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Lift Framework example source code file (Menu.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Menu.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, box, list, list, menu, menuable, nil, nil, parammenuable, paramsmenuable, string, string, withslash

The Lift Framework Menu.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package sitemap 

import scala.annotation._
import net.liftweb.http._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util._
import Helpers._

 * A common trait between Menu and something that can be converted to a Menu.
 * This makes building Lists of things that can be converted to Menu instance
 * easier because there's a common trait.
trait ConvertableToMenu {
  def toMenu: Menu

 * A common trait that defines a portion of a Menu's Link URI path. This allows
 * us to constrain how people construct paths using the DSL by restricting it to
 * Strings or to the <pre>**
object. */ sealed trait MenuPath { def pathItem: String } /** * This object may be appended to a Menu DSL path, with the syntax * <pre>Menu("Foo") / "test" / ** to match anything starting with * a given path. For more info, see Loc.Link.matchHead_? * * @see Loc.Link */ object ** extends MenuPath {def pathItem = "**"} /** * Defines a single path element for a Menu's Link URI. Typically users will * not utilize this case class, but will use the WithSlash trait's "/" method * that takes Strings. */ final case class AMenuPath(pathItem: String) extends MenuPath sealed trait LocPath { def pathItem: String def wildcard_? : Boolean } object LocPath { implicit def stringToLocPath(in: String): LocPath = new NormalLocPath(in) } case object * extends LocPath { def pathItem = "star" def wildcard_? = true override def toString() = "WildcardLocPath()" } final case class NormalLocPath(pathItem: String) extends LocPath { def wildcard_? = false } /** * The bridge from the Menu singleton to Java-land */ final class MenuJBridge { def menu(): MenuSingleton = Menu } object Menu extends MenuSingleton { /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreParamMenu[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: String => Box[T], encoder: T => String) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): ParamMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash /** * The Java way of building menus. Put the path String here, * for example "/foo/bar" or "/foo/ * /bar" */ def path(pathElement: String): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement.charSplit('/'). drop(if (pathElement.startsWith("/")) 1 else 0). map(_.trim). filter(_ != "**"). map { case "*" => * case "" => NormalLocPath("index") case str => NormalLocPath(str) } match { case Nil => List(NormalLocPath("index")) case xs => xs }, pathElement.endsWith("**"), Nil, Nil) } class ParamMenuable[T](val name: String,val linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], val parser: String => Box[T], val encoder: T => String, val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[T]],val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = ParamMenuable[T] def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamMenuable[T] = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): ParamMenuable[T] = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) // FIXME... do the right thing so that in development mode // the menu and loc are recalculated when the menu is reloaded /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ lazy val toMenu: Menu = Menu(toLoc, submenus :_*) /** * Convert the ParamMenuable into a Loc so you can access * the well typed currentValue */ lazy val toLoc: Loc[T] = new Loc[T] with ParamExtractor[String, T] { import scala.xml._ def headMatch: Boolean = ParamMenuable.this.headMatch // the name of the page def name = // the default parameters (used for generating the menu listing) def defaultValue = Empty // no extra parameters def params = ParamMenuable.this.params /** * What's the text of the link? */ def text = ParamMenuable.this.linkText def locPath: List[LocPath] = ParamMenuable.this.path def parser = ParamMenuable.this.parser def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[String] = in.headOption val link = new ParamLocLink[T](ParamMenuable.this.path, ParamMenuable.this.headMatch, t => List(encoder(t))) } } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object ParamMenuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: ParamMenuable[_]): Menu = able.toMenu /** * Convert a Menuable into a Loc[T] */ implicit def toLoc[T](able: ParamMenuable[T]): Loc[T] = able.toMenu.loc.asInstanceOf[Loc[T]] } /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreParamsMenu[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: List[String] => Box[T], encoder: T => List[String]) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): ParamsMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash def path(pathElement: String): ParamsMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash } class ParamsMenuable[T](val name: String, val linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], val parser: List[String] => Box[T], val encoder: T => List[String], val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[T]], val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = ParamsMenuable[T] def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamsMenuable[T] = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamsMenuable[T] = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): ParamsMenuable[T] = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): ParamsMenuable[T] = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) // FIXME... do