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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.modules;

import java.beans.Beans;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.TopManager;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.SharedClassObject;

/** A description of a module that is constructed from the module's manifest file.
* This provides a convenient way to parse a manifest file.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach, Ian Formanek, Jesse Glick
* @deprecated No longer used; see {@link org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo} instead.
public final class ModuleDescription extends Object {
    static {
        if (ErrorManager.getDefault().isNotifiable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Throwable("WARNING: use of deprecated class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription")); // NOI18N

    // [PENDING] use ErrorManager instead
    private static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.getBoolean ("org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription.VERBOSE"); // NOI18N

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global tags

    /** Global tag for whole module. Identifies the JAR as a module and gives its code name. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_MAGIC = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module"); // NOI18N
    /** Display name of module. May be localized, e.g. OpenIDE-Module-Name_cs. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_NAME = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Name"); // NOI18N
    /** Short description of module. May be localized, e.g. OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description_cs. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description"); // NOI18N
    /** Long description of module.
     * May be localized, e.g. OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description_cs.
     * @since 1.1.6
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_LONG_DESCRIPTION = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description"); // NOI18N
    /** Category of module for display purposes. May be localized, e.g. OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category_cs. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_CATEGORY = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category"); // NOI18N

    private static final Comparator codeNameComparator = new Comparator () {
                public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) {
                    ModuleDescription md1 = (ModuleDescription) o1;
                    ModuleDescription md2 = (ModuleDescription) o2;
                    return md1.getCodeName ().compareTo (md2.getCodeName ());

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Versioning tags

    /** Specification version tag for whole module. Identifies the specification version of the module. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_SPEC_VERSION = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version"); // NOI18N
    /** Implementation version tag for whole module. Identifies the implementation version of the module. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_IMPL_VERSION = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version"); // NOI18N

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Dependency tags

    /** Module dependency tag for whole module. Identifies the modules on which this module depends. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_MODULE_DEPENDENCIES = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies"); // NOI18N
    /** Package dependency tag for whole module. Identifies the package versions on which this module depends. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Package-Dependencies"); // NOI18N
    /** Java dependency tag for whole module. Identifies the Java version on which this module depends. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_JAVA_DEPENDENCIES = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Java-Dependencies"); // NOI18N
    /** IDE dependency tag for whole module. Identifies the version of the core IDE on which this module depends. */
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_IDE_DEPENDENCIES = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-IDE-Dependencies"); // NOI18N

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ModuleInstall tags

    /** Name of (optional) main class. Must be public with a no-argument public constructor, and
    * implement {@link org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall}.
    public static final Attributes.Name TAG_MAIN = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Install"); // NOI18N

    /** Name of (optional) XML filesystem layer.
     * This is given in the global attributes of a module.
     * Should be given as a resource path such as:
* The path will be treated as localizable, so for example * the above path may actually load: *
*/ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_LAYER = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Layer"); // NOI18N // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module content tags /** Name of an (optional) JavaHelp-style help set. * May be localized. *

For example, the value org.netbeans.module.Index will look for one of the following, according to locale: *

    * /org/netbeans/module/Index_cs.html
    * /org/netbeans/module/Index.html
*/ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_DESCRIPTION = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Description"); // NOI18N // [PENDING] icon tag /** Tag for a section. Identifies that the entry is specially treated somehow. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_SECTION_CLASS = new Attributes.Name ("OpenIDE-Module-Class"); // NOI18N /** "Action" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_ACTION = "Action"; // NOI18N /** "Option" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_OPTION = "Option"; // NOI18N /** "Loader" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_LOADER = "Loader"; // NOI18N /** Option to install this loader before another. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_INSTALL_BEFORE = new Attributes.Name ("Install-Before"); // NOI18N /** Option to install this loader after another. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_INSTALL_AFTER = new Attributes.Name ("Install-After"); // NOI18N /** "Filesystem" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_FILESYSTEM = "Filesystem"; // NOI18N /** Display name of a file system type. Used e.g. in popup menus to add a new instance to the Repository. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_FILESYSTEM_NAME = new Attributes.Name ("Display-Name"); // NOI18N /** Help resource for a file system. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_FILESYSTEM_HELP = new Attributes.Name ("Help"); // NOI18N /** "Service" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_SERVICE = "Service"; // NOI18N /** Whether this service should be the default for its category. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_SERVICE_DEFAULT = new Attributes.Name ("Default"); // NOI18N /** "Debugger" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_DEBUGGER = "Debugger"; // NOI18N /** "Node" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_NODE = "Node"; // NOI18N /** Option to distingiush between different types of nodes. *

