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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient;

import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.caching.NbCvsFsCache;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.util.Debug;

import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.file.FileStatus;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.status.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.log.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.AuthenticationException;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.util.*;

import org.openide.filesystems.DefaultAttributes;
import org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.loaders.*;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystemCapability;
import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.util.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.caching.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.JavaCvsCommandFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.actions.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.caching.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.versioning.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.ErrorLogPanel;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.CommandLineParamInput;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.JavaCvsRuntimeCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.checkout.ModulesListPanel;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.checkout.NbCheckoutParamInput;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.commit.NbSimpleCommitParamInput;
import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.tag.NbSimpleTagParamInput;
//import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands.log.RevisionExplorerInfo;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.passwd.PasswdEntry;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.passwd.CVSPasswd;

 // override
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.actions.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.annotation.AnnotationProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsAttributes;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.settings.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VirtualsDataLoader;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VcsRefreshRequest;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VirtualsRefreshing;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.grouping.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.actions.*;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

/** A file system.
 * @author mkleint
public class NbJavaCvsFileSystem extends org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.JavaCvsFileSystem 
                                 implements VcsSearchTypeFileSystem, VirtualsRefreshing    {
    static final long serialVersionUID = 7883103611633487336L;    

    private transient Debug E=new Debug("JavaCvsFileSystem", false); // NOI18N
    private transient Debug D=E; //transient??
    /** refresher */
    private transient VcsRefreshRequest refresher;
    public static final String JAVACVS_MODE = "JavaCvsFileSystem.mode"; // NOI18N
//    public static final String JAVACVS_NATIVE_FS = "JavaCvsFileSystemAttributeIdentifier"; //NOI18N
//    public static final String JAVACVS_NATIVE_PACKAGE_NAME_EXT = "JAvaCvsFileSystemNativeFOPath"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_USER_INTERFACE_MODE = "uiMode"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_DISPLAY_TYPE = "displayType"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_PROCESS_ALL_FILES = "processAllFiles"; //NOI18N
    public static final int MODE_NOVICE = 0;
    public static final int MODE_ADVANCED = 1;
    public static final int MODE_COMMAND_LINE = 2;
    public static final int DISP_TYPE_SIMPLE = 0;
    public static final int DISP_TYPE_FORMATTED = 1;
    public static final int DISP_TYPE_LIMITED = 2;
    // properties
    private int uiMode = 0;
    private int displayType = 1;
    /** Holds value of property processAllFiles. */
    private boolean processAllFiles = false;
    private transient JavaCvsVersioningSystem versioningSystem;
    private transient Object versioningSystemAccessLock = new Object();
    // due to vcscore's cvs mount wizard.
    private boolean initialCheckout = false;
    private String oldFsSystemName;
    private Integer numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(RuntimeFolderNode.DEFAULT_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT);
    private Boolean versioningFileSystemShowMessage = null;
    private Integer versioningFileSystemMessageLength = null;
    private String versioningFileSystemIgnoreFiles = null;
    public NbJavaCvsFileSystem() {
        // Create and use implementations of file system functionality:
        info = new NbInfoImpl();
        list = new NbListImpl();
        JavaCvsAttributes defAttr = new JavaCvsAttributes(info, change, list , FsCommandFactory.getFsInstance().getSupporter());
        defAttr.setRuntimeProvider(new JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider(this));
        attr = defAttr;
        list = defAttr;
// load defaults from the Settings object
        //        cache = new CvsFsCache(this);
//        initCache();
            JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
                                        JavaCvsSettings.class, true);
    public NbJavaCvsFileSystem(FileSystemCapability cap) {
        this ();
        setCapability (cap);
    public JavaCvsAttributes getVcsAttributes() {
        return (JavaCvsAttributes) attr;
    protected void initCache() {
        CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance();
        JavaCvsCache cache = (JavaCvsCache)handler.getCache(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = new JavaCvsCache();
            handler.registerCacheType(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME, cache);
    private transient PropertyChangeListener settingsChangeList;
    protected void dependantInit() {
        if (this.getClass().equals(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class) ||
            this.getClass().equals(org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.JavaCvsFileSystem.class)) {
            settingsChangeList = new PropertyChangeListener() {
                public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) {
                    settingsChanged(event.getPropertyName(), event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue());
            JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
                                        JavaCvsSettings.class, true);
            settings.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListener.propertyChange(settingsChangeList, settings));
            //        setHomeDirectory(settings.getHome());
            //        initCache();
            if (cache == null) {
                cache = new NbCvsFsCache(this, getHomeDirectory());
            // init cache..
// to addNotify            setVcsRefreshTime(REFRESH_TIME);
            cache.setFsRootFile(new File(constructRootDirectory()));
            oldFsSystemName = getSystemName();
            //        status = new MyStatus();
            //        globalOptions = new GlobalOptions();
            //        globalOptions.setCVSRoot(getCvsRootString());
            if (numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect == null) {
                numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(RuntimeFolderNode.DEFAULT_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT);
    public void adjustSystemName() {
        org.openide.filesystems.Repository repos = org.openide.filesystems.Repository.getDefault();
        boolean ok = false;
        int seed = 0;
        while (!ok) {
            ok = true;
            String mySystemName = computeSystemName(getRootDirectory(), seed);
            Enumeration enum = repos.getFileSystems();
            while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
                org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem fs = (org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem)enum.nextElement();
                if (fs.getSystemName().equals(mySystemName)) {
                    ok = false;
                    seed = seed + 1;
        try {
            setSystemName(computeSystemName(getRootDirectory(), seed));
        } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException exc) {
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, exc);
            // should not happen at all..
    // --------- NAMING AND PROPERTIES ---------