the right thing so that in development mode // the menu and loc are recalculated when the menu is reloaded /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ lazy val toMenu: Menu = Menu(toLoc, submenus :_*) /** * Convert the ParamsMenuable into a Loc so you can access * the well typed currentValue */ lazy val toLoc: Loc[T] = new Loc[T] with ParamExtractor[List[String], T] { // the name of the page def name = def headMatch: Boolean = ParamsMenuable.this.headMatch // the default parameters (used for generating the menu listing) def defaultValue = Empty // no extra parameters def params = ParamsMenuable.this.params /** * What's the text of the link? */ def text = ParamsMenuable.this.linkText val link = new ParamLocLink[T](ParamsMenuable.this.path, ParamsMenuable.this.headMatch, encoder) def locPath: List[LocPath] = ParamsMenuable.this.path def parser = ParamsMenuable.this.parser def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[List[String]] = Full(in) val pathLen = ParamsMenuable.this.path.length } } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object ParamsMenuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: ParamsMenuable[_]): Menu = able.toMenu /** * Convert a Menuable into a Loc[T] */ implicit def toLoc[T](able: ParamsMenuable[T]): Loc[T] = able.toMenu.loc.asInstanceOf[Loc[T]] } /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreMenu(name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): Menuable with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash def path(pathElement: String): Menuable with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash } /** * This trait contains helper method that will extract * parameters and convert path items based on * the locPath */ trait ParamExtractor[ConvertFrom, ConvertTo] { self: Loc[ConvertTo] => /** * What's the path we're extracting against? */ def locPath: List[LocPath] /** * A function to convert the ConvertFrom (a String or * List[String]) to the target type */ def parser: ConvertFrom => Box[ConvertTo] /** * Convert the List[String] extracted from the * parse params into whatever is necessary to convert * to a ConvertTo */ def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[ConvertFrom] object ExtractSan { def unapply(in: List[String]): Option[(List[String], ConvertTo)] = { for { (path, paramList) <- extractAndConvertPath(in) toConvert <- listToFrom(paramList) param <- parser(toConvert) } yield path -> param } } /** * Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter */ override lazy val rewrite: LocRewrite = Full(NamedPF(locPath.toString) { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(ExtractSan(path, param), _, _,_), _, _) => { RewriteResponse(path, true) -> param }}) def headMatch: Boolean /** * Given an incoming request path, match the path and * extract the parameters. If the path is matched, return * all the extracted parameters. * If the path matches, the return Full box will contain * the rewritten path and the extracted path parameter */ def extractAndConvertPath(org: List[String]): Box[(List[String], List[String])] = { import scala.collection.mutable._ val retPath = new ListBuffer[String]() val retParams = new ListBuffer[String]() var gotStar = false @tailrec def doExtract(op: List[String], mp: List[LocPath]): Boolean = (op, mp) match { case (Nil, Nil) => true case (o :: Nil, Nil) => { retParams += o headMatch || !gotStar } case (op, Nil) => retParams ++= op; headMatch case (Nil, _) => false case (o :: _, NormalLocPath(str) :: _) if o != str => false case (o :: os, * :: ms) => { gotStar = true retParams += o retPath += *.pathItem doExtract(os, ms) } case (o :: os, _ :: ms) => { retPath += o doExtract(os, ms) } } if (doExtract(org, locPath)) { Full((retPath.toList, retParams.toList)) } else { Empty } } } trait BaseMenuable { type BuiltType def path: List[LocPath] def headMatch: Boolean def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash } trait WithSlash { self: BaseMenuable => /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item. This method is * typically only used to allow the <pre>** object mechanism for specifying head match. */ def /(pathElement: MenuPath): BuiltType = pathElement match { case ** => buildOne(path, true) case AMenuPath(pathItem) => buildOne(path ::: List(NormalLocPath(pathItem)), headMatch) } def path(pathElement: MenuPath): BuiltType = this./(pathElement) /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): BuiltType with WithSlash = buildSlashOne(path ::: List(pathElement), headMatch) } class Menuable(val name: String,val linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit], val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[Unit]],val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = Menuable def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new Menuable(name, linkText, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[Unit]): Menuable = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[Unit]): Menuable = new Menuable(name, linkText, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): Menuable = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): Menuable = new Menuable(name, linkText, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ def toMenu: Menu = Menuable.toMenu(this) } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object Menuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: Menuable): Menu = Menu(Loc(, new ParamLocLink[Unit](able.path, able.headMatch, ignore => Nil), able.linkText, able.params), able.submenus :_*) } } /** * A DSL for building menus. */ sealed trait MenuSingleton { import Menu._ /** * A Menu can be created with the syntax <pre>Menu("Home") / "index" * The first parameter is the LinkText which calculates how Links are presented. The * parameter to Menu will be treated as call-by-name such that it is re-evaluated each time * the menu link is needed. That means you can do <pre>Menu(S ? "Home") / "index" * and the menu link will be localized for each display. */ def apply(linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]): PreMenu = this.apply(Helpers.randomString(20), linkText) /** * A Menu can be created with the syntax <pre>Menu("home_page", "Home") / "index" * The first parameter is the name of the page and the second is the LinkText which calculates how Links are presented. * The LinkText * parameter to Menu will be treated as call-by-name such that it is re-evaluated each time * the menu link is needed. That means you can do <pre>Menu("home_page", S ? "Home") / "index" * and the menu link will be localized for each display. You can look up a Menu item by * name as well as using the <lift:menu.item name="home_page"> snippet. */ def apply(name: String,linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]): PreMenu = new PreMenu(name, linkText) /** * A convenient way to define a Menu items that's got the same name as it does it's localized LinkText. * <pre>Menu.i("Home") / "index" is short-hand for
Menu("Home", S ? "Home") / "index"
*/ def i(nameAndLink: String): PreMenu = Menu.apply(nameAndLink, S ? nameAndLink) def param[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: String => Box[T], encoder: T => String): PreParamMenu[T] = new PreParamMenu[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder) def params[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: List[String] => Box[T], encoder: T => List[String]): PreParamsMenu[T] = new PreParamsMenu[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder) } case class Menu(loc: Loc[_], private val convertableKids: ConvertableToMenu*) extends HasKids with ConvertableToMenu { lazy val kids: Seq[Menu] = private[sitemap] var _parent: Box[HasKids] = Empty private[sitemap] var siteMap: SiteMap = _ private[sitemap] def init(siteMap: SiteMap) { this.siteMap = siteMap kids.foreach(_._parent = Full(this)) kids.foreach(_.init(siteMap)) = this } /** * Rebuild the menu by mutating the child menu items. * This mutation can be changing, adding or removing */ def rebuild(f: List[Menu] => List[Menu]): Menu = Menu(loc, f(kids.toList) :_*) private[sitemap] def validate { _parent.foreach(p => if (p.isRoot_?) throw new SiteMapException("Menu items with root location (\"/\") cannot have children")) kids.foreach(_.validate) } private[sitemap] def testParentAccess: Either[Boolean, Box[() => LiftResponse]] = _parent match { case Full(p) => p.testAccess case _ => Left(true) } override private[sitemap] def testAccess: Either[Boolean, Box[() => LiftResponse]] = loc.testAccess def toMenu = this def findLoc(req: Req): Box[Loc[_]] = if (loc.doesMatch_?(req)) Full(loc) else first(kids)(_.findLoc(req)) def locForGroup(group: String): Seq[Loc[_]] = (if (loc.inGroup_?(group)) List[Loc[_]](loc) else Nil) ++ kids.flatMap(_.locForGroup(group)) override def buildUpperLines(pathAt: HasKids, actual: Menu, populate: List[MenuItem]): List[MenuItem] = { val kids: List[MenuItem] = _parent.toList.flatMap( => m.loc.buildItem(if (m == this) populate else Nil, m == actual, m == pathAt))) _parent.toList.flatMap(p => p.buildUpperLines(p, actual, kids)) } def makeMenuItem(path: List[Loc[_]]): Box[MenuItem] = loc.buildItem(kids.toList.flatMap(_.makeMenuItem(path)) ::: loc.supplimentalKidMenuItems, _lastInPath(path), _inPath(path)) /** * Make a menu item only of the current loc is in the given group */ def makeMenuItem(path: List[Loc[_]], group: String): Box[MenuItem] = if (loc.inGroup_?(group)) makeMenuItem(path) else Empty private def _inPath(in: List[Loc[_]]): Boolean = in match { case Nil => false case x :: xs if x eq loc => true case x :: xs => _inPath(xs) } private def _lastInPath(path: List[Loc[_]]): Boolean = path match { case Nil => false case xs => xs.last eq loc } def breadCrumbs: List[Loc[_]] = _parent match { case Full(m: Menu) => m.loc.breadCrumbs case _ => Nil } } final class ParamLocLink[T](path: List[LocPath], headMatch: Boolean, backToList: T => List[String]) extends Loc.Link[T](, headMatch) { @tailrec def test(toTest: List[String], path: List[LocPath]): Boolean = { (toTest, path) match { case (Nil, Nil) => true case (Nil, _) => false case (_, Nil) => matchHead_? case (str :: _, NormalLocPath(p) :: _) if str != p => false case (_ :: ts, * :: ps) => test(ts, ps) case (_ :: ts, _ :: ps) => test(ts, ps) } } override def isDefinedAt(req: Req): Boolean = { test(req.path.partPath, path) } /** * Override this method to modify the uriList with data from the Loc's value */ override def pathList(value: T): List[String] = { import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val ret = new ListBuffer[String]() @tailrec def merge(path: List[LocPath], params: List[String]) { (path, params) match { case (Nil, p) => ret ++= p case (* :: ps, Nil) => ret += "?" ; merge(ps, Nil) case (* :: ps, r :: rs) => ret += r ; merge(ps, rs) case (NormalLocPath(p) :: ps, rs) => ret += p ; merge(ps, rs) } } merge(path, backToList(value)) ret.toList } }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Menu.scala source code file:

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