Currently the possible types are Environment, Roots, * and Session. If the attribute * is missing, Environment is assumed. */ public static final Attributes.Name TAG_NODE_TYPE = new Attributes.Name ("Type"); // NOI18N /** "ClipboardConvertor" module section. */ // NOI18N public static final String SECTION_CLIPBOARD_CONVERTOR = "ClipboardConvertor"; // NOI18N // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private variables /** classloader to use when creating module installables */ ClassLoader cl; /** (display) name of module */ private String moduleName; // code name of module private String codeName; /** short description */ private String shortDescription; /** long description */ private String longDescription; /** display category */ private String displayCategory; /** main class instance class */ private String mainClass; /** true if main class was actually a *.ser and not *.class */ private boolean mainClassSer; /** main class instance */ private ModuleInstall main; /** layer resource path */ private String layerResource; /** URL to filesystem layer */ private URL layer; /** specification vesion */ private String specVersion; /** implementation version */ private String implVersion; // Dependencies of various sorts. Elements are of type Dependency. private Set dependenciesSet; /** resource for description */ private String description; /** list of sections in the module */ private ManifestSection[] sections; /** set of instance classes which do not come from the classloader cl */ final Set badClasses = new HashSet (); // Set // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor /** Create new description from a provided manifest file. * It is assumed that the JAR file is already known to the current Repository class loader. * @param name name of the JAR file * @param man the manifest file within that JAR * @exception IllegalModuleException if there is an error reading the description * @deprecated Better to explicitly provide a classloader. */ public ModuleDescription (String name, Manifest man) throws IllegalModuleException { this (name, man, TopManager.getDefault ().currentClassLoader ()); } /** Create new description from a provided manifest file and classloader. * @param name name of the JAR file * @param man the manifest file within that JAR * @param cl classloader which should be able to find objects mentioned in the manifest; * if null, must be set later with {@link #setClassLoader} * @exception IllegalModuleException if there is an error reading the description */ public ModuleDescription (String name, Manifest man, ClassLoader cl) throws IllegalModuleException { setClassLoader (cl); createDescription (name, man); if (VERBOSE) { System.err.println ("Making module description for " + this); Enumeration en = dependencies (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) System.err.println ("\t=>" + (Dependency) en.nextElement ()); } } /** Create new description from a fixed JAR file on disk (for testing). * This constructor may be conveniently used to test parsing of a module JAR, * as well as testing cross-dependencies and so on. * Both the Repository and the JAR itself will be searched for classes. * @param jar the JAR file * @deprecated Only for testing. * @throws IllegalModuleException if there is an error reading the description * @throws IOException if the JAR file could not be opened or read */ public ModuleDescription (File jar) throws IllegalModuleException, IOException { this (jar.getPath (), new Manifest (new FileInputStream (jar)), new URLClassLoader (new URL[] { jar.getCanonicalFile ().toURL () }, TopManager.getDefault ().currentClassLoader ())); } /** Create new description from a string (for testing). * This constructor may be conveniently used to test parsing of a module JAR, * as well as testing cross-dependencies and so on. * The Repository will be searched for classes. * @param text the full text of the manifest file * @deprecated Only for testing. * @throws IllegalModuleException if there is an error reading the description * @throws IOException should not be thrown */ public ModuleDescription (String text) throws IllegalModuleException, IOException { this ("/no/path/to/", new Manifest (new ByteArrayInputStream (text.getBytes ()))); // NOI18N } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public interface /** Get display name of the module. * @return the name * @see #TAG_NAME */ public String getName () { return moduleName; } /** Get the module's short description (like a tool tip). * @return the short description, or null if unspecified * @see #TAG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION */ public String getShortDescription () { return shortDescription; } /** Get the module's long description (paragraph-length summary). * @return the long description, or null if unspecified * @see #TAG_LONG_DESCRIPTION * @since 1.1.6 */ public String getLongDescription () { return longDescription; } /** Get the module's display category. * @return the display category, or null if unspecified * @see #TAG_CATEGORY */ public String getDisplayCategory () { return displayCategory; } /** Get code name of the module. * @return the code name (should not normally change between releases except to indicate incompatible changes) * @see #TAG_MAGIC */ public String getCodeName () { return codeName; } /** Get code name base of the module. * E.g. for the code name foo/3, this would give foo. * @return the code name base (should not change between releases) * @see #getCodeName */ public String getCodeNameBase () { int slash = codeName.indexOf ("/"); // NOI18N if (slash == -1) return codeName; else return