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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.nbbuild;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;


/** Makes a .nbm (NetBeans Module) file.
 * @author Jesse Glick
public class MakeNBM extends Task {
    private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy/MM/dd"); // NOI18N
    /** The same syntax may be used for either <license> or
     * <description> subelements.

By setting the property makenbm.nocdata to true, * you can avoid using XML CDATA (for compatibility with older versions * of Auto Update which could not handle it). */ public class Blurb { /** You may embed a <file> element inside the blurb. * If there is text on either side of it, that will be separated * with a line of dashes automatically. * But use nested <text> for this purpose. */ public class FileInsert { /** File location. */ public void setLocation (File file) throws BuildException { log("Including contents of " + file, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); long lmod = file.lastModified (); if (lmod > mostRecentInput) mostRecentInput = lmod; addSeparator (); try { InputStream is = new FileInputStream (file); try { Reader r = new InputStreamReader (is, "UTF-8"); //NOI18N char[] buf = new char[4096]; int len; while ((len = (buf)) != -1) text.append (buf, 0, len); } finally { is.close (); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException ("Exception reading blurb from " + file, ioe, getLocation ()); } } } private StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer (); private String name = null; /** There may be freeform text inside the element. Prefer to use nested elements. */ public void addText (String t) { addSeparator (); // Strips indentation. Needed because of common style: // // Some text here. // And another line. // t = getProject().replaceProperties(t.trim()); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer (t, "\n"); //NOI18N boolean first = true; while (tok.hasMoreTokens ()) { String line = tok.nextToken (); if (first) { first = false; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < line.length () && Character.isWhitespace (line.charAt (i)); i++) ; if (i < min) min = i; } } if (min == 0) { text.append (t); } else { tok = new StringTokenizer (t, "\n"); //NOI18N first = true; while (tok.hasMoreTokens ()) { String line = tok.nextToken (); if (first) { first = false; } else { text.append ('\n'); //NOI18N line = line.substring (min); } text.append (line); } } } /** Contents of a file to include. */ public FileInsert createFile () { return new FileInsert (); } /** Text to include literally. */ public class Text { public void addText(String t) { Blurb.this.addText(t); } } // At least on Ant 1.3, mixed content does not work: all the text is added // first, then all the file inserts. Need to use subelements to be sure. /** Include nested literal text. */ public Text createText() { return new Text(); } private void addSeparator () { if (text.length () > 0) { // some sort of separator if (text.charAt (text.length () - 1) != '\n') //NOI18N text.append ('\n'); //NOI18N text.append ("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); //NOI18N } } public String getText () { String nocdata = getProject().getProperty("makenbm.nocdata"); //NOI18N if (nocdata != null && Project.toBoolean(nocdata)) { return xmlEscape(text.toString()); } else { return ""; //NOI18N } } /** You can either set a name for the blurb, or using the file attribute does this. * The name is mandatory for licenses, as this identifies the license in * an update description. */ public void setName (String name) { = name; } public String getName () { return name; } /** Include a file (and set the license name according to its basename). */ public void setFile (File file) { // This actually adds the text and so on: new FileInsert ().setLocation (file); // Default for the name too, as a convenience. if (name == null) name = file.getName (); } } public class ExternalPackage { String name = null; String targetName = null; String startUrl = null; String description = null; public void setName(String n) { = n; } public void setTargetName(String t) { this.targetName = t; } public void setStartURL(String u) { this.startUrl = u; } public void setDescription(String d) { this.description = d; } } // Similar to org.openide.xml.XMLUtil methods. private static String xmlEscape(String s) { int max = s.length(); StringBuffer s2 = new StringBuffer((int)(max * 1.1 + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '<': //NOI18N s2.append("<"); //NOI18N break; case '>': //NOI18N s2.append(">"); //NOI18N break; case '&': //NOI18N s2.append("&"); //NOI18N break; case '"': //NOI18N s2.append("""); //NOI18N break; default: s2.append(c); break; } } return s2.toString(); } /** <signature> subelement for signing the NBM. */ public /*static*/ class Signature { public File keystore; public String storepass, alias; /** Path to the keystore (private key). */ public void setKeystore(File f) { keystore = f; } /** Password for the keystore. * If a question mark (?), the NBM will not be signed * and a warning will be printed. */ public void setStorepass(String s) { storepass = s; } /** Alias for the private key. */ public void setAlias(String s) { alias = s; } } private File productDir = null; private File file = null; private File manifest = null; /** see #13850 for explanation */ private String moduleName = null; private String homepage = null; private String distribution = null; private String needsrestart = null; private String moduleauthor = null; private String releasedate = null; private Blurb license = null; private Blurb description = null; private Blurb notification = null; private Signature signature = null; private long mostRecentInput = 0L; private boolean isStandardInclude = true; private Vector externalPackages = null; /** Include netbeans directory - default is true */ public void setIsStandardInclude(boolean isStandardInclude) { this.isStandardInclude = isStandardInclude; } /** Directory of the product's files */ public void setProductDir( File dir ) { productDir = dir; } /** Name of resulting NBM file. */ public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } /** Module manifest needed for versioning. * @deprecated Use {@link #setModule} instead. */ public void setManifest(File manifest) { this.manifest = manifest; long lmod = manifest.lastModified(); if (lmod > mostRecentInput) mostRecentInput = lmod; log(getLocation() + "The 'manifest' attr on is deprecated, please use 'module' instead", Project.MSG_WARN); } /** Module JAR needed for generating the info file. * Information may be gotten either from its manifest, * or if it declares OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle in its * manifest, from that bundle. * The base locale variant, if any, is also checked if necessary * for the named bundle. * Currently no other locale variants of the module are examined; * the information is available but there is no published specification * of what the resulting variant NBMs (or variant information within * the NBM) should look like. */ public void setModule(String module) { this.moduleName = module; // mostRecentInput updated below... } /** URL to a home page describing the module. */ public void setHomepage (String homepage) { this.homepage = homepage; } /** Does module need IDE restart to be installed? */ public void setNeedsrestart (String needsrestart) { this.needsrestart = needsrestart; } /** Name of module's author. */ public void setModuleauthor (String author) { this.moduleauthor = author; } /** Release date of NBM. */ public void setReleasedate (String date) { this.releasedate = date; } /** URL where this NBM file is expected to be downloadable from. */ public void setDistribution (String distribution) throws BuildException { if (distribution.startsWith("http://")) { //NOI18N this.distribution = distribution; } else if (!(distribution.equals(""))) { // workaround for typical bug in build script this.distribution = "http://" + distribution; //NOI18N } else { throw new BuildException("Distribution URL is empty, check build.xml file", location); } // check the URL try { URI uri =; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ile) { throw new BuildException ("Distribution URL \""+this.distribution+"\" is not a valid URI", ile, location); } } public Blurb createLicense () { return (license = new Blurb ()); } public Blurb createNotification () { return (notification = new Blurb ()); } public Blurb createDescription () { log(getLocation() + "The subelement in is deprecated except for emergency patches, please ensure your module has an OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description instead", Project.MSG_WARN); return (description = new Blurb ()); } public Signature createSignature () { return (signature = new Signature ()); } public ExternalPackage createExternalPackage(){ ExternalPackage externalPackage = new ExternalPackage (); if (externalPackages == null) externalPackages = new Vector(); externalPackages.add( externalPackage ); return externalPackage; } public void execute () throws BuildException { if (productDir == null) throw new BuildException("must set directory of compiled product", location); if (file == null) throw new BuildException ("must set file for makenbm", location); if (manifest == null && moduleName == null) throw new BuildException ("must set module for makenbm", location); if (manifest != null && moduleName != null) throw new BuildException("cannot set both manifest and module for makenbm", location); File file; String rootDir = getProject ().getProperty (""); if (rootDir != null && !rootDir.equals ("")) { file = new File (rootDir, this.file.getName ()); } else { file = this.file; } // If desired, override the license and/or URL. // overrideURLIfNeeded() ; overrideLicenseIfNeeded() ; File module = new File( productDir, moduleName ); // Will create a file Info/info.xml to be stored in tmp File infofile = null; Attributes attr = null; if (module != null) { // The normal case; read attributes from its manifest and maybe bundle. long mMod = module.lastModified(); if (mostRecentInput < mMod) mostRecentInput = mMod; try { JarFile modulejar = new JarFile(module); try { attr = modulejar.getManifest().getMainAttributes(); String bundlename = attr.getValue("OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle"); //NOI18N if (bundlename != null) { Properties p = new Properties(); ZipEntry bundleentry = modulejar.getEntry(bundlename); if (bundleentry != null) { InputStream is = modulejar.getInputStream(bundleentry); try { p.load(is); } finally { is.close(); } } else { // Not found in main JAR, check locale variant JAR. File variant = new File(new File(module.getParentFile(), "locale"), module.getName()); //NOI18N if (! variant.isFile()) throw new BuildException(bundlename + " not found in " + module, location); //NOI18N long vmMod = variant.lastModified(); if (mostRecentInput < vmMod) mostRecentInput = vmMod; ZipFile variantjar = new ZipFile(variant); try { bundleentry = variantjar.getEntry(bundlename); if (bundleentry == null) throw new BuildException(bundlename + " not found in " + module + " nor in " + variant, location); InputStream is = variantjar.getInputStream(bundleentry); try { p.load(is); } finally { is.close(); } } finally { variantjar.close(); } } // Now pick up attributes from the bundle. Iterator it = p.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String name = (String)entry.getKey(); if (! name.startsWith("OpenIDE-Module-")) continue; //NOI18N attr.putValue(name, (String)entry.getValue()); } } // else all loc attrs in main manifest, OK } finally { modulejar.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException("exception while reading " + module, ioe, location); } } try { infofile = File.createTempFile("info",".xml"); OutputStream infoStream = new FileOutputStream (infofile); try { PrintWriter ps = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(infoStream, "UTF-8")); //NOI18N // Begin writing XML. ps.println (""); //NOI18N ps.println(""); //NOI18N String codenamebase = attr.getValue ("OpenIDE-Module"); //NOI18N if (codenamebase == null) throw new BuildException ("invalid manifest, does not contain OpenIDE-Module", location); // Strip major release number if any. int idx = codenamebase.lastIndexOf ('/'); //NOI18N if (idx != -1) codenamebase = codenamebase.substring (0, idx); ps.println (""); //NOI18N if (description != null) { ps.print (" "); //NOI18N ps.print (description.getText ()); ps.println (""); //NOI18N } if (notification != null) { ps.print(" "); //NOI18N ps.print(notification.getText()); ps.println(""); //NOI18N } if (externalPackages != null) { Enumeration exp = externalPackages.elements(); while (exp.hasMoreElements()) { ExternalPackage externalPackage = (ExternalPackage) exp.nextElement(); if ( == null || externalPackage.targetName == null || externalPackage.startUrl == null) throw new BuildException("Must define name, targetname, starturl for external package"); ps.print(" "); //NOI18N } } // Write manifest attributes. ps.print (" Iterator it = attr.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { attrNames.add(((Attributes.Name); } Collections.sort(attrNames); it = attrNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String); // Ignore irrelevant attributes (cf. www/www/dtds/autoupdate-catalog-2_0.dtd // and www/www/dtds/autoupdate-info-2_0.dtd): if (! name.startsWith("OpenIDE-Module")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Install")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Layer")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Description")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Package-Dependency-Message")) continue; //NOI18N if (name.equals("OpenIDE-Module-Public-Packages")) continue; //NOI18N if (firstline) firstline = false; else ps.print (" "); ps.println(name + "=\"" + xmlEscape(attr.getValue(name)) + "\""); //NOI18N } ps.println (" />"); //NOI18N // Maybe write out license text. if (license != null) { ps.print (" "); //NOI18N ps.print (license.getText ()); ps.println (""); //NOI18N } ps.println (""); //NOI18N ps.flush(); } finally { infoStream.close (); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException ("exception when creating Info/info.xml", e, location); } infofile.deleteOnExit(); ZipFileSet infoXML = new ZipFileSet(); infoXML.setFile( infofile ); infoXML.setFullpath("Info/info.xml"); String codename = attr.getValue("OpenIDE-Module"); if (codename == null) new BuildException( "Can't get codenamebase" ); UpdateTracking tracking = new UpdateTracking(productDir.getAbsolutePath()); String files[] = tracking.getListOfNBM( codename ); ZipFileSet fs = new ZipFileSet(); fs.setDir( productDir ); for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) fs.createInclude().setName( files[i] ); fs.setPrefix("netbeans/"); // JAR it all up together. long jarModified = file.lastModified (); // may be 0 //log ("Ensuring existence of NBM file " + file); Jar jar = (Jar) project.createTask ("jar"); //NOI18N jar.setJarfile (file); jar.addZipfileset(fs); jar.addFileset (infoXML); jar.setCompress(true); jar.setLocation (location); jar.init (); jar.execute (); // Print messages if we overrode anything. // if( file.lastModified () != jarModified) { if( overrideLicense()) { log( "Overriding license with: " + getLicenseOverride()) ; } if( overrideURL()) { log( "Overriding homepage URL with: " + getURLOverride()) ; } } // Maybe sign it. if (signature != null && file.lastModified () != jarModified) { if (signature.keystore == null) throw new BuildException ("must define keystore attribute on "); if (signature.storepass == null) throw new BuildException ("must define storepass attribute on "); if (signature.alias == null) throw new BuildException ("must define alias attribute on "); if (signature.storepass.equals ("?") || !signature.keystore.exists()) { log ("Not signing NBM file " + file + "; no stored-key password provided or keystore (" + signature.keystore.toString() + ") doesn't exist", Project.MSG_WARN); } else { log ("Signing NBM file " + file); SignJar signjar = (SignJar) project.createTask ("signjar"); //NOI18N //I have to use Reflection API, because there was changed API in ANT1.5 try { try { Class[] paramsT = {String.class}; Object[] paramsV1 = {signature.keystore.getAbsolutePath()}; Object[] paramsV2 = {file.getAbsolutePath()}; signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setKeystore", paramsT ).invoke( signjar, paramsV1 ); //NOI18N signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setJar", paramsT ).invoke( signjar, paramsV2 ); //NOI18N } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex1) { //Probably ANT 1.5 try { Class[] paramsT = {File.class}; Object[] paramsV1 = {signature.keystore}; Object[] paramsV2 = {file}; signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setKeystore", paramsT ).invoke( signjar, paramsV1 ); //NOI18N signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setJar", paramsT ).invoke( signjar, paramsV2 ); //NOI18N } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex2) { //Probably ANT1.5.2 try { Class[] paramsT1 = {File.class}; Class[] paramsT2 = {String.class}; Object[] paramsV1 = {signature.keystore.getAbsolutePath()}; Object[] paramsV2 = {file}; signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setKeystore", paramsT2 ).invoke( signjar, paramsV1 ); //NOI18N signjar.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "setJar", paramsT1 ).invoke( signjar, paramsV2 ); //NOI18N } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex3) { throw new BuildException("Unknown ANT version, only ANT 1.4.1 is currently supported and ANT 1.4.1+ is acceptable."); } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex3) { throw new BuildException(ex3); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ex4) { throw new BuildException(ex4); } signjar.setStorepass (signature.storepass); signjar.setAlias (signature.alias); signjar.setLocation (location); signjar.init (); signjar.execute (); } } } /** This returns true if the license should be overridden. */ protected boolean overrideLicense() { return( getLicenseOverride() != null) ; } /** Get the license to use if the license should be overridden, * otherwise return null. */ protected String getLicenseOverride() { String s = getProject().getProperty( "makenbm.override.license") ; //NOI18N if( s != null) { if( s.equals( "")) { s = null ; } } return( s) ; } /** This returns true if the homepage URL should be overridden. */ protected boolean overrideURL() { return( getURLOverride() != null) ; } /** Get the homepage URL to use if it should be overridden, * otherwise return null. */ protected String getURLOverride() { String s = getProject().getProperty( "makenbm.override.url") ; //NOI18N if( s != null) { if( s.equals( "")) { //NOI18N s = null ; } } return( s) ; } /** If required, this will create a new license using the override * license file. */ protected void overrideLicenseIfNeeded() { if( overrideLicense()) { license = new Blurb() ; license.setFile( new File( getLicenseOverride())) ; } } /** If required, this will set the homepage URL using the * override value. */ protected void overrideURLIfNeeded() { if( overrideURL()) { homepage = getURLOverride() ; } } }

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