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HSQLDB example source code file (TestSelfSubselects.txt)

This example HSQLDB source code file (TestSelfSubselects.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The HSQLDB TestSelfSubselects.txt source code

drop table colors if exists;
drop table sizes if exists;
drop table fruits if exists;
drop table trees if exists;
create table colors(id int, val char(20));
insert into colors values(1,'red');
insert into colors values(2,'green');
insert into colors values(3,'orange');
insert into colors values(4,'indigo');
create table sizes(id int, val char(20));
insert into sizes values(1,'small');
insert into sizes values(2,'medium');
insert into sizes values(3,'large');
insert into sizes values(4,'odd');
create table fruits(id int, name char(30), color_id int);
insert into fruits values(1, 'golden delicious',2);
insert into fruits values(2, 'macintosh',1);
insert into fruits values(3, 'red delicious',1);
insert into fruits values(4, 'granny smith',2);
insert into fruits values(5, 'tangerine',4);
create table trees(id int, name char(30), fruit_id int, size_id int);
insert into trees values(1, 'small golden delicious tree',1,1);
insert into trees values(2, 'large macintosh tree',2,3);
insert into trees values(3, 'large red delicious tree',3,3);
insert into trees values(4, 'small red delicious tree',3,1);
insert into trees values(5, 'medium granny smith tree',4,2);
select a.val, from sizes a, trees b where = b.size_id and in (select from trees a, fruits b where a.fruit_id = and'red delicious') order by a.val;
-- bug #547764
-- name in subquery must resolve to the subquery first
drop table trees if exists;
drop table fruits if exists;
create table trees(id integer primary key,name varchar(30) not null);
create table fruits(id integer primary key,name varchar(30) not null,
 tree_id integer not null,foreign key (tree_id) references trees(id));
insert into trees (id, name) values (1, 'apple');
insert into fruits (id, name, tree_id) values(1, 'pippin', 1);
insert into fruits (id, name, tree_id) values(2, 'granny smith', 1);
/*c2*/select id from fruits where tree_id in(select id from trees where name = 'apple');

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB TestSelfSubselects.txt source code file:

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