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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.lib.jmi.xmi;

import java.util.*;

import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;

import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.DebugException;
import org.netbeans.api.xmi.*;

import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import javax.jmi.model.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.Logger;

public class WriterBase extends XMIWriter {

    private static final String XMI_VERSION = "1.2";
    public static final String EXPORTER_NAME = "Netbeans XMI Writer";
    public static final String EXPORTER_VERSION = "1.0";

    public static final int ATTR_HREF = 0;
    public static final int ATTR_XMI_ID = 1;
    public static final int ATTR_XMI_IDREF = 2;
    public static final char HREF_DELIMITER = '#';    

    // variables ................................................................

    // content handler used to produce XMI
    protected ContentHandler contentHandler;
    // output config    
    protected OutputConfig configuration;
    // header provider
    protected XMIHeaderProvider headerProvider = null;
    // xmi reference provider
    protected XMIReferenceProvider provider;
    // default xmi reference provider
    protected XMIReferenceProvider defaultProvider = new DefaultProvider ();
    // encoding to be used
    protected String encoding = null;
    // attributes added for currently processed element
    protected AttributesImpl attributes;
    // system id of the document the writer writes in or null if it is not known
    protected String thisSystemId = null;
    // name of the currently processed element
    protected String elementName;
    // indicates if some element is being currently processed
    protected boolean elementStarted;
    protected OutputStreamWriter stream;
    // temp variable storing passed OutputStream parameter to be used by init () method
    protected OutputStream outputStream = null;

    // known namespaces
    protected HashMap namespaces;

    // stores objects to be written having immediate composite serialized in some external document
    protected List lightOutermosts;
    // stores all currently written components
    protected Set writtenComponents;
    // used to detect components that stay unwritten because of presence of composite associations with ends that are not visible via references
    protected Set nonWrittenComponents;
    // stores all instances having already generated xmi id (RefObject - key, String - value)
    protected HashMap xmiIds;
    // counts the number of all serialized instances
    protected int instancesCounter = 0;

    /* Serves to record already processed packages (when contents of packages are processed
     * recursive - see writePackage, writeAssociations, writeStaticAttributes and findNamespaces
     * methods) to avoid multiple searching trough a package.
    protected HashSet processedPackages;

    // caches storing instance-scoped and class-scoped attributes and references
    protected HashMap instanceAttributes_cache;
    protected HashMap classAttributes_cache;
    protected HashMap references_cache;

    // cache storing structures' fields
    protected HashMap structureFields_cache;
    // cache storing enum prefixes specified by a tag attached to EnumerationType
    protected HashMap labelPrefix_cache;

    // indicates if the method writing Collection of RefObjects is called or not
    protected boolean collectionWriting = false;
    // set and list of outermost composite objects to be write by write(Collection) method
    protected Set objectsToWrite = null;
    protected List objectsToWriteAsCollection = null;

    // init .....................................................................

    public WriterBase() {
        configuration = new OutputConfig ();

    public WriterBase(XMIOutputConfig config) {
        configuration = new OutputConfig ();
        configuration.setReferenceProvider (config.getReferenceProvider ());
        if (config instanceof OutputConfig) {
            configuration.setHeaderProvider (((OutputConfig) config).getHeaderProvider());
            configuration.setEncoding (((OutputConfig) config).getEncoding());
    public void init () throws IOException {
        collectionWriting = false;

        attributes = new AttributesImpl ();

        namespaces = new HashMap ();
        xmiIds = new HashMap ();        
        nonWrittenComponents = new HashSet ();
        writtenComponents = new HashSet ();
        processedPackages = new HashSet ();
        instancesCounter = 0;
        instanceAttributes_cache = new HashMap ();
        classAttributes_cache = new HashMap ();
        references_cache = new HashMap ();
        structureFields_cache = new HashMap ();
        labelPrefix_cache = new HashMap ();
        lightOutermosts = new LinkedList ();
        if (configuration == null) {
            provider = defaultProvider;
        } else {
            provider = configuration.getReferenceProvider ();            
            if (provider == null)
                provider = defaultProvider;
            if (configuration instanceof OutputConfig) {
                headerProvider = ((OutputConfig) configuration).getHeaderProvider ();
                encoding = ((OutputConfig) configuration).getEncoding ();
        if (outputStream != null) {
            try {
                if (encoding == null) {
                    stream = new OutputStreamWriter (outputStream);
                } else {
                    stream = new OutputStreamWriter (outputStream, encoding);
                contentHandler = new DefaultWriter (stream, encoding);
                // clear outputStream variable
                outputStream = null;
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new IOException ("Unsupported encoding: " + encoding);
        } // if

    // javax.jmi.xmi.XmiWriter interface implementation .........................

    public void write (OutputStream os, RefPackage extent, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        write (os, null, extent, xmiVersion);

    public void write (OutputStream os, Collection objects, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        write (os, null, objects, xmiVersion);

    public void write(OutputStream stream, RefPackage extent) {
        try {
            write(stream, extent, null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            DebugException ne = new DebugException(e.toString());
            Logger.getDefault().annotate(ne, e);
            throw ne;

    // org.netbeans.api.xmi.XMIWriter implmentation .............................
    public XMIOutputConfig getConfiguration() {
        return configuration;
    public void write(OutputStream stream, String uri, RefPackage extent, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        thisSystemId = uri;        
        outputStream = stream;
        write (extent);
    public void write(OutputStream stream, String uri, Collection objects, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        thisSystemId = uri;
        outputStream = stream;
        write (objects);
    // ..........................................................................
    public void write(ContentHandler handler, String uri, RefPackage extent, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        thisSystemId = uri;
        contentHandler = handler;
        write (extent);
    public void write(ContentHandler handler, String uri, Collection objects, String xmiVersion) throws IOException {
        thisSystemId = uri;
        contentHandler = handler;
        write (objects);
    public void write (RefPackage extent) throws IOException {
        Logger.getDefault().log("XMI writer started");
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis ();
        init ();        
        processedPackages.clear ();
        findNamespaces (extent);
        writeDocument (extent);        
        time = System.currentTimeMillis () - time;
        Logger.getDefault().log("finished, TIME: " + time/1000.0 + "[s]");

    public void write (Collection objects) throws IOException {
        init ();
        collectionWriting = true;
        processedPackages.clear ();
        RefPackage extent;
        objectsToWrite = new HashSet ();
        objectsToWriteAsCollection = new LinkedList ();
        Set tempSet = new HashSet ();
        if ((objects == null) || (objects.size () == 0)) {
            extent = null;
        } else {
            Iterator iter = objects.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object obj = ();
                if (!(obj instanceof RefObject))
                    throw new DebugException ("Bad object (not instance of RefObject) in input collection: " + obj.getClass ().getName ());
                tempSet.add (obj);
            } // while
            iter = objects.iterator ();
            RefFeatured featured;
            RefObject container;
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                RefObject obj = (RefObject) ();
                container = obj;
                boolean found = false;
                do {
                    featured = container.refImmediateComposite ();
                    container = (featured instanceof RefObject) ? (RefObject) featured : null;
                    if ((container != null) && tempSet.contains (container)) {
                        found = true;
                } while (container != null);
                if (!found) {
                    objectsToWrite.add (obj);
                    objectsToWriteAsCollection.add (obj);
            } // while
            extent = ((RefObject) objectsToWriteAsCollection.get (0)).refOutermostPackage ();
            findNamespaces (extent);
        writeDocument (extent);
    // methods ..................................................................

    protected void findNamespaces (RefPackage pkg) {
        String name;
        Iterator iter;

        if (processedPackages.contains (pkg))

        MofPackage metaPackage = (MofPackage) pkg.refMetaObject ();
        name = getTagValue (metaPackage, XmiConstants.TAGID_XMI_NAMESPACE);
        if (name != null) {
            iter = metaPackage.getQualifiedName ().iterator ();
            String fqName = (String) ();
            while (iter.hasNext ())
                fqName = fqName.concat (XmiConstants.DOT_SEPARATOR).concat ((String) ());
            namespaces.put (fqName, name);

        processedPackages.add (pkg);
        iter =  pkg.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            findNamespaces ((RefPackage) ());

    public static String getTagValue (ModelElement element, String tagId) {
        Collection tags = ((ModelPackage) element.refImmediatePackage()).
            getAttachesTo().getTag (element);
        Tag tag = null;
        for (Iterator it = tags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Object obj = ();
            if (!(obj instanceof Tag))
            Tag temp = (Tag) obj;
            if (tagId.equals (temp.getTagId ())) {
                tag = temp;
        if (tag == null)
            return null;
        Collection values = tag.getValues ();
        if (values.size () == 0)
            return null;
        return (String) values.iterator ().next ();

     * Finds all attributes and references belonging to a mof class and caches them.
    protected void cacheContainedElements (MofClass mofClass) {
        List temp = new LinkedList ();
        List superClasses = mofClass.allSupertypes ();
        Namespace namespace = null;
        Iterator it = superClasses.iterator ();
        while (it.hasNext ()) {
            namespace = (Namespace) ();
            temp.addAll (namespace.getContents ());
        temp.addAll (mofClass.getContents ());
        List instanceAttributes = new LinkedList ();
        List classAttributes = new LinkedList ();
        List references = new LinkedList ();
        Set referencedEnds = new HashSet ();
        it = temp.iterator ();
        while (it.hasNext ()) {
            RefObject refObject = (RefObject) ();
            if (refObject instanceof Feature) {
                boolean instanceLevel = ((Feature) refObject).getScope ().equals (ScopeKindEnum.INSTANCE_LEVEL);
                if ((refObject instanceof Attribute) && (!((Attribute) refObject).isDerived ())) {
                    if (instanceLevel) {
                        instanceAttributes.add (refObject);
                    } else {
                        classAttributes.add (refObject);
                } else if (refObject instanceof Reference) {
                    AssociationEnd end = ((Reference) refObject).getReferencedEnd ();
                    Association assoc = (Association) end.getContainer ();
                    if (!assoc.isDerived () && !referencedEnds.contains (end)) {
                        references.add (refObject);
                        referencedEnds.add (end);
                } // else
            } // if (refObject instanceof Feature)
        } // while
        instanceAttributes_cache.put (mofClass, instanceAttributes);
        classAttributes_cache.put (mofClass, classAttributes);
        references_cache.put (mofClass, references);

     * For a given mof class, returns list of all instance-scoped attributes
     * (references are not included).
     * @param mofClass
     * @return list of all non-derived instance-scoped attributes (including inherited ones)
    protected List instanceAttributes (MofClass mofClass) {
        List list = (List) instanceAttributes_cache.get (mofClass);
        if (list == null) {
            cacheContainedElements (mofClass);
            list = (List) instanceAttributes_cache.get (mofClass);
        return list;

     * For a given mof class, returns list of all class-scoped attributes.
     * @param mofClass
     * @return list of all non-derived class-scoped attributes (including inherited ones)
    protected List classAttributes (MofClass mofClass) {
        List list = (List) classAttributes_cache.get (mofClass);
        if (list == null) {
            cacheContainedElements (mofClass);
            list = (List) classAttributes_cache.get (mofClass);
        return list;

     * For a given mof class, returns list of all references.
     * @param mofClass
     * @return list of all non-derived references (including inherited ones)
    protected List references (MofClass mofClass) {
        List list = (List) references_cache.get (mofClass);
        if (list == null) {
            cacheContainedElements (mofClass);
            list = (List) references_cache.get (mofClass);
        return list;

     * Returns list of all fields belonging to the given StructureType.
    public List structureFields (StructureType type) {
        List fields = (List) structureFields_cache.get (type);
        if (fields != null)
            return fields;
        // find fields and cache them
        fields = new LinkedList ();
        Iterator content = type.getContents ().iterator ();
        while (content.hasNext ()) {
            Object element = ();
            if (element instanceof StructureField)
                fields.add (element);
        } // while
        structureFields_cache.put (type, fields);
        return fields;

     * Returns labels prefix given by "unprefix" tag attached to EnumerationType or
     * the empty String if no such tag is present.
    public String labelPrefix (EnumerationType type) {
        String prefix = (String) labelPrefix_cache.get (type);
        if (prefix != null)
            return prefix;
        prefix = getTagValue (type, XmiConstants.TAGID_XMI_ENUMERATION_UNPREFIX);
        if (prefix == null)
            prefix = "";
        labelPrefix_cache.put (type, prefix);
        return prefix;

    // **************************************************************************
    // Methods related to writing to content handler.
    // **************************************************************************

    protected void startElement (String name) {
        if (elementStarted) {
            writeStartElement ();
        elementName = name;
        elementStarted = true;

     * Writes end of an XML element to the output stream.
     * @param name name of the XML element to be written
    protected void endElement (String name) {
        if (elementStarted) {
            writeStartElement ();
        try {
            contentHandler.endElement (null, null, name);
        } catch (SAXException e) {

     * Writes an attribute of the currenly written XML elemnt to the output stream.
     * @param name attribute name
     * @param value value of the attribute
    protected void addAttribute (String name, String value) {
        attributes.addAttribute(null, null, name, null, value); // uri, localName, qName, type, value

     * Writes characters into body of the currenly written XML elemnt.
     * Before the string is written, @link #replaceSpecialChars is called
     * on it to replace special XML characters.
     * @param text string to be written
    protected void characters (String text) {
        if (elementStarted) {
            writeStartElement ();
        try {
            contentHandler.characters (text.toCharArray(), 0, text.length ());
        } catch (SAXException e) {

    protected void writeStartElement () {
        try {
            contentHandler.startElement (null, null, elementName, attributes);
        } catch (SAXException e) {
        elementStarted = false;
        attributes.clear ();

    // **************************************************************************

     * Checks if a given instance is already cached. In not, generates an for it,
     * stores it in cache and returns the generated id, otherwise returns already stored id.
    protected String getXmiId (RefObject obj) {
        String xmiId = ((String) xmiIds.get (obj));
        if (xmiId == null) {
            xmiId = "a" + instancesCounter;            
            xmiIds.put (obj, xmiId);
        return xmiId;

     * Called when an istances has been written.
    protected void markWritten (RefObject obj) {
        // used to handle written status of components only
        writtenComponents.add (obj);
        nonWrittenComponents.remove (obj);

    protected void writeDocument (RefPackage pkg) {        
        try {
        } catch (SAXException e) {

        startElement (XmiConstants.XMI_ROOT);
        addAttribute ("xmi.version", XMI_VERSION);
        writeNamespaces ();
        addAttribute ("timestamp", new Date ().toString ());
        writeHeader ();
        // content
        startElement (XmiConstants.XMI_CONTENT);
        if (!collectionWriting) {
            writePackage (pkg);
            RefObject obj;
            while (nonWrittenComponents.size () > 0) {
                Iterator iter = nonWrittenComponents.iterator ();
                do {                    
                    obj = (RefObject) ();
                } while (nonWrittenComponents.contains (obj.refImmediateComposite ()));
                writeInstance (obj, true);
                while (lightOutermosts.size() > 0) {
                    obj = (RefObject) lightOutermosts.remove(0);
                    writeInstance (obj, true);
                } // while
            } // while
            writeStaticAttributes (pkg);
        } else {
            writeObjects ();
        writeAssociations (pkg);
        endElement (XmiConstants.XMI_CONTENT);
        // end of content
        endElement (XmiConstants.XMI_ROOT);
        try {
        } catch (SAXException e) {

    protected void writeHeader () {
        // header
        startElement (XmiConstants.XMI_HEADER);
        if ((contentHandler instanceof DefaultWriter) && (headerProvider != null)) {
            writeStartElement ();
            characters ("");
            Writer ps = ((DefaultWriter) contentHandler).getWriter ();
            headerProvider.writeHeader (ps);
        } else { // write default header            
            startElement (XmiConstants.XMI_DOCUMENTATION);
            // exporter
            startElement ("XMI.exporter");
            characters (EXPORTER_NAME);
            endElement ("XMI.exporter");
            // exporter version
            startElement ("XMI.exporterVersion");
            characters (EXPORTER_VERSION);
            endElement ("XMI.exporterVersion");
            endElement (XmiConstants.XMI_DOCUMENTATION);            
        endElement (XmiConstants.XMI_HEADER);
        // ... end of header
    protected void writeNamespaces () {
        HashMap temp = new HashMap ();
        Iterator iter = namespaces.entrySet ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            String name = (String) ((Map.Entry) ()).getValue ();
            if (temp.get (name) == null) {
                temp.put (name, name);
                addAttribute ("xmlns:" + name, XmiConstants.TAGID_XMI_NAMESPACE + "." + name);
            } // if
        } // while

     * Serializes instances contained in a package and in all its sub-packages.
    protected void writePackage (RefPackage pkg) {

        if (processedPackages.contains (pkg))

        Iterator classes = pkg.refAllClasses ().iterator ();
        while (classes.hasNext ()) {
            RefClass proxy = (RefClass) ();
            Iterator instances = proxy.refAllOfClass ().iterator ();
            while (instances.hasNext ()) {
                RefObject obj = (RefObject) ();
                if (obj == null) {
                if (obj.equals (obj.refOutermostComposite ())) {
                    // non-outermost instance is serialized as a part of content
                    // of an outermost instance
                    writeInstance (obj, true);
                    while (lightOutermosts.size() > 0) {
                        obj = (RefObject) lightOutermosts.remove(0);
                        writeInstance (obj, true);
                    } // while
                } else {
                    if (!writtenComponents.contains (obj)) {
                        nonWrittenComponents.add (obj);
            } // while
        } // while

        processedPackages.add (pkg);
        Iterator containedPackages = pkg.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (containedPackages.hasNext ())
            writePackage ((RefPackage) ());

    protected void writeObjects () {
        Iterator iter = objectsToWriteAsCollection.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            writeInstance ((RefObject) (), true);

     * Serializes an instance.
     * @param obj object to be serialized
     * @param isTop true if the instance is serialized as a top-element (i.e. direct sub-element of )
    protected void writeInstance (RefObject obj, boolean isTop) {
        RefClass proxy = obj.refClass ();
        ModelElement element = (ModelElement) obj.refMetaObject ();
        String name = qualifiedName (element);
        XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference xmiRef = provider.getReference (obj);
        String xmiId = xmiRef.getXmiId ();
        String systemId = xmiRef.getSystemId ();
        if ((systemId != null) && (thisSystemId != null) && (thisSystemId.equals (systemId)))
            systemId = null;
        markWritten (obj);
        if (systemId != null) { // object from an external document
            if (!isTop) { // serialize href
                startElement (name);
                addAttribute (XmiConstants.XMI_HREF, systemId + HREF_DELIMITER + xmiId);
                endElement (name);
            collectLightOutermosts (obj, proxy);
        startElement (name);
        addAttribute (XmiConstants.XMI_ID, xmiId);
        Iterator attrs = instanceAttributes ((MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ()).iterator ();
        List attrsInContent = new LinkedList ();
        while (attrs.hasNext ()) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
            if (!VisibilityKindEnum.PUBLIC_VIS.equals(attr.getVisibility()))
            boolean isMultivalued = isMultivalued (attr);
            Object value;
            try {
            value = obj.refGetValue (attr);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.getDefault().annotate(e, ((ModelElement) obj.refMetaObject ()).getName () + " " + attr.getName ());
                value = Boolean.FALSE; // [PENDING]
            Object valueToWrite = value;
            if (value == null)
                continue; // optional attribute of no value
            if (isMultivalued) {
                Collection col = (Collection) value;
                if (col.size () > 0) {
                    attrsInContent.add (attr);
                if (col.isEmpty ())
                if (col.size () > 1) {
                    // values have to be serialized in content
                    attrsInContent.add (attr);
                } else
                    valueToWrite = col.iterator ().next ();
            } // if
            Classifier type = getType (attr);            
            if (!(type instanceof PrimitiveType) && !(type instanceof EnumerationType)) {
                // values have to be serialized in content
                attrsInContent.add (attr);
            } else
                writeValueInAttr (attr, valueToWrite);
        } // while
        Iterator iter = attrsInContent.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
            writeValueInContent (attr, obj.refGetValue (attr));
        } // while
        Iterator refs = references ((MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ()).iterator ();
        while (refs.hasNext ()) {
            Reference ref = (Reference) ();
            writeReference (obj, ref);
        endElement (name);
    protected void collectLightOutermosts (RefObject obj, RefClass proxy) {
        Iterator iter;
        Iterator attrs = instanceAttributes ((MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ()).iterator ();        
        while (attrs.hasNext ()) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
            Classifier type = getType (attr);            
            if ((type instanceof PrimitiveType) || (type instanceof EnumerationType))
            boolean isMultivalued = isMultivalued (attr);
            Object value = obj.refGetValue (attr);            
            Collection values;
            if (value == null)
                continue; // optional attribute of no value
            if (isMultivalued) {
                values = (Collection) value;                
            } else {
                values = new LinkedList ();
                values.add (value);
            iter = values.iterator ();
            if (type instanceof MofClass) {
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    addLightOutermost ((RefObject) ());
            } else if (type instanceof StructureType) {
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    collectStructure ((StructureType) type, (RefStruct) ());
            } else if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    collectCollection ((CollectionType) type, (Collection) ());
        } // while
        Iterator refs = references ((MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ()).iterator ();
        while (refs.hasNext ()) {
            Reference ref = (Reference) ();
            AggregationKind kind = ref.getReferencedEnd ().getAggregation ();            
            if (AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals (kind))
                return; // do not serialize reference to immediate composite object
            AggregationKind kind = ref.getExposedEnd ().getAggregation ();
            if (AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals (kind)) {
                Object temp = obj.refGetValue (ref);
                if (temp == null)
                Collection values;
                if (isMultivalued (ref))
                    values = (Collection) temp;
                else {
                    values = new LinkedList ();
                    values.add (temp);
                iter = values.iterator ();
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    addLightOutermost ((RefObject) ());                    
                } // while
            } // if
        } // while
    protected void collectStructure (StructureType type, RefStruct value) {
        Iterator iter = structureFields (type).iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            StructureField field = (StructureField) ();
            Classifier fieldType = getType (field);
            if (fieldType instanceof StructureType) {
                collectStructure ((StructureType) fieldType, (RefStruct) value.refGetValue (field.getName()));
            } else if (fieldType instanceof MofClass) {
                addLightOutermost ((RefObject) value.refGetValue (field.getName()));
            } else if (fieldType instanceof CollectionType) {
                collectCollection ((CollectionType) fieldType, (Collection) value.refGetValue (field.getName()));
        } // while
    protected void collectCollection (CollectionType collType, Collection col) {
        Classifier type = collType.getType ();
        Iterator iter = col.iterator ();
        if (type instanceof StructureType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ())
                collectStructure ((StructureType) type, (RefStruct) ());
        } else if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ())
                collectCollection ((CollectionType) type, (Collection) ());
        } else if (type instanceof MofClass) {
            while (iter.hasNext ())
                addLightOutermost ((RefObject) ());
    protected void addLightOutermost (RefObject obj) {
        lightOutermosts.add (obj);
     * Writes reference to an instance (e.g. ).
     * @param externalOnly parameter related to XMI 2.0
     * @param hrefForced parameter related to XMI 2.0
    protected void writeInstanceRef (RefObject obj, boolean externalOnly, boolean hrefForced) {
        String name = qualifiedName ((ModelElement) obj.refMetaObject ());
        XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference xmiRef = provider.getReference (obj);
        String xmiId = xmiRef.getXmiId ();
        String systemId = xmiRef.getSystemId ();
        if ((systemId != null) && (thisSystemId != null) && (thisSystemId.equals (systemId)))
            systemId = null;                
        startElement (name);
        if (systemId == null) {
            addAttribute (XmiConstants.XMI_IDREF, xmiId);
        } else {            
            addAttribute (XmiConstants.XMI_HREF, systemId + HREF_DELIMITER + xmiId);
        endElement (name);

     * Serializes an attribute's value of Primitive or Enumeration type
     * via XML attribute value.
    protected void writeValueInAttr (TypedElement attr, Object value) {
        String name = elementName (attr);
        String asText;
        Classifier type = attr.getType ();
        if (type instanceof EnumerationType) {
            String prefix = labelPrefix ((EnumerationType) type);
            // (optional) enumeration label prefix have to be removed before label is serialized as a String
            asText = value.toString ().substring (prefix.length ());
        } else
            asText = value.toString ();
        addAttribute (name, asText);

     * Serializes an attribute's or field's (multi-)value into content of an owning element.
    protected void writeValueInContent (TypedElement attr, Object value) {
        if (value == null)
        String name = qualifiedName (attr);
        Classifier type = getType (attr);        
        Collection values;
        boolean isMultivalued = false;
        if (attr instanceof StructuralFeature)
            isMultivalued = isMultivalued ((StructuralFeature) attr);
        if (isMultivalued)
            values = (Collection) value;
        else {
            values = new LinkedList ();
            values.add (value);
        Iterator iter = values.iterator ();
        if (type instanceof StructureType) {
            startElement (name);
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                writeStructure ((StructureType) type , (RefStruct) ());
            endElement (name);
        } else if (type instanceof MofClass) {
            startElement (name);
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                RefObject obj = (RefObject) ();
                writeInstance (obj, false);
            endElement (name);
        } else if (type instanceof PrimitiveType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object obj = ();
                startElement (name);
                characters (obj.toString ());
                endElement (name);
        } else if (type instanceof EnumerationType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object obj = ();
                startElement (name);
                String prefix = labelPrefix ((EnumerationType) type);
                // (optional) enumeration label prefix have to be removed before label is serialized as a String
                String label = obj.toString ().substring (prefix.length ());
                addAttribute (XmiConstants.XMI_VALUE, label);
                endElement (name);
        } else if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
            startElement (name);
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                writeCollection ((CollectionType) type , (Collection) ());
            endElement (name);
        } else {
            throw new DebugException ("Unsupported type: " + type.getName ());
        } // if

     * Serializes structure.
    protected void writeStructure (StructureType type, RefStruct value) {
        String name = qualifiedName (type);
        startElement (name);
        Iterator content = structureFields (type).iterator ();
        List fields = new LinkedList ();
        while (content.hasNext ()) {
            Object field = ();
            Classifier fieldType = getType ((StructureField) field);            
            if ((fieldType instanceof PrimitiveType) ||
                (fieldType instanceof EnumerationType)) {
                writeValueInAttr (
                    (StructureField) field,
                    value.refGetValue (((ModelElement) field).getName ())
            } else
                fields.add (field);
        } // while
        Iterator iter = fields.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            StructureField field = (StructureField) ();
            Classifier fieldType = getType (field);
            String fieldName = qualifiedName (field);
            Object fieldValue = value.refGetValue (((ModelElement) field).getName ());
            startElement (fieldName);            
            if (fieldType instanceof MofClass)
                writeInstance ((RefObject) fieldValue);
            else if (fieldType instanceof StructureType)
                writeStructure ((StructureType) fieldType, (RefStruct) fieldValue);
            endElement (fieldName);
        } // while
        endElement (name);

    // [PENDING] temporally changed, xmi.field tags are used to generate structure value
    protected void writeStructure (StructureType type, RefStruct value) {
        Iterator iter = structureFields (type).iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            StructureField field = (StructureField) ();
            Classifier fieldType = getType (field);            
            String fieldName = qualifiedName (field);
            Object fieldValue = value.refGetValue (((ModelElement) field).getName ());
            startElement (XmiConstants.XMI_FIELD);
            if (fieldType instanceof MofClass)
                writeInstanceRef ((RefObject) fieldValue, false, false);
            else if (fieldType instanceof StructureType)
                writeStructure ((StructureType) fieldType, (RefStruct) fieldValue);
            else if (fieldType instanceof CollectionType)
                writeCollection ((CollectionType) fieldType, (Collection) fieldValue);
            else if (fieldType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
                characters (fieldValue.toString ());
            endElement (XmiConstants.XMI_FIELD);
        } // while

    protected void writeCollection (CollectionType collType, Collection value) {
        String collTypeName = qualifiedName (collType);
        startElement (collTypeName);
        Iterator iter = value.iterator ();
        Classifier type = collType.getType ();
        String typeName = qualifiedName (type);
        if (type instanceof MofClass) {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                writeInstanceRef ((RefObject) (), false, false);
        } else if (type instanceof StructureType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                startElement (typeName);                
                Object o = ();
                writeStructure ((StructureType) type, (RefStruct) o);
                endElement (typeName);
        } else if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                // startElement (typeName);
                writeCollection ((CollectionType) type, (Collection) ());
                // endElement (typeName);
        } else if (type instanceof PrimitiveType) {            
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                startElement (typeName);
                characters ( ().toString ());
                endElement (typeName);
        } // if
        endElement (collTypeName);
     * Serializes Reference.
    protected void writeReference (RefObject obj, Reference ref) {
        AggregationKind kind = ref.getReferencedEnd ().getAggregation ();
        if (AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals (kind))
            return; // do not serialize reference to immediate composite object
        kind = ref.getExposedEnd ().getAggregation ();
        boolean isComposite = AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals (kind);
        Object temp = obj.refGetValue (ref);
        if (temp == null)
        Collection values;
        if (isMultivalued (ref))
            values = (Collection) temp;
        else {
            values = new LinkedList ();
            values.add (temp);
        Iterator iter;
        if (collectionWriting) {
            // exclude all referenced instances that are not in the transitive closure generated by input collection
            Collection cValues = new LinkedList ();
            iter = values.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                RefObject referencedObject = (RefObject) ();
                if (isInClosure (referencedObject)) {
                    cValues.add (referencedObject);
                } // if
            }  // while
            values = cValues;
        } // if
        if (values.isEmpty ())

        String name = qualifiedName (ref);
        startElement (name);
        iter = values.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            RefObject endValue = (RefObject) ();
            if (isComposite)
                writeInstance (endValue, false);
                writeInstanceRef (endValue, false, false);
        } // while
        endElement (name);

     * Serializes values of class-scoped attributes of classes contained in a
     * given package and its sub-packages.
    protected void writeStaticAttributes (RefPackage pkg) {
        if (processedPackages.contains (pkg))
        Iterator iter = pkg.refAllClasses ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            RefClass proxy = (RefClass) ();
            Iterator attrs = classAttributes ((MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ()).iterator ();
            while (attrs.hasNext ()) {
                Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
                writeValueInContent (attr, proxy.refGetValue (attr));
            } // while
        } // while
        processedPackages.add (pkg);
        // write values of class-scoped attributes of classes contained in sub-packages
        Iterator containedPackages = pkg.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (containedPackages.hasNext ())
            writeStaticAttributes ((RefPackage) ());

     * Serializes association links that are not serialized via References.
     * All associations contained in a given package and its sub-packages are checked.
    protected void writeAssociations (RefPackage pkg) {
        if (processedPackages.contains (pkg))
        Iterator iter = pkg.refAllAssociations ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            RefAssociation proxy = (RefAssociation) ();
            Association assoc = (Association) proxy.refMetaObject ();
            if (assoc.isDerived ())
            // indicates if at least one link has been written
            boolean aLinkWritten = false;
            String name = qualifiedName (assoc);
            AssociationEnd end1 = null, end2 = null;

            Iterator content = assoc.getContents ().iterator ();
            while (content.hasNext ()) {
                Object obj = ();
                if (obj instanceof AssociationEnd) {
                    if (end1 == null)
                        end1 = (AssociationEnd) obj;
                    else {
                        end2 = (AssociationEnd) obj;
                } // if
            } // while
            MofClass type1 = (MofClass) end1.getType ();
            MofClass type2 = (MofClass) end2.getType ();
            boolean isComposite1 = AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals(end1.getAggregation ());
            boolean isComposite2 = AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE.equals(end2.getAggregation ());
            boolean ref_1_exists = referenceExists (type1, end2);
            boolean ref_2_exists = referenceExists (type2, end1);                        

            if ((ref_1_exists && ref_2_exists) || 
                (ref_1_exists && !isComposite2) ||
                (ref_2_exists && !isComposite1))
                continue; // skip this Association, all its links have been already written via References
            boolean isNavigable1 = end1.isNavigable ();
            boolean isNavigable2 = end2.isNavigable ();            

            // temporal caches storing MofClasses and information if they contain a reference
            // related to the association
            HashMap cache_1 = new HashMap ();
            HashMap cache_2 = new HashMap ();
            Iterator links = proxy.refAllLinks ().iterator ();

            while (links.hasNext ()) {
                RefAssociationLink link = (RefAssociationLink) ();
                RefObject value_1 = link.refFirstEnd ();
                RefObject value_2 = link.refSecondEnd ();

                if (collectionWriting && !(isInClosure (value_1) && isInClosure (value_2)))

                Boolean flag_1 = Boolean.FALSE, flag_2 = Boolean.FALSE;
                if (isNavigable1) {
                    type1 = (MofClass) value_1.refMetaObject ();
                    flag_1 = (Boolean) cache_1.get (type1);
                    if (flag_1 == null) {
                        if (referenceExists (type1, end2))
                            flag_1 = Boolean.TRUE;
                            flag_1 = Boolean.FALSE;
                        cache_1.put (type1, flag_1);
                    } // if                    
                } // if
                if (isNavigable2) {
                    type2 = (MofClass) value_2.refMetaObject ();
                    flag_2 = (Boolean) cache_2.get (type2);
                    if (flag_2 == null) {
                        if (referenceExists (type2, end1))
                            flag_2 = Boolean.TRUE;
                            flag_2 = Boolean.FALSE;
                        cache_2.put (type2, flag_2);
                    } // if                    
                } // if                            
                ref_1_exists = flag_1.booleanValue();
                ref_2_exists = flag_2.booleanValue();
                if ((ref_1_exists && ref_2_exists) || 
                    (ref_1_exists && !isComposite2) ||
                    (ref_2_exists && !isComposite1))
                // serialize link
                if (!aLinkWritten) {
                    // write 
                    startElement (name);
                    aLinkWritten = true;
                writeInstanceRef (value_1, false, false); // [PENDING] XMI 2.0 writer should override this
                writeInstanceRef (value_2, false, false); // [PENDING] XMI 2.0 writer should override this
            } // while (goes through all links of the association)
            if (aLinkWritten)
                endElement (name);
        } // while (goes through all associations in the package)

        processedPackages.add (pkg);
        Iterator containedPackages = pkg.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (containedPackages.hasNext ())
            writeAssociations ((RefPackage) ());

     * Tests if a mof class has a reference exposing given association end.
    protected boolean referenceExists (MofClass mofClass, AssociationEnd assocEnd) {
        if (!assocEnd.isNavigable ()) {
            return false;
        Iterator references = references (mofClass).iterator ();
        while (references.hasNext ()) {
            Reference ref = (Reference) ();
            AssociationEnd end = ref.getReferencedEnd ();
            if (end.equals (assocEnd))
                return true;
        return false;

     * True if the passed instance have to be written by write(Collection) method.
    protected boolean isInClosure (RefObject obj) {
        RefObject container = obj;
        RefFeatured featured;
        while (container != null) {
            if (objectsToWrite.contains (container))
                return true;
            featured = container.refImmediateComposite ();
            container = ((featured instanceof RefObject) && (featured != obj))? (RefObject) featured : null;
        return false;

     * Returns fully qualified name of an model element.
    protected String qualifiedName (ModelElement element) {
        Iterator iter = element.getQualifiedName ().iterator ();
        String name = (String) ();
        while (iter.hasNext ())
            name = name.concat (XmiConstants.DOT_SEPARATOR).concat ((String) ());

        int index = name.lastIndexOf ('.');
        String pName = name.substring (0, index);
        String sName = name.substring (index + 1, name.length ());
        if (!(element instanceof MofClass) && !(element instanceof Association)) {
            index = pName.lastIndexOf ('.');
            if (index > -1) {            
                pName = pName.substring (0, index);
                sName = name.substring (index + 1, name.length ());

        String namespace = (String) namespaces.get (pName);

        if (namespace != null)
            return namespace + ":" + sName;
        return name;

    protected String elementName (ModelElement elem) {
        return elem.getName ();
     * True iff given StructuralFeature is multivalued.
    protected static boolean isMultivalued (StructuralFeature feature) {
        MultiplicityType multType = feature.getMultiplicity ();
        return multType.getUpper () != 1;

    protected static Classifier getType (TypedElement elem) {
        Classifier type = elem.getType ();
        while (type instanceof AliasType)
            type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
        return type;

    // default XMIReferenceProvider ..............................................
    class DefaultProvider implements XMIReferenceProvider {
        public XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference getReference (RefObject obj) {            
            return new XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference (null, getXmiId(obj));
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