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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.MutexException;
import org.openide.util.UserQuestionException;

 * Helps a project type (re-)generate, and manage the state and versioning of,
 * build.xml and build-impl.xml.
 * @author Jesse Glick
public final class GeneratedFilesHelper {
     * Relative path from project directory to the user build script,
     * build.xml.
    public static final String BUILD_XML_PATH = "build.xml"; // NOI18N
     * Relative path from project directory to the implementation build script,
     * build-impl.xml.
    public static final String BUILD_IMPL_XML_PATH = "nbproject/build-impl.xml"; // NOI18N
     * Path to file storing information about generated files.
     * It should be kept in version control, since it applies equally after a fresh
     * project checkout; it does not apply to running Ant, so should not be in
     *; and it includes a CRC of project.xml
     * so it cannot be in that file either. It could be stored in some special
     * comment at the end of the build script (e.g.) but many users would just
     * compulsively delete it in this case since it looks weird.
    static final String GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH = "nbproject/"; // NOI18N
    /** Suffix (after script path) of {@link #GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH} key for project.xml CRC. */
    private static final String KEY_SUFFIX_DATA_CRC = ".data.CRC32"; // NOI18N
    /** Suffix (after script path) of {@link #GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH} key for stylesheet CRC. */
    private static final String KEY_SUFFIX_STYLESHEET_CRC = ".stylesheet.CRC32"; // NOI18N
    /** Suffix (after script path) of {@link #GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH} key for CRC of the script itself. */
    private static final String KEY_SUFFIX_SCRIPT_CRC = ".script.CRC32"; // NOI18N
     * A build script is missing from disk.
     * This is mutually exclusive with the other flags.
     * @see #getBuildScriptState
    public static final int FLAG_MISSING = 2 << 0;
     * A build script has been modified since last generated by
     * {@link #generateBuildScriptFromStylesheet}.

* Probably this means it was edited by the user. *

* @see #getBuildScriptState */ public static final int FLAG_MODIFIED = 2 << 1; /** * A build script was generated from an older version of project.xml. * It was last generated using a different version of project.xml, * so using the current project.xml might produce a different * result. *

* This is quite likely in the case of * build.xml; in the case of build-impl.xml, it * probably means that the user edited project.xml manually, * since if that were modified from {@link AntProjectHelper} methods and * the project were saved, the script would have been regenerated * already. *

* @see #getBuildScriptState */ public static final int FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML = 2 << 2; /** * A build script was generated from an older version of a stylesheet. * It was last generated using a different (probably older) version of the * XSLT stylesheet, so using the current stylesheet might produce a different * result. *

* Probably this means the project type * provider module has been upgraded since the project was last saved (in * the case of build-impl.xml) or created (in the case of * build.xml). *

* @see #getBuildScriptState */ public static final int FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET = 2 << 3; /** * The build script exists, but nothing else is known about it. * This flag is mutually exclusive with {@link #FLAG_MISSING} but * when set also sets {@link #FLAG_MODIFIED}, {@link #FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET}, * and {@link #FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML} - since it is not known whether these * conditions might obtain, it is safest to assume they do. *

* Probably this means that nbproject/ was * deleted by the user. *

* @see #getBuildScriptState */ public static final int FLAG_UNKNOWN = 2 << 4; /** Associated project helper, or null if using only a directory. */ private final AntProjectHelper h; /** Project directory. */ private final FileObject dir; /** * Create a helper based on the supplied project helper handle. * @param h an Ant-based project helper supplied to the project type provider */ public GeneratedFilesHelper(AntProjectHelper h) { this.h = h; dir = h.getProjectDirectory(); } /** * Create a helper based only on a project directory. * This can be used to perform the basic refresh functionality * without being the owner of the project. * It is only intended for use from the offline Ant task to * refresh a project, and similar special situations. * For normal circumstances please use only * {@link GeneratedFilesHelper#GeneratedFilesHelper(AntProjectHelper)}. * @param d the project directory * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied directory has no project.xml */ public GeneratedFilesHelper(FileObject d) { if (d == null || !d.isFolder() || d.getFileObject(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_XML_PATH) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Does not look like an Ant-based project: " + d); // NOI18N } h = null; dir = d; } /** * Create build.xml or nbproject/build-impl.xml * from project.xml plus a supplied XSLT stylesheet. * This is the recommended way to create the build scripts from * project metadata. *

* You may wish to first check {@link #getBuildScriptState} to decide whether * you really want to overwrite an existing build script. Typically if you * find {@link #FLAG_MODIFIED} you should not overwrite it; or ask for confirmation * first; or make a backup. Of course if you find neither of {@link #FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET} * nor {@link #FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML} then there is no reason to overwrite the * script to begin with. *