    public AbstractFileSystem.Info getVcsInfo() {
        return info;
    public JavaCvsCommandFactory getCommandFactory() {
        return FsCommandFactory.getInstance();
    public int getNumberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect() {
        return numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect.intValue();
    public void setNumberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect(int numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect) {
        this.numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect);
                           null, this.numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect);
    //Bean getter
    public int getUiMode() {
        return uiMode;
    //bean setter
    public void setUiMode(int newMode) {
        if (newMode != uiMode) {
            int oldMode = uiMode;
            uiMode = newMode;
            firePropertyChange (PROP_USER_INTERFACE_MODE, new Integer(oldMode), new Integer(uiMode));
  //          D.deb("setUiMode", "new uiMode=" + uiMode);
    /** Getter for property displayType.
     * @return Value of property displayType.
    public int getDisplayType() {
        return displayType;
    /** Setter for property displayType.
     * @param displayType New value of property displayType.
    public void setDisplayType(int newType) {
        if (newType != displayType) {
            int oldType = displayType;
            displayType = newType;
            firePropertyChange (PROP_DISPLAY_TYPE, new Integer(oldType), new Integer(displayType));
    /** if true, the cvs commands will get all fileobjects in the node.
     *  if false, onthe the fileobjects that are marked important are being processed.
    public boolean isProcessAllFiles() {
        return this.processAllFiles;
    /** if true, the cvs commands will get all fileobjects in the node.
     *  if false, onthe the fileobjects that are marked important are being processed.
    public void setProcessAllFiles(boolean processAllFiles) {
        if (processAllFiles != this.processAllFiles) {
            this.processAllFiles = processAllFiles;
            firePropertyChange (PROP_PROCESS_ALL_FILES, !processAllFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, processAllFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    public String getStatus(DataObject dObj) {
        Set files = dObj.files();
        Object[] oo = files.toArray();
        int len = oo.length;
        if (len == 0) return null;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            oo[i] = convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject((FileObject) oo[i]);
        if (len == 1) {
            String status = NbJavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance().getStatus(cache.getFileStatusOnly(getImportantFiles(oo)).trim());
                                             // HACK??
            return status;
        else {
            String status = NbJavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance().getStatus(cache.getFileStatusOnly(getImportantFiles(oo)));;
            return status;
     * Get states of all important files inside the DataObject. To get the status,
     * wait for the status reader command if necessary.
    public String[] getStates(DataObject dObj) {
        Set files = dObj.files();
        Object[] oo = files.toArray();
        int len = oo.length;
        if (len == 0) return new String[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            oo[i] = convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject((FileObject) oo[i]);
        Vector ifiles = getImportantFiles(oo);
        String[] states = new String[ifiles.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
            states[i] = NbJavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance().getStatus(cache.getFileStatusOnly((String) ifiles.get(i)).trim());
        return states;
    /** Converts a FileObject from a different file system (usually
     * a multifilesystem which I'm a part of) to a FileObject from my (this)
     * filesystem. */
    private FileObject convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject(FileObject fo) {
        FileSystem fs = null;
        try {
            fs = fo.getFileSystem();
        } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsiex) {}
        if (fs != null) {
            if (!this.equals(fs)) {
       file = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.toFile(fo);
                if (file != null) {
                    String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace(, '/');
           root = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.toFile(this.getRoot());
                    String rootPath = root.getAbsolutePath().replace(, '/');
                    if (filePath.startsWith(rootPath)) {
                        String foPath = filePath.substring(rootPath.length());
                        while (foPath.startsWith("/")) foPath = foPath.substring(1);
                        fo = findResource(foPath);
        return fo;

 /** VcsSearchTypeFileSystem interface stuff   */
  /** It should return all possible VCS states in which the files in the filesystem
   * can reside.
    public String[] getPossibleFileStatuses() {
        return NbJavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance().getAllStates();
    protected JavaCvsStatusManager getStatusManager() {
        return NbJavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance();
    // Filesystem-specific actions, such as version-control operations.
    // The actions should typically be CookieActions looking for DataObject
    // cookies, where the object's primary file is on this type of file system.
    public SystemAction[] getActions() {
        SystemAction[] actions = new SystemAction[3];
        CollectingAction cvsAction = (CollectingAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(CollectingAction.class, true);
        actions[0] = cvsAction;
        actions[2] = (AddToGroupAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(AddToGroupAction.class, true);
/*        JRevisionExplorerCommandAction act = (JRevisionExplorerCommandAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(JRevisionExplorerCommandAction.class, true);
        actions[1] = act;
        actions[1] = (VersioningExplorerAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(VersioningExplorerAction.class, true);
//        actions[1] = (org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.actions.JCvsClientCommandAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.actions.JCvsClientCommandAction.class, true);
        return actions;
     * Get the VCS actions on a collection of FileObjects.
     * @param fos the collection of FileObjects to act on.
     * @return the actions retrieved from VcsFactory.getActions(fos)
    public SystemAction[] getActions(Set fos) {
        SystemAction[] actions = new SystemAction[3];
        CollectingAction cvsAction2 = (CollectingAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(CollectingAction.class, true);
//        cvsAction2.setFileSystem(this);
//        cvsAction2.setSelectedFileObjects(fos);
        actions[0] = cvsAction2;
/*        JRevisionExplorerCommandAction act = (JRevisionExplorerCommandAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(JRevisionExplorerCommandAction.class, true);
        actions[1] = act;
        actions[2] = (AddToGroupAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(AddToGroupAction.class, true);
//        actions[1] = (org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.actions.JCvsClientCommandAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.actions.JCvsClientCommandAction.class, true);
        actions[1] = (VersioningExplorerAction)SharedClassObject.findObject(VersioningExplorerAction.class, true);
        return actions;
    private JavaCvsVersioningSystem createVersioningSystem(boolean [] created) {
        synchronized (versioningSystemAccessLock) {
            if (created[0] = (versioningSystem == null)) {
                versioningSystem = new JavaCvsVersioningSystem(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this, NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.cache);
            return versioningSystem;
    private JavaCvsVersioningSystem getVersioningSystem() {
        synchronized (versioningSystemAccessLock) {
            return versioningSystem;
    private void removeVersioningSystem() {
        synchronized (versioningSystemAccessLock) {
            if (versioningSystem != null) {
            versioningSystem = null;
    public void saveVersioningFileSystemProperties(String propName, Object newValue) {
        if (propName.equals(JavaCvsVersioningSystem.PROP_MESSAGE_LENGTH)) {
            versioningFileSystemMessageLength = (Integer)newValue;
        } else if (propName.equals(JavaCvsVersioningSystem.PROP_SHOW_MESSAGES)) {
            versioningFileSystemShowMessage = (Boolean)newValue;
        } else if (propName.equals(JavaCvsVersioningSystem.PROP_IGNORE_FILES)) {
            versioningFileSystemIgnoreFiles = (String)newValue;
        firePropertyChange(propName, null, newValue);
    protected void handleDelete(String name) {
    private void addParentToRefresher(String name) {
        int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf('/');
        String parent;
        if (lastIndex > 0) {
            parent = name.substring(0, lastIndex);
        } else {
            parent = "";
        if (refresher != null) {
    protected void handleRename(String oldName, String newName) {
        cache.fileModified(getFile(newName), false);
    // Information about files and operations on the contents which do
    // not affect the file's presence or name.
    // MK: no changes needed for javacvs in order the interface to be functional..
    protected class NbInfoImpl extends InfoImpl {
        static final long serialVersionUID = -7503287378756255278L;
        public InputStream inputStream (String name) throws FileNotFoundException {
            //D.deb("inputStream("+name+")"); // NOI18N
            InputStream in = null;
            try {
                in = new FileInputStream (getFile (name));
            } catch ( exc) {
                final String fname = name;
                throw ( ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(
                  new {
                    public String getLocalizedMessage() {
                        return MessageFormat.format (NbBundle.getBundle(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_FileNotExist"), new Object[] { fname }); // NOI18N
                }, MessageFormat.format (NbBundle.getBundle(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_FileNotExist"), new Object[] { fname })); // NOI18N
            return in;
        public OutputStream outputStream(String name) throws IOException {
            VcsGroupSettings grSettings = (VcsGroupSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(VcsGroupSettings.class, true);
            if (!grSettings.isDisableGroups()) {
                if (grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_TO_DEFAULT
                || grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_ASK) {
                    FileObject fo = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.findResource(name);
//                    System.out.println("stream for=" + name);
                    if (fo != null) {
                        synchronized (this) {
                            try {
                                DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(fo);
                                if (NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.isImportant(name)) {
                                    //                                System.out.println("do=" + dobj.getName() +  "   " + dobj.getClass().getName());
                                    DataShadow shadow = GroupUtils.findDOInGroups(dobj);
                                    if (shadow == null) {
                                        // it doesn't exist in groups, add it..
                                        if (grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_ASK) {
                                        } else {
                                            GroupUtils.addToDefaultGroup(new Node[] {dobj.getNodeDelegate()});
                            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException exc) {
            OutputStream retValue;
            retValue = super.outputStream(name);
            if (isCreateBackups()) {
            return retValue;
    public class NbListImpl extends ListImpl {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6002001971220606463L;
        public String[] children (String name) {
            String[] toReturn = super.children(name);
            JavaCvsVersioningSystem versioningSystem = getVersioningSystem();
            if (versioningSystem != null) {
                FileObject fo = versioningSystem.findExistingResource(name);
                if (fo !=  null) {
/*            if (toReturn != null && toReturn.length != 0) {
                HashMap removedFilesScheduledForRemove = new HashMap();                    
                toReturn = filterScheduledSecondaryFiles(name, toReturn, removedFilesScheduledForRemove);
            return toReturn;

