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Lucene example source code file (

This example Lucene source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lucene tags/keywords

indexreader, indexreader, indexsearcher, indexsearcher, io, ioexception, ioexception, multisearcher, override, query, query, runtimeexception, scorer, searcher, util, weight

The Lucene source code


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.Random;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader;
import org.apache.lucene.util._TestUtil;

import static org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.TEST_VERSION_CURRENT;

public class QueryUtils {

  /** Check the types of things query objects should be able to do. */
  public static void check(Query q) {

  /** check very basic hashCode and equals */
  public static void checkHashEquals(Query q) {
    Query q2 = (Query)q.clone();

    Query q3 = (Query)q.clone();

    // test that a class check is done so that no exception is thrown
    // in the implementation of equals()
    Query whacky = new Query() {
      public String toString(String field) {
        return "My Whacky Query";
    checkUnequal(q, whacky);
    // null test

  public static void checkEqual(Query q1, Query q2) {
    Assert.assertEquals(q1, q2);
    Assert.assertEquals(q1.hashCode(), q2.hashCode());

  public static void checkUnequal(Query q1, Query q2) {

    // possible this test can fail on a hash collision... if that
    // happens, please change test to use a different example.
    Assert.assertTrue(q1.hashCode() != q2.hashCode());
  /** deep check that explanations of a query 'score' correctly */
  public static void checkExplanations (final Query q, final Searcher s) throws IOException {
    CheckHits.checkExplanations(q, null, s, true);
   * Various query sanity checks on a searcher, some checks are only done for
   * instanceof IndexSearcher.
   * @see #check(Query)
   * @see #checkFirstSkipTo
   * @see #checkSkipTo
   * @see #checkExplanations
   * @see #checkSerialization
   * @see #checkEqual
  public static void check(Random random, Query q1, Searcher s) {
    check(random, q1, s, true);
  private static void check(Random random, Query q1, Searcher s, boolean wrap) {
    try {
      if (s!=null) {
        if (s instanceof IndexSearcher) {
          IndexSearcher is = (IndexSearcher)s;
          if (wrap) {
            check(random, q1, wrapUnderlyingReader(random, is, -1), false);
            check(random, q1, wrapUnderlyingReader(random, is,  0), false);
            check(random, q1, wrapUnderlyingReader(random, is, +1), false);
        if (wrap) {
          check(random,q1, wrapSearcher(random, s, -1), false);
          check(random,q1, wrapSearcher(random, s,  0), false);
          check(random,q1, wrapSearcher(random, s, +1), false);
        Query q2 = (Query)q1.clone();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

   * Given an IndexSearcher, returns a new IndexSearcher whose IndexReader 
   * is a MultiReader containing the Reader of the original IndexSearcher, 
   * as well as several "empty" IndexReaders -- some of which will have 
   * deleted documents in them.  This new IndexSearcher should 
   * behave exactly the same as the original IndexSearcher.
   * @param s the searcher to wrap
   * @param edge if negative, s will be the first sub; if 0, s will be in the middle, if positive s will be the last sub
  public static IndexSearcher wrapUnderlyingReader(Random random, final IndexSearcher s, final int edge) 
    throws IOException {

    IndexReader r = s.getIndexReader();

    // we can't put deleted docs before the nested reader, because
    // it will throw off the docIds
    IndexReader[] readers = new IndexReader[] {
      edge < 0 ? r :, 0), true),, 0), true),
      new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] {, edge < 0 ? 4 : 0), true),, 0), true),
        0 == edge ? r :, 0), true)
      }),, 0 < edge ? 0 : 7), true),, 0), true),
      new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] {, 0 < edge ? 0 : 5), true),, 0), true),
        0 < edge ? r :, 0), true)
    IndexSearcher out = new IndexSearcher(new MultiReader(readers));
    return out;
   * Given a Searcher, returns a new MultiSearcher wrapping the  
   * the original Searcher, 
   * as well as several "empty" IndexSearchers -- some of which will have
   * deleted documents in them.  This new MultiSearcher 
   * should behave exactly the same as the original Searcher.
   * @param s the Searcher to wrap
   * @param edge if negative, s will be the first sub; if 0, s will be in hte middle, if positive s will be the last sub
  public static MultiSearcher wrapSearcher(Random random, final Searcher s, final int edge) 
    throws IOException {