codeName.substring (0, slash); } /** Get the major release number of the module code name. * E.g. for the code name foo/3, this would give 3. * @return the release number (should change between releases to indicate incompatible changes), or -1 if unspecified * @see #getCodeName */ public int getCodeNameRelease () { int slash = codeName.indexOf ("/"); // NOI18N if (slash == -1) return -1; else return Integer.parseInt (codeName.substring (slash + 1)); } /** Get the classloader used to load this module. * @return its classloader */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader () { return cl; } /** Set the classloader used to load this module. * May be null, in which case resources associated with this module are cleared; * before attempting to load anything again, the loader must be set back to something. * @param cl the classloader */ public synchronized void setClassLoader (ClassLoader cl) { if ( != null && cl == null) { // Clear all cached objects. main = null; layer = null; badClasses.clear (); for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { sections[i].release (); } } = cl; if (VERBOSE) showLoader (); } /** Get a set of classes that were not loaded by the requested classloader. * @return a set of {@link Class} * @see #getClassLoader */ public Set getBadClasses () { return Collections.unmodifiableSet (badClasses); } /** Get the main hook object of the module (to run hooks from). * If the module did not specify a main class, a dummy will be returned instead. * * @return main object of the module * @see #TAG_MAIN */ public synchronized ModuleInstall getModule () { try { if (mainClass != null) { /* System.err.println("ModuleDescription.getModule; cl=" + cl); if (cl != null && cl instanceof {[] urls = (( cl).getURLs (); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) System.err.println("\t" + urls[i]); } */ if (mainClassSer) { main = (ModuleInstall) Beans.instantiate (cl, mainClass); } else { main = (ModuleInstall) SharedClassObject.findObject (Class.forName (mainClass, true, cl), true); } if (! mainClassSer && main.getClass ().getClassLoader () != cl) badClasses.add (main.getClass ()); } // do not try anymore mainClass = null; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof ClassNotFoundException) showLoader (); TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ex); } if (main == null) { main = MODULE_NONE; } return main; } void showLoader () { System.err.println ("Offending classloader: " + cl); // NOI18N showLoader0 (cl); } private static void showLoader0 (ClassLoader cl) { if (cl != null) { showLoader0 (cl.getParent ()); if (cl instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) cl).getURLs (); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) System.err.println ("\t" + urls[i]); // NOI18N } } } /** Get the filesystem layer. * If non-null, will be a pointer to an * XML filesystem which should be added by the module * as a project layer. * @return a URL to the layer, or null if none was specified * @deprecated {@link #getLayerResource} actually used now */ public synchronized URL getLayer () { if (layerResource != null) { // Try at most once to load it, otherwise it will be null. try { int idx = layerResource.lastIndexOf ('.'); // [PENDING] supply proper localized exception: if (idx == -1) throw new MalformedURLException (); String base = layerResource.substring (0, idx).replace ('/', '.'); String ext = layerResource.substring (idx + 1); layer = NbBundle.getLocalizedFile (base, ext, Locale.getDefault (), cl); } catch (Exception e) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (e); } layerResource = null; } return layer; } /** Get the resource path to the filesystem layer. * @return the resource path, or null */ public String getLayerResource () { return layerResource; } /** Get a URL to a page describing the module. * @return the URL of a JavaHelp HelpSet file, or * null if the module did not specify a description * @see #TAG_DESCRIPTION * @exception IllegalStateException if the tag is specified but the HelpSet file was not found * @deprecated Currently disused in favor of {@link #getDescriptionResource} */ public URL getDescription () { if (description == null) return null; ErrorManager em = ErrorManager.getDefault (); /* try { URL u = new URL ("nbresloc:/" + description.replace ('.', '/') + ".hs"); // NOI18N try { u.openConnection ().connect (); return u; } catch (IOException ex) { // Well, maybe we need the specified classloader; try that. */ if (cl == null) throw (IllegalStateException) em.annotate (new IllegalStateException (), new NullPointerException ()); try { return NbBundle.getLocalizedFile (description, "hs", Locale.getDefault (), cl); // NOI18N } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException (); //em.annotate (ise, ex); throw (IllegalStateException) em.annotate (ise, mre); } /* } } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) { throw (IllegalStateException) em.annotate (new IllegalStateException (), mfue); } */ } /** Get JavaHelp helpset as a resource path. * This returns a resource path to the base-locale helpset. * @return the path to the helpset, or null if no helpset was specified */ public String getDescriptionResource () { if (description == null) { return null; } else { return description.replace ('.', '/') + ".hs"; // NOI18N } } /** Iterates over all entries found in the module. It sends all the entries * to the provided iterator's callback methods. * * @param it iterator over all sections */ public synchronized void forEachSection (ManifestSection.Iterator it) { int s = sections.length; List al = new LinkedList (); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { try { sections[i].invokeIterator (it); al.add (sections[i]); } catch (Exception ex) { TopManager.getDefault().notifyException(ex); // extract the section } } if (sections.length > al.size ()) sections = (ManifestSection[]) al.toArray (new ManifestSection[al.size ()]); } /** Get all dependencies. * @return an enumeration of {@link ModuleDescription.Dependency}s * @see #getDependencies */ public Enumeration dependencies () { return Collections.enumeration (dependenciesSet); } /** Get a list of all dependencies. * @return the dependencies * @see #dependencies */ public Dependency[] getDependencies () { return (Dependency[]) dependenciesSet.toArray (new Dependency[dependenciesSet.size()]); } /** Get the specification version of this module. * @return the spec version, or null * @see #TAG_SPEC_VERSION */ public String getSpecVersion () { return specVersion; } /** Get the implementation version of this module. * @return the impl version, or null * @see #TAG_IMPL_VERSION */ public String getImplVersion () { return implVersion; } /** Check whether this description satisfies all of its dependencies, and if not say why. * @param otherModules other modules which this module might require * @return null if satisfied, else text explaining why it was not * @see ModuleDescription.Dependency#checkForMiss */ public String reasonWhyUnsatisfied (ModuleDescription[] otherModules) throws IllegalModuleException { if (VERBOSE) System.err.println ("Checking all dependencies for " + this); String reason = null; Iterator it = dependenciesSet.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Dependency dep = (Dependency) (); String miss = dep.checkForMiss (otherModules); if (miss != null) { // String text = getStringFormatted ("MSG_Why_Dep_Failed", getName (), getCodeName (), dep.toString (), miss); // NOI18N if (reason == null) reason = getStringFormatted ("MSG_Why_Dep_Failed", getName (), getCodeName () ) + miss; // NOI18N //reason = text; else reason += "\n" + miss; // NOI18N } } return reason; } /** Check whether this description depends on another module. * This does not check whether the dependency is fully satisfied (i.e. the versions match); * it only checks whether there is some sort of dependency or not. * Also note that implicit dependencies within sections, e.g. the implicit dependency one module * may have on another based on loader pool installation or whatnot, is not considered at all. * Modules are considered to depend on themselves. * @param other the other module to compare to * @return true if this module states that it depends on the other in its dependency list, false if it makes no such statement * @see #TAG_MODULE_DEPENDENCIES */ public boolean dependsOnModule (ModuleDescription other) { if (this == other || codeName.equals (other.codeName)) return true; Iterator it = dependenciesSet.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Dependency dep = (Dependency); if (dep.getType () == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE && dep.getName ().equals (other.getCodeName ())) return true; } return false; } public String toString () { return getStringFormatted ("DBG_Module_ToString", getCodeName (), getName ()); // NOI18N } /** Resolve the proper ordering of a set of modules. * Checks the dependencies among the modules and attempts to order them * according to a topological sort based on cross-dependencies. * Where the ordering is not otherwise specified, orders modules alphabetically based on code name. * @param modules a set of ModuleDescriptions to be installed * @return a list of the same ModuleDescriptions in the order in which they should be installed * @throws IllegalModuleException if the ordering cannot be resolved (for example, due to a cyclic dependency) * @see #dependsOnModule */ public static List resolveOrdering (Set modules) throws IllegalModuleException { if (VERBOSE) { System.err.println ("Incoming module list: "); Iterator it0 = modules.iterator (); while (it0.hasNext ()) System.err.println ("\t" + (ModuleDescription) ()); } // Not a Knuth-quality topological sort here by any means! Oh well. // Predetermine all cross-dependencies (for speed). // This is a map from MD to set of MD's it depends on (not incl. itself). Map crossdeps = new HashMap (); // Map> Iterator it1 = modules.iterator (); while (it1.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription md = (ModuleDescription) (); Set thisdeps = new HashSet (); // Set Iterator it2 = modules.iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription other = (ModuleDescription) (); if (md == other) continue; if (md.dependsOnModule (other)) thisdeps.add (other); } crossdeps.put (md, thisdeps); } // Order the modules alphabetically into a new set. SortedSet sorted = new TreeSet (codeNameComparator); // SortedSet sorted.addAll (modules); if (sorted.size () != modules.size ()) throwOverlapException (modules, sorted); // The result list. List result = new ArrayList (); // List // Iteratively look for modules with no remaining dependencies. // We will remove items from sorted as we go and add them to result. pullin_em_out: while (sorted.size () > 0) { // System.err.println ("Sorted set size at " + sorted.size ()); Iterator it3 = sorted.iterator (); while (it3.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription test = (ModuleDescription) (); Set remainingDeps = (Set) crossdeps.get (test); if (remainingDeps.size () == 0) { // System.err.println ("Removing " + test.getName () + " (leaf count at " + leafCount + ")"); result.add (test); it3.remove (); // Kill deps on this from other modules. Iterator it4 = sorted.iterator (); while (it4.