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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
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 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Rami Ojares. Portions created by Rami Ojares are Copyright (C) 2003.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): Rami Ojares

package org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient;

import java.util.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.Connection;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.ConnectionFactory;


CVSRoot represents the cvsroot that identifies the cvs repository's location and the means to get to it. We use following definition of cvsroot:


When the method is not defined, we treat it as local or ext method depending on whether the hostname is present or not. This gives us two different formats:

1. Local format

[:method:]/path/to/repository or (:local:|:fork:)anything

2. Server format


There are currently 6 different methods that are implemented by 3 different connection classes.

  • :local:, :fork: & no-method --> LocalConnection (LOCAL_FORMAT)
  • :server: & :ext: --> SSH2Connection (SERVER_FORMAT)
  • :pserver: --> PServerConnection (SERVER_FORMAT)
  • gserver and kserver are not included. Environment variables are not used (like CVS_RSH).

    local and no-method work like fork. They start the cvs server program on the local machine thus using the remote protocol on the local machine. According to Cederqvist fork's relation to local is: "In other words it does pretty much the same thing as :local:, but various quirks, bugs and the like are those of the remote CVS rather than the local CVS."

    server is using ssh. According to Cederqvist it would use an internal RSH client but since it is not known what this exactly means it just uses ssh. Note ssh is able only to use ssh protocol version 2 which is recommended anyways.

    Note that cvsroot is case sensitive so remember to write the method in lowercase. You can succesfully construct a cvsroot that has a different method but ConnectionFactory will be unable to create a connection for such CVSRoot.

    CVSRoot object keeps the cvsroot in components that are

    • method
    • user
    • password
    • host
    • port
    • repository
    You can change these components through setters. When you ask fo the cvsroot string representation it is constructed based on the current values of the components. The returned cvsroot never contains the password for security reasons. Also "no-method" is always represented as local method.

    */ public class CVSRoot { /** A constant representing the "local" connection method. */ public static final String METHOD_LOCAL = "local"; // NOI18N /** A constant representing the "fork" connection method. */ public static final String METHOD_FORK = "fork"; // NOI18N /** A constant representing the "server" connection method. */ public static final String METHOD_SERVER = "server"; // NOI18N /** A constant representing the "pserver" connection method. */ public static final String METHOD_PSERVER = "pserver"; // NOI18N /** A constant representing the "ext" connection method. */ public static final String METHOD_EXT = "ext"; // NOI18N // the connection method. no-method is represented by null // the value is interned for fast comparisons private String method; // user (default = null) private String username; // password (default = null) private String password; // hostname (default = null) private String hostname; // port (default = 0) 0 means that port is not used and the protocol will use default protocol private int port; // repository as string representation private String repository; /** * Parse the CVSROOT string into CVSRoot object. * The CVSROOT string must be of the form * [:method:][[user][:password]@][hostname:[port]]/path/to/repository */ public static CVSRoot parse(String cvsroot) throws IllegalArgumentException { return new CVSRoot(cvsroot); } /** * Construct CVSRoot from Properties object. * The names are exactly the same as the attribute names in this class. */ public static CVSRoot parse(Properties props) throws IllegalArgumentException { return new CVSRoot(props); } /** * This constructor allows to construct CVSRoot from Properties object. * The names are exactly the same as the attribute names in this class. */ protected CVSRoot(Properties props) throws IllegalArgumentException { String mtd = props.getProperty("method"); if (mtd != null) { this.method = mtd.intern(); } // host & port this.hostname = props.getProperty("hostname"); if (this.hostname.length() == 0) this.hostname = null; //this.localFormat = this.hostname == null || this.hostname.length() == 0; if (this.hostname != null) { // user & password (they are always optional) this.username = props.getProperty("username"); this.password = props.getProperty("password"); // host & port // We already have hostname try { int p = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("port")); if (p > 0) this.port = p; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("The port is not a positive number."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The port is not a number: '"+props.getProperty("port")+"'."); } } // and the most important which is repository String r = props.getProperty("repository"); if (r == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Repository is obligatory."); else this.repository = r; } /** Breaks the string representation of cvsroot into it's components. */ protected CVSRoot(String cvsroot) throws IllegalArgumentException { int colonPosition = 0; boolean localFormat; if (!cvsroot.startsWith(":")) { localFormat = cvsroot.startsWith("/"); if (!localFormat) { colonPosition = cvsroot.indexOf(':'); if (colonPosition < 0) { // No colon => server format, but there must be a '/' in the middle int slash = cvsroot.indexOf('/'); if (slash < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CVSROOT must be an absolute pathname."); } } colonPosition = 0; } } else { // connection method is given so parse it colonPosition = cvsroot.indexOf(':', 1); if (colonPosition < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The connection method does not end with ':'."); this.method = cvsroot.substring(1, colonPosition).intern(); colonPosition++; // Set local format in case of :local: or :fork: methods. localFormat = isLocalMethod(this.method); } if (localFormat) { // everything after method is repository in local format this.repository = cvsroot.substring(colonPosition); } else { /* So now we parse SERVER_FORMAT :method:[[user][:password]@]hostname[:[port]]/reposi/tory ALGORITHM: - find the first '@' character - not found: - find the first ':' - not found - find the first '/' - not found - exception - found - parse hostname/path/to/repository - found - parse rest - found - find the following ':' character - not found - exception - found parse rest */ int startSearch = cvsroot.indexOf('@', colonPosition); if (startSearch < 0) startSearch = colonPosition; String userPasswdHost; int pathBegin = -1; int hostColon = cvsroot.indexOf(':', startSearch); if (hostColon == -1) { pathBegin = cvsroot.indexOf('/', startSearch); if (pathBegin < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cvsroot " + cvsroot + " is malformed, host name is missing."); } else { userPasswdHost = cvsroot.substring(colonPosition, pathBegin); } } else { userPasswdHost = cvsroot.substring(colonPosition, hostColon); } int at = userPasswdHost.indexOf('@'); if (at == -1) { // there is no user or password, only hostname before port this.hostname = userPasswdHost; } else { // there is user, password or both before hostname // up = username, password or both String up = userPasswdHost.substring(0, at); if (up.length() > 0) { int upDivider = up.indexOf(':'); if (upDivider != -1) { this.username = up.substring(0, upDivider); this.password = up.substring(upDivider+1); } else { this.username = up; } } // hostname this.hostname = userPasswdHost.substring(at+1); } if (hostname == null || hostname.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Didn't specify hostname in CVSROOT '"+cvsroot+"'."); } /* Now we are left with port (optional) and repository after hostColon pr = possible port and repository */ if (hostColon > 0) { String pr = cvsroot.substring(hostColon+1); int index = 0; int port = 0; char c; while (pr.length() > index && Character.isDigit(c = pr.charAt(index))) { int d = Character.digit(c, 10); port = port*10 + d; index++; } this.port = port; if (index > 0) pr = pr.substring(index); this.repository = pr; } else { this.port = 0; this.repository = cvsroot.substring(pathBegin); } } } /** * Test whether this cvsroot describes a local connection or remote connection. * The connection is local if and only if the host name is null. */ public boolean isLocal() { return hostname == null; } /**
    • LOCAL_FORMAT --> :method:/reposi/tory
      "no method" is always represented internally as null
    • SERVER_FORMAT --> :method:user@hostname:[port]/reposi/tory
      Password is never included in cvsroot string representation. Use getPassword to get it.
    */ public String toString() { if (this.hostname == null) { if (this.method == null) return this.repository; return ":" + this.method + ":" + this.repository; } else { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (this.method != null) { buf.append(':'); buf.append(this.method); buf.append(':'); } // don't put password in cvsroot if (this.username != null) { buf.append(this.username); buf.append('@'); } // hostname buf.append(this.hostname); buf.append(':'); // port if (this.port > 0) buf.append(this.port); // repository buf.append(this.repository); return buf.toString(); } } /**

    With this method it is possible to compare how close two CVSRoots are to each other. The possible values are:

    • -1 = not compatible - if none of the below match
    • 0 = when equals(..) returns true
    • 1 = refers to same repository on the same machine using same method on same port and same user
    • 2 = refers to same repository on the same machine using same method
    • 3 = refers to same repository on the same machine
    */ public int getCompatibilityLevel(CVSRoot compared) { if (equals(compared)) return 0; boolean sameRepository = isSameRepository(compared); boolean sameHost = isSameHost(compared); boolean sameMethod = isSameMethod(compared); boolean samePort = isSamePort(compared); boolean sameUser = isSameUser(compared); if (sameRepository && sameHost && sameMethod && samePort && sameUser) return 1; else if (sameRepository && sameHost && sameMethod) return 2; else if (sameRepository && sameHost) return 3; else return -1; } private boolean isSameRepository(CVSRoot compared) { if (this.repository.equals(compared.repository)) { return true; } try { if ( (new File(this.repository)).getCanonicalFile().equals( new File(compared.repository).getCanonicalFile() ) ) return true; else return false; } catch (IOException ioe) { // something went wrong when invoking getCanonicalFile() so return false return false; } } private boolean isSameHost(CVSRoot compared) { String comparedHostName = compared.getHostName(); if (this.hostname == comparedHostName) { return true; } if (this.hostname != null) { return this.hostname.equalsIgnoreCase(comparedHostName); } else { return false; } } private boolean isSameMethod(CVSRoot compared) { if (this.method == null) if (compared.getMethod() == null) return true; else return false; else if (this.method.equals(compared.getMethod())) return true; else return false; } private boolean isSamePort(CVSRoot compared) { if (this.isLocal() == compared.isLocal()) if (this.isLocal()) return true; else if (this.port == compared.getPort()) return true; else { try { Connection c1 = ConnectionFactory.getConnection(this); Connection c2 = ConnectionFactory.getConnection(compared); // Test actual ports used by the connections. // This is necessary in case that port in CVSRoot is zero and the conection is using some default port number. return c1.getPort() == c2.getPort(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) { return false; } } else return false; } private boolean isSameUser(CVSRoot compared) { String user = compared.getUserName(); if (user == getUserName()) return true; if (user != null) { return user.equals(getUserName()); } return false; } /** * CVSRoots are equal if their toString representations are equal. * This puts some extra pressure on the toString method that should be defined very precisely. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { // This should be null safe, right? if (!(o instanceof CVSRoot)) return false; CVSRoot compared = (CVSRoot) o; if (toString().equals(compared.toString())) return true; return false; } public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); } /** * Get the format of this cvsroot. * @return Either {@link #LOCAL_FORMAT} or {@link #SERVER_FORMAT}. * public int getUrlFormat() { return urlFormat; } */ /** * Get the connection method. * @return The connection method or null when no method is defined. */ public String getMethod() { return method; } /** setting the method has effects on other components. The method might change - urlFormat - username and password - hostname/port If urlFormat becomes LOCAL_FORMAT then username, password and hostname are set to null and port to 0. If urlFormat becomes SERVER_FORMAT then hostname must not be null. */ protected void setMethod(String method) { if (method != null) { this.method = method.intern(); } else { method = null; } if (isLocalMethod(method)) { this.username = null; this.password = null; this.hostname = null; this.port = 0; } else { if (this.hostname == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hostname must not be null when setting a remote method."); } } // test whether the method is "local" or "fork" private boolean isLocalMethod(String method) { return METHOD_LOCAL == method || METHOD_FORK == method; } /** * Get the user name. * @return The user name or code>null
    when the user name is not defined. */ public String getUserName() { return username; } /** * Set the user name. * @param username The user name. */ protected void setUserName(String username) { this.username = username; } /** * Get the password. * @return The password or null when the password is not defined. */ public String getPassword() { return this.password; } /** * Set the password. * @param password The password */ protected void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** * Get the host name. * @return The host name or null when the host name is * not defined */ public String getHostName() { return this.hostname; } /** * Set the host name. * @param hostname The host name or null when the host name is * not defined. */ protected void setHostName(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; } /** * Get the port number. * @return The port number or zero when the port is not defined. */ public int getPort() { return this.port; } /** * Set the port number. * @param port The port number or zero when the port is not defined. */ public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } /** * Get the repository. * @return The repository. This is never null. */ public String getRepository() { return repository; } /** * Set the repository. * @param repository The repository. Must not be null. */ protected void setRepository(String repository) { if (repository == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The repository must not be null."); } this.repository = repository; } }
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