    /** itility method used from within the RuntimeMainChildren object to force the writing of the Runtime node's property within the filesystem.
     * the runtime nodes don't get serialized normally..
      public void numOfFinishedCmdsToCollectChanged() {
        firePropertyChange(org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.RuntimeFolderNode.PROPERTY_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT, null, null);
    // ---------------- serialization stuff
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws
    ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NotActiveException{
        // cache is transient
        //        cache = new CvsFsCache(this);
        versioningSystemAccessLock = new Object();
        if (this.getClass().equals(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class)) {
        attr = new JavaCvsAttributes(info, change, list, FsCommandFactory.getFsInstance().getSupporter());
        ((JavaCvsAttributes) attr).setRuntimeProvider(new JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider(this));
//        init();

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
/* moved to javacvsmoduleinstall.close()
        if (cache != null) {
/*        String TMP_ROOT=System.getProperty("netbeans.user")+File.separator+ // NOI18N
                 "system"+File.separator+"javacvs"+File.separator+"tmp"; // NOI18N
        File tmpDir = new File(TMP_ROOT);
        if (tmpDir.exists()) {
            File[] fls = tmpDir.listFiles();
            if (fls != null && fls.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < fls.length; i++) {
    // do commands
    public ClientProvider createClientProvider() {
        IndependantClient client = new IndependantClient(getHomeDirectory());
        java.util.List ignoreList = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.constructIgnoreList(getHomeDirectory(), 
                                    new File(getWorkingDir(), "CVSROOT")); // NOI18N
        IgnoreFileFilter ignoreFilter = new DefaultIgnoreFileFilter(ignoreList);
        FsGlobalOptionsImpl glOptions = (FsGlobalOptionsImpl)getCommandFactory().getGlobalOptions();
        return client;
    private FsCommandFactory getFsFactory() {
        return (FsCommandFactory)FsCommandFactory.getInstance();
    public String[] getCvsIgnoreList() {
        JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
                                                JavaCvsSettings.class, true);         
        String[] array;
        Object obj = null;
        if (ignoreListReference == null || ((obj = ignoreListReference.get()) == null)) {
            //            obj = ignoreListReference.get();
            java.util.List ignoreList = JavaCvsFileSystem.constructIgnoreList(settings.getHome(),
                                            new File(getWorkingDir(), "CVSROOT")); //NOI18N
            array = new String[ignoreList.size()];
            array = (String[])ignoreList.toArray(array);
            ignoreListReference = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference(array);
        } else {
            array = (String[])obj;
        return array;
    public boolean checkOffLine() {
        if (isOffLine()) {
            String message = NbBundle.getBundle(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_switch_to_online");  // NOI18N
            NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(message, 
            Object value = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(desc);
            if (value.equals(NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION)) {
        return isOffLine();
    /** Performs a status refresh on the filesystem.
     * @param fileNames Array of FileObjects that should be refreshed.
     * @param recursive boolean parameter - if true, do recursive refresh for all the directories.
    public void doRefresh(FileObject[] fileNames, boolean recursive) {
        if (isOffLine()) {
            ((NbCvsFsCache)cache).doOfflineRefresh(fileNames, recursive);
/*            String status = NbBundle.getMessage(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class, "MSG_NoRefresh_When_OffLine", getDisplayName()); // NOI18N
        LinkedList reposFos = new LinkedList();
        File[] files = getFiles(fileNames);
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File cvsSub;
            if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
                cvsSub = new File(files[i], "CVS/Entries"); //NOI18N
            } else {
                cvsSub = new File(files[i].getParentFile(), "CVS/Entries"); //NOI18N
            if (!cvsSub.exists()) {
            } else {
        if (reposFos.size() > 0) {
            FileObject[] fos = new FileObject[reposFos.size()];
            fos = (FileObject[])reposFos.toArray(fos);
            super.doRefresh(fos, recursive);
    public void doCommand(Class commandClass, FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) {
            //TODO add question/notification..
        if (commandClass.equals(CvsCheckout.class)) {
            doCheckout(files, CtrlDown);
        FileSystemCommand myStat = getFsFactory().createCommand(commandClass, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        // Do the runtime stuff...
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            if (myStat.getClass().equals(CvsCommit.class)) {
                getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new NbSimpleCommitParamInput(), false);                
            if (myStat.getClass().equals(CvsTag.class)) {
                getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new NbSimpleTagParamInput(), false);                
            skipParams = true;
        if (getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_COMMAND_LINE) {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new CommandLineParamInput(), false);                
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
    public JavaCvsRuntimeCommand prepareCommand(FileSystemCommand command) {
            JavaCvsRuntimeCommand rCom = new JavaCvsRuntimeCommand(command,
                (JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider) ((JavaCvsAttributes) attr).getRuntimeProvider());
//            rCom.setState(RuntimeCommand.STATE_WAITING);
//            RuntimeSupport.getInstance().updateCommand(getSystemName(), rCom);
            return rCom;
     * @deprecated
/*    public void doStatus(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsStatus myStat = (CvsStatus)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsStatus.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
     * @deprecated
/*    public void doLog(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsLog myStat = (CvsLog)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsLog.class, 
                   true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
     * @deprecated
/*    public void doAnnotate(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsAnnotate myStat = (CvsAnnotate)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsAnnotate.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);

