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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.nbbuild;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map; // override
import java.util.jar.*;


/** Create a JAR file with locale variants.
 * Whenever files are found which should be localized, or are the result
 * of localization, places them in separate JAR files named according to the locale,
 * in a locale/ subdirectory of the directory containing the master JAR.
 * Each sub-JAR gets a manifest which just has some informational tags
 * indicating its purpose (locale and branding):
 * X-Informational-Archive-Locale and/or X-Informational-Archive-Branding.
 * The values may be e.g. ja or f4j_ce; or -
 * if there is no suffix for this JAR.
 * You can control the available locales; brandings; and set of files which should
 * always be considered part of the localizable base kit.
 * You can use the "branding" and "locale" subelements to control the branded
 * and localized .jar files that will be produced.  Also, you can set the global
 * properties "locjar.brands" and "locjar.locales" to comma-separated
 * lists of branding or locale identifiers so that NetBeans-based projects can
 * brand or localize NetBeans without having to maintain modified versions of all
 * the individual Ant scripts
 * Originally this Ant task didn't recognize files below a directory with the
 * same name as a locale as being localized.  Now it does so by default.

Based on <zip> and <jar> tasks in Ant, * but not feasible to simply subclass or compose them. * @see NetBeans I18N documentation * @author Jesse Glick */ public class LocalizedJar extends MatchingTask { private List localeKits = new LinkedList (); // List private List locales = new LinkedList (); // List private List brandings = new LinkedList (); // List private File jarFile; private File baseDir; private boolean doCompress = false; private static long emptyCrc = new CRC32 ().getValue (); private List filesets = new LinkedList (); // List private File manifest; private boolean checkPathLocale = true ; private boolean warnMissingDir = false ; private boolean warnMissingDirSet = false ; /** Locale or branding specifier. * Represents a complete locale or branding suffix, * e.g. ja or ja_JP * (but not simply JP). * For branding, e.g. f4j or f4j_ce. * You must include all relevant suffixes if you expect them to match * (but the task will handle a branding suffix combined with a locale * suffix, in that order). */ public class LocaleOrB { String n; /** The suffix. */ public void setName (String n) { this.n = n; } } /** Distinguish particular files that will be considered localizable. * This nested <localekit> has the same syntax as a FileSet. * So typically you will build a JAR from a fileset containing all build * products within a given directory; the "locale kit" should be a fileset * matching all properties files, for example, and maybe icons which you would * expect someone to try to localize--in general, anything which will be referenced * in code using a localized lookup (NbBundle). * While files with recognized localized (or branded) suffixes automatically go into * marked JARs in the locale/ subdirectory, files considered part of the * locale kit also always go into this subdirectory; if they have no suffix, they will * be placed in a suffixless locale JAR. * So localizers can simply look at this JAR file and brand/localize it as they see fit. */ public void addLocalekit (FileSet fs) { localeKits.add (fs); } /** Add a recognized locale suffix. */ public LocaleOrB createLocale () { LocaleOrB l = new LocaleOrB (); locales.add (l); return l; } /** Add a recognized branding suffix. */ public LocaleOrB createBranding () { LocaleOrB l = new LocaleOrB (); brandings.add (l); return l; } /** JAR file to create. * In fact this is the location of the "base" JAR; * locale-specific JARs may be created in the locale/ subdirectory * of the directory containing this JAR, and will be named according to the name * of this JAR. * Compare Ant's <jar> task. */ public void setJarfile (File jarFile) { if (! jarFile.getName ().endsWith (".jar")) { throw new BuildException ("jarfile attribute must be a file with *.jar extension"); } if (jarFile.getParentFile () == null) { throw new BuildException ("jarfile attribute must have a containing directory"); } this.jarFile = jarFile; } /** Base directory to JAR. * Compare Ant's <jar> task. */ public void setBasedir (File baseDir) { this.baseDir = baseDir; } /** Turn on or off compression (default off). * Compare Ant's <jar> task. */ public void setCompress (String compress) { doCompress = Project.toBoolean (compress); } /** A set of files to JAR up. * Compare Ant's <jar> task. */ public void addFileset (FileSet set) { filesets.add (set); } /** Manifest file for the JAR. * Compare Ant's <jar> task. */ public void setManifest (File manifest) { this.manifest = manifest; } /** By default this is true. If set to false, then this task will * not recognize files below a directory with the same name as a * locale as being localized (unless the simple filename also * includes the locale). */ public void setCheckPathLocale( boolean doit) { checkPathLocale = doit ; } /** This is false by default, in which case missing dirs in the * filesets cause a BuildException to be thrown. If true, then * a warning is printed but the build will continue. * This task will also look for a global property * "locjar.warnMissingDir" if this attribute isn't set. */ public void setWarnMissingDir( boolean b) { warnMissingDir = b ; warnMissingDirSet = true ; } public void execute () throws BuildException { // Sanity checks: if (baseDir == null && filesets.size () == 0) { throw new BuildException ("basedir attribute must be set, or at least one fileset must be given!"); } if (jarFile == null) { throw new BuildException ("You must specify the JAR file to create!"); } if (manifest != null && ! manifest.isFile ()) { throw new BuildException ("The specified manifest does not actually exist."); } // If needed, warn that directories are missing. // if( shouldWarnMissingDir() && warnIfMissingDir()) { // Stop if dirs were missing. // return ; } // Look for global locales or brandings to use. // addGlobalLocaleAndBranding() ; //System.err.println ("Stage #1"); // First find out which files need to be archived. Map allFiles = new HashMap (); // all files to do something with; Map from JAR path to actual file // Populate it. { List scanners = new ArrayList (filesets.size () + 1); // List if (baseDir != null) { scanners.add (getDirectoryScanner (baseDir)); } Iterator it = filesets.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { scanners.add (((FileSet) ()).getDirectoryScanner (project)); } it = scanners.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { FileScanner scanner = (FileScanner) (); File thisBaseDir = scanner.getBasedir (); String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles (); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String name = files[i].replace (File.separatorChar, '/'); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase ("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")) { log ("Warning: ignoring META-INF/MANIFEST.MF found among scanned files", Project.MSG_WARN); continue; } allFiles.put (name, new File (thisBaseDir, files[i])); } } } //System.err.println ("Stage #2"); // Now find all files which should always be put into a locale // kit (e.g. dir/locale/name.jar, no special locale or // branding, but distinguished as localizable/brandable). Set localeKitFiles = new HashSet (); // Set; all locale-kit files // Populate this one. { Iterator it = localeKits.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { FileScanner scanner = ((FileSet) ()).getDirectoryScanner (project); File thisBaseDir = scanner.getBasedir (); String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles (); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { localeKitFiles.add (new File (thisBaseDir, files[i])); } } } //System.err.println ("Stage #3"); // Compute list of supported locales and brandings. List locales2 = new LinkedList (); // List; all locales List brandings2 = new LinkedList (); // List; all brandings // Initialize above two. { Iterator it = locales.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { locales2.add (((LocaleOrB) ()).n); } it = brandings.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { brandings2.add (((LocaleOrB) ()).n); } class InverseLengthComparator implements Comparator { public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) { String s1 = (String) o1; String s2 = (String) o2; return s2.length () - s1.length (); } } Comparator c = new InverseLengthComparator (); Collections.sort (locales2, c); Collections.sort (brandings2, c); } //System.err.println ("Stage #4"); // Analyze where everything goes. Set jars = new HashSet (); // Set; JAR files to build Map localeMarks = new HashMap (); // Map; JAR files to locale (or null for basic JAR, "-" for blank) Map brandingMarks = new HashMap (); // Map; JAR files to branding (or null for basic JAR, "-" for blank) Map router = new HashMap (); // Map>; JAR files to map of JAR path to actual file (file may be null for dirs) { String localeDir ; Iterator it = allFiles.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String path = (String) entry.getKey (); //log( "==> Examining file: " + path) ; File file = (File) entry.getValue (); // First see if it matches a known branding, locale, or pair of one of each. String testpath = path; int idx = testpath.lastIndexOf ('/'); if (idx != -1) testpath = testpath.substring (idx + 1); idx = testpath.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (idx != -1) testpath = testpath.substring (0, idx); String thisLocale = null; Iterator it2 = locales2.iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { String tryLocale = (String) (); if (testpath.endsWith ("_" + tryLocale)) { thisLocale = tryLocale; testpath = testpath.substring (0, testpath.length () - 1 - tryLocale.length ()); break; } } String thisBranding = null; it2 = brandings2.iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { String tryBranding = (String) (); if (testpath.endsWith ("_" + tryBranding)) { thisBranding = tryBranding; break; } } File thisjar; // JAR to send this file to // Check if this file has a parent directory with the // // same name as one of the locales. // localeDir = checkInLocaleDir( file, locales2) ; if( localeDir != null) { thisLocale = localeDir ; } /* if( thisLocale != null) { log( " Locale: " + thisLocale) ; } if( thisBranding != null) { log( " Branding: " + thisBranding) ; } if( localeKitFiles.contains( file)) { log( " Localizable file.") ; } */ if (thisLocale != null || thisBranding != null || localeKitFiles.contains (file)) { String name = jarFile.getName (); // We know jarFile is a *.jar so this is safe: name = name.substring (0, name.length () - 4); if (thisBranding != null) { name += '_' + thisBranding; } if (thisLocale != null) { name += '_' + thisLocale; } name += ".jar"; thisjar = new File (new File (jarFile.getParentFile (), "locale"), name); localeMarks.put (thisjar, ((thisLocale != null) ? thisLocale : "-")); brandingMarks.put (thisjar, ((thisBranding != null) ? thisBranding : "-")); } else { thisjar = jarFile; localeMarks.put (thisjar, null); brandingMarks.put (thisjar, null); } jars.add (thisjar); Map files = (Map) router.get (thisjar); if (files == null) { files = new TreeMap (); router.put (thisjar, files); } files.put (path, file); } } //System.err.println ("Stage #5"); // Go through JARs one by one, and build them (if necessary). { List jars2 = new ArrayList (jars); class FileNameComparator implements Comparator { public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) { File f1 = (File) o1; File f2 = (File) o2; return f1.toString ().compareTo (f2.toString ()); } } Comparator c = new FileNameComparator (); Collections.sort (jars2, c); Iterator it = jars2.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { File jar = (File) (); Map files = (Map) router.get (jar); // Map if (jar.exists ()) { // Do an up-to-date check first. long time = jar.lastModified (); if (manifest == null || manifest.lastModified () <= time) { boolean upToDate = true; Iterator it2 = files.values ().iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { File f = (File) (); if (f.lastModified () > time) { upToDate = false; break; } } if (upToDate) { // Skip this JAR. continue; } } } log ("Building localized jar: " + jar); IOException closing = null; try { jar.getParentFile ().mkdirs (); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (jar)); try { out.setMethod (doCompress ? ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED : ZipOutputStream.STORED); String localeMark = (String) localeMarks.get (jar); String brandingMark = (String) brandingMarks.get (jar); Set addedDirs = new HashSet (); // Set // Add the manifest. InputStream is; long time; if (manifest != null && localeMark == null && brandingMark == null) { // Master JAR, and it has a manifest. is = new FileInputStream (manifest); time = manifest.lastModified (); } else { // Some subsidiary JAR. is = MatchingTask.class.getResourceAsStream ("/org/apache/tools/ant/"); time = System.currentTimeMillis (); } java.util.jar.Manifest mani; try { mani = new java.util.jar.Manifest (is); } finally { is.close (); } Attributes attr = mani.getMainAttributes (); if (! attr.containsKey (Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION)) { attr.put (Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); } if (localeMark != null) { attr.putValue ("X-Informational-Archive-Locale", localeMark); } if (brandingMark != null) { attr.putValue ("X-Informational-Archive-Branding", brandingMark); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream (); mani.write (baos); byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray (); addToJar (new ByteArrayInputStream (bytes), new ByteArrayInputStream (bytes), out, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", time, addedDirs); // Now regular files. Iterator it2 = files.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String path = (String) entry.getKey (); File file = (File) entry.getValue (); addToJar (new FileInputStream (file), new FileInputStream (file), out, path, file.lastModified (), addedDirs); } // If desired, write the root of the srcDir to a file. // writeSrcDir() ; } finally { try { out.close (); } catch (IOException ex) { closing = ex; } } if (closing != null) { // if there was a closing exception and no other one throw closing; } } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = "Problem creating JAR: " + ioe.getMessage (); if (! jar.delete ()) { msg += " (and the JAR is probably corrupt but I could not delete it)"; } throw new BuildException (msg, ioe, location); } } } } // end execute() private void addToJar (InputStream in1, InputStream in2, ZipOutputStream out, String path, long lastModified, Set addedDirs) throws IOException { try { if (path.endsWith ("/")) { throw new IOException ("Bad path: " + path); } // Add parent dirs as needed: int pos = -1; while ((pos = path.indexOf ('/', pos + 1)) != -1) { String dir = path.substring (0, pos + 1); if (! addedDirs.contains (dir)) { addedDirs.add (dir); ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry (dir); ze.setSize (0); ze.setMethod (ZipEntry.STORED); ze.setCrc (emptyCrc); ze.setTime (lastModified); out.putNextEntry (ze); } } // Add the file itself: ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry (path); ze.setMethod (doCompress ? ZipEntry.DEFLATED : ZipEntry.STORED); ze.setTime (lastModified); long size = 0; CRC32 crc = new CRC32 (); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int read; while ((read = (buf)) != -1) { crc.update (buf, 0, read); size += read; } in1.close (); ze.setCrc (crc.getValue ()); ze.setSize (size); out.putNextEntry (ze); while ((read = (buf)) != -1) { out.write (buf, 0, read); } } finally { in2.close (); in1.close (); } } // end addToJar() // If the name of any parent directory of this file is the same as // // one of the locales, return the locale. // protected String checkInLocaleDir( File file, List locales) { // See if this functionality is disabled. // if( !checkPathLocale) { return null ; } int idx ; String loc, locale_dir, ret = null ; String path = file.getPath() ; Iterator iter = locales.iterator() ; // For each locale. // while( iter.hasNext()) { loc = (String) ; // If the path contains a dir with the same name as the // // locale. // locale_dir = new String( file.separator) ; locale_dir += loc ; locale_dir += file.separator ; idx = path.indexOf( locale_dir) ; if( idx != -1) { // Stop and return this locale. // ret = loc ; break ; } } return( ret) ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This section of code supports the feature that this class will // // look for global properties that specify locales and brandings // // that should be used. // protected void addGlobalLocaleAndBranding() { addGlobals( getGlobalLocaleVarName(), locales) ; addGlobals( getOldGlobalLocaleVarName(), locales) ; addGlobals( getGlobalBrandingVarName(), brandings) ; addGlobals( getOldGlobalBrandingVarName(), brandings) ; } protected String getGlobalLocaleVarName() { return( new String( "locjar.locales")) ; } protected String getGlobalBrandingVarName() { return( new String( "locjar.brands")) ; } // For backwards compatibility. // protected String getOldGlobalLocaleVarName() { return( new String( "locjar_global_locales")) ; } // For backwards compatibility. // protected String getOldGlobalBrandingVarName() { return( new String( "locjar_global_brands")) ; } protected void addGlobals( String var_name, List list) { String prop = null ; StringTokenizer tokenizer = null ; String tok = null ; LocaleOrB lorb = null ; // Foreach string in the global list. // prop = getProject().getProperty( var_name) ; if( prop != null && !prop.equals( "")) { tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( prop, ", ") ; while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = tokenizer.nextToken() ; // Add a new entry in the given list. // lorb = new LocaleOrB() ; lorb.setName( tok) ; list.add( lorb) ; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected boolean shouldWarnMissingDir() { String s ; boolean ret = false ; // Default false. // // If the attribute is set, use its value. // if( warnMissingDirSet) { ret = warnMissingDir ; } // Otherwise use the global property value, if set. // else { s = project.getProperty( "locjar.warnMissingDir") ; if( s != null && !s.trim().equals( "")) { ret = project.toBoolean( s) ; } } return( ret) ; } // If any dir's don't exist, warn the user and return true. // protected boolean warnIfMissingDir() { ListIterator iter ; FileSet fileset ; File dir ; boolean ret = false ; // Print warning if the basedir doesn't exist. // if( baseDir != null && !baseDir.exists()) { ret = true ; printMissingDirWarning( baseDir) ; } // For each fileset. // iter = filesets.listIterator() ; if( iter != null) { while( iter.hasNext()) { // Print warning if the dir doesn't exist. // fileset = (FileSet) ; dir = fileset.getDir( project) ; if( dir != null && !dir.exists()) { ret = true ; printMissingDirWarning( dir) ; } } } return( ret) ; } // Warn the user that the given dir doesn't exist. // protected void printMissingDirWarning( File dir) { log( "WARNING: Skipping this task: Directory " + dir.getPath() + " doesn't exist.") ; } protected boolean shouldWriteSrcDir() { boolean ret = false ; String s = project.getProperty( "locjar.writeSrcDir") ; if( s != null && project.toBoolean( s)) { ret = true ; } return( ret) ; } protected void writeSrcDir() { String name ; int idx, fromIdx ; OutputStreamWriter osw ; FileOutputStream fos ; File file ; if( shouldWriteSrcDir() && jarFile != null && baseDir != null) { name = jarFile.getPath() ; fromIdx = getNetbeansStartIdx() ; idx = name.indexOf( File.separator+"netbeans"+File.separator, fromIdx) ; if( idx != -1) { try { file = new File( name.substring( 0, idx) + File.separator + "") ; fos = new FileOutputStream( file) ; osw = new OutputStreamWriter( fos) ; osw.write( "srcdir=" + baseDir + "\n") ; osw.close() ; fos.close() ; } catch( Exception e) { System.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage()) ; e.printStackTrace() ; throw new BuildException() ; } } else { throw new BuildException( "ERROR: Couldn't find netbeans dir to write to.") ; } } } // Return the index to start searching from to find the "netbeans" // directory into which the "" file will be // written. protected int getNetbeansStartIdx() { int startIdx = 0 ; int idx ; idx = baseDir.getPath().lastIndexOf( File.separator+ "netbeans"+File.separator) ; if( idx != -1) { startIdx = idx + 1 ; } return( startIdx) ; } }

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