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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.execution;

import java.util.*;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.*;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.cookies.ArgumentsCookie;
import org.openide.util.*;

/** Executes a class externally (in a separate process). Provides
* basic implementation that allows to specify the process to 
* execute, its parameters and also to substitute the content of repositorypath,
* classpath, bootclasspath and librarypath. This is done by inner class Format.

* The behaviour described here can be overriden by subclasses to use different * format (extend the set of recognized tags), execute the * process with additional environment properties, etc. * * @author Ales Novak, Jaroslav Tulach */ public class ProcessExecutor extends Executor { /** generated Serialized Version UID */ static final long serialVersionUID = 1440216248312461457L; /** external process - like java.exe - property */ protected NbProcessDescriptor externalExecutor; /** class path settings or null */ private NbClassPath classPath; /** boot class path or null */ private NbClassPath bootClassPath; /** environment vars or null */ private String[] envp = null; /** if true, append/override env vars rather than replace */ private boolean addEnvs = false; /** working directory or null */ private File cwd = null; /** Create a new executor. */ public ProcessExecutor() { // externalExecutor = DEFAULT; } /** Set a new external execution command. * @param desc the settings for the new external executor */ public synchronized void setExternalExecutor (NbProcessDescriptor desc) { NbProcessDescriptor old = externalExecutor; externalExecutor = desc; firePropertyChange ("externalExecutor", old, desc); // NOI18N } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx () { return new HelpCtx (ProcessExecutor.class); } /** Get the current external execution command. * The default Java launcher associated with this VM's installation will be used, * and the user repository entries will be used for the class path if customized command is not set. *

Subclasses should use a different default process descriptor.

* @return the settings for the current external executor */ public synchronized NbProcessDescriptor getExternalExecutor() { if (externalExecutor == null) { externalExecutor = new NbProcessDescriptor ( "{" + Format.TAG_JAVAHOME + "}{" + Format.TAG_SEPARATOR + "}bin{" + Format.TAG_SEPARATOR + "}java", // /usr/local/bin/java // NOI18N "-cp {" + Format.TAG_REPOSITORY + "}" + // -cp {REPOSITORY}:{CLASSPATH} {CLASSNAME} {ARGUMENTS} // NOI18N "{" + Format.TAG_PATHSEPARATOR + "}" + "{" + Format.TAG_CLASSPATH + "}" + // NOI18N "{" + Format.TAG_PATHSEPARATOR + "}" + "{" + Format.TAG_LIBRARY + "} " + // NOI18N "{" + Format.TAG_CLASSNAME + "} " + // NOI18N "{" + Format.TAG_ARGUMENTS + '}', // NOI18N NbBundle.getBundle(ProcessExecutor.class).getString ("MSG_ExecutorHint") ); } return externalExecutor; } /** Getter for class path associated with this executor. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public NbClassPath getClassPath () { return classPath == null ? NbClassPath.createClassPath () : classPath; } /** Setter for class path for this executor. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public synchronized void setClassPath (NbClassPath path) { NbClassPath old = classPath; classPath = path; firePropertyChange ("classPath", old, path); // NOI18N } /** Getter for boot class path associated with this executor. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public NbClassPath getBootClassPath () { return bootClassPath == null ? NbClassPath.createBootClassPath () : bootClassPath; } /** Setter for boot class path for this executor. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public synchronized void setBootClassPath (NbClassPath path) { NbClassPath old = bootClassPath; bootClassPath = path; firePropertyChange ("bootClassPath", old, path); // NOI18N } /** Getter for repository path. It is immutable reflecting * NbClassPath.createRepositoryPath (). Is here only to be displayed in property sheet. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public NbClassPath getRepositoryPath () { Thread.dumpStack();//XXX return new NbClassPath(new String[0]); /* return NbClassPath.createRepositoryPath (FileSystemCapability.EXECUTE); */ } /** Getter for repository path. It is immutable reflecting * NbClassPath.createLibraryPath (). Is here only to be displayed in property sheet. * @deprecated Java-specific, do not use. */ public NbClassPath getLibraryPath () { return NbClassPath.createLibraryPath (); } /** Get environment variables. * @return the NAME=VALUE pairs, or null (typically, inherit that of parent) */ public String[] getEnvironmentVariables () { return envp; } /** Set environment variables. * @param nue the new variables * @see #getEnvironmentVariables */ public synchronized void setEnvironmentVariables (String[] nue) { String[] old = envp; envp = nue; firePropertyChange ("environmentVariables", old, nue); // NOI18N } /** Check if environment variables will be appended or replaced. * If false (the default), when environment variables are * {@link #getEnvironmentVariables specified}, these are taken as is * for the process' environment, matching the standard Java platform * behavior. If true, any specified environment variables append to * or replace those found in the IDE's own environment, permitting * incremental changes. * @return true if variables should be incremental * @since 1.15 */ public boolean getAppendEnvironmentVariables () { return addEnvs; } /** Set whether environment variables should be appended and replaced. * @param nue true if so * @see #getAppendEnvironmentVariables * @since 1.15 */ public synchronized void setAppendEnvironmentVariables (boolean nue) { boolean old = addEnvs; addEnvs = nue; firePropertyChange ("appendEnvironmentVariables", // NOI18N old ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, nue ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } /** Get the working directory. * @return the working directory to use, or null (use that of parent) */ public File getWorkingDirectory () { return cwd; } /** Set the working directory. * @param nue the new directory * @see #getWorkingDirectory */ public synchronized void setWorkingDirectory (File nue) { File old = cwd; cwd = nue; firePropertyChange ("workingDirectory", old, nue); // NOI18N } /** Called to create the java.lang.Process for given exec info. * Current implementation scans creates new Format with provided * exec info and asks the current executor to start with that * format. *