* Acquires write access. *

* @param path a project-relative file path such as {@link #BUILD_XML_PATH} or {@link #BUILD_IMPL_XML_PATH} * @param stylesheet a URL to an XSLT stylesheet accepting project.xml * as input and producing the build script as output * @throws IOException if transforming or writing the output failed * @throws IllegalStateException if the project was modified (and not being saved) */ public void generateBuildScriptFromStylesheet(final String path, final URL stylesheet) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { if (path == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null path"); // NOI18N } if (stylesheet == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null stylesheet"); // NOI18N } try { ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { if (h != null && h.isProjectXmlModified()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot generate build scripts from a modified project"); // NOI18N } // Need to use an atomic action since otherwise creating new build scripts might // cause them to not be recognized as Ant scripts. dir.getFileSystem().runAtomicAction(new FileSystem.AtomicAction() { public void run() throws IOException { FileObject projectXml = dir.getFileObject(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_XML_PATH); final FileObject buildScriptXml = FileUtil.createData(dir, path); byte[] projectXmlData; InputStream is = projectXml.getInputStream(); try { projectXmlData = load(is); } finally { is.close(); } byte[] stylesheetData; is = stylesheet.openStream(); try { stylesheetData = load(is); } finally { is.close(); } final byte[] resultData; TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); try { StreamSource stylesheetSource = new StreamSource( new ByteArrayInputStream(stylesheetData), stylesheet.toExternalForm()); Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(stylesheetSource); File projectXmlF = FileUtil.toFile(projectXml); assert projectXmlF != null; StreamSource projectXmlSource = new StreamSource( new ByteArrayInputStream(projectXmlData), projectXmlF.toURI().toString()); ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); t.transform(projectXmlSource, new StreamResult(result)); resultData = result.toByteArray(); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw (IOException)new IOException(e.toString()).initCause(e); } try { FileLock lock = buildScriptXml.lock(); try { OutputStream os = buildScriptXml.getOutputStream(lock); try { os.write(resultData); } finally { os.close(); } } finally { lock.releaseLock(); } // Update too. EditableProperties p = new EditableProperties(); FileObject genfiles = dir.getFileObject(GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH); if (genfiles != null) { is = genfiles.getInputStream(); try { p.load(is); } finally { is.close(); } } else { // XXX set a file header comment, when EditableProperties supports that } p.setProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_DATA_CRC, computeCrc32(new ByteArrayInputStream(projectXmlData))); p.setProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_STYLESHEET_CRC, computeCrc32(new ByteArrayInputStream(stylesheetData))); p.setProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_SCRIPT_CRC, computeCrc32(new ByteArrayInputStream(resultData))); if (genfiles == null) { genfiles = FileUtil.createData(dir, GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH); } lock = genfiles.lock(); try { OutputStream os = genfiles.getOutputStream(lock); try {; } finally { os.close(); } } finally { lock.releaseLock(); } } catch (UserQuestionException uqe) { // Don't bother asking to lock it; not important enough. // Cf. #46089. } } }); return null; } }); } catch (MutexException e) { throw (IOException)e.getException(); } } /** * Load data from a stream into a buffer. */ private static byte[] load(InputStream is) throws IOException { int size = Math.max(1024, is.available()); // #46235 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(size); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; int read; while ((read = != -1) { baos.write(buf, 0, read); } return baos.toByteArray(); } /** * Find what state a build script is in. * This may be used by a project type provider to decide whether to create * or overwrite it, and whether to produce a backup in the latter case. * Various abnormal conditions are detected: * {@link #FLAG_MISSING}, {@link #FLAG_MODIFIED}, {@link #FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML}, * {@link #FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET}, and {@link #FLAG_UNKNOWN}. *

* Currently {@link #FLAG_MODIFIED}, {@link #FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET}, and * {@link #FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML} are detected by computing a CRC-32 * of the script when it is created, as well as the CRC-32s of the * stylesheet and project.xml. These CRCs are stored * in a special file nbproject/ * The CRCs are based on the textual * contents of the files (so even changed to whitespace etc. are considered * changes), but are independent of platform newline conventions (since e.g. * CVS will by default replace \n with \r\n when checking out on Windows). * Changes to external files included into project.xml or the * stylesheet (e.g. using XSLT's import facility) are not detected. *


* If there is some kind of I/O error reading any files, {@link #FLAG_UNKNOWN} * is returned (in conjunction with {@link #FLAG_MODIFIED}, * {@link #FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET}, and {@link #FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML} to be safe). *


* Acquires read access. *

* @param path a project-relative path such as {@link #BUILD_XML_PATH} or {@link #BUILD_IMPL_XML_PATH} * @param stylesheet a URL to an XSLT stylesheet accepting project.xml * as input and producing the build script as output * (should match that given to {@link #generateBuildScriptFromStylesheet}) * @return a bitwise OR of various flags, or 0 if the script * is present on disk and fully up-to-date * @throws IllegalStateException if the project was modified */ public int getBuildScriptState(final String path, final URL stylesheet) throws IllegalStateException { try { return ((Integer)ProjectManager.mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { if (h != null && h.isProjectXmlModified()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot generate build scripts from a modified project"); // NOI18N } FileObject script = dir.getFileObject(path); if (script == null) { return new Integer(FLAG_MISSING); } int flags = 0; Properties p = new Properties(); FileObject genfiles = dir.getFileObject(GENFILES_PROPERTIES_PATH); if (genfiles == null) { // Who knows? User deleted it; anything might be wrong. Safest to assume // that everything is. return new Integer(FLAG_UNKNOWN | FLAG_MODIFIED | FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML | FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET); } InputStream is = genfiles.getInputStream(); try { p.load(is); } finally { is.close(); } FileObject projectXml = dir.getFileObject(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_XML_PATH); if (projectXml != null) { is = projectXml.getInputStream(); try { String crc = computeCrc32(new BufferedInputStream(is)); if (!crc.equals(p.getProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_DATA_CRC))) { flags |= FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML; } } finally { is.close(); } } else { // Broken project?! flags |= FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML; } is = stylesheet.openStream(); try { String crc = computeCrc32(new BufferedInputStream(is)); if (!crc.equals(p.getProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_STYLESHEET_CRC))) { flags |= FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET; } } finally { is.close(); } is = script.getInputStream(); try { String crc = computeCrc32(new BufferedInputStream(is)); if (!crc.equals(p.getProperty(path + KEY_SUFFIX_SCRIPT_CRC))) { flags |= FLAG_MODIFIED; } } finally { is.close(); } return new Integer(flags); } })).intValue(); } catch (MutexException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, (IOException)e.getException()); return FLAG_UNKNOWN | FLAG_MODIFIED | FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML | FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET; } } /** * Compute the CRC-32 of the contents of a stream. * \r\n and \r are both normalized to \n for purposes of the calculation. */ static String computeCrc32(InputStream is) throws IOException { Checksum crc = new CRC32(); int last = -1; int curr; while ((curr = != -1) { if (curr != '\n' && last == '\r') { crc.update('\n'); } if (curr != '\r') { crc.update(curr); } last = curr; } if (last == '\r') { crc.update('\n'); } int val = (int)crc.getValue(); String hex = Integer.toHexString(val); while (hex.length() < 8) { hex = "0" + hex; // NOI18N } return hex; } /** * Convenience method to refresh a build script if it can and should be. *

* If the script is not modified, and it is either missing, or the flag * checkForProjectXmlModified is false, or it is out of date with * respect to either project.xml or the stylesheet (or both), * it is (re-)generated. *


* Acquires write access. *


* Typical usage from {@link ProjectXmlSavedHook#projectXmlSaved} is to call * this method for both {@link #BUILD_XML_PATH} and {@link #BUILD_IMPL_XML_PATH} * with the appropriate stylesheets and with checkForProjectXmlModified * false (the script is certainly out of date relative to project.xml). * Typical usage from {@link org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.ProjectOpenedHook#projectOpened} is to call * this method for both scripts with the appropriate stylesheets and with * checkForProjectXmlModified true. *

* @param path a project-relative path such as {@link #BUILD_XML_PATH} or {@link #BUILD_IMPL_XML_PATH} * @param stylesheet a URL to an XSLT stylesheet accepting project.xml * as input and producing the build script as output * @param checkForProjectXmlModified true if it is necessary to check whether the * script is out of date with respect to * project.xml and/or the stylesheet * @return true if the script was in fact regenerated * @throws IOException if transforming or writing the output failed * @throws IllegalStateException if the project was modified */ public boolean refreshBuildScript(final String path, final URL stylesheet, final boolean checkForProjectXmlModified) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { try { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { int flags = getBuildScriptState(path, stylesheet); if (shouldGenerateBuildScript(flags, checkForProjectXmlModified)) { generateBuildScriptFromStylesheet(path, stylesheet); return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } })).booleanValue(); } catch (MutexException e) { throw (IOException)e.getException(); } } private static boolean shouldGenerateBuildScript(int flags, boolean checkForProjectXmlModified) { if ((flags & GeneratedFilesHelper.FLAG_MISSING) != 0) { // Yes, need it. return true; } if ((flags & GeneratedFilesHelper.FLAG_MODIFIED) != 0) { // No, don't overwrite a user build script. // XXX modified build-impl.xml probably counts as a serious condition // to warn the user about... // Modified build.xml is no big deal. return false; } if (!checkForProjectXmlModified) { // OK, assume it is out of date. return true; } // Check whether it is in fact out of date. return (flags & (GeneratedFilesHelper.FLAG_OLD_PROJECT_XML | GeneratedFilesHelper.FLAG_OLD_STYLESHEET)) != 0; } }
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