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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 * Created: Tue Feb 27 18:32:32 2001
 * @author Ana von Klopp
 * @version

package org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class MonitorResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
    private Vector cookies = null;
    private int status;
    private boolean cookieSetOnInclude = false; 

    private HttpServletResponse response = null;
    private HttpServletRequest request = null;

    private static boolean debug = false;

     * The constructor needs to have access both to the response
     * object that it wraps and to the request. The latter is needed
     * to determine whether the resource which is currently accessing
     * the response was dispatched to as an include or not
     * @param response The HTTPServletResponse object that this object
     * wraps. 
     * $param request The HttpServletRequest object that is processed
     * in synch with the response. 
    public MonitorResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response, 
				  HttpServletRequest request) {
	this.response = (HttpServletResponse)getResponse();
	this.request = request;
	cookies = new Vector();

     * Returns the outgoing cookies that were added to the response as
     * it was processed by the servlets and JSPs. 
     * @return An enumeration of cookies
    public Enumeration getCookies() { 
	return cookies.elements();

     * Returns the HTTP status of the response 
     * @return An integer representing the HTTP status
    public int getStatus() { 
	return status; 

     * Wraps the addCookie method on the response. Since the Servlet
     * APIs does not allow us to retrieve the outgoing cookies, the
     * wrapper itself maintains a duplicate list which can be accessed
     * with the getCookies method. 
     * @param A cookie
    public void addCookie (Cookie cookie) {
	String str = (String)request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.include.request_uri"); //NOI18N
	if(str == null) { 
	else { 
	    // An included resource tried to set a cookie, which is
	    // illegal but swallowed by the reference implementation
	    cookieSetOnInclude = true;
     * Wraps the sendError method on the response. The HTTP status is
     * not accessible through the Servlet APIs, so the wrapper
     * maintains a copy of the value which can be accessed with the
     * getStatus method.
     * @param status an integer representing the HTTP status
     * @param detail a message explaining the error
    public void sendError (int status, String detail) throws
	IOException, IllegalStateException {
	this.status = status;
	response.sendError (status, detail); 

     * Wraps the sendError method on the response. The HTTP status is
     * not accessible through the Servlet APIs, so the wrapper
     * maintains a copy of the value which can be accessed with the
     * getStatus method.
     * @param status an integer representing the HTTP status
    public void sendError (int status)  throws IOException,
	IllegalStateException {
	this.status = status;
	response.sendError (status, null); 

     * Wraps the setStatus method on the response. The HTTP status is
     * not accessible through the Servlet APIs, so the wrapper
     * maintains a copy of the value which can be accessed with the
     * getStatus method.
     * @param status an integer representing the HTTP status
    public void setStatus(int code) {
	this.status = code;

     * Wraps the setStatus method on the response. The HTTP status is
     * not accessible through the Servlet APIs, so the wrapper
     * maintains a copy of the value which can be accessed with the
     * getStatus method.
     * @param status an integer representing the HTTP status
     * @param msg a message explaining the status
    public void setStatus (int code, String msg) {
	this.status = code;
	response.setStatus(code, msg); 

     * Logger method so that this object can log messages to the log
     * file for the servlet context. Note that this will fail if there
     * is no HTTP session. 
     * @param msg The message to log. 
    private void log(String msg) { 
	try { 
	    request.getSession(false).getServletContext().log("MonitorResponseWrapper::" + msg); //NOI18N
	catch(Throwable t) {
	    if(debug) t.printStackTrace();

     * This method can be used by a tool that warns a developer that
     * an included resource tried to do something it is not allowed to
     * do. The Monitor client could show this.
     * @return true if an included resource attempted to set a cookie
    public boolean cookieSetOnInclude() { 
	return cookieSetOnInclude;
} // MonitorResponseWrapper
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