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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.execution;

import java.text.Format;
import java.util.*;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

//for OpenVMS conditional execution change

/** Encapsulates start information for a process. It allows the user to
* specify the process name to execute and arguments to provide. The progammer
* then uses method exec to start the process and can pass additional format that
* will be applied to arguments. 

* This allows to define arguments in format -user {USER_NAME} -do {ACTION} and then * use MapFormat with defined values for USER_NAME and ACTION that will be substitued * by into the arguments. * * @author Ian Formanek, Jaroslav Tulach */ public final class NbProcessDescriptor extends Object implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4535211234565221486L; /** ErrorManager for logging execs */ private static ErrorManager execLog; /** The name of the executable to run */ private String processName; /** argument format */ private String arguments; /** info about format of the arguments */ private String info; /** Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath. * @param processName the name of the executable to run * @param arguments string for formating of arguments (may be {@link Utilities#parseParameters quoted}) */ public NbProcessDescriptor(String processName, String arguments) { this (processName, arguments, null); } /** Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath. * @param processName the name of the executable to run * @param arguments string for formating of arguments (may be {@link Utilities#parseParameters quoted}) * @param info info how to format the arguments (human-readable string) */ public NbProcessDescriptor(String processName, String arguments, String info) { this.processName = processName; this.arguments = arguments; = info; } /** Get the name of the executable to run. * @return the name */ public String getProcessName () { return processName; } /** Getter the execution arguments of the process. * @return the switch that the executable uses for passing the classpath as its command-line parameter */ public String getArguments () { return arguments; } /** Getter for the human readable info about the arguments. * @return the info string or null */ public String getInfo () { return info; } /* JST: Commented out, should not be needed. * * Get the command string and arguments from the supplied process name. * Normally the process name will be the actual name of the process executable, * in which case this method will just return that name by itself. * However, {@link org.openide.util.Utilities#parseParameters} is used * to break apart the string into tokens, so that users may: * <> * @return a list of the command name itself and any arguments, unescaped * @see Runtime#exec(String[]) * public String[] getProcessArgs() { if (processArguments == null) { processArguments = parseArguments(processName); } return (String[]) processArguments.clone(); } */ /** Executes the process with arguments formatted by the provided * format. Also the envp properties are passed to the executed process, * and a working directory may be supplied. * * @param format format to be applied to arguments, process and envp supplied by user. It can be null if no formatting should be done. * @param envp list of properties to be applied to the process, or null to leave unspecified * @param cwd the working directory to use, or null if this should not be specified * @return handle to executed process. * @exception IOException if the start of the process fails, or if setting the working directory is not supported */ public Process exec (Format format, String[] envp, File cwd) throws IOException { return exec (format, envp, false, cwd); } /** Executes the process with arguments, processName and envp formatted by the provided * format. Also the envp properties are passed to the executed process, * and a working directory may be supplied. Optionally the environment variables of the IDE may * be appended to (replaced when there is overlap) instead of specifying * all of the environment variables from scratch. This requires the IDE's * launcher to translate environment variables to system properties prefixed * by Env- in order to work correctly. * * @param format format to be applied to arguments, process and envp supplied by user. It can be null if no formatting should be done. * @param envp list of properties to be applied to the process, or null to leave unspecified * @param appendEnv if true and envp is not null, append or replace IDE's environment * @param cwd the working directory to use, or null if this should not be specified * @return handle to executed process. * @exception IOException if the start of the process fails, or if setting the working directory is not supported * @since 1.15 */ public Process exec (Format format, String[] envp, boolean appendEnv, File cwd) throws IOException { String stringArgs = format == null ? arguments : format.format (arguments); String[] args = parseArguments (stringArgs); String[] call = null; envp = substituteEnv(format, envp); // copy