* Subclasses can override this to achieve the right behaviour, add * system properties, own format, etc. * * @param info exec info * @return the executed process * @exception IOException if the action fails * @deprecated Do not use; override {@link #createProcess(DataObject)} instead. */ protected Process createProcess (ExecInfo info) throws IOException { return getExternalExecutor ().exec (new Format ( info, getClassPath (), getBootClassPath (), getRepositoryPath (), getLibraryPath () ), envp, addEnvs, cwd); } // lazily loads a class private final Class getKlass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name, false, getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private final static Set warnedClasses = new WeakSet(); // Set /** Called to create the java.lang.Process for given data object. *

* Subclasses must override this to achive the right behaviour, add * system properties, own format, etc. * Treat this method as abstract. The default implementation * must not be used. *


Here is an example implementation:

     * protected Process createProcess(DataObject d) throws IOException {
     *     Format f = new MyFormat(d, getParam1(), getParam2(), ...);
     *     return getExternalExecutor().exec(f,
     *         getEnvironmentVariables(),
     *         getAppendEnvironmentVariables(),
     *         getWorkingDirectory());
     * }
     * private static final class MyFormat extends MapFormat {
     *     public MyFormat(DataObject d, String param1, String param2, ...)
     *             throws IOException {
     *         super(new HashMap());
     *         Map m = getMap();
     *         // Whatever you need to subst, e.g. {/}, {path}, {param1}, ...
     *         // File separator if that is useful:
     *         map.put("/", File.separator);
     *         // Typically you are passing a file path, so:
     *         File f = FileUtil.toFile(d.getPrimaryFile());
     *         if (f == null) {
     *             throw new IOException("File " + d.getPrimaryFile() +
     *                                   " not a disk file");
     *         }
     *         map.put("path", f.getAbsolutePath());
     *         // Some params configured in the executor's property sheet:
     *         map.put("param1", param1);
     *         map.put("param2", param2);
     *         // ...
     *         // If you pay attention to arguments then also:
     *         ArgumentsCookie c =
     *             (ArgumentsCookie)d.getCookie(ArgumentsCookie.class);
     *         if (c != null) {
     *             StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
     *             String[] args = c.getArguments();
     *             for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
     *                 b.append('"');
     *                 b.append(args[i]);
     *                 b.append("\" ");
     *             }
     *             map.put("args", b.toString());
     *         } else {
     *             map.put("args", "");
     *         }
     *     }
     * }
* @param obj data object to execute * @return the executed process * @exception IOException if the action fails */ protected Process createProcess (DataObject obj) throws IOException { throw new IOException("No longer works!"); // NOI18N /* Class c = getClass(); synchronized (warnedClasses) { if (warnedClasses.add(c)) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Warning - " + c.getName() + " should have overridden createProcess(DataObject); falling back on deprecated ExecInfo usage"); } } String[] params; ArgumentsCookie ac = (ArgumentsCookie) obj.getCookie(getKlass("org.openide.cookies.ArgumentsCookie")); if (ac != null) { params = ac.getArguments(); } else { params = new String[0]; } return createProcess (new ExecInfo(obj.getPrimaryFile().getPackageName ('.'), params)); */ } /* Executes given class by creating new process in underlting operating system. * @param ctx used to write to the Output Window * @param info information about the class to be executed * @deprecated Use {@link #execute(DataObject)} instead. */ public ExecutorTask execute(ExecInfo info) throws IOException { PERunnable run = new PERunnable(info); return handleExec (run, info.getClassName()); } /** Executes given dataobject by creating new process in underlying operating system. * This method in turn calls the createProcess (DataObject) method. * * @param obj object to execute * @return the executed process * @exception