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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.nbbuild;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;


// ToDo:
// stopwords configuration
// verbose mode

/** Task to run JavaHelp search indexer.
 * Creates the proper binary search database from source HTML.
 * @author Jesse Glick
 * @see JavaHelp home page
public class JHIndexer extends MatchingTask {

    private Path classpath;
    private File db;
    private File basedir;
    private String locale;
    private List brandings = new LinkedList(); // List

    /** Set the location of jhall.jar (JavaHelp tools library). */
    public Path createClasspath() {
        // JavaHelp release notes say jhtools.jar is enough, but class NoClassDefFoundError
        // on when I tried it...
        if (classpath == null) {
            classpath = new Path(getProject());
        return classpath.createPath();

    /** Set the location of the output database.
     * E.g. JavaHelpSearch).
     * Warning: the directory will be deleted and recreated.
    public void setDb (File db) {
        this.db = db;

    /** Set the base directory from which to scan files.
     * This should be the directory containing the helpset for the database to work correctly.
    public void setBasedir (File basedir) {
        this.basedir = basedir;
    public void setLocale (String locale) {
        this.locale = locale;
     * A set of additional files forming a branding variant.
     * @see #addBrandedFileSet
    public static final class BrandedFileSet extends FileSet {
        String branding;
        public void setBranding(String b) {
            this.branding = b;
     * Add a set of branded files to be indexed.
     * For example, you may have in /the/base/dir
  • foo.html *
  • bar.html *
  • baz.html *
* Now create a new directory /the/new/dir: *
  • foo_brand.html *
  • baz_brand.html *
* If you include this with: *
<jhindexer basedir="/the/base/dir">
    <include name="**/*.html"/>
    <brandedfileset dir="/the/new/dir" branding="brand">
        <include name="**/*.html"/>
* then the search database will contain entries: * * * * * *
JH nameFrom file
* and every file in the database (TMAP etc.) * will receive the special suffix _brand. *

You may give multiple branding filesets, so long as the branding * tokens supplied are nested: i.e. for every pair of tokens among the supplied * filesets, one is a prefix of the other (with _ being the * separator between the prefix and suffix). The search database suffix is then * an underscore followed by the longest branding token. *

Such a database is suitable for branding NetBeans: consider a module * with documentation entries such as the following: *

  • modules/docs/foo.jar!/some/pkg/foo/foo.html *
  • modules/docs/foo.jar!/some/pkg/foo/bar.html *
  • modules/docs/foo.jar!/some/pkg/foo/baz.html *
  • modules/docs/foo.jar!/some/pkg/foo/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP (etc.) *
  • modules/docs/locale/foo_brand.jar!/some/pkg/foo/foo_brand.html *
  • modules/docs/locale/foo_brand.jar!/some/pkg/foo/baz_brand.html *
  • modules/docs/locale/foo_brand.jar!/some/pkg/foo/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP_brand (etc.) *
* where the files in modules/docs/foo.jar!/some/pkg/foo/JavaHelpSearch/ * were generated by a regular invocation of this task and the files in * modules/docs/locale/foo_brand.jar!/some/pkg/foo/JavaHelpSearch/ * were generated by the variant above. Then a help set reference using a URL such as * nbdocs:/some/pkg/foo/helpset.xml will, when running with branding * brand, not only display the expected variants of foo.html * and baz.html, but be able to search for strings specifically in them * (including correct offsets). * @see Issue #31044 */ public void addBrandedFileSet(BrandedFileSet s) { brandings.add(s); } /** @deprecated Use {@link #createClasspath} instead. */ public void setJhall(File f) { log("The 'jhall' attribute to is deprecated. Use a nested instead.", Project.MSG_WARN); createClasspath().setLocation(f); } public void execute () throws BuildException { if (classpath == null) throw new BuildException ("Must specify the classpath attribute to find jhall.jar"); if (db == null) throw new BuildException ("Must specify the db attribute"); if (basedir == null) throw new BuildException ("Must specify the basedir attribute"); FileScanner scanner = getDirectoryScanner (basedir); scanner.scan (); String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles (); // First, an up-to-date check. ;-) if (basedir.exists () && db.exists ()) { long lastModified = Long.MIN_VALUE; // First scan output dir for any files. FileScanner output = new DirectoryScanner (); output.setBasedir (db); output.scan (); String[] outfiles = output.getIncludedFiles (); if (outfiles.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < outfiles.length; i++) { long mod = new File (db, outfiles[i]).lastModified (); if (mod > lastModified) { lastModified = mod; } } // Now check to see if any source files are newer. boolean ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { long mod = new File (basedir, files[i]).lastModified (); if (mod > lastModified) { ok = false; break; } } if (!brandings.isEmpty()) { // Check these too! Iterator it = brandings.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FileSet fs = (FileSet); FileScanner scanner2 = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); String[] files2 = scanner2.getIncludedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files2.length; i++) { long mod = new File (basedir, files2[i]).lastModified (); if (mod > lastModified) { ok = false; break; } } } } if (ok) { // No need to rebuild. return; } } } Delete delete = (Delete) project.createTask ("delete"); delete.setDir (db); delete.init (); delete.setLocation (location); delete.execute (); Mkdir mkdir = (Mkdir) project.createTask ("mkdir"); mkdir.setDir (db); mkdir.init (); mkdir.setLocation (location); mkdir.execute (); String maxbranding = null; if (!brandings.isEmpty()) { // Copy all files, overriding by branding, to a fresh dir somewhere. // Does not suffice to simply use IndexRemove to strip off the basedirs // of files in branded filesets, since their filenames will also include // the branding token, and this will mess up the search database: it needs // to store just the simple file name with no branding infix. File tmp = new File(System.getProperty(""), "jhindexer-branding-merge"); delete = (Delete)project.createTask("delete"); delete.setDir(tmp); delete.init(); delete.setLocation(location); delete.execute(); tmp.mkdir(); // Start with the base files. Copy copy = (Copy)project.createTask("copy"); copy.setTodir(tmp); copy.addFileset(fileset); copy.init(); copy.setLocation(location); copy.execute(); // Now branded filesets. Must be done in order of branding, so that // more specific files override generic ones. class BrandingLengthComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return ((BrandedFileSet)a).branding.length() - ((BrandedFileSet)b).branding.length(); } } Collections.sort(brandings, new BrandingLengthComparator()); Iterator it = brandings.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BrandedFileSet s = (BrandedFileSet); if (maxbranding != null && !s.branding.startsWith(maxbranding + "_")) throw new BuildException("Illegal branding: " + s.branding, location); maxbranding = s.branding; // only last one will be kept String[] suffixes = { ".html", ".htm", ".xhtml", // XXX any others? unpleasant to hardcode but this is easiest, // since glob mappers do not permit *_x* -> ** syntax. }; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) { String suffix = suffixes[i]; copy = (Copy)project.createTask("copy"); copy.setTodir(tmp); copy.setOverwrite(true); copy.addFileset(s); Mapper m = copy.createMapper(); Mapper.MapperType mt = new Mapper.MapperType(); mt.setValue("glob"); m.setType(mt); m.setFrom("*_" + s.branding + suffix); m.setTo("*" + suffix); copy.init(); copy.setLocation(location); copy.execute(); if (locale != null) { // Possibly have e.g. x_f4j_ja.html. suffix = "_" + locale + suffix; copy = (Copy)project.createTask("copy"); copy.setTodir(tmp); copy.setOverwrite(true); copy.addFileset(s); m = copy.createMapper(); mt = new Mapper.MapperType(); mt.setValue("glob"); m.setType(mt); m.setFrom("*_" + s.branding + suffix); m.setTo("*" + suffix); copy.init(); copy.setLocation(location); copy.execute(); } } } // Now replace basedir & files with this temp dir. basedir = tmp; FileSet tmpf = new FileSet(); tmpf.setProject(project); tmpf.setDir(tmp); files = tmpf.getDirectoryScanner(project).getIncludedFiles(); } log ("Running JavaHelp search database indexer..."); try { File config = File.createTempFile ("jhindexer-config", ".txt"); try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream (config); try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter (os); pw.println ("IndexRemove " + basedir + File.separator); String message = "Files to be indexed:"; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // [PENDING] JavaHelp docs say to use / as file sep for File directives; // so what should the complete path be? Someone should test this on Windoze... String path = basedir + File.separator + files[i]; pw.println ("File " + path); message += "\n\t" + path; } log (message, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); pw.flush (); } finally { os.close (); } AntClassLoader loader = new AntClassLoader (project, classpath); try { Class clazz = loader.loadClass (""); Method main = clazz.getMethod ("main", new Class[] { String[].class }); List args = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "-c", config.getAbsolutePath(), "-db", db.getAbsolutePath() }); if (locale != null) { args = new ArrayList(args); // #35244 args.add("-locale"); args.add(locale); } main.invoke(null, new Object[] {args.toArray(new String[args.size()])}); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { throw new BuildException ("Could not run indexer", ite.getTargetException (), location); } catch (Exception e) { // ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, ... throw new BuildException ("Could not run indexer", e, location); } } finally { config.delete (); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException ("Could not make temporary config file", ioe, location); } if (maxbranding != null) { // Now rename search DB files to include branding suffix. // Note that DOCS.TAB -> DOCS_brand.TAB to work with nbdocs: protocol. String[] dbfiles = db.list(); for (int i = 0; i < dbfiles.length; i++) { String basename, ext; int idx = dbfiles[i].lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx != -1) { basename = dbfiles[i].substring(0, idx); ext = dbfiles[i].substring(idx); } else { basename = dbfiles[i]; ext = ""; } File old = new File(db, dbfiles[i]); File nue = new File(db, basename + "_" + maxbranding + ext); log("Moving " + old + " to " + nue, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); old.renameTo(nue); } } } }
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