    public void doImport(FileObject[] files) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        FileObject[] fos = null;
        FileObject currDir = files[0];
        IndependantClient ind = (IndependantClient)createClientProvider();

        String start = getRelMount() + File.separator;
        if (start.length() == 1) {
            start = "";
        start = start.replace('\\', '/');
        if (start.startsWith("/")) { // NOI18N
            start = start.substring(1);
        String module = start + currDir.getPackageNameExt('/','.');
        CvsImport myStat = (CvsImport)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsImport.class, 
                    true, fos, ind);
        boolean skipParams = false;
/*        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        // Do the runtime stuff...
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
    public void doHistory() {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        FileObject[] fos = null;
        CvsHistory myStat = (CvsHistory)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsHistory.class, 
                    true, fos, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        // Do the runtime stuff...
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);

    public void doExport(FileObject[] files) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        String start = getRelMount() + File.separator;
        start = start.replace('\\', '/');
        if (start.startsWith("/")) { // NOI18N
            start = start.substring(1);
        IndependantClient ind = (IndependantClient)createClientProvider();
        String[] names = new String[files.length];
        for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++) {
            String modName = files[index].getPackageNameExt('/', '.');
            names[index] = start + modName;
        FileObject[] fos = null;
        CvsExport myStat = (CvsExport)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsExport.class, 
                    true, fos, ind);
        boolean skipParams = false;
//        System.out.println("indhashcode=" + ind.hashCode());
//        System.out.println("original localdi = " + ind.getLocalPath());
/*        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        // Do the runtime stuff...
        myStat.addDisplayerListener(new CommandDisplayerAdapter() {
            public void showFinishedCommand() {
                java.util.Enumeration en = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.existingFileObjects(findResource(""));
                while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                    FileObject fo = (FileObject)en.nextElement();
                    if (fo.isFolder()) {
//                fireFileStatusForExisting();
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
     * @deprecated
    public void doDiff(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsDiff myStat = (CvsDiff)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsDiff.class, 
                   true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);

     * @deprecated
    public void doUpdate(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsUpdate myStat = (CvsUpdate)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsUpdate.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
    public void doCheckout(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        String start = getRelMount() + File.separator;
        start = start.replace('\\', '/');
        if (start.startsWith("/")) { // NOI18N
            start = start.substring(1);
        IndependantClient ind = (IndependantClient)createClientProvider();
        String[] names = new String[files.length];
        for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++) {
            if (files[index].isRoot()) {
                if (getRelMount().trim().length() > 0) {
                    names[index] = getRelMount();
                } else {
                    names[index] = "."; //NOI18N
            } else {
                String modName = files[index].getPackageNameExt('/', '.');
                names[index] = start + modName;
        CvsCheckout myStat = (CvsCheckout)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsCheckout.class, 
            true, new FileObject[] {}, ind);
        // this is needed because the checkout command is not working relatively
        // but always requires the whole path
        // -> we want to checkout selected node it iself and not into a different structure
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        // Do the runtime stuff...

        if (getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_COMMAND_LINE) {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new CommandLineParamInput(), false);                
        if ((!skipParams && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) 
            || getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_ADVANCED) {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new NbCheckoutParamInput(), false);
        } else {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
    public void doListModules() {
       if (checkOffLine()) return;
       CvsCompleteModList myStat = new CvsCompleteModList(createClientProvider());
        // Do the runtime stuff...
       myStat.addDisplayerListener(new ModulesListPanel());
       myStat.addDisplayerListener(new ErrorLogPanel(myStat));
     * @deprecated
    public void doAdd(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsAdd myStat = (CvsAdd)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsAdd.class, 
                   true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
     * @deprecated

    public void doRemove(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsRemove myStat = (CvsRemove)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsRemove.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        boolean skipParams = false;
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            skipParams = true;
        getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, skipParams, false);
     * @deprecated
    public void doCommit(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsCommit myStat = (CvsCommit)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsCommit.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new NbSimpleCommitParamInput(), false);
        } else {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, false, false);
        // never skip customizer
     * @deprecated
    public void doTag(FileObject[] files, boolean CtrlDown) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsTag myStat = (CvsTag)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsTag.class, 
                    true, files, createClientProvider());
        if (!CtrlDown && getUiMode() == NbJavaCvsFileSystem.MODE_NOVICE) {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, new NbSimpleTagParamInput(), false);
        } else {
            getFsFactory().showCustomizerAndRun(myStat, false, false);