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription othermod = (ModuleDescription) (); if (othermod == test) throw new IllegalModuleException ("Should not happen."); // NOI18N Set otherdeps = (Set) crossdeps.get (othermod); otherdeps.remove (test); } continue pullin_em_out; } } // OK, there were none pulled out on this round => cyclic dependency. // Display a list of all modules that had cyclic dependencies, sep'd by commas. Iterator it5 = sorted.iterator (); boolean first = true; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (); while (it5.hasNext ()) { if (first) first = false; else buf.append ("; "); // NOI18N ModuleDescription bad = (ModuleDescription) (); buf.append (bad.getName ()); buf.append (" (=> "); // NOI18N boolean firstagain = true; Iterator it6 = ((Set) crossdeps.get (bad)).iterator (); while (it6.hasNext ()) { if (firstagain) firstagain = false; else buf.append (", "); // NOI18N buf.append (((ModuleDescription) ()).getName ()); } buf.append (")"); // NOI18N } throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Cyclic", buf.toString ())); // NOI18N } if (VERBOSE) { System.err.println ("Outgoing module list: "); Iterator hookah2 = result.iterator (); while (hookah2.hasNext ()) System.err.println ("\t" + (ModuleDescription) ()); } return result; } /** Throw IllegalModuleException indicating a module code name overlap. For convenience. * @param incoming raw set of modules with duplicates * @param checked sorted set of modules with duplicates removed * @throws IllegalModuleException always */ private static void throwOverlapException (Set incoming, SortedSet checked) throws IllegalModuleException { // By popular request, this message should be more helpful now: StringBuffer overlaps = new StringBuffer (); Map occurrences = new HashMap (); // Map Iterator it = incoming.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription md = (ModuleDescription) (); String cn = md.getCodeName (); Integer count = (Integer) occurrences.get (cn); if (count == null) occurrences.put (cn, new Integer (1)); else occurrences.put (cn, new Integer (count.intValue () + 1)); } boolean firstOverlap = true; Iterator it2 = occurrences.keySet ().iterator (); while (it2.hasNext ()) { String codeName = (String) (); Integer count2 = (Integer) occurrences.get (codeName); if (count2.intValue () > 1) { if (firstOverlap) firstOverlap = false; else overlaps.append (' '); overlaps.append (codeName); overlaps.append ('('); overlaps.append (count2.toString ()); overlaps.append (')'); } } throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Overlapping_Code_Names", // NOI18N String.valueOf (checked.size ()), String.valueOf (incoming.size () - checked.size ()), ModuleDescription.TAG_MAGIC.toString (), overlaps.toString ())); } /** Actually generate a list of newly-installable modules in this IDE (but do not install them). * Checks all of their dependencies, and orders them properly. * If any are missing dependencies, they are removed from the set * (after notifying the user), and the remainder are reexamined in case * other modules are now missing a dependency. They are ordered in the normal fashion. * If there are exceptions in any calculations (not just missed dependencies), * these are propagated without any attempt at further error recovery. * @param restored a set of ModuleDescriptions for already-installed modules which should have already been restored * @param installed a set of ModuleDescriptions for modules which are intended for installation and may be returned * @return a (possibly empty) list of ModuleDescriptions for modules which may be installed, in the order in which they should be installed; will be a subset of installed * @throws IllegalModuleException if any problem is encountered other than missed dependencies */ public static List resolveOrderingForRealInstall (Set restored, Set installed) throws IllegalModuleException { if (VERBOSE) System.err.println ("rOFRI called."); { // Check that there are not overlaps anywhere. SortedSet doubleCheck = new TreeSet (codeNameComparator); doubleCheck.addAll (restored); doubleCheck.addAll (installed); int actual = doubleCheck.size (); int presumed = restored.size () + installed.size (); if (actual != presumed) { Set combined = new HashSet (); combined.addAll (restored); combined.addAll (installed); throwOverlapException (combined, doubleCheck); } } // List of messages for modules which are *not* to be installed. List missed = new ArrayList (); // List // Set of modules which will actually be installed. Set actual = new HashSet (); // Set actual.addAll (installed); int misscount; // this time around do { misscount = 0; Iterator it = actual.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { ModuleDescription test = (ModuleDescription) (); Set whatCanIStillUse = new HashSet (); // Set whatCanIStillUse.addAll (restored); whatCanIStillUse.addAll (actual); String miss = test.reasonWhyUnsatisfied ((ModuleDescription[]) whatCanIStillUse.toArray (new ModuleDescription[whatCanIStillUse.size()])); if (miss != null) { misscount++; it.remove (); missed.add (miss); } } } while (misscount > 0); /* if (missed.size () > 0) { TopManager.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Message (new Object[] { getStringFormatted ("MSG_Some_Missed", "" + missed.size (), "" + actual.size (), "" + (actual.size () + missed.size ())), (String[]) missed.toArray (new String[missed.size ()]) })); } */ return resolveOrdering (actual); } /** Check whether specification versions are compatible. * True if older version is less-than-or-equal-to newer version acc. to a Dewey-decimal lexicographic compare. *