the call string call = new String[args.length + 1]; call[0] = format == null ? processName : format.format(processName); System.arraycopy (args, 0, call, 1, args.length); logArgs(call); if (envp != null && appendEnv) { // Take system properties Env-* and use them as defaults. // XXX #4738465 requests a better way - supposedly fixed in Tiger... Map e = new HashMap (100); // Map Iterator it = System.getProperties ().entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String prop = (String) entry.getKey (); if (prop.startsWith ("Env-")) { // NOI18N String evar = prop.substring (4); // length of "Env-" e.put (evar, entry.getValue ()); } } for (int i = 0; i < envp.length; i++) { String nameval = envp[i]; int idx = nameval.indexOf ('='); // NOI18N // [PENDING] add localized annotation... if (idx == -1) throw new IOException ("No equal sign in name=value: " + nameval); // NOI18N e.put (nameval.substring (0, idx), nameval.substring (idx + 1)); } envp = new String[e.size ()]; int i = 0; it = e.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); envp[i++] = ((String) entry.getKey ()) + '=' + ((String) entry.getValue ()); // NOI18N } } // XXX(ttran, psuchomel) for Windows 98 it is nessesary to change // calling thread's priority to NORM_PRIORITY when starting external // process and then switch it back to the original value. See JDK bug // #4086045 int os = Utilities.getOperatingSystem(); // XXX(ttran) must set these variables to some values to silence // javac's error "variable xyz might not have been initialized" Thread currentThread = null; int currentPriority = 0; try { if (os == Utilities.OS_WIN98) { currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); currentPriority = currentThread.getPriority(); currentThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); } if (cwd == null) { if (envp == null) { return Runtime.getRuntime ().exec (call); } else { return Runtime.getRuntime ().exec (call, envp); } } else { return Runtime.getRuntime().exec(call, envp, cwd); } } finally { if (os == Utilities.OS_WIN98) { currentThread.setPriority(currentPriority); } } } private static void logArgs(String[] args) { getExecLog().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "Running: " + Arrays.asList(args)); // NOI18N } /** Executes the process with arguments and processNme formatted by the provided * format. Also the envp properties are passed to the executed process. * * @param format format to be aplied to arguments, process and envp suplied by user. It can be null if no formatting should be done. * @param envp list of properties to be applied to the process, or null to leave unspecified * @return handle to executed process. * @exception IOException if the start of the process fails */ public Process exec (Format format, String[] envp) throws IOException { return exec (format, envp, null); } /** Executes the process with arguments and processName formatted by the provided * format. * * @param format format to be aplied to arguments and process. It can be null if no formatting should be done. * @return handle to executed process. * @exception IOException if the start of the process fails */ public Process exec (Format format) throws IOException { return exec (format, null); } /** Executes the process with arguments provided in constructor. * * @return handle to executed process. * @exception IOException if the start of the process fails */ public Process exec () throws IOException { return exec (null, null); } /* hashCode */ public int hashCode() { return processName.hashCode() + arguments.hashCode (); } /* equals */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof NbProcessDescriptor)) return false; NbProcessDescriptor him = (NbProcessDescriptor) o; return processName.equals(him.processName) && arguments.equals(him.arguments); } /** Parses given string to an array of arguments. * @param sargs is tokenized by spaces unless a space is part of "" token * @return tokenized string */ private static String[] parseArguments(String sargs) { return Utilities.parseParameters(sargs); } /** Getter for the execLog */ private static ErrorManager getExecLog() { if (execLog == null) { execLog = ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance("IDE-Exec"); // NOI18N } return execLog; } /** Iterates through envp and applies format.format() on values * @param format for formatting, i.e. substitute {filesystems} to /home/phil/dev/classes/pack1:/home/phil/dev/classes/pack2:... * @param envp an String array * * @return substitutet array */ private static String[] substituteEnv(Format format, String[] envp) { if (envp == null || envp.length == 0 || format == null) { return envp; } String[] ret = new String[envp.length]; StringBuffer adder = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < envp.length; i++) { ret[i] = envp[i]; if (ret[i] == null) { continue; } int idx = ret[i].indexOf('='); if (idx < 0) { continue; } String val = ret[i].substring(idx + 1); String key = ret[i].substring(0, idx); adder.append(key).append('=').append(format.format(val)); ret[i] = adder.toString(); adder.setLength(0); } return ret; } }

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