    public void doRevisionExplorer(FileObject[] files) {
        if (checkOffLine()) return;
        CvsLog myStat = (CvsLog)getFsFactory().createCommand(CvsLog.class, 
                    false, files, createClientProvider());                     
        myStat.addDisplayerListener(new RevisionExplorerInfo(this));
        myStat.addDisplayerListener(new ErrorLogPanel(myStat));
        // Do the runtime stuff...
    // run when the filesystem is being removed.
    // do write all cache to files..
    protected void notifyFSRemoved() {
        //        D.deb("removeNofify() - now save cache"); // NOI18N
        // remove the node for the fs in the runtime tab
/*        RuntimeFolderNode folder = RuntimeSupport.initRuntime(getSystemName());
        if (folder != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException exc) {
        JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
        if (settings != null) {
        org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.postRequest(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        setVcsRefreshTime(0); //stop the refreshing thread..

    // run when the filesystem is being added.
    // do write all cache to files..
    protected void notifyFSAdded() {
        //        D.deb("removeNofify() - now save cache"); // NOI18N
//        cache.saveToDiskFromNode("");
        // init the fs in the runtime tab.
/*        RuntimeFolderNode folder = RuntimeSupport.initRuntime(getSystemName());
        folder.setIconBase("/org/netbeans/modules/javacvs/JavaCvsFileSystemIcon"); // NOI18N
        if (initialCheckout) {
            FileObject[] fls = {getRoot()};
            doCheckout(fls, true);
        final CvsFsCache fsCache = cache;
        org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.postRequest(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                boolean[] created = { false };
                JavaCvsVersioningSystem versioningSystem = createVersioningSystem(created);
                if (created[0]) {
                    synchronized (NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this) {
                        if (versioningFileSystemShowMessage != null) {
                        if (versioningFileSystemMessageLength != null) {
                        if (versioningFileSystemIgnoreFiles != null) {
                        if (fsCache != null) {
                            JavaCvsCache cache = fsCache.getCacheObject();
                            if (cache != null) {
                                (CacheHandlerListener) WeakListener.create(CacheHandlerListener.class, (CacheHandlerListener) versioningSystem, cache));
    public static Mode getDockingMode(Workspace workspace) {
        Mode mode =workspace.findMode(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.JAVACVS_MODE);
        if (mode == null) {
            mode = workspace.createMode(
            NbBundle.getMessage(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.class, "JavaCvsFileSystem.modeTitle"), // NOI18N
            "/org/netbeans/modules/cvsclient/JavaCvsFileSystemIcon.gif" // NOI18N
            mode.setBounds(new Rectangle(500, 500 ));
        return mode;
    public static void errorMessage(String message) {
        final String mess = message;
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable () {
            public void run () {
                DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Message(mess));
    /** run when the JavaCvsSettings object fires propertyChange
    private void settingsChanged(String propName, Object oldVal, Object newVal) {
        JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
                        JavaCvsSettings.class, true);
        if (propName == null) return;
        if (propName.equals(JavaCvsSettings.PROP_CVS_FILE_STATES)) {
            FileObject foRoot= findResource(""); // NOI18N
        if (propName.equals(JavaCvsSettings.PROP_ANNOTATION_PATTERN)) {
            FileObject foRoot= findResource(""); // NOI18N
        if (propName.equals(GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_HOME)) {
        if (propName.equals(GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_USE_GLOBAL)) {
            Boolean newBool = (Boolean)newVal;
            if (newBool.booleanValue() == true) {
        } else {
            if (settings.isUseGlobal()) {
                // do change the fs settings only in case the global ones have priority
                if (propName.equals(GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_AUTO_REFRESH)) {
                    Integer intVal = (Integer)newVal;
                if (propName.equals(JavaCvsSettings.PROP_UI_MODE)) {
                    Integer intVal = (Integer)newVal;
                if (propName.equals(GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_OFFLINE)) {
                    Boolean boolVal = (Boolean)newVal;
                if (propName.equals(JavaCvsSettings.PROP_DISPLAY_TYPE)) {
                    Integer intVal = (Integer)newVal;
                if (propName.equals(GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_HIDE_SHADOW_FILES)) {
                    Boolean boolVal = (Boolean)newVal;
     * Stuff added because of the vcscore's CVS Mount wizard
    public boolean checkLogin(String cvsRoot, String passwd) 
            throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
        String password = null;
        boolean loggedIn = false;
        JavaCvsSettings settings = (JavaCvsSettings)SharedClassObject.findObject(
                                       JavaCvsSettings.class, true); 
        String dir = settings.getHome().getAbsolutePath();        
        CVSPasswd passFile = new CVSPasswd(dir, ".cvspass"); // NOI18N
        PasswdEntry entry = new PasswdEntry();
        entry.setEntry(cvsRoot + " " + CVSPasswd.scramble(passwd)); // NOI18N
        loggedIn = passFile.checkServer(entry, entry.getPort());
        if (loggedIn) {
            passFile.add(cvsRoot, passwd);
        return loggedIn;