This algorithm should hopefully match that used by the Java Versioning specification * (which unfortunately does not make its algorithm public). * @param older the presumed older version * @param newer the presumed newer version * @throws IllegalModuleException in case of a number format error * @see Package */ public static boolean compatibleWith (String older, String newer) throws IllegalModuleException { if (older == null || newer == null) return false; StringTokenizer oldTok = new StringTokenizer (older, "."); // NOI18N StringTokenizer newTok = new StringTokenizer (newer, "."); // NOI18N while (oldTok.hasMoreTokens () || newTok.hasMoreTokens ()) { if (! newTok.hasMoreTokens ()) // E.g. 1.2.3 vs. 1.2: return false; if (! oldTok.hasMoreTokens ()) // E.g. 1.2 vs. 1.2.3: return true; String oldElt=oldTok.nextToken (); String newElt=newTok.nextToken (); int oldNum = 0, newNum = 0; try { oldNum = Integer.parseInt (oldElt); newNum = Integer.parseInt (newElt); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // [PENDING] I18N IllegalModuleException ime = new IllegalModuleException (older + "<" + newer + "?"); // NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault ().annotate (ime, e); throw ime; } if (oldNum < 0 || newNum < 0) return false; if (oldNum < newNum) // E.g. 1.2 vs. 1.3: return true; if (oldNum > newNum) // E.g. 1.3 vs. 1.2: return false; // Continue... } // Equal: return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private methods /** Check whether a possible code name is valid. */ static void checkCodeName (String codeName, boolean slashOK) throws IllegalModuleException { checkCodeName ("", codeName, slashOK); // NOI18N } /** Check whether a possible code name is valid. * @param moduleName name of module that contains this code name or "" if not known * @param codeName code name of the module */ static void checkCodeName (String moduleName, String codeName, boolean slashOK) throws IllegalModuleException { String base; int slash = codeName.indexOf ("/"); // NOI18N int release; if (slash == -1) { base = codeName; release = -1; } else { if (! slashOK) { throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_slash_not_permitted", codeName, moduleName)); // NOI18N } base = codeName.substring (0, slash); try { release = Integer.parseInt (codeName.substring (slash + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Non_Numeric_Release", codeName, moduleName)); // NOI18N } } for (int ch = 0; ch < base.length (); ch++) { char c = base.charAt (ch); if (! (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart (c) || c == '.')) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Char_In_Code_Name", codeName, moduleName)); // NOI18N } } /** Check whether a possible specification version is valid. */ static void checkSpec (String spec) throws IllegalModuleException { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer (spec, ".", true); // NOI18N if (tok.countTokens () % 2 == 0) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Spec", spec)); for (int i = 0; tok.hasMoreTokens (); i++) { String piece = tok.nextToken (); if (i % 2 == 0) { try { int x = Integer.parseInt (piece); if (x < 0) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Spec", spec)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Spec", spec)); } } else { if (! ".".equals (piece)) // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Spec", spec)); } } } /** Creates description of the module grabbed from the jar archive manifest. * @return module description * @exception IllegalModuleException if there is error reading the description */ private void createDescription (String name, Manifest man) throws IllegalModuleException { Attributes attr = man.getMainAttributes (); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global tags : required: TAG_MAGIC codeName = attr.getValue (TAG_MAGIC); if (codeName == null) { // not module throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Not_A_Module", TAG_MAGIC.toString (), name)); // NOI18N } checkCodeName (name, codeName, true); moduleName = (String) NbBundle.getLocalizedValue (attr, TAG_NAME); if (moduleName == null) { String str = name; int from = str.lastIndexOf('/'); int till = str.lastIndexOf('.'); moduleName = str.substring((from == -1) ? 0 : from + 1, (till == -1) ? str.length() : till); } shortDescription = (String) NbBundle.getLocalizedValue (attr, TAG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION); longDescription = (String) NbBundle.getLocalizedValue (attr, TAG_LONG_DESCRIPTION); displayCategory = (String) NbBundle.getLocalizedValue (attr, TAG_CATEGORY); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Versioning tags specVersion = attr.getValue (TAG_SPEC_VERSION); if (specVersion != null) checkSpec (specVersion); implVersion = attr.getValue (TAG_IMPL_VERSION); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dependency tags dependenciesSet = new HashSet (); parseDependencies (Dependency.TYPE_MODULE, attr.getValue (TAG_MODULE_DEPENDENCIES), dependenciesSet); parseDependencies (Dependency.TYPE_PACKAGE, attr.getValue (TAG_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES), dependenciesSet); parseDependencies (Dependency.TYPE_JAVA, attr.getValue (TAG_JAVA_DEPENDENCIES), dependenciesSet); parseDependencies (Dependency.TYPE_IDE, attr.getValue (TAG_IDE_DEPENDENCIES), dependenciesSet); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ModuleInstall tags mainClass = attr.getValue (TAG_MAIN); if (mainClass != null) { mainClassSer = mainClass.endsWith (".ser"); // NOI18N mainClass = createPackageName (mainClass); } layerResource = attr.getValue (TAG_LAYER); // [PENDING] check syntax: no initial slash, ... // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // other tags description = attr.getValue (TAG_DESCRIPTION); // iterator of Attributes Iterator en = man.getEntries ().entrySet ().iterator (); ArrayList v = new ArrayList (); while (en.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); ManifestSection s = ManifestSection.createSection ((String)entry.getKey (), (Attributes) entry.getValue (), this); if (s != null) { // if the entry describes section class v.add (s); } } sections = new ManifestSection[v.size ()]; v.toArray (sections); } /** Parse dependencies from tags. * @param type like Dependency.type * @param body actual text of tag body; if null, does nothing * @param deps set of dependencies to add to * @throws IllegalModuleException if in bad format */ private void parseDependencies (int type, String body, Set deps) throws IllegalModuleException { if (body == null) return; // First split on commas. StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer (body, ","); // NOI18N if (! tok.hasMoreTokens ()) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_No_Deps_Given", body)); // NOI18N while (tok.hasMoreTokens ()) { String onedep = tok.nextToken (); StringTokenizer tok2 = new StringTokenizer (onedep, " \t\n\r"); // NOI18N if (! tok2.hasMoreTokens ()) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_No_Name_In_Dep", onedep)); // NOI18N String name = tok2.nextToken (); int comparison; String version; if (tok2.hasMoreTokens ()) { String compthing = tok2.nextToken (); if (compthing.equals (">")) // NOI18N comparison = Dependency.COMPARE_SPEC; else if (compthing.equals ("=")) // NOI18N comparison = Dependency.COMPARE_IMPL; else throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Unrec_Comp_Str", compthing)); // NOI18N if (! tok2.hasMoreTokens ()) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Comp_Str_Without_Vers", onedep)); // NOI18N version = tok2.nextToken (); if (tok2.hasMoreTokens ()) throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Garbage", onedep)); // NOI18N } else { comparison = Dependency.COMPARE_ANY; version = null; } deps.add (new Dependency (type, name, comparison, version, this)); } } /** Convert a class file name to a resource name suitable for Beans.instantiate. * @param name resource name of class file * @return class name without the .class/.ser extension, and using dots as package separator * @throws IllegalModuleException if the name did not have a valid extension, or originally contained dots outside the extension, etc. */ static String createPackageName(String name) throws IllegalModuleException { String clExt = ".class"; // NOI18N if (!name.endsWith(clExt)) { // try different extension clExt = ".ser"; // NOI18N } if (name.endsWith(clExt)) { String bareName = name.substring(0, name.length() - clExt.length()); if (bareName.length () == 0) // ".class" // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Class_File_Name", name)); // NOI18N if (bareName.charAt (0) == '/') // "/foo/bar.class" // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Class_File_Name", name)); // NOI18N if (bareName.charAt (bareName.length () - 1) == '/') // "foo/bar/.class" // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Class_File_Name", name)); // NOI18N if (bareName.indexOf ('.') != -1) // "" // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Class_File_Name", name)); // NOI18N return bareName.replace('/', '.'); } else { // "foo/bar" or "" // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Class_File_Name", name)); // NOI18N } } static String getStringFormatted (String key, Object[] args) { return NbBundle.getMessage (ModuleDescription.class, key, args); } static String getStringFormatted (String key, String arg1) { return NbBundle.getMessage (ModuleDescription.class, key, arg1); } static String getStringFormatted (String key, String arg1, String arg2) { return NbBundle.getMessage (ModuleDescription.class, key, arg1, arg2); } static String getStringFormatted (String key, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3) { return NbBundle.getMessage (ModuleDescription.class, key, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static String getStringFormatted (String key, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) { return getStringFormatted (key, new Object[] { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 }); } /** A type of dependency that the module can have on its environment. * @see ModuleDescription */ public static final class Dependency extends Object { /** Dependency on another module. */ public final static int TYPE_MODULE = 1; /** Dependency on a package. */ public final static int TYPE_PACKAGE = 2; /** Dependency on Java. */ public final static int TYPE_JAVA = 3; /** Dependency on the IDE. */ public final static int TYPE_IDE = 4; // Type of dependency. private int type; // Name of dependency. private String name; /** Comparison by specification version. * The actual version must equal or exceed the requested * version according to Dewey decimal numbering. * @see ModuleDescription#compatibleWith */ public final static int COMPARE_SPEC = 1; /** Comparison by implementation version. * The actual and requested versions must match exactly as strings. */ public final static int COMPARE_IMPL = 2; /** No comparison, just require the dependency to be present. */ public final static int COMPARE_ANY = 3; // Type of comparison. private int comparison; // Requested version of dependency. private String version; private ModuleDescription desc; /** Create a new dependency object. * @param type the type of dependency (one of {@link #TYPE_MODULE}, {@link #TYPE_PACKAGE}, {@link #TYPE_JAVA}, or {@link #TYPE_IDE}) * @param name the name of the dependency, e.g. com.mycom.myothermodule/2 or Java * @param comparison the type of comparison (one of {@link #COMPARE_SPEC}, {@link #COMPARE_IMPL}, or {@link #COMPARE_ANY}) * @param version the string version requested; may be null * @param desc the associated module description (for getting the classloader) * @throws IllegalModuleException if there was something invalid about the parameters */ Dependency (int type, String name, int comparison, String version, ModuleDescription desc) throws IllegalModuleException { this.type = type; = name; this.comparison = comparison; this.version = version; this.desc = desc; // Sanity. if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) ModuleDescription.checkSpec (version); switch (type) { case TYPE_MODULE: ModuleDescription.checkCodeName (name, true); break; case TYPE_PACKAGE: { int idx = name.indexOf ('['); if (idx != -1) { if (idx > 0) { ModuleDescription.checkCodeName (name.substring (0, idx), false); } if (name.charAt (name.length () - 1) != ']') { throw new IllegalModuleException (ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("EXC_pkg_dep_not_close_bracket", toString ())); // NOI18N } ModuleDescription.checkCodeName (name.substring (idx + 1, name.length () - 1), false); } else { ModuleDescription.checkCodeName (name, false); } } break; case TYPE_JAVA: if (! (name.equals ("Java") || name.equals ("VM"))) // NOI18N throw new IllegalModuleException (ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_Java_Dep", toString ())); // NOI18N break; case TYPE_IDE: if (! (name.equals ("IDE"))) { // NOI18N int slash = name.indexOf ("/"); // NOI18N boolean ok; if (slash == -1) { ok = false; } else { try { Integer.parseInt (name.substring (slash + 1)); ok = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ok = false; } } if (! ok) throw new IllegalModuleException (ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("EXC_Bad_IDE_Dep", toString ())); // NOI18N } if (comparison == COMPARE_ANY) throw new IllegalModuleException (ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("EXC_IDE_Dep_Uncompared", toString ())); // NOI18N break; default: throw new IllegalModuleException ("unknown type"); // NOI18N } } /** Get the type. * @return the type */ public int getType () { return type; } /** Get the name. * @return the name */ public String getName () { return name; } /** Get the comparison type. * @return the comparison type */ public int getComparison () { return comparison; } /** Get the version. * @return the version (may be null) */ public String getVersion () { return version; } /** Check whether this dependency is currently satisfied by the supplied parameters. * Note that for dependencies of type {@link #TYPE_PACKAGE}, the check is against whether * that package is loaded into the classloader used by the invoking class. *

The following system properties, with sample values, are used to check dependencies * of type {@link #TYPE_IDE}: * * * * *
org.openide.specification.versionSpecification version1.0.12
org.openide.versionImplementation versionbuild #999
org.openide.major.version"Code name", i.e. IDE incompatible releaseIDE/2
* @param otherModules other modules which this dependency might require * @return null if satisfied, else a message explaining why it was not satisfied */ public String checkForMiss (ModuleDescription[] otherModules) throws IllegalModuleException { switch (type) { case TYPE_MODULE: for (int i = 0; i < otherModules.length; i++) { ModuleDescription other = otherModules[i]; if (name.equals (other.getCodeName ())) { if (comparison == COMPARE_ANY) { return null; } else if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) { if (other.getSpecVersion () == null) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Module_Spec_None", other.getName ()); // NOI18N else if (! ModuleDescription.compatibleWith (version, other.getSpecVersion ())) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Module_Spec_Bad", other.getName (), other.getSpecVersion (), version); // NOI18N else return null; } else { // COMPARE_IMPL if (other.getImplVersion () == null) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Module_Impl_None", other.getName ()); // NOI18N else if (! other.getImplVersion ().equals (version)) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Module_Impl_Bad", other.getName (), other.getImplVersion (), version); // NOI18N else return null; } } } return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Module_None", name); // NOI18N case TYPE_PACKAGE: if (! ( instanceof PackageAccessibleClassLoader)) { throw new IllegalModuleException (ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("EXC_not_package_accessible", ().getName ())); // NOI18N } String packageName, sampleName; int idx = name.indexOf ('['); if (idx == -1) { packageName = name; sampleName = null; } else if (idx == 0) { packageName = null; sampleName = name.substring (1, name.length () - 1); } else { packageName = name.substring (0, idx); sampleName = name.substring (idx + 1, name.length () - 1); if (sampleName.indexOf ('.') == -1) { // Unqualified class name; prefix it automatically. sampleName = packageName + '.' + sampleName; } } if (sampleName != null) { try { (sampleName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { if (packageName == null) { // This was all we were relying on, so it is an error. return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_pkg_sample_not_found", sampleName); // NOI18N } // Else let the regular package check take care of it; // this was only run to enforce that the package defs were loaded. } } if (packageName != null) { Package pkg = ((PackageAccessibleClassLoader) (packageName); if (pkg == null) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Package_None", packageName); // NOI18N if (comparison == COMPARE_ANY) { return null; } else if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) { if (pkg.getSpecificationVersion () == null) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Package_Spec_None", pkg.getName ()); // NOI18N else if (! ModuleDescription.compatibleWith (version, pkg.getSpecificationVersion ().trim ())) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Package_Spec_Bad", pkg.getName (), pkg.getSpecificationVersion (), version); // NOI18N else return null; } else { // COMPARE_IMPL if (pkg.getImplementationVersion () == null) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Package_Impl_None", pkg.getName ()); // NOI18N else if (! pkg.getImplementationVersion ().trim ().equals (version)) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Package_Impl_Bad", pkg.getName (), pkg.getImplementationVersion (), version); // NOI18N else return null; } } else { // Satisfied sample class. return null; } case TYPE_JAVA: // Assume all versions are set, and that COMPARE_ANY was not used. if (name.equals ("Java")) { // NOI18N if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) { return ModuleDescription.compatibleWith (version, System.getProperty ("java.specification.version")) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Java_Spec", version); // NOI18N } else { // COMPARE_IMPL return System.getProperty ("java.version").equals (version) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_Java_Impl", version); // NOI18N } } else { // VM if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) { return ModuleDescription.compatibleWith (version, System.getProperty ("java.vm.specification.version")) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_VM_Spec", version); // NOI18N } else { // COMPARE_IMPL return System.getProperty ("java.vm.version").equals (version) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_VM_Impl", version); // NOI18N } } case TYPE_IDE: String IDEName = System.getProperty ("org.openide.major.version", "IDE"); String IDESpecVersion = System.getProperty ("org.openide.specification.version", "0.0"); String IDEImplVersion = System.getProperty ("org.openide.version", ""); if (! IDEName.equals (name)) return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_IDE_Name", name, IDEName); // NOI18N if (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC) { return ModuleDescription.compatibleWith (version, IDESpecVersion) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_IDE_Spec", version, IDESpecVersion); // NOI18N } else if (comparison == COMPARE_IMPL) { return version.equals (IDEImplVersion) ? null : ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("MSG_IDE_Impl", version, IDEImplVersion); // NOI18N } else { // COMPARE_ANY return null; } } throw new IllegalModuleException ("should never happen"); // NOI18N } public boolean equals (Object o) { if (o == null || ! (o instanceof Dependency)) return false; Dependency oo = (Dependency) o; return type == oo.type && name.equals ( && comparison == oo.comparison && ((version == null && oo.version == null) || (version != null && oo.version != null && version.equals (oo.version))); } public int hashCode () { // Jesse's super-scientific technique: return (type * 57) ^ name.hashCode () ^ (comparison * 231) ^ (version == null ? 111 : version.hashCode ()); } public String toString () { // Too late at night to bother with ChoiceFormat. return ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("DBG_Dependency_ToString", // NOI18N (type == TYPE_MODULE ? "Module" : // NOI18N type == TYPE_PACKAGE ? "Package" : // NOI18N type == TYPE_JAVA ? "Java" : // NOI18N type == TYPE_IDE ? "IDE" : "???"), // NOI18N name, comparison == COMPARE_ANY ? "" : // NOI18N ModuleDescription.getStringFormatted ("DBG_Dependency_Comparison", // NOI18N (comparison == COMPARE_SPEC ? ">" : // NOI18N comparison == COMPARE_IMPL ? "=" : "???"), // NOI18N version)); } } /** Interface to permit a couple of methods in ClassLoader to be made public. */ public static interface PackageAccessibleClassLoader { /** @see ClassLoader#getPackage */ public Package getPackageAccessibly (String name); /** @see ClassLoader#getPackages */ public Package[] getPackagesAccessibly (); } /** Empty instance for used if the module is not present in the jar file. * Note that default ModuleInstall instance does nothing, so that is fine. */ private final static ModuleInstall MODULE_NONE = new ModuleInstall (); }

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