    // we can't put deleted docs before the nested reader, because
    // it will through off the docIds
    Searcher[] searchers = new Searcher[] {
      edge < 0 ? s : new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true),
      new MultiSearcher(new Searcher[] {
        new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, edge < 0 ? 65 : 0), true),
        new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true),
        0 == edge ? s : new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true)
      new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0 < edge ? 0 : 3), true),
      new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true),
      new MultiSearcher(new Searcher[] {
        new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0 < edge ? 0 : 5), true),
        new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true),
        0 < edge ? s : new IndexSearcher(makeEmptyIndex(random, 0), true)
    MultiSearcher out = new MultiSearcher(searchers);
    return out;

  private static Directory makeEmptyIndex(Random random, final int numDeletedDocs) 
    throws IOException {
    Directory d = new MockDirectoryWrapper(random, new RAMDirectory());
      IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(d, new IndexWriterConfig(
        TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)));

      for (int i = 0; i < numDeletedDocs; i++) {
        w.addDocument(new Document());
      w.deleteDocuments( new MatchAllDocsQuery() );

      if (0 < numDeletedDocs)
        Assert.assertTrue("writer has no deletions", w.hasDeletions());

      Assert.assertEquals("writer is missing some deleted docs", 
                          numDeletedDocs, w.maxDoc());
      Assert.assertEquals("writer has non-deleted docs", 
                          0, w.numDocs());
      IndexReader r =, true);
      Assert.assertEquals("reader has wrong number of deleted docs", 
                          numDeletedDocs, r.numDeletedDocs());
      return d;

  /** check that the query weight is serializable. 
   * @throws IOException if serialization check fail. 
  private static void checkSerialization(Query q, Searcher s) throws IOException {
    Weight w = s.createNormalizedWeight(q);
    try {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()));
      //skip equals() test for now - most weights don't override equals() and we won't add this just for the tests.
      //TestCase.assertEquals("writeObject(w) != w.  ("+w+")",w2,w);   
    } catch (Exception e) {
      IOException e2 = new IOException("Serialization failed for "+w);
      throw e2;

  /** alternate scorer skipTo(),skipTo(),next(),next(),skipTo(),skipTo(), etc
   * and ensure a hitcollector receives same docs and scores
  public static void checkSkipTo(final Query q, final IndexSearcher s) throws IOException {
    //System.out.println("Checking "+q);
    if (s.createNormalizedWeight(q).scoresDocsOutOfOrder()) return;  // in this case order of skipTo() might differ from that of next().

    final int skip_op = 0;
    final int next_op = 1;
    final int orders [][] = {
        {skip_op, next_op},
        {next_op, skip_op},
        {skip_op, skip_op, next_op, next_op},
        {next_op, next_op, skip_op, skip_op},
        {skip_op, skip_op, skip_op, next_op, next_op},
    for (int k = 0; k < orders.length; k++) {

        final int order[] = orders[k];
        // System.out.print("Order:");for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++)
        // System.out.print(order[i]==skip_op ? " skip()":" next()");
        // System.out.println();
        final int opidx[] = { 0 };
        final int lastDoc[] = {-1};

        // FUTURE: ensure scorer.doc()==-1

        final float maxDiff = 1e-5f;
        final IndexReader lastReader[] = {null};, new Collector() {
          private Scorer sc;
          private IndexReader reader;
          private Scorer scorer;

          public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
   = scorer;

          public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
            float score = sc.score();
            lastDoc[0] = doc;
            try {
              if (scorer == null) {
                Weight w = s.createNormalizedWeight(q);
                scorer = w.scorer(reader, true, false);
              int op = order[(opidx[0]++) % order.length];
              // System.out.println(op==skip_op ?
              // "skip("+(sdoc[0]+1)+")":"next()");
              boolean more = op == skip_op ? scorer.advance(scorer.docID() + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS
                  : scorer.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
              int scorerDoc = scorer.docID();
              float scorerScore = scorer.score();
              float scorerScore2 = scorer.score();
              float scoreDiff = Math.abs(score - scorerScore);
              float scorerDiff = Math.abs(scorerScore2 - scorerScore);
              if (!more || doc != scorerDoc || scoreDiff > maxDiff
                  || scorerDiff > maxDiff) {
                StringBuilder sbord = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++)
                  sbord.append(order[i] == skip_op ? " skip()" : " next()");
                throw new RuntimeException("ERROR matching docs:" + "\n\t"
                    + (doc != scorerDoc ? "--> " : "") + "doc=" + doc + ", scorerDoc=" + scorerDoc
                    + "\n\t" + (!more ? "--> " : "") + "tscorer.more=" + more
                    + "\n\t" + (scoreDiff > maxDiff ? "--> " : "")
                    + "scorerScore=" + scorerScore + " scoreDiff=" + scoreDiff
                    + " maxDiff=" + maxDiff + "\n\t"
                    + (scorerDiff > maxDiff ? "--> " : "") + "scorerScore2="
                    + scorerScore2 + " scorerDiff=" + scorerDiff
                    + "\n\thitCollector.doc=" + doc + " score=" + score
                    + "\n\t Scorer=" + scorer + "\n\t Query=" + q + "  "
                    + q.getClass().getName() + "\n\t Searcher=" + s
                    + "\n\t Order=" + sbord + "\n\t Op="
                    + (op == skip_op ? " skip()" : " next()"));
            } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

          public void setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase) throws IOException {
            // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
            // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
            if (lastReader[0] != null) {
              final IndexReader previousReader = lastReader[0];
              Weight w = new IndexSearcher(previousReader).createNormalizedWeight(q);
              Scorer scorer = w.scorer(previousReader, true, false);
              if (scorer != null) {
                boolean more = scorer.advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
                Assert.assertFalse("query's last doc was "+ lastDoc[0] +" but skipTo("+(lastDoc[0]+1)+") got to "+scorer.docID(),more);
            this.reader = lastReader[0] = reader;
            this.scorer = null;
            lastDoc[0] = -1;

          public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() {
            return true;

        if (lastReader[0] != null) {
          // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
          // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
          final IndexReader previousReader = lastReader[0];
          Weight w = new IndexSearcher(previousReader).createNormalizedWeight(q);
          Scorer scorer = w.scorer(previousReader, true, false);
          if (scorer != null) {
            boolean more = scorer.advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
            Assert.assertFalse("query's last doc was "+ lastDoc[0] +" but skipTo("+(lastDoc[0]+1)+") got to "+scorer.docID(),more);
  // check that first skip on just created scorers always goes to the right doc
  private static void checkFirstSkipTo(final Query q, final IndexSearcher s) throws IOException {
    //System.out.println("checkFirstSkipTo: "+q);
    final float maxDiff = 1e-3f;
    final int lastDoc[] = {-1};
    final IndexReader lastReader[] = {null};,new Collector() {
      private Scorer scorer;
      private IndexReader reader;
      public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
        this.scorer = scorer;
      public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
        float score = scorer.score();
        try {
          for (int i=lastDoc[0]+1; i<=doc; i++) {
            Weight w = s.createNormalizedWeight(q);
            Scorer scorer = w.scorer(reader, true, false);
            Assert.assertTrue("query collected "+doc+" but skipTo("+i+") says no more docs!",scorer.advance(i) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
            Assert.assertEquals("query collected "+doc+" but skipTo("+i+") got to "+scorer.docID(),doc,scorer.docID());
            float skipToScore = scorer.score();
            Assert.assertEquals("unstable skipTo("+i+") score!",skipToScore,scorer.score(),maxDiff); 
            Assert.assertEquals("query assigned doc "+doc+" a score of <"+score+"> but skipTo("+i+") has <"+skipToScore+">!",score,skipToScore,maxDiff);
          lastDoc[0] = doc;
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);

      public void setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase) throws IOException {
        // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
        // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
        if (lastReader[0] != null) {
          final IndexReader previousReader = lastReader[0];
          Weight w = new IndexSearcher(previousReader).createNormalizedWeight(q);
          Scorer scorer = w.scorer(previousReader, true, false);

          if (scorer != null) {
            boolean more = scorer.advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
            Assert.assertFalse("query's last doc was "+ lastDoc[0] +" but skipTo("+(lastDoc[0]+1)+") got to "+scorer.docID(),more);

        this.reader = lastReader[0] = reader;
        lastDoc[0] = -1;
      public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() {
        return false;

    if (lastReader[0] != null) {
      // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
      // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
      final IndexReader previousReader = lastReader[0];
      Weight w = new IndexSearcher(previousReader).createNormalizedWeight(q);
      Scorer scorer = w.scorer(previousReader, true, false);
      if (scorer != null) {
        boolean more = scorer.advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
        Assert.assertFalse("query's last doc was "+ lastDoc[0] +" but skipTo("+(lastDoc[0]+1)+") got to "+scorer.docID(),more);

Other Lucene examples (source code examples)

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