    public void setInitialCheckout(boolean doIt) {
        initialCheckout = doIt;
        firePropertyChange("PROP_INITIAL_CHECKOUT", !doIt ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, doIt ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); //NOI18N
    public boolean isInitialCheckout() {
        return initialCheckout;
    /** Sets the working directory property. Equals the root of the checked out sources.
    public void setWorkingDir( newWorking) {
        oldFsSystemName = getSystemName();
    /** Sets the relative mountpoint. It is a relative part to the filesystem root from the working directory.
     * Eg.
* If I want to mount the cvs library that is stored under c:\src\netbeans\javacvs\srclib * I need to set the working directory to c:\src\netbeans * and the relative mountpoint to javacvs/srclib *
Warning: If not set correctly, some commands can have strange effects (mostly the checkout command) * * */ public void setRelMount(String newMount) { super.setRelMount(newMount); oldFsSystemName = this.getSystemName(); } private void checkScheduledStates(Set fos) { /* FileStatusProvider status = getStatusProvider(); if (status == null) return ; VcsConfigVariable schVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_ADD); String scheduledStatusAdd = (schVar != null) ? schVar.getValue() : null; schVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_REMOVE); String scheduledStatusRemove = (schVar != null) ? schVar.getValue() : null; */ JavaCvsStatusManager manager = JavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance(); String scheduledStatusAdd = manager.getStatus(manager.convertStatus(FileStatus.ADDED)); String scheduledStatusRemove = manager.getStatus(manager.convertStatus(FileStatus.REMOVED)); //System.out.println("checkScheduledStates(): scheduledStatusAdd = "+scheduledStatusAdd+", scheduledStatusRemove = "+scheduledStatusRemove); for (Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FileObject fo = (FileObject); //System.out.println("checkScheduledStates("+fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')+")"); String attr = (String) fo.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR); //System.out.println("attr("+VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR+") = "+attr); Vector vec = new Vector(); vec.add(fo.getPackageNameExt('/','.')); String status = cache.getFileStatusOnly(vec); if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_ADD.equals(attr) && scheduledStatusAdd != null && !scheduledStatusAdd.equals(status) && isSchedulingDone(fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.'))) { try { fo.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null); } catch (IOException exc) {} removeScheduledFromPrimary(fo, 1); } if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE.equals(attr) && scheduledStatusRemove != null && !scheduledStatusRemove.equals(status)) { try { fo.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null); } catch (IOException exc) {} removeScheduledFromPrimary(fo, 0); } } } /** * The file scheduled for remove is onthe disk. * If it does not contain VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE, * it will be removed from the list of scheduled files, because it was * deleted and reappeared. */ /* private void checkScheduledLocals(String path, Collection locals, Map removedFilesScheduledForRemove) { JavaCvsStatusManager manager = JavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance(); String scheduledStatusRemove = manager.getStatus(manager.convertStatus(FileStatus.REMOVED)); if (scheduledStatusRemove == null) return ; for (Iterator it = locals.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = path + "/" +; if (removedFilesScheduledForRemove.containsKey(name)) { String primary = (String) removedFilesScheduledForRemove.get(name); //System.out.println("checkScheduledLocals("+name+")"); String attribute = (String) attr.readAttribute(name, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR); //System.out.println("attr("+VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR+") = "+attr); if (!VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE.equals(attribute)) { removeScheduledFromPrimary(name, primary, 0); } } } } */ private static void removeScheduledFromPrimary(FileObject fo, int id) { DataObject dobj; try { dobj = DataObject.find(fo); } catch (org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException exc) { return ; } FileObject primary = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) primary.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); if (scheduled != null && scheduled[id] != null) { scheduled[id].remove(fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')); scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled); try { primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled); if (scheduled == null) { primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null); } } catch (IOException exc) {} } } private void removeScheduledFromPrimary(String scheduledFile, String primaryFile, int id) { Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) attr.readAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); if (scheduled != null && scheduled[id] != null) { scheduled[id].remove(scheduledFile); scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled); try { attr.writeAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled); if (scheduled == null) { attr.writeAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null); } } catch (IOException exc) {} } } private transient Vector scheduledFilesToBeProcessed; void addScheduledFileToBeProcessed(String name) { if (scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null) { scheduledFilesToBeProcessed = new Vector(); } scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.add(name); } void removeScheduledFileToBeProcessed(String name) { if (scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null) { scheduledFilesToBeProcessed = new Vector(); } scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.remove(name); } private boolean isSchedulingDone(String name) { return scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null || !scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.contains(name); } private String[] filterScheduledSecondaryFiles(String packageName, String[] files, Map removedFiles) { ArrayList filtered = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(files)); boolean emptyPackage = (packageName.length() == 0); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i] == null) continue; String fileName = (emptyPackage) ? files[i] : (packageName + "/" + files[i]); //NOI18N // System.out.println("file name=" + fileName); Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) attr.readAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); //System.out.println("filterScheduledSecondaryFiles("+packageName+"): "+ packageName + "/" + files[i]+" scheduled = "+scheduled); if (scheduled != null && scheduled[0] != null) { LinkedList toRemove = new LinkedList(); for (Iterator it = scheduled[0].iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String secFile = (String); //System.out.println("secFile = '"+secFile+"'"); if (!emptyPackage && secFile.startsWith(packageName) || emptyPackage && secFile.indexOf('/') < 0) { //System.out.println("removing '"+secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1)+"'"); String nameOnly = (emptyPackage) ? secFile : secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1); boolean removed = filtered.remove(nameOnly); //System.out.println("removed = "+removed+", filtered.contains("+secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1)+") = "+filtered.contains(secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1))); if (!removed) { toRemove.add(secFile); try { attr.writeAttribute(secFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null); } catch (IOException exc) {} } else { // the file was removed from the list and put to the list of removed files removedFiles.put(secFile, fileName); } } } if (toRemove.size() > 0) { scheduled[0].removeAll(toRemove); scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled); try { attr.writeAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled); if (scheduled == null) { attr.writeAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null); } } catch (IOException exc) {} } } } return (String[]) filtered.toArray(new String[0]); } private static final Set[] cleanScheduledAttrs(Set[] scheduled) { //System.out.print("cleanScheduledAttrs("+scheduled+") = "); boolean canClean = true; for (int k = 0; k < scheduled.length; k++) { if (scheduled[k] != null && scheduled[k].size() == 0) scheduled[k] = null; if (scheduled[k] != null) { canClean = false; break; } } if (canClean) scheduled = null; //System.out.println(scheduled); return scheduled; } /** * Get the important files. * @return the Vector of important files as Strings (package + name + extension) */ protected Vector getImportantFiles(Object[] oo) { Vector retValue; retValue = super.getImportantFiles(oo); int len=oo.length; for(int i=0;i0 if refreshing is disabled */ protected final int getVcsRefreshTime () { VcsRefreshRequest r = refresher; return r == null ? 0 : r.getRefreshTime (); } protected void setVirtualDataLoader(FileObject fo) { try { if (checkVirtual(fo.getPackageNameExt(File.separatorChar,'.'))) { fo.setAttribute ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader", VirtualsDataLoader.class.getName()); //NoI18N /* DataLoader loader = DataLoaderPool.getPreferredLoader(fo); if (loader == null || (loader != null && !loader.getClass().equals(VirtualsDataLoader.class))) { DataLoaderPool.setPreferredLoader(fo, (VirtualsDataLoader) org.openide.util.SharedClassObject.findObject(VirtualsDataLoader.class, true)); reload = true; // System.out.println("to vitrual.."); } */ } else { Reference ref = findReference (fo.getPath()); if ( (ref instanceof CacheReference) && ((CacheReference)ref).isVirtual()) { fo.setAttribute ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader",null); //NoI18N } /* DataLoader loader = DataLoaderPool.getPreferredLoader(fo); if (loader != null && loader.getClass().equals(VirtualsDataLoader.class)) { // System.out.println("resetitting loader"); DataLoaderPool.setPreferredLoader(fo, null); reload = true; } */ } } catch ( exc) {} } public class JavaCvsAttributes extends DefaultAttributes { private transient CommandActionSupporter supporter; private transient RuntimeCommandsProvider runtimeProvider; static final long serialVersionUID = 5320181565426569135L; /** Creates new VcsAttributes */ public JavaCvsAttributes(AbstractFileSystem.Info info, AbstractFileSystem.Change change, AbstractFileSystem.List list, CommandActionSupporter supp) { super(info, change, list); supporter = supp; } public void setRuntimeProvider(RuntimeCommandsProvider runtimeProvider) { this.runtimeProvider = runtimeProvider; } public RuntimeCommandsProvider getRuntimeProvider() { return runtimeProvider; } /** * Get the file attribute with the specified name. * @param name the file name * @param attrName name of the attribute * @return appropriate (serializable) value or null if the attribute is unset * (or could not be properly restored for some reason). * If the attribute name is the {@link VCS_STATUS}, then the VCS status * of the file is returned. */ public Object readAttribute(String name, String attrName) { if (VcsAttributes.VCS_STATUS.equals(attrName)) { if (NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.getFile(name).exists()) return VcsAttributes.VCS_STATUS_MISSING; /** TODO FileStatusProvider statusProvider = fileSystem.getStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider != null) { String status = statusProvider.getFileStatus(name); //CacheFile file = cacheProvider.getFile?name); if (statusProvider.getLocalFileStatus().equals(status)) { return VCS_STATUS_LOCAL; } return VCS_STATUS_UP_TO_DATE; } */ return VcsAttributes.VCS_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } else if ("org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.RuntimeCommandsProvider".equals(attrName)) { // NOI18N return runtimeProvider; } else if ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader".equals(attrName)) { /* DataObject.EA_ASSIGNED_LOADER */ //NOI18N CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { if (ref.isVirtual()) { // System.out.println("is virtual.." + name); return VirtualsDataLoader.class.getName(); } } } else if ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoaderModule".equals(attrName)) { /* DataObject.EA_ASSIGNED_LOADER_MODULE */ //NOI18N CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { if (ref.isVirtual()) { // System.out.println("is vitrual module.."); return "org.netbeans.modules.vcscore"; //NOI18N } } } else if (GeneralCommandAction.VCS_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE.equals(attrName)) { FsCommandFactory fact = (FsCommandFactory)FsCommandFactory.getInstance(); return fact.getSupporter(); } else if (AnnotationProvider.ANN_PROVIDER_FO_ATTRIBUTE.equals(attrName)) { if (cache != null) { return ((NbCvsFsCache)cache).getAnnotationProvider(name); } return null; } else if (VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_FS.equals(attrName)) { return NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this; } else if (VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_PACKAGE_NAME_EXT.equals(attrName)) { return name; } else if ("".equals(attrName)) { //NOI18N return NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.getFile(name); } else if (VcsSearchTypeFileSystem.VCS_SEARCH_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE.equals(attrName)) { return NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this; } return super.readAttribute(name, attrName); } /** * Set the file attribute with the specified name. If the name is {@link VCS_ACTION}, * and the value is an instance of FeatureDescriptor, then it's not set as file attribute, * but is interpreted as a VCS command. The name of the command is taken from * value.getName() and commands options from attributes of that feature descriptor. * @param name the file name * @param attrName name of the attribute * @param value new value or null to clear the attribute. Must be serializable, * with the exception of VCS command attribute. * @throws IOException if the attribute cannot be set. If serialization is * used to store it, this may in fact be a subclass such * as NotSerializableException. * @throws UnknownServiceException if the requested VCS action is not provided. * A subclass of IOException was chosen, since * FileObject.setAttribute throws IOException. */ public void writeAttribute(final String name, final String attrName, final Object value) throws IOException, { if (VcsAttributes.VCS_ACTION.equals(attrName) && value instanceof FeatureDescriptor) { performVcsAction(name, (FeatureDescriptor) value); } else if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_SECONDARY_FO_ACTION.equals(attrName) && value instanceof String) { FeatureDescriptor desc = new FeatureDescriptor(); if ("ADD".equals(value)) { //NOI18N desc.setName(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_ADD); performVcsAction(name, desc); } else if ("REMOVE".equals(value)) { //NOI18N desc.setName(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_REMOVE); performVcsAction(name, desc); } /* // Set the scheduling action for a secondary file. value is the action name, // currently "ADD" and "REMOVE" are the only supported values final FileObject fo = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.findResource(name); //System.out.println("scheduleSecondaryFOVcsAction("+name+", "+actionName+") = "+fo); if (fo == null) return ; FileObject primary; try { org.openide.loaders.DataObject dobj = org.openide.loaders.DataObject.find(fo); primary = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); //System.out.println(" primary("+primary+").equals("+fo+") = "+primary.equals(fo)); if (primary.equals(fo)) return ; } catch (org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); return ; } // The scheduling is started. When all scheduling actions are done, a refresh is introduced. startFileScheduling(name); final FileObject primaryFO = primary; RequestProcessor.postRequest(new Runnable() { public void run() { scheduleSecondaryFOVcsAction(name, (String) value, fo, primaryFO); } }); super.writeAttribute(name, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, value); */ } else { if ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader".equals(attrName)) { /* DataObject.EA_ASSIGNED_LOADER */ //NOI18N if (VirtualsDataLoader.class.getName().equals(value)) { // System.out.println("dont write loader attribute,.," + name); //don't write to .nbattrs file.. CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { // System.out.println("writed is virtual"); ref.setVirtual(true); } return; } if (value == null) { CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { ref.setVirtual(false); try { DataObject.find (findResource(name)).setValid (false); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) {} } } // System.out.println("write assigned loader for=" + name); } if ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoaderModule".equals(attrName)) { /* DataObject.EA_ASSIGNED_LOADER_MODULE */ //NOI18N if (value != null && "org.netbeans.modules.vcscore".equals(value.toString()) //NOI18N && checkVirtual(name)) { //don't write to .nbattrs file.. return; } // System.out.println("write assigned module=" + value); } super.writeAttribute(name, attrName, value); } } private void performVcsAction(final String name, final FeatureDescriptor descriptor) throws { String cmdName = descriptor.getName(); FileSystemCommand command = null; FileObject fo = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.findResource(name); // System.out.println("running.." + cmdName + " file=" + name); // System.out.println("fo=" + fo); if (cmdName.equals(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_ADD)) { FsAdd addCom = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.createAdd(); command = ((CvsAdd.AddImpl)addCom).getOuterClassInstance(); } else if (cmdName.equals(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_REMOVE)) { FsRemove remCom = NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.createRemove(); remCom.setDeleteBeforeRemove(true); command = ((CvsRemove.RemoveImpl)remCom).getOuterClassInstance(); } else throw new; command.setFileObjects(new FileObject[] { fo }); command.addDisplayerListener(new ErrorLogPanel(command)); NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.prepareCommand(command); CommandDisplayerListener displ = new AttrCommandDisplayer(descriptor); command.addDisplayerListener(displ); command.startCommand(); } /** * Schedule a secondary file for "ADD" or "REMOVE". Files scheduled for remove are filtered from children(). * Files scheduled are added as a special file attribute to the primary file. * @param name the name of a secondary file to be scheduled. * @param actionName "ADD" or "REMOVE" * @param fo the file object associated to the file * @param primary the associated primary file */ /* private boolean scheduleSecondaryFOVcsAction(final String name, final String actionName, FileObject fo, FileObject primary) { if (VcsAttributes.VCS_STATUS_LOCAL.equals(primary.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_STATUS))) { // do not schedule local files endFileScheduling(name); return false; } int id; // create the descriptor of a scheduling action FeatureDescriptor descriptor = new FeatureDescriptor() { public void setValue(String attrName, Object value) { if (VcsAttributes.VCS_ACTION_DONE.equals(attrName)) { // the scheduling action is done, inform the file system NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.removeScheduledFileToBeProcessed(name); endFileScheduling(name); } super.setValue(attrName, value); } }; boolean endOfScheduling = false; if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_ADD.equals(actionName)) { //fileSystem.addScheduledSecondaryFO(name, VcsFileSystem.SCHEDULING_ACTION_ADD_ID); //FeatureDescriptor descriptor = new FeatureDescriptor(); descriptor.setName(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_ADD); try { NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.addScheduledFileToBeProcessed(name); performVcsAction(name, descriptor); } catch ( unsExc) { NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.removeScheduledFileToBeProcessed(name); endOfScheduling = true; } id = 1; } else if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE.equals(actionName)) { //fileSystem.addScheduledSecondaryFO(name, VcsFileSystem.SCHEDULING_ACTION_REMOVE_ID); //FeatureDescriptor descriptor = new FeatureDescriptor(); descriptor.setName(VcsCommand.NAME_SCHEDULE_REMOVE); try { NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.addScheduledFileToBeProcessed(name); performVcsAction(name, descriptor); } catch ( unsExc) { NbJavaCvsFileSystem.this.removeScheduledFileToBeProcessed(name); endOfScheduling = true; } id = 0; } else { endFileScheduling(name); return false; } // the file is being scheduled, add it to the primary file attribute. Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) primary.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); if (scheduled == null) scheduled = new HashSet[2]; if (scheduled[id] == null) scheduled[id] = new HashSet(); scheduled[id].add(name); try { primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled); file = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.toFile(primary); if (file != null) { primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, file.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (IOException ioExc) { if (endOfScheduling) endFileScheduling(name); return false; } if (endOfScheduling) endFileScheduling(name); return true; } private transient java.util.Map schedulingFilesByFolders; */ /** * Remember the file as being scheduled for it's folder. */ /* private void startFileScheduling(String name) { synchronized (this) { if (schedulingFilesByFolders == null) { schedulingFilesByFolders = new HashMap(); } int index = name.lastIndexOf('/'); String dir = (index < 0) ? "" : name.substring(0, index); String file = (index < 0) ? name : index < (name.length() - 1) ? name.substring(index + 1) : ""; Set files = (Set) schedulingFilesByFolders.get(dir); if (files == null) { files = new HashSet(); } files.add(file); schedulingFilesByFolders.put(dir, files); } } */ /** * The scheduling action for this file was done, if no more actions are being * processed in the file's folder, do a refresh of that folder. */ /* private void endFileScheduling(String name) { Set files; String dir; synchronized (this) { if (schedulingFilesByFolders == null) { schedulingFilesByFolders = new HashMap(); } int index = name.lastIndexOf('/'); dir = (index < 0) ? "" : name.substring(0, index); String file = (index < 0) ? name : index < (name.length() - 1) ? name.substring(index + 1) : ""; files = (Set) schedulingFilesByFolders.get(dir); if (files != null) { files.remove(file); if (files.size() == 0) files = null; } if (files == null) { schedulingFilesByFolders.remove(dir); } } */ /* no refresh is needed after remove/add if (files == null) { performRefresh(dir, Boolean.FALSE); } */ // } public class AttrCommandDisplayer extends CommandDisplayerAdapter { private FeatureDescriptor desc; public AttrCommandDisplayer(FeatureDescriptor d) { desc = d; } /** * This is the last method to be called in the displayer. * Is called when the execution finishes. Any filan touchups can be made here. */ public void showFinishedCommand() { desc.setValue(VcsAttributes.VCS_ACTION_DONE, Boolean.TRUE); } /** * this one is called when the command's execution fails for any reason. */ public void showExecutionFailed(Exception exception) { desc.setValue(VcsAttributes.VCS_ACTION_DONE, Boolean.FALSE); } } } }
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