This is extracted into its own object so that {@link ServiceListener} could
   * be made {@code static} and its instances can be safely constructed and added in the
   * {@link ServiceManager} constructor without having to close over the partially constructed
   * {@link ServiceManager} instance (i.e. avoid leaking a pointer to {@code this}).
  private final ServiceManagerState state;
  private final ImmutableList<Service> services;

   * Constructs a new instance for managing the given services.
   * @param services The services to manage
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if not all services are {@linkplain State#NEW new} or if there
   *     are any duplicate services.
  public ServiceManager(Iterable<? extends Service> services) {
    ImmutableList<Service> copy = ImmutableList.copyOf(services);
    if (copy.isEmpty()) {
      // Having no services causes the manager to behave strangely. Notably, listeners are never
      // fired. To avoid this we substitute a placeholder service.
          "ServiceManager configured with no services.  Is your application configured properly?",
          new EmptyServiceManagerWarning());
      copy = ImmutableList.<Service>of(new NoOpService());
    this.state = new ServiceManagerState(copy); = copy;
    WeakReference<ServiceManagerState> stateReference =
        new WeakReference<ServiceManagerState>(state);
    for (Service service : copy) {
      service.addListener(new ServiceListener(service, stateReference), directExecutor());
      // We check the state after adding the listener as a way to ensure that our listener was added
      // to a NEW service.
      checkArgument(service.state() == NEW, "Can only manage NEW services, %s", service);
    // We have installed all of our listeners and after this point any state transition should be
    // correct.

   * Registers a {@link Listener} to be {@linkplain Executor#execute executed} on the given
   * executor. The listener will not have previous state changes replayed, so it is suggested that
   * listeners are added before any of the managed services are {@linkplain Service#startAsync
   * started}.
   * <p>{@code addListener} guarantees execution ordering across calls to a given listener but not
   * across calls to multiple listeners. Specifically, a given listener will have its callbacks
   * invoked in the same order as the underlying service enters those states. Additionally, at most
   * one of the listener's callbacks will execute at once. However, multiple listeners' callbacks
   * may execute concurrently, and listeners may execute in an order different from the one in which
   * they were registered.
   * <p>RuntimeExceptions thrown by a listener will be caught and logged. Any exception thrown
   * during {@code Executor.execute} (e.g., a {@code RejectedExecutionException}) will be caught and
   * logged.
   * <p>For fast, lightweight listeners that would be safe to execute in any thread, consider
   * calling {@link #addListener(Listener)}.
   * @param listener the listener to run when the manager changes state
   * @param executor the executor in which the listeners callback methods will be run.
  public void addListener(Listener listener, Executor executor) {
    state.addListener(listener, executor);

   * Registers a {@link Listener} to be run when this {@link ServiceManager} changes state. The
   * listener will not have previous state changes replayed, so it is suggested that listeners are
   * added before any of the managed services are {@linkplain Service#startAsync started}.
   * <p>{@code addListener} guarantees execution ordering across calls to a given listener but not
   * across calls to multiple listeners. Specifically, a given listener will have its callbacks
   * invoked in the same order as the underlying service enters those states. Additionally, at most
   * one of the listener's callbacks will execute at once. However, multiple listeners' callbacks
   * may execute concurrently, and listeners may execute in an order different from the one in which
   * they were registered.
   * <p>RuntimeExceptions thrown by a listener will be caught and logged.
   * @param listener the listener to run when the manager changes state
  public void addListener(Listener listener) {
    state.addListener(listener, directExecutor());

   * Initiates service {@linkplain Service#startAsync startup} on all the services being managed. It
   * is only valid to call this method if all of the services are {@linkplain State#NEW new}.
   * @return this
   * @throws IllegalStateException if any of the Services are not {@link State#NEW new} when the
   *     method is called.
  public ServiceManager startAsync() {
    for (Service service : services) {
      State state = service.state();
      checkState(state == NEW, "Service %s is %s, cannot start it.", service, state);
    for (Service service : services) {
      try {
      } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        // This can happen if the service has already been started or stopped (e.g. by another
        // service or listener). Our contract says it is safe to call this method if
        // all services were NEW when it was called, and this has already been verified above, so we
        // don't propagate the exception.
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to start Service " + service, e);
    return this;

   * Waits for the {@link ServiceManager} to become {@linkplain #isHealthy() healthy}. The manager
   * will become healthy after all the component services have reached the {@linkplain State#RUNNING
   * running} state.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the service manager reaches a state from which it cannot
   *     become {@linkplain #isHealthy() healthy}.
  public void awaitHealthy() {

   * Waits for the {@link ServiceManager} to become {@linkplain #isHealthy() healthy} for no more
   * than the given time. The manager will become healthy after all the component services have
   * reached the {@linkplain State#RUNNING running} state.
   * @param timeout the maximum time to wait
   * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
   * @throws TimeoutException if not all of the services have finished starting within the deadline
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the service manager reaches a state from which it cannot
   *     become {@linkplain #isHealthy() healthy}.
  public void awaitHealthy(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException {
    state.awaitHealthy(timeout, unit);

   * Initiates service {@linkplain Service#stopAsync shutdown} if necessary on all the services
   * being managed.
   * @return this
  public ServiceManager stopAsync() {
    for (Service service : services) {
    return this;

   * Waits for the all the services to reach a terminal state. After this method returns all
   * services will either be {@linkplain Service.State#TERMINATED terminated} or
   * {@linkplain Service.State#FAILED failed}.
  public void awaitStopped() {

   * Waits for the all the services to reach a terminal state for no more than the given time. After
   * this method returns all services will either be {@linkplain Service.State#TERMINATED
   * terminated} or {@linkplain Service.State#FAILED failed}.
   * @param timeout the maximum time to wait
   * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
   * @throws TimeoutException if not all of the services have stopped within the deadline
  public void awaitStopped(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException {
    state.awaitStopped(timeout, unit);

   * Returns true if all services are currently in the {@linkplain State#RUNNING running} state.
   * <p>Users who want more detailed information should use the {@link #servicesByState} method to
   * get detailed information about which services are not running.
  public boolean isHealthy() {
    for (Service service : services) {
      if (!service.isRunning()) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Provides a snapshot of the current state of all the services under management.
   * <p>N.B. This snapshot is guaranteed to be consistent, i.e. the set of states returned will
   * correspond to a point in time view of the services.
  public ImmutableMultimap<State, Service> servicesByState() {
    return state.servicesByState();

   * Returns the service load times. This value will only return startup times for services that
   * have finished starting.
   * @return Map of services and their corresponding startup time in millis, the map entries will be
   *     ordered by startup time.
  public ImmutableMap<Service, Long> startupTimes() {
    return state.startupTimes();

  public String toString() {
    return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(ServiceManager.class)
        .add("services", Collections2.filter(services, not(instanceOf(NoOpService.class))))

   * An encapsulation of all the mutable state of the {@link ServiceManager} that needs to be
   * accessed by instances of {@link ServiceListener}.
  private static final class ServiceManagerState {
    final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

    final SetMultimap<State, Service> servicesByState =

    final Multiset<State> states = servicesByState.keys();

    final Map<Service, Stopwatch> startupTimers = Maps.newIdentityHashMap();

     * These two booleans are used to mark the state as ready to start.
     * <p>{@link #ready}: is set by {@link #markReady} to indicate that all listeners have been
     * correctly installed
     * <p>{@link #transitioned}: is set by {@link #transitionService} to indicate that some
     * transition has been performed.
     * <p>Together, they allow us to enforce that all services have their listeners installed prior
     * to any service performing a transition, then we can fail in the ServiceManager constructor
     * rather than in a Service.Listener callback.
    boolean ready;

    boolean transitioned;

    final int numberOfServices;

     * Controls how long to wait for all the services to either become healthy or reach a state from
     * which it is guaranteed that it can never become healthy.
    final Monitor.Guard awaitHealthGuard = new AwaitHealthGuard();

    final class AwaitHealthGuard extends Monitor.Guard {
      AwaitHealthGuard() {

      public boolean isSatisfied() {
        // All services have started or some service has terminated/failed.
        return states.count(RUNNING) == numberOfServices
            || states.contains(STOPPING)
            || states.contains(TERMINATED)
            || states.contains(FAILED);

     * Controls how long to wait for all services to reach a terminal state.
    final Monitor.Guard stoppedGuard = new StoppedGuard();

    final class StoppedGuard extends Monitor.Guard {
      StoppedGuard() {

      public boolean isSatisfied() {
        return states.count(TERMINATED) + states.count(FAILED) == numberOfServices;

    /** The listeners to notify during a state transition. */
    final List<ListenerCallQueue listeners =
        Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ListenerCallQueue());

     * It is implicitly assumed that all the services are NEW and that they will all remain NEW
     * until all the Listeners are installed and {@link #markReady()} is called. It is our caller's
     * responsibility to only call {@link #markReady()} if all services were new at the time this
     * method was called and when all the listeners were installed.
    ServiceManagerState(ImmutableCollection<Service> services) {
      this.numberOfServices = services.size();
      servicesByState.putAll(NEW, services);

     * Attempts to start the timer immediately prior to the service being started via
     * {@link Service#startAsync()}.
    void tryStartTiming(Service service) {
      try {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = startupTimers.get(service);
        if (stopwatch == null) {
          startupTimers.put(service, Stopwatch.createStarted());
      } finally {

     * Marks the {@link State} as ready to receive transitions. Returns true if no transitions have
     * been observed yet.
    void markReady() {
      try {
        if (!transitioned) {
          // nothing has transitioned since construction, good.
          ready = true;
        } else {
          // This should be an extremely rare race condition.
          List<Service> servicesInBadStates = Lists.newArrayList();
          for (Service service : servicesByState().values()) {
            if (service.state() != NEW) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Services started transitioning asynchronously before "
                  + "the ServiceManager was constructed: "
                  + servicesInBadStates);
      } finally {

    void addListener(Listener listener, Executor executor) {
      checkNotNull(listener, "listener");
      checkNotNull(executor, "executor");
      try {
        // no point in adding a listener that will never be called
        if (!stoppedGuard.isSatisfied()) {
          listeners.add(new ListenerCallQueue<Listener>(listener, executor));
      } finally {

    void awaitHealthy() {
      try {
      } finally {

    void awaitHealthy(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException {
      try {
        if (!monitor.waitForUninterruptibly(awaitHealthGuard, timeout, unit)) {
          throw new TimeoutException(
              "Timeout waiting for the services to become healthy. The "
                  + "following services have not started: "
                  + Multimaps.filterKeys(servicesByState, in(ImmutableSet.of(NEW, STARTING))));
      } finally {

    void awaitStopped() {

    void awaitStopped(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException {
      try {
        if (!monitor.waitForUninterruptibly(stoppedGuard, timeout, unit)) {
          throw new TimeoutException(
              "Timeout waiting for the services to stop. The following "
                  + "services have not stopped: "
                  + Multimaps.filterKeys(servicesByState, not(in(EnumSet.of(TERMINATED, FAILED)))));
      } finally {

    ImmutableMultimap<State, Service> servicesByState() {
      ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<State, Service> builder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder();
      try {
        for (Entry<State, Service> entry : servicesByState.entries()) {
          if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof NoOpService)) {
      } finally {

    ImmutableMap<Service, Long> startupTimes() {
      List<Entry loadTimes;
      try {
        loadTimes = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(startupTimers.size());
        // N.B. There will only be an entry in the map if the service has started
        for (Entry<Service, Stopwatch> entry : startupTimers.entrySet()) {
          Service service = entry.getKey();
          Stopwatch stopWatch = entry.getValue();
          if (!stopWatch.isRunning() && !(service instanceof NoOpService)) {
            loadTimes.add(Maps.immutableEntry(service, stopWatch.elapsed(MILLISECONDS)));
      } finally {
                  new Function<Entry() {
                    public Long apply(Map.Entry<Service, Long> input) {
                      return input.getValue();
      return ImmutableMap.copyOf(loadTimes);

     * Updates the state with the given service transition.
     * <p>This method performs the main logic of ServiceManager in the following steps.
     * <ol>
     * <li>Update the {@link #servicesByState()}
     * <li>Update the {@link #startupTimers}
     * <li>Based on the new state queue listeners to run
     * <li>Run the listeners (outside of the lock)
     * </ol>
    void transitionService(final Service service, State from, State to) {
      checkArgument(from != to);
      try {
        transitioned = true;
        if (!ready) {
        // Update state.
            servicesByState.remove(from, service),
            "Service %s not at the expected location in the state map %s",
            servicesByState.put(to, service),
            "Service %s in the state map unexpectedly at %s",
        // Update the timer
        Stopwatch stopwatch = startupTimers.get(service);
        if (stopwatch == null) {
          // This means the service was started by some means other than ServiceManager.startAsync
          stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
          startupTimers.put(service, stopwatch);
        if (to.compareTo(RUNNING) >= 0 && stopwatch.isRunning()) {
          // N.B. if we miss the STARTING event then we may never record a startup time.
          if (!(service instanceof NoOpService)) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Started {0} in {1}.", new Object[] {service, stopwatch});
        // Queue our listeners

        // Did a service fail?
        if (to == FAILED) {

        if (states.count(RUNNING) == numberOfServices) {
          // This means that the manager is currently healthy. N.B. If other threads call isHealthy
          // they are not guaranteed to get 'true', because any service could fail right now.
        } else if (states.count(TERMINATED) + states.count(FAILED) == numberOfServices) {
      } finally {
        // Run our executors outside of the lock

    void fireStoppedListeners() {

    void fireHealthyListeners() {

    void fireFailedListeners(final Service service) {
      new Callback<Listener>("failed({service=" + service + "})") {
        void call(Listener listener) {

    /** Attempts to execute all the listeners in {@link #listeners}. */
    void executeListeners() {
          "It is incorrect to execute listeners with the monitor held.");
      // iterate by index to avoid concurrent modification exceptions
      for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {

    void checkHealthy() {
      if (states.count(RUNNING) != numberOfServices) {
        IllegalStateException exception =
            new IllegalStateException(
                "Expected to be healthy after starting. The following services are not running: "
                    + Multimaps.filterKeys(servicesByState, not(equalTo(RUNNING))));
        throw exception;

   * A {@link Service} that wraps another service and times how long it takes for it to start and
   * also calls the {@link ServiceManagerState#transitionService(Service, State, State)}, to record
   * the state transitions.
  private static final class ServiceListener extends Service.Listener {
    final Service service;
    // We store the state in a weak reference to ensure that if something went wrong while
    // constructing the ServiceManager we don't pointlessly keep updating the state.
    final WeakReference<ServiceManagerState> state;

    ServiceListener(Service service, WeakReference<ServiceManagerState> state) {
      this.service = service;
      this.state = state;

    public void starting() {
      ServiceManagerState state = this.state.get();
      if (state != null) {
        state.transitionService(service, NEW, STARTING);
        if (!(service instanceof NoOpService)) {
          logger.log(Level.FINE, "Starting {0}.", service);

    public void running() {
      ServiceManagerState state = this.state.get();
      if (state != null) {
        state.transitionService(service, STARTING, RUNNING);

    public void stopping(State from) {
      ServiceManagerState state = this.state.get();
      if (state != null) {
        state.transitionService(service, from, STOPPING);

    public void terminated(State from) {
      ServiceManagerState state = this.state.get();
      if (state != null) {
        if (!(service instanceof NoOpService)) {
              "Service {0} has terminated. Previous state was: {1}",
              new Object[] {service, from});
        state.transitionService(service, from, TERMINATED);

    public void failed(State from, Throwable failure) {
      ServiceManagerState state = this.state.get();
      if (state != null) {
        // Log before the transition, so that if the process exits in response to server failure,
        // there is a higher likelihood that the cause will be in the logs.
        boolean log = !(service instanceof NoOpService);
        if (log) {
              "Service " + service + " has failed in the " + from + " state.",
        state.transitionService(service, from, FAILED);

   * A {@link Service} instance that does nothing. This is only useful as a placeholder to ensure
   * that the {@link ServiceManager} functions properly even when it is managing no services.
   * <p>The use of this class is considered an implementation detail of ServiceManager and as such
   * it is excluded from {@link #servicesByState}, {@link #startupTimes}, {@link #toString} and all
   * logging statements.
  private static final class NoOpService extends AbstractService {
    protected void doStart() {

    protected void doStop() {

  /** This is never thrown but only used for logging. */
  private static final class EmptyServiceManagerWarning extends Throwable {}

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