IOException if the action fails */ public ExecutorTask execute(DataObject obj) throws IOException { PERunnable run = new PERunnable (obj); return handleExec (run, obj.getName ()); // JST: we can change the name if necessary } /** Method that executes given runnable. * @param run runnable to start * @param name name to assign to the I/O tab * @return execution task describing the execution */ private ExecutorTask handleExec (PERunnable run, String name) throws IOException { synchronized (run) { InputOutput inout = (needsIO() ? null : InputOutput.NULL); ExecutorTask et = ExecutionEngine.getDefault().execute( name, run, inout ); run.setExecutorTask(et); try { run.wait(); Throwable t = run.getException(); if (t != null) { if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } else if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) t; } else if (t instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) t; } else { IOException ex = new IOException (t.getMessage ()); ErrorManager.getDefault ().copyAnnotation(ex, t); throw ex; } } return run.getExecutorTask(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IOException ex = new IOException (e.getMessage()); ErrorManager.getDefault().copyAnnotation(ex, e); throw ex; } } } /** the executing runnable */ private class PERunnable implements Runnable, TaskListener { /** data object to execute or null */ private DataObject obj; /** exec info to execute or null */ private ExecInfo info; private ExecutorTask fromEngine; ExecutorTask fromMe; private Throwable t; PERunnable(ExecInfo info) { = info; } PERunnable(DataObject obj) { this.obj = obj; } public synchronized void run() { try { String className; Process process; if (info != null) { // use info to create the process className = info.getClassName (); process = createProcess (info); } else { // use data object to create the process className = obj.getName (); process = createProcess (obj); } Thread[] copyMakers = new Thread[3]; (copyMakers[0] = new CopyMaker(fromEngine.getInputOutput().getIn(), new OutputStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream()), true, className)).start(); (copyMakers[1] = new CopyMaker(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()), fromEngine.getInputOutput().getOut(), false, className)).start(); (copyMakers[2] = new CopyMaker(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()), fromEngine.getInputOutput().getErr(), false, className)).start(); fromMe = new ExternalExecutorTask(this, fromEngine, process, copyMakers); } catch (Exception e) { t = e; } finally { this.notifyAll(); } } public void setExecutorTask(ExecutorTask fromEngine) { this.fromEngine = fromEngine; fromEngine.addTaskListener(this); } public ExecutorTask getExecutorTask() { return fromMe; } public Throwable getException() { return t; } /** Implementation of task listener, called when the task provided * by execution engine finishes. */ public void taskFinished(Task t) { if (fromMe != null) { fromMe.stop(); } } } /** Default format that can format tags related to execution. These include settings of classpath * (can be composed from repository, class path, boot class path and libraries), putting somewhere * the name of executed class and its arguments. * @deprecated Very Java-specific. Just use your own MapFormat subclass directly if you like. * @see ProcessExecutor#createProcess(DataObject) */ public static class Format extends MapFormat { /** Tag replaced with ProcessExecutors.getClassPath () */ public static final String TAG_CLASSPATH = "classpath"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with ProcessExecutors.getBootClassPath () */ public static final String TAG_BOOTCLASSPATH = "bootclasspath"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with ProcessExecutors.getRepositoryPath () */ public static final String TAG_REPOSITORY = "filesystems"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with ProcessExecutors.getLibraryPath () */ public static final String TAG_LIBRARY = "library"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with name of executed class */ public static final String TAG_CLASSNAME = "classname"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with arguments of the program */ public static final String TAG_ARGUMENTS = "arguments"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with install directory of JDK */ public static final String TAG_JAVAHOME = "java.home"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with install directory of JDK */ public static final String TAG_JDKHOME = "jdk.home"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with separator between filename components */ public static final String TAG_SEPARATOR = "/"; // NOI18N /** Tag replaced with separator between path components */ public static final String TAG_PATHSEPARATOR = ":"; // NOI18N static final long serialVersionUID =1105067849363827986L; /** All values for the paths takes from NbClassPath.createXXX methods. * @param info exec info about class to execute */ public Format (ExecInfo info) { this ( info, NbClassPath.createClassPath (), NbClassPath.createBootClassPath (), new NbClassPath(new String[0]), /* NbClassPath.createRepositoryPath (FileSystemCapability.EXECUTE), */ NbClassPath.createLibraryPath () ); Thread.dumpStack();//XXX } /** @param info exec info about class to execute * @param classPath to substitute instead of CLASSPATH * @param bootClassPath boot class path * @param repository repository path * @param library library path */ public Format ( ExecInfo info, NbClassPath classPath, NbClassPath bootClassPath, NbClassPath repository, NbClassPath library ) { super (new java.util.HashMap (7)); java.util.Map map = getMap (); map.put (TAG_CLASSPATH, classPath.getClassPath ()); map.put (TAG_BOOTCLASSPATH, bootClassPath.getClassPath ()); map.put (TAG_REPOSITORY, repository.getClassPath ()); map.put (TAG_LIBRARY, library.getClassPath ()); map.put (TAG_CLASSNAME, info.getClassName ()); map.put (TAG_JAVAHOME, System.getProperty("java.home")); map.put (TAG_JDKHOME, System.getProperty("jdk.home")); map.put (TAG_SEPARATOR,; map.put (TAG_PATHSEPARATOR,; // JST: // it is not too nice that we have to create string from string[] // and the string will be later parsed again, but hopefully it // will work StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (); String[] args = info.getArguments (); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { sb.append ('\"'); sb.append (args[i]); sb.append ('\"'); sb.append (' '); } map.put (TAG_ARGUMENTS, sb.toString ()); } } /** This thread simply reads from given Reader and writes read chars to given Writer. */ private static class CopyMaker extends Thread { final Writer os; final Reader is; /** while set to false at streams that writes to the OutputWindow it must be * true for a stream that reads from the window. */ final boolean autoflush; final String permName; private boolean done = false; CopyMaker(Reader is, Writer os, boolean b, String className) { this.os = os; = is; autoflush = b; permName = className; } /* Makes copy. */ public void run() { int read; char[] buff = new char [256]; try { while ((read = read(is, buff, 0, 256)) > 0x0) { os.write(buff,0,read); if (autoflush) os.flush(); } } catch (IOException ex) { } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } public void interrupt() { super.interrupt(); done = true; } private int read(Reader is, char[] buff, int start, int count) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // XXX (anovak) IBM JDK 1.3.x on OS/2 is broken // is.ready()/available() returns false/0 until // at least one byte from the stream is read. // Then it works as advertised. // isao 2001-11-12: ditto for JDK 1.3 on OpenVMS // XXX is this true for any 1.4 port? -jglick if (Utilities.getOperatingSystem() != Utilities.OS_OS2) { while (!is.ready() && !done) sleep(100); } return, start, count); } } // end of CopyMaker /** SysProcess that describes the external process. */ static class ExternalExecutorTask extends ExecutorTask { Process proc; Thread[] copyMakers; ExecutorTask foreign; ExternalExecutorTask(Runnable run, ExecutorTask etask, Process proc, Thread[] copyMakers) { super(run); this.proc = proc; this.copyMakers = copyMakers; foreign = etask; TaskListener tl = new TaskListener() { public void taskFinished(Task t) { stop(); } }; etask.addTaskListener(tl); new Thread() { public void run() { result(); } }.start(); } public void stop() { try { copyMakers[0].interrupt(); copyMakers[1].interrupt(); copyMakers[2].interrupt(); } finally { proc.destroy(); } } public int result() { try { int ret = proc.waitFor(); Thread.sleep(2000); // time for copymakers return ret; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return 1; // 0 is success } finally { stop(); notifyFinished(); } } public InputOutput getInputOutput() { return foreign.getInputOutput(); } public void